MARK WATCHES DOCTOR WHO HAS RETURNED! And oh, how I have missed the Ponds and the Doctor. In celebration of such an event, it only stands that we must hold a liveblog party in honor! So get your computers and commenting fingers read, because Doctor Who is back!
oh god six weeks and six new episodes. I AM SO EXCITED. Also: Dear episode, please do not be full of Nazi-wank, even though I am kinda iffy about this episode in the first place? OH GOD. Shall we?
This liveblog starts relative to you. So if it is airing on your television, start liveblogging away in the comments. Same for if you happen to be watching it online by less-than-legal means. (Though I would just time it with another time zone so you can comment with other people!) We already do this with Fringe and it works rather nicely. To avoid seeing spoilery comments regarding the episode from past livebloggers, I merely stay on the first page of comments and comment away, only going back after it’s over in order to comment on what other people said.
Sound fine? Just make sure not to post spoilers before this episode airs.
As was tradition earlier this year, the review for this episode will go up on Monday afternoon. OH GOD I AM SO EXCITED.
Hope she had different lipstick on this time.
That's what I thought!
all your remaining regenerations? I thought they now had unlimited regenerations?
I thought they changed it from 13 to unlimited so that they could continue the series FOREVER
edit: just kidding apparently they never SAID it was unlimited, it was just implied/ my brain made it that way
507, if the Doctor wasn't joking in SJA. But that's the thing – it's just something he said.
The last time we were definitely shown a limit it was 12 regenerations, 13 lives. With the possibility of another cycle (offered to the Master, but not given) and resurrection (the Master again).
Since The Deadly Assassin there's always been an implied limit, with some more recent vagueness about what the limit is and ways it can be worked around.
But the 1969 idea that Time Lords could "live forever, barring accidents" hasn't been restored since it was overwritten several times by the 13 lives idea. Possibly the limit is much bigger now – although the intention of the line was to make a joke.
It's a fictional universe which serves the needs of story, so the limit will be whatever it needs to be in the circumstances (as it always has). There's been nothing in over 40 years to suggest unlimited regenerations, although the limit could be now very high, for reasons you'll have to invent, if it bothers you.
Plus River isn't a Time Lord, so that renders the whole discussion moot.
I don't mind the shifting canon so much between new Who and old Who but I wish within new Who they would set some parameters and explain the regenerations as well as River's abilities/how exactly the Time Vortex affected her.
Rule one: The Doctor lies.
I love how he was listing rules throughout.
Is this how we're getting around the regeneration limit? He has all of River's?
Or not.
DIARY!!!!11 *flail*
Is that how River turned good? Seems a bit short.
I agree, we need more!
It should be a whole seasonal story arc. Not just an episode.
Agreed, I would've liked to see it play out a bit longer.
Yeah the idea of a brainwashed, black ops type assassin with nothing but time to dedicate to hunting down their quarry as the villain of a Doctor Who series is really interesting and it seems to have been pissed away in less than an episode 🙁
I'm glad we're probably getting back to one off random exploring type episodes but even that feels silly since the Ponds would never be able to get their child out of their heads surely.
THIS. This so much.
Same. I hope we get a little bit more from that area.
Also; the brainwashing. Is that literal 'control your mind' type thing, or just propaganda as a child type deal?
I thought the "hello Benjamin" thing was some sort of implanted code phrase or something? If that's the case I doubt she is just "good" now and we'll see more of River struggling with her training/brainwashing.
I thought that at first, too, except what kind of subliminal phrase do you have to say yourself?
"She will be…..amazing."
'Sisters of the Intimate Schism'?
Thank you for saying that. I was worried I was the only one thinking it sounded dirty. Like a 8 year old 'haha you said 'intimate'.'
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I love this gif. Where is it from?
An Australian show called Spirited!
It's about the ghost of punk rocker and the only woman who can see him, trying to solve how he died. It's completely awesome and I love it dearly 🙂
but but but timelords have unlimited lives says the bbc so that they can squeeze as much money out of the franchise as they possibly can!
