Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: Novation

After a week-long absence, Fringe has returned to our fine airwaves! Join us as we flail about because of that thing that happened that we need to see more of immediately.

OH GOD Y’ALL I CAN’T WAIT. I need more Lincoln in my life STAT.

Because we are all on the exact same ground this time around, our spoiler policy for these blogs will be completely different. Anything that has aired in the past is fair game for discussion. Anything that has not publicly aired WILL BE CONSIDERED A SPOILER.

This liveblog will work in relative to when the episode airs for you. So, you may begin your livebloggy commenting down below when the episode starts. To avoid spoilers, I stick to the first page and comment away, and then go back afterwards to add any more

DO. NOT. POST. SPOILERS. This community is not the place for that. You have the rest of the fucking Internet. Go there.


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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331 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: Novation

  1. I'm in the process of rewatching season 1 of Fringe because clearly I was not paying close enough attention last time around and holy shit! How did I forget about what her stepdad does to her in the first timeline on her birthday?! That actually explains so fucking much! Does this get resolved before the reboot? I honestly cannot remember.

  2. SecretGirl127 says:

    I may have to cry. Fringe is not on in LA tomorrow because of the baseball game!!!!!!

  3. BSGfan1 says:

    I guess either way is a win/win for me. I love baseball and I love Fringe…so whichever one I get I'm fine with 🙂

  4. fieldofwhitetulips says:

    Fringe has definitely been delayed until next Friday. My dislike for baseball has never been so strong!

    Here is yet another clever promo from Ari Margolis (the guy who makes all of the epic Fringe promos) regarding the delay that might cheer you up slightly.

    WARNING: There is a new clip from "Novation" in this video, so you may not want to watch if you are avoiding spoilers.

    [youtube 5RvS75gKj9g&hd=1 youtube]

    • NB2000 says:

      My general "Sports on TV" hatred is flaring up again thanks to this.

      Love that trailer though! That guy is amazing at these.

    • monkeybutter says:

      lol, okay, I'm somewhat appeased. But baseball season is still way too fucking long and should be over before late October (but, oh hey, they're going to expand playoffs aren't they? Boys of summer my ass.) It's gonna snow this weekend, for crying out loud.


  5. canyonoflight says:

    Thank goodness. Last week I forgot it wasn't going to be new, so I started the DVR recording on Saturday, all excited and then it started and I was like "Heeeeey! Noooooooo!"

    Wait…it's been delayed again? 🙁

  6. cait0716 says:

    What if we take the opportunity of Fringe's delay to watch the series premiere of Grimm, which looks sort of interesting? It might be fun to come into a whole show as a community and evaluate a pilot episode together.

    Okay, full disclosure: I have company this weekend and won't be able to watch Grimm at all until Monday, but I thought I'd throw the option out there. I don't know much about the show beyond ~fairy tales~ and David Greenwalt (of Buffy, Angel, and The X-Files), but it seems like something that could possibly be interesting

  7. xpanasonicyouthx says:


    oh god i am so sad.

  8. Eileen says:

    Man, snow cancelled my weekend plans AND no new Fringe. My life is very sad 🙁

    Seriously though I cannot wait until next week!!!! I need Fringe in my life now.

  9. Hotaru_hime says:

    FRINGE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Finally, three weeks waiting for my bb Peter was TOO LONG YOU GUYS.

  10. plaidpants says:

    FINALLY! I feel like I haven't seen a new episode in forever!

    Except I have to take the MPRE tomorrow, so I should study rather than watch it. 🙁 I think I should be allowed to take a break and watch it, however. Don't want to burn myself out!

  11. canyonoflight says:

    I really, really, really need this episode to be epic. My weekend is already shitty and became that way last night. It's hard to explain w/out getting tl;dr, so I'll just say that a friend hurt me (emotionally) in a pretty big way.

  12. knut_knut says:


  13. firelizardkimi says:


  14. carma_bee says:

    Man, for a second I couldn't remember what happened in the last ep we saw

  15. __Jen__ says:

    Peter Peter Peter!

  16. canyonoflight says:


  17. monkeybutter says:

    Oh man, a table with two chairs…someone's a Cylon!

  18. rabbitape says:

    A moment of shallowness: Peter looks good in a hospital gown, in jeans and a tshirt… Is there anything he can't pull off?

    (Make your own clothing removal joke here.)

  19. monkeybutter says:

    God, I thought that was the memory freezing stuff.

  20. __Jen__ says:

    That can not be healthy, Walter.

  21. rabbitape says:

    Poor Walter. This is not going to be an easy one for him. (Not that they ever are.)

  22. monkeybutter says:


  23. firelizardkimi says:

    That's 'cause she's a shapeshifter and she's looking for something. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LADY?

  24. knut_knut says:

    this is really suspenseful… O_O

  25. rabbitape says:

    I have no idea what's going on but OMG I AM SO TENSE

  26. knut_knut says:


  27. knut_knut says:


  28. __Jen__ says:

    That was awesome and disgusting.

  29. rabbitape says:


  30. monkeybutter says:

    Eurgh eye gouging

  31. canyonoflight says:


  32. firelizardkimi says:


  33. knut_knut says:

    …was that bean from even stevens in that commercial?

