Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: A Better Human Being

Again, I’m in a rush and forgot about this. I unfortunately will miss it because I’ll be on a plane to Pittsburgh, BUT LIVEBLOG AWAY.


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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332 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: A Better Human Being

  1. ldwy says:

    Oh my goodness! That was terrifying.

  2. rabbitape says:

    This is no good!

  3. monkeybutter says:



    • rabbitape says:

      HENRY HOW?!?!?

      Will this Olivia get some Fauxlivia memories too? Will alt-Fauxlivia get some Fauxlivia memories?

    • g_aurelia says:

      I don't even know what to do with that.

    • firelizardkimi says:

      Seriously, what does it mean? I mean, I remember that AltLivia named her and Peter's kid Henry, but WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Will we get answers next week?

      Oh, shit, what if September is Henry?

    • g_aurelia says:

      So it's been 2 weeks since the glyph code was EMPATH. Does that mean it'll be the episode after next before we get to the little nugget again?

      • monkeybutter says:

        Ha, maybe. They've gotta remind us that he happened somehow. Honestly, I thought that EMPATH could apply to Astrid and alt-Astrid because they're the hearts of their groups, and that alt-Astrid in particular was really sensitive to the people around her. But then it also worked for the more psychic meaning in this episode!

  4. g_aurelia says:

    "I'm not afraid."

    Oh, my heart. Damn.

  5. rabbitape says:

    Not gonna lie. I love The Rock. (I'm still not gonna see "Journey 2" though.)

  6. monkeybutter says:

    nothing about the gay marriage bill? screw you, local news promo

  7. rabbitape says:

    Aw, Astrid, you are just lovely.

  8. ldwy says:

    Aw, I love this kid. He's having such a hard time, and he seems really sweet and Astrid is really good with him. Why were they serial killers and he wasn't?

  9. Erik says:

    Olivia, stop being akwardly adorable!

  10. monkeybutter says:

    thank you for realizing that, peter

  11. rabbitape says:


  12. rabbitape says:

    Or whatever. That's cool too.

  13. monkeybutter says:

    aggggggggggh, this cannot backfire or I will be so upset, but YAY

  14. ldwy says:

    I can't decide if I am happy about this or upset.

  15. monkeybutter says:

  16. monkeybutter says:

    at a gas station? that's never a good idea

  17. monkeybutter says:

    love the design of their secret vault

  18. katherinemh says:


    Everyone else has brought this up already, haven't they, and I just haven't been paying attention?

    • redletter_ says:

      Nope, well, the idea of Alt!Nina took me by surprise at lease, and I feel so silly that I didn't figure it out sooner, I mean, SERIOUSLY, this whole show is about dopplegangers in a way.

      And this is probably half the reason the showrunners have held off on showing any AltNinas up to now, so that our minds wouldn't instantly make the connection. SNEAKY, SNEAKY.

      • katherinemh says:

        It didn't even occur to me until the thing with the hand scanner.

        I just read an article on TVLine that wasn't really spoilery, but they had a theory, kind of. Gurl fnvq, "Naq ab fbbare unq fur qhpxrq vagb gur svyyvat fgngvba ybb guna fur qvfnccrnerq — naq yngre erfhesnprq pncgvir va n qnax ebbz, va gur pbzcnal bs (qehzebyy) gur erny Avan, pbasvezvat gung gur ZQ obff ynql jub gevrq gb cnff snhk Pbegrkvcuna bss ba Jnygre vf rvgure bar bs QEW’f funcrfuvsgref (be na rivy nyg-Avan)." Gur funcrfuvsgre gurbel qvqa'g bpphe gb zr orpnhfr funcrfuvsgref hfhnyyl xvyy gur crbcyr gurl gnxr gur sbez bs, qba'g gurl? V zrna, gurbergvpnyyl, V thrff gurl pbhyq fgvyy fubir gur guvat va ure zbhgu naq gung jbhyqa'g arprffnel xvyy ure. Vs gung'f rira ubj gurfr funcrfuvsgref jbex, fvapr gurl'er fyvtugyl qvssrerag guna gur bgure barf. Nygubhtu, gurl pbhyq'ir xvyyrq NygAvan naq ercynprq ure jvgu n funcrfuvsgre? NHTUUUU. V JNAG NAFJREF.