Nope. Nobody from the BBC has ever said that, except perhaps in 1969. It went from "forever, barring accidents" to "regeneration limit of 12, so 13 lives" to "you can have another set of regenerations, Master" to "The Time Lords resurrected me" to a throwaway line of "507" in a recent spin-off, which RTD (who wrote it) doesn't expect to stick. The implication is that there's still some sort of limit.
Also River isn't a Time Lord.
*cries* Nuuu he knows.
rofl Oh River.
Is this a strange question to ask, but seriously wtf is up with Matt Smiths' eyebrows?
Has he shaved half of them off?
what has he done
You're not the only one wondering about this. 😀
Though his eyes looked extra green this episode and that sort of made up for it.
Some people's eyebrows are just really light. Even if their hair isn't. My hair color is about the same as Matt's, maybe just a shade lighter. My eyebrows and eyelashes don't show up in pictures. They just don't.
Weren't people freaking out about Matt's promo pics as Eleven because he "had no eyebrows"? I think they're just pale/fine and don't show up well. Maybe the people doing his make up forgot the eyebrow pencil for this ep?
Haha, I wasn't expecting this many replies! It was just something whimsical I noticed at the time, that he had half his eyebrows and only that.
That is weird, though, that people were like "HE CANNOT BE THE DOCTOR THE DOCTOR HAS EYEBROWS" as a reason to pan him. Seriously. Actors need eyebrows to act? :O We have discovered their secret.
Well, if your Emma Watson in the early Harry Potter movies you most definitely need eyebrows. They do all the work!
That was one hell of an episode!
Well next week looks terrifying.
Well next week looks to be full of sunshine and puppies.
FUCK elevators falling MY WORST NIGHTMARE
I'm terrified of falling elevators too! When I was a kid me and my cousins thought it would be fun to do Irish dancing in an old one. It bounced up and down and then stopped entirely. I will not go in elevators anymore.
WOW that is TERRIFYING D: When I was younger an elevator I was in stopped in between floors and I wasn't entirely paying attention and almost walked out. Hate elevators
This episode whizzed by. It felt a bit rushed while I was watching it, but everything needed time to fall into place, I think. This will be one that's good to rewatch, probably, just really confusing the first time around.
Rewatch is definitely needed. It ended up being completely different from the what the name and trailer made it look like.
Did Hitler ever get out of the cupboard?
I … I don't think he did. Hitler was in the cupboard for the whole episode *dies laughing*
that's what I want to know!
the problem with this season seems to be that Moffat is trying SUPER HARD to confuse and surprise us, which is working very well, but it makes the series hard to watch in real time. I want all the answers so of course I'm going to continue watching but it's not as enjoyable as last season, in my opinion. Smaller doses of mind-fucking, please!
Watching Confidential, ROFL BAAAAD puns from Matt, Karen and Arthur but OMG how much I love these guys.
Is it bad that I genuinely wish the cure was fish fingers and custard? That would have been a beautiful tie in, hilarious and less contrived. I just feel… eh, about the whole regenerations thing. I would have clapped like a seal if it had been fish fingers and custard.
The regenerations things to me felt like they were just trying to cover up plot-holes like why didn't River regenerate in the library.
It doesn't even make that much sense and was pulled right out of the blue, whereas if ff+c had been the cure it would have been three times as nonsensical and perfect because of it.
Actually, it does make sense. Melody was still within the first 15 hours of her regeneration, which means she had the healing ability (like Ten had in "The Christmas Invasion") – hence her healing of the gunshot wounds. It's not so far-fetched that she was able to pass it on to the Doctor.
Plus, it's both very romantic and very sad. It was a huge sacrifice on Melody's part.
I never saw that episode–I replied further down (this thread is getting rather long, it's down there somewhere) that I stopped watching after Eccleston for a long time. It does make sense, there's past evidence for it in the canon; I just jumped at fish fingers and custard. I felt it would have fit in an episode that had a real absurd streak and it would have deeply pleased my absurdist sense of humour, plus been an adorable hark back to that phrase that keeps popping up as a reminder of the relationship between Amy and the Doctor and all the stuff they've been through together.