  34. monkeybutter says:

    Aaaaand, I've already missed a letter!

  35. firelizardkimi says:

    He is related to you, Walter! He's your son! Not a third universe.

    Wish you could remember. 🙁

  36. knut_knut says:

    awww his face!! <3

  37. monkeybutter says:

    You were just asking to question him! I guess it's different because it's Peter, though. 🙁

  38. knut_knut says:

    or maybe that wasn't cute…i can't really tell

  39. monkeybutter says:

    Aw, Peter and Walter

  40. firelizardkimi says:

    Walter, you look so lost. 🙁

  41. firelizardkimi says:

    It's confusing for all of us, Peter. And duh something happened!

  42. knut_knut says:

    peter's eyes are very blue 😀 clearly i am paying attention to the important things

  43. firelizardkimi says:

    They don't know about Observers.

  44. monkeybutter says:

    They don't know about them! That makes sense!

  45. rabbitape says:

    Oooh, they don't know who the Observers are.

  46. monkeybutter says:


  47. rabbitape says:

    p.s. Totally amazing work from both actors there.

  48. knut_knut says:


  49. firelizardkimi says:

    Thank you, Peter, for asking the questions we ALL WANT TO KNOW THE ANSWERS TO.

  50. monkeybutter says:

    Poor Walter…and Peter.

  51. firelizardkimi says:

    Kennedy! Hi Kennedy!!

  52. monkeybutter says:

    Aw yeah, Kennedy and Peter in one episode.

  53. monkeybutter says:


  54. firelizardkimi says:

    Oh, shit, she found him.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Absurdly fast, too, considering she thought he was still living with his ex-wife. Biologists are not good at living off the grid, apparently.

  55. firelizardkimi says:


  56. monkeybutter says:


  57. monkeybutter says:

    This shingles commercial makes me want a beanbag game.

  58. firelizardkimi says:

    Yes, why does Nina have your picture?

  59. monkeybutter says:


  60. monkeybutter says:

    Holy shit she was their foster mom? WHAT IS NINA UP TO?

  61. firelizardkimi says:

    I'm with Kennedy on this one.

  62. rabbitape says:

    Sharp jacket, Nina.

  63. monkeybutter says:

    Reading the screen isn't remembering, Nina.

  64. __Jen__ says:

    I love Nina and Olivia as family.

  65. firelizardkimi says:

    So, the shapeshifter is ill and is looking for some way to heal itself?

  66. monkeybutter says:

    Ethics? What are those?

  67. rabbitape says:

    Flattery from someone pointing a gun at you is somehow less flattering.

  68. __Jen__ says:

    This shapeshifter is so pretty.

  69. firelizardkimi says:

    These shapeshifters are really different from the ones we know from the past seasons.

  70. monkeybutter says:

    Shouldn't someone be monitoring Peter so he can't rewire shit?

  71. rabbitape says:

    That's some pretty poor surveillance/monitoring of the interrogation room. Yeesh.

  72. canyonoflight says:

    Hmm. This is a neat twist. I wonder if she's telling the truth?

  73. firelizardkimi says:

    Way to go, Peter.

  74. monkeybutter says:

    Oh Peter, you can't help yourself! <3

  75. knut_knut says:

    THANK GOD PETER'S BACK! See how helpful he is?

  76. monkeybutter says:

    Nooo, don't get angry at Kennedy! Peter/Kennedy brotimes decrypting, please!

  77. __Jen__ says:

    I really like hyper-competent Peter.

  78. knut_knut says:

    awwwwwww :')

  79. firelizardkimi says:

    Peter, you are an excellent bargainer.

  80. monkeybutter says:

    his lunchbox 🙁

  81. rabbitape says:

    Y'all, I am seriously loving this episode. They way it's unfolding, the emotional notes, the clarifications. Love.

  82. monkeybutter says:

    aww, coin tricks!

  83. rabbitape says:

    Oops, too bad she's dead! No kids anytime soon.

  84. firelizardkimi says:

    Nope, she's dead, dude. Shapeshifter-lady Nadine killed her.

  85. monkeybutter says:


  86. firelizardkimi says:

    Ah, shit. Poor red shirt state trooper.

  87. firelizardkimi says:


  88. knut_knut says:

    well, shit

  89. monkeybutter says:


  90. knut_knut says:


  91. firelizardkimi says:

    He was in your dreams because he's your soulmate

  92. monkeybutter says:

    No, don't interrupt!

  93. rabbitape says:

    Well he certainly doesn't know he's with a shapeshifter that KILLED HIS WIFE.

  94. firelizardkimi says:

    Nadine, you keep referring to these people you work for. Who are they?

  95. knut_knut says:

    haha angry whisking

  96. firelizardkimi says:

    How easily she manipulates you. If you fix her, what will that mean for her and her shapeshifter friends?

  97. monkeybutter says:


  98. firelizardkimi says:

    I forgot that Nina was there at the lake

  99. monkeybutter says:

    Oh shit. No wonder he hates her so much.

  100. __Jen__ says:

    Walter. 🙁 🙁 🙁

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