Tag Archives: movie

Mark Watches ‘The Return of the King’ Liveblog

Why is there only one more? Why couldn’t there be six movies? I never want this to end. It’s time for me to watch the final Lord of the Rings movie, and y’all are welcome to join me. You have 6,281 … Continue reading

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Mark Watches ‘The Two Towers’ Liveblog

Okay, let’s do this! You’ve got to beat 6,281 comments in one liveblog. (HOW. THAT IS SO MANY. WHAT THE FUCK.) I think y’all can do it. I’M A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER BUT ONLY FOR COMMENTING ON THE INTERNET. All right, … Continue reading

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Mark Watches ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’: Discussion Post

I genuinely can’t even begin to imagine what this was like for some of you.

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Mark Watches ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ Liveblog!


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Mark Watches ‘The Hobbit’ (Animated) Liveblog

oh god WE ARE STARTING THE TOLKIEN LIVEBLOGS NOW. THIS IS SO TERRIBLY EXCITING. I don’t think any of you understand how desperately I need to watch these films. DESPERATE. THAT’S NOT EVEN A STRONG ENOUGH WORD. I wanted to include … Continue reading

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Mark Watches ‘Jurassic Park’: Liveblog

So, what started as a joke is now a reality. I now have the free time to do this, so I’d like to start hosting liveblogs purely for the sake of it. These one-offs won’t have reviews. This is just … Continue reading

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Mark Watches ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II’

In the final installment in the Harry Potter film series, SNAPE. SNAPE. SEVERUS SNAPE. Oh, and a battle. And magic. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Harry Potter.

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Mark Watches ‘The Golden Compass’ Liveblog!

Ok, despite that I’ve actually seen this movie and apparently erased most of it from my mind, I still think it’s a fitting end to having finished The Golden Compass over on Mark Reads. (FYI: READ THAT BOOK. HOLY SHIT.) … Continue reading

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