You see, I thought that was fun and silly too, and great…but just too unbelievable. Plus, they've done the 'something random heals the Doctor' idea before. (It was in the Christmas Invasion as well, funnily enough. The Doctor was healed by tea. Why? Just 'cause.)
So, this was fine for me- romantic and with precedence in canon.
The reason I thought fish fingers and custard was going to be the cure, is because that was within the first 15 hours of his last regeneration, wasn't it? I thought he was going to go back to that point and absord some of his regeneration energy given off from his last go-round and that would heal him. Or that ff + c would detox him like in "The Unicorn and the Wasp".
(Sorry for LTP)
I thought the left-over Regeneration energy's been used before? (The Doctor getting a new hand, restarting the TARDIS in the parallel dimension…) And River told him in the library that he couldn't survive, so it was better for her to do it.
ooo, maybe I misunderstood it. I thought he was saying leftover regenerations, not leftover regeneration ENERGY
Both have been used, the Doctor 'gave ten years of his life (worth every second)" to jumpstart the TARDIS, and used the energy to regrow his hand when he was fighting the Sycorax.
Ahhh, thanks for providing that; I'm evidently wrong about it being out of the blue (I'm a weird watcher; I watched all of Eccleston when I was eleven, and I've missed massive chunks of New Who because I was very easily frightened by Tennant's era and nightmares were not my idea of fun).
But I feel fishfingers and custard would have been so perfect.
You really should go back and watch Tennant's run! There are definitely some pretty huge missteps, but what series two through four get right, they really get right.
I've seen what people tell me are the ones you need to watch; Silence in the Library, Girl in the Fireplace, Blink. I have Midnight recorded but it sounds like the sort of thing that would terrify me so I'm working up the courage. Are there are any others that really deserve watching as a benchmark of the series getting it right?
Tennant is most people's doctor, I think, but I loved Eccleston so much and the Tennant era really whacked it up a notch to my eleven year old self so I jumped ship at that point 🙂
The problem is that often what the Ten seasons get totally right and what they get dead wrong are in the same episode! But if I had to recommend anything besides what you've already mentioned, it'd be Human Nature / The Family of Blood and The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit. As well as The Runaway Bride, because despite having a lot of problems, it's pretty much the only Donna episode you can watch stand-alone. Honestly, all of series four is pretty great, mainly because Donna is just fantastic.
Oh, and watch Midnight. It's very scary, but it's also my favorite episode of New Who ever, so it's worth being scared.
Thank you! I'll check those ones out when I can find them, and aim for Midnight soon.
Ahaha, my problem is that quite often my chest literally hurts when I get scared–I have bad anxiety, I suck–so I have to calm down or the episode is painful for me :3 I'll take my teddy and stocks of chocolate and be brave!
It depends on what scares you whether or not Midnight does, though. It's a different sort of scare from Moffat episodes. I really can't say any more without spoiling it, although I was totally spoiled for that episode when I saw it and I still loved it.
Also, watch during the daytime with the curtains wiiiiide open. 🙂
But it was established in the Library episodes that it would have burned up all of the Doctor's regenerations, a true Time Lord, so I don't think there's any plot hole that needs to be explained. Even if River had regenerations left restoring everything would have burned through hers just as easily.
I'm still all bent out of shape about the regeneration thing. So they doctor can generate an infinite number of times but River has a finite number? Or they have different a cardinality of infinity? This is bringing me back to my philosophical foundations of math seminar D:
At one point it was thirteen as well, but this is Doctor Who and canon is questionable
Remember River is only PART Time Lord, and was only exposed to the Time Vortex for a brief time in the womb. She didn't inherit any Time Lord or Gallifreyan DNA, didn't grow up in the vincinity of the Vortex, wasn't exposed to the Untempered Schism and didn't attend the Time Lord academy. There's probably a whole slew of stuff the Doctor can do that she can't even get close to.
The Doctor can't regenerate an infinite number of times.