  19. monkeybutter says:


  20. rabbitape says:

    Oh Walter, I love you.

  21. carma_bee says:

    I keep expecting someone to sneak up behind them to get olivia :/

    "haha i mess up your life!"

  22. rabbitape says:

    I love Kennedy's stern face.

  23. monkeybutter says:


  24. rabbitape says:


  25. ldwy says:

    Where have you gone Olivia!!!????

  26. monkeybutter says:

    Did she jump over?

  27. monkeybutter says:


  28. katherinemh says:


  29. monkeybutter says:

    shit shit shit

  30. rabbitape says:


  31. ldwy says:

    WHAT???? Okay, so it is another Nina???

  32. monkeybutter says:

    which nina is which

  33. monkeybutter says:


  34. Erik says:

    So did jones backstab nina?

  35. rabbitape says:


  36. monkeybutter says:


  37. g_aurelia says:

    Ahhhh! I knew it! I knew we'd been seeing the wrong Nina!

  38. ldwy says:

    Oh my god, next week looks intense!

    • rabbitape says:

      And then hiatus after that? This is torture. Fringe should be on 7 days a week.

      • ldwy says:

        Oh no. I didn't know about hiatus!

        • rabbitape says:

          Next episode is 2/24, then the one after that is 3/23, according to Wikipedia, which is 100% accurate at all times.

          • SecretGirl127 says:

            This is the first time I've ever been happy for a haitus. I'll be on vacation March 1 – 10 and was going to miss two weeks. Now, I'm going to come back to a live blog never having missed a moment of Mark.

            • rabbitape says:

              Being on vacation and missing reviews/liveblogs is the worst! Except for the part about being on vacation, which is the best. I'm glad the hiatus has lined up so nicely for you. 🙂

          • BSGfan1 says:

            A month break? OH F>>>>THAT!! BOO YOU FOX BOOO YOU!!!

          • monkeybutter says:

            Haha, great. It'll be back on at the same time as the Sweet Sixteen. Fringe's ratings should be interesting.

            • rabbitape says:

              Fringe's ratings are a forbidden topic. In my reality, Fringe is never at risk for being cancelled.

              • monkeybutter says:

                I'm definitely willing to tear a hole in the fabric of the universe to live in that reality.

                New theory! DRJ is just trying to get to a universe where his favorite shows were never cancelled.

    • Aaah!! JUST THIS VERY SUNDAY, I was saying that I want the show to be renewed for one final season so they can wrap everything up like WHO THE FUCK THE OBSERVERS ARE…and apparently THE WAIT IS OVER EEEEEE.

  39. monkeybutter says:

    Okay. I think I've got my head back. Good one, Fringles!

  40. rabbitape says:

    Time to marathon some Parks & Rec to cleanse the palate.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Last night's was the first I didn't like in a long time 🙁

      • rabbitape says:

        Yeah, it was a little off. Maybe they forgot how to write Dave/CK? Hopefully just a minor blip, and they'll be back to form next week.

        • monkeybutter says:

          I don't think they forgot, I think they deliberately wrote him as a jerk so that he would be a non-entity now that CK is off doing his own thing. It was just sooo not Dave. I'm sure it'll be better next week, though.

  41. g_aurelia says:

    Can I just say how much Olivia's lovestruck look kills me?

  42. LucyGoosey says:

    OK! Got my french fries, my mocha milkshake…..LETS DO THIS

  43. LucyGoosey says:

    Heeeyyy, another "S"

  44. kte says:

    man, what is happening to Olivia?

  45. LucyGoosey says:

    Guuuh, freaking scary

  46. SecretGirl127 says:

    I'm here with you LucyGoosey. Just got home from work. Just watched the first few minutes and I'm caught up.

