Mark Watches ‘The Golden Compass’ Liveblog!

Ok, despite that I’ve actually seen this movie and apparently erased most of it from my mind, I still think it’s a fitting end to having finished The Golden Compass over on Mark Reads. (FYI: READ THAT BOOK. HOLY SHIT.) So, as I continue into the second book of the His Dark Materials trilogy, let’s take a moment to find a few things to appreciate about this cinematic version of a fantastic book!

Multiple liveblogs are planned for Mark Watches in the coming two weeks. We’re starting this weekend with The Golden Compass, and then next weekend we’ll do the final episode of Avatar on Saturday and then A Very Potter Sequel on Sunday, in preparation for the GREAT HARRY POTTER WEEKEND OF 2011.

Anyway, on to The Golden Compass!

This liveblog starts at 11:00am PDT on Saturday, July 2nd. Please consult a world clock to determine what time that is for you.

At 11:00am PDT, use the comments below as your own platform for commentary as we start the movie from the menu screen (or on your computer if you you’re using a digital file) right at that time. That’s it!

Hope you can join me for this online party!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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724 Responses to Mark Watches ‘The Golden Compass’ Liveblog!

  1. nanceoir says:

    Mark Watches The Golden Compass time chart, for easy personal scheduling. Just find a city in your same time zone to find when the livebloggy goodness starts for you.

  2. David says:

    Nice. By the way, Mark, ain’t funny that The Golden Compass, Harry Potter and Twilight had an Alexandre Desplat score?

  3. echinodermata says:

    Just a heads up: you said on the S3 prediction post you'd be doing a liveblog of the live-action TLA movie Sunday, July 10th. Which is where you're now scheduling AVPS.

    (I think many people would be fine with the idea of skipping the TLA liveblog entirely.)

    • Mauve_Avenger says:

      I was kind of wondering if his mind simply tricked him into thinking that he would be watching A Very Potter Sequel because the reality of what he'll be doing that Sunday is just too horrible to contemplate.

      Certainly, it doesn't make any sense to start a "GREAT HARRY POTTER WEEKEND OF 2011" on a Sunday. I'm guessing he means the next Saturday or Sunday, since that would coincide with LeakyCon and the Deathly Hallows release?

    • Tauriel_ says:

      Noooo, let's not skip the TLA liveblog! It's so much fun to make fun of and shout abuse at your TV/computer screen because the movie is so terrible! 😀

  4. Pingback: Mark Reads ‘The Subtle Knife’: Chapter 3 |

  5. Noybusiness says:

    I thought the movie was very good, despite being marred by the excision of the ending and the switcheroo. Ooh, if only there was going to be a sequel!

  6. Stephalopolis says:

    Well, I was