How did River get from New York in the 1960s to Amy's Town in the 1990s? And who was she living with as a child as Mels? Was eye patch lady one of Amy's neighbours?
She probably moved using the same method she used to get from Demon's Run to the United States.
I've rethought it and I realize it's even more confusing. Eyepatch almost certainly brought baby River to the US but at the end of that, River was running around on her own on the streets. There was no one to bring her to Amy's town.
Well, she does say that it took her a while to find them. As I recall. I may well have watched it drunk. Still might be, in fact..
Also where does the Astronaut killing the Doctor fit in? It can't be the River. For River this lipstick death is the first time River is meeting the Doctor (according to Moffat on confidential) and since she turns good at the end then why would she kill him in the future?
Well, when she's talking to Terminator! Amy she says she might go younger to mess with their heads. Maybe she did?
I don't think she can go younger now since she used up all her regenerations saving the Doctor. I just don't see how she has a motive anymore for killing the Doctor in the astronaut suit so it must be someone else.
Ah, you see, this is what you get for watching Doctor Who drunk. See that kids? Never drink and scifi. It never ends well. (By which I mean, very true, should have paid attention).
Well she is still programmed probably so she might have a trigger word that activates her.
Or the Spacesuit, which the Silence had special made remember, captures/"eats" her again and controls her actions.
Or someone else is in the Spacesuit of course. Even though the mini-people-prison-guards think it was River it could easily be anyone.
I thought that was just an in joke, since Alex Kingston looks slightly younger as River in the Library, when she's 'older'.
Though It might turn out to be a Snape/Dumbledore situation where The Doctor and River make an agreement beforehand that she has to kill him at the lake? Maybe?
Oooh I'd quite like that if it was true. He wasn't fighting the astronaut at all…
Hahaha, Hitler is still in the cupboard, OMG. It would have made my night if the last shot of tonight's episode was just the cupboard, silence (the sound of nothing NOT the other ones, dear GOD) and then Hitler thumping on the door. 😀
Amy was in Pompeii?
Karen played the soothsayer that spots the TARDIS in The Fires of Pompeii and reports back to the others. The main Sybellene scenes were shot in the The Temple of Peace. She wasn't playing Amy Pond.
Haha thanks! I didn't actually think it was Amy! 🙂
That had its moments, but I'm a bit miffed they skipped forward x months after Demon's Run to a point where Amy and Rory have become almost nonchalant about their newborn baby being abducted by a crazed religious sect hellbent on turning her into a brainwashed murder machine. I'd have thought that would have some kind of effect on a person's psyche, especially when the one man with the power to do something about it doesn't seem to be in any big hurry to make things better.
So that was weird.
I mean, good weird, but … weird.
BTW if you heard any odd gibbering noises, don't worry; that was just me losing my mind during the past companion guilt parade. B'awww, Donna ;O;
What the hell did I just watch?
I have a feeling this is going to be a really divisive episode.
Teehee. 😀
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Best. Ever.
Where was the gif of Rory's memetic badass status? I think the Hitler thing needs to be added.
Counting down until fandom crosses this with R Kelly's "Trapped In the Closet."
10. . . 9. . . 8 . . .
Y'know, I was going to write some comments as I watched this, but I got too sucked in. So instead, why not have this long detailed essay on my feelings about this episode…
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"Is anybody else finding this day just a bit difficult? I'm getting this sort of banging in my head…"
"Yeah, I think that's Hitler in the cupboard."
Funniest lines in the history of Doctor Who, Y/Y? XD XD xD
I mean… Hitler in a cupboard… XD XD XD
So, I'm in the unfortunate position of having to live in Australia 😀
And that means I either get up at 4am to stream the episode live from the UK, download it later and wait a few hours to watch it with the Americans or wait a whole week to watch it on the stupid ABC (who refuse to just show it on the Sunday right after the UK).
So I'mma just watch it now by myself! HERE GOES, OHMAHGAWD so exicted! 😀 LIVEBLOG TIME
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(Except for Rory punching Hitler in the face. I was prepared for that, and it was still awesome.)