  47. LucyGoosey says:

    Freaking home invasions… worst nightmare

  48. SecretGirl127 says:

    I just enjoy Lincoln.

  49. kte says:

    Walter 🙂

  50. LucyGoosey says:

    What's wrong with Olivia :/

  51. LucyGoosey says:

    Hmm, voices that only talk to each other….from what I've read schizophrenia is rarely that mellow

  52. LucyGoosey says:

    Walter's fabulous beard 😀

  53. SecretGirl127 says:


  54. kte says:

    her flashes have Peter's pea coat 🙂

  55. BSGfan1 says:

    WTH is going on??!! I'm so lost…..

  56. SecretGirl127 says:

    WTF Olivia knows this house.

  57. LucyGoosey says:

    How weird must it be to have all these memories coming through over another group of memories

  58. SecretGirl127 says:

    She looks so happy.

  59. BSGfan1 says:

    OH MY HEART, it's breaking because Olivia is so happy and Peter is confused.

  60. LucyGoosey says:

    Other side of SF bay

  61. LucyGoosey says:

    And yet again, Olivia hooked up to brain machines

  62. SecretGirl127 says:

    Awww. Peter's scared for Olivia.

  63. LucyGoosey says:

    "old dream" = WMG fuel

  64. BSGfan1 says:

    OH MY HEART, it's breaking because Olivia is so happy and Peter is confused.

  65. SecretGirl127 says:

    Did you see her face when he mentioned children from abused households? Sad.

  66. SecretGirl127 says:

    Peter's stress level is stressing me out.

  67. LucyGoosey says:

    Dammit, Walter don't make him feel worse

  68. LucyGoosey says:

    Astrid you are flawless

  69. LucyGoosey says:


  70. SecretGirl127 says:

    kte? Lucy? Did I lose you both?

  71. BSGfan1 says:

    My posts aren't going through. Is there an issue?

    • monkeybutter says:

      I doubt anyone is reading this now, but yes, the spam filter has been wonky and comments from people who don't have IntenseDebate accounts are getting sent to moderation.

  72. LucyGoosey says:

    D: Its just not Fringe unless its breaking our hearts

  73. SecretGirl127 says:

    Walter is giving Peter the stink eye. He does not approve.

  74. LucyGoosey says:

    Yup, this is the Adams/Eves all over again

  75. SecretGirl127 says:


  76. LucyGoosey says:


  77. LucyGoosey says:


  78. kte says:

    dammit Nina, I bet it is related to the injections she has been giving Olivia… but why?

  79. SecretGirl127 says:

    Ok, I'm starting to see other people's posts again. I was beginning to think I'd been dropped into another universe where I was the only West Coast live blogger!

  80. LucyGoosey says:

    Wait, no, H-E-N

  81. SecretGirl127 says:

    Nina is a bad, bad girl.

  82. SecretGirl127 says:

    I miss Lincoln's old glasses.

  83. LucyGoosey says:

    And yet again, my heart goes "squish"

  84. LucyGoosey says:


  85. SecretGirl127 says:

    I really didn't feel sad over that death. No, not at all sad.

  86. SecretGirl127 says:

    Papa was the link?

  87. SecretGirl127 says:

    Can Astrid be my BFF?

  88. kte says:

    Olivia is so awesome

  89. LucyGoosey says:

    Good boy Peter, cautious but owning up to what happened

  90. SecretGirl127 says:

    They are breaking my heart.

  91. kte says:

    oh so many conflicted feelings

  92. SecretGirl127 says:

    The episode when he knew by looking at the eyes that it wasn't his girl. Oh my, this is a great episode.

  93. SecretGirl127 says:

    Walter is drinking the drugs.

  94. SecretGirl127 says:

    No, no, no, no, no. Do not let anything happen to Olivia!!!

  95. LucyGoosey says:

    Goddammit, I should know to brace myself with this show by now :/

  96. SecretGirl127 says:

    NINA!!!! What is going on! WTF is going on!?!?!?

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