What the fuuuuuuuuck, basically. I love me some time travel mayhem, but my head is spinning.
In conclusion, the Antibodies clearly learned their bedside manner from GLaDOS.
HAAAAAAA, CROP CIRCLES! Amy and Rory are the best people in the history of forever.
The Doctor got a new coat! I like this coat, I mean, love the tweed, but this coat is niiiiiiice.
UMMM, this "Mels" person? Who are you and why are you crashing my Team TARDIS party?! 🙁
Unless she turns out to be Melody, but even then, I don't know. I'm not sure about this…
AHHHHH, Caitlin Blackwood! AHHHHH BABY RORY!
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Awwww, Rory's dorky teenage hair is adorable! And Amy thought he was gay, RORY, can I hug you? I think you need a hug.
And now it's time for shapeshifting-robot-tiny-people.
I can't help but imagine it must be supremely awkward to stand in a room with one of the most fucked up psychopaths of all time.
Rory, travelling through time and punching assholes in the face. MY HEART.
WHUUUUT, Universe Police and they think River is in the TARDIS?
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OHMYGOD, of course bloody River would go and find her parents as children and pretend to be their best friend so she could grow up with them.
RIIIIVVVERRRRRR! My darling, you're here at last! This does raise the question of when she escaped from Kavorian? Kovarian? I can't remember.
Okay, I HAD to make this:
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NNNNNNNNNNNNGH, Moffat, what are you doing to my head, dammit! All these twists! You're becoming something of a Shyamalan, WHAT A TWIST.
This is probably one of the most epic games of I Know You Know I Know ever played. My heart can't take River being so evil 🙁 though she is completely fabulous.
Moffat, your sexism is showing :/
Rose, Martha, DOOOONNAAAAAA and Baby Amy, my creys!
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can I just say that I would much prefer Moffat to have done the Avatar; Last Airbender movie to Shyamalan?
Except the sexism. Yeeeaaah.
To be honest, though, it was just one line and meant as a joke. I'm a woman and I lol'd. I'm confident enough not to be offended by every little joke poked at women.
Something tells me these people need a better system than the evil jellyfish and hoping someone gets there with a bracelet in time to save new arrivals.
So the Silents are trying to bring about the end of the universe? Pretty standard Who Villian motivation. And what is this question that will do it?
This musical queue for River, with the violins, ALWAYS gets me :'(
AHHHHH, so Sexy is technically one of River's parents, eh?
And this is how she was able to die in the Library. Hrmmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about all this yet.
AND, Amy is, so far, the only character not to have died in some way this season.
She'd have died in the Library regardless, it's in the script, she gets to say "and don't think you'll regenerate."
The whole point of that scene is that she takes the Doctor's place because she knows it'll kill him and she knows he can't die at that point. So River's ability to regenerate was never an issue for that scene – it wouldn't have saved her, even if she still had it.
OHHHH, yeah, I'd forgotten about that.
I'm just gonna say this now, before I read too many fandom reactions and get all influenced by that and change my mind completely (because that always happens to me, I'm so impressionable when it comes to other people's opinions on shows)…
I loved that episode. It wasn't perfect but HATERS GONNA HATE, I thought it was fabulous.
Plus, I found it adorable that, in a way, River's parents DID raise her. They just didn't know it.
And even in the brief flashbacks you get the sense that she's the child of the group and they're the parents.
Since I'm in Australia, I am now going to go have my breakfast of PANCAKES (FUCK YEAH) and digest this episode.
(And maybe find somewhere I can get this weeks Confidential from)
Seeing as the last episode that opened with a cornfield had Vincent in it absolutely did not fill me with fangirl glee. Nope not at all.
Who's the girl? What the fuck's going on?
I’m sorry what?
Rory would not realize that they weren't really playing hide and seek.
Mels…I may just love you.
"I'm not gay."
"Yes you are."
"No, no I'm not."
Oh banter, I love you.
Fuck you little girl, you shot Sexy.
He’s a spaceship y/y?
What is that guy who keeps shape shifting? I don't understand…
So many clones! Why Moffat why??
Creepy brain thing, get.
Don't let him near Sexy!
"Shut up Hitler."
Oh Rory, never change.
Rory just punched Hitler, put him to gunpoint and told him to shut up. He literally cannot get any cooler than he is now.
And yet, he shall find a way.
"You named your daughter, after your daughter."
Yes Doctor, she did. Though I admit I like older River better than teenage River.
And I don't like this River either. I want the one from episodes prior better.
Well, seems we have a case of Nice Job Breaking it Hero in the works.
Rory…I think I love you
Fixed point??*cough*waters of mars*cough*
Rory punches everyone forever. Also, wasn't it Captain America that had punching Hitler in the face and the fake-out Heil Hitler? Rory Williams is Captain America. Doctor Who proves it.
Poor Doctor, he's apparently screwed over everyone but younger Amy.
Steven moffat what are you doing??what? Sooooo much death?
And then suddenly… naked people
She is a phsycopath. And it is AMAZING.
I see what you did there. "You killed he Doctor. The Doctor. Doctor Who?" *Headshake*
Sonic cane? Omg, I want one more than a screwdriver, now. God, the Doctor's so classy.
I want a Sonic Screwdriver even more now.
Wait, the Silence are a religious order and not a species? MOFFAT.
So good so good so good so good
I love how Amy's clever enough to think to use the sonic in the first place, but then derp, let's not change things back to green.
It might not be as easy to change it back to green. But I'm pretty sure she coulda just turned everyone else's red except for hers and Rory's.
Also the time police are deeply stupid for 1) having that security protocol in place at all and 2) letting Amy hang on to the Sonic.
If this sets the bar for the rest of the season…than brain..can’t think….SO GOOD!
Mixed signals. Oh Doctor, I heart you and your logic forever.
Well, that just brought up more questions. Goddamn.
Did I tear up during the blue book scene? Is Umbridge the soulmate of Hades? YES
Holy shiiiiit.
What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
for fifty minutes
That's probably the most accurate summary of this episode I've seen.
was this.
Series 6 is just bamfing.
"gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled" nice river! 😀
In hindsight. It kinda makes sense that Rory's starting to get all these cool scenes for himself. After dying about a million times for Moffat's amusement, and apparently being completely ignored during his childhood (oh god, I wanted to hug that poor child forever), he deserved to punch Hitler in the face and shove him in a closet.
Oh WOW, just found out the kid who played Baby Rory is named Ezekiel Wigglesworth.
….is that is real name? Finally, someone beat Benedict Cumberbatch
This kid should get all the hugs and a ton of candy.
So. Finally got around to watching the episode and my reaction was basically: What A Mess.
I will ~get my thoughts together~ and be more coherent in Monday's review post, but yeah. This episode was all over the place, and I really hate River's storyline because basically her life is the worst thing ever and the text never acknowledges that fact.
Oh and also, Moffat really needs to work on writing characters that respond to situations in a believable manner because this episode was sorely lacking in that.
I'm really excited for your comment on Monday! I HATE what the River story has turned into and I think Moffat is starting to George Lucas himself :/ There were still some fun parts and I enjoyed watching it, but 9 hours later it isn't sitting so well
Well, I loved this episode. It was fun to watch.
Wee Amy !
Still Fierce and Scottish!!!!!!
WEE AMY *hearts* forever!!!!111!!!!1!
Love this episode
I just watched it a second time. I've got a sneaking suspicion that the first thing Moffat thought of was "You named your daughter… after your daughter." And then he decided it was brilliant and the rest of the episode was developed so that he could get to that epic Bootstrap Paradox.
ahahahahahahaahah oh my god RIDICULOUS.
"You never said I was hot?"
oh my god i love you forever Mel.
you're basically me
but cool
You're River Song?!?
Why didn't you tell us?
Of course he's River Song. All the stuff about spoilers… 😉
oh my god.
RORY AS A KID!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!
what the hell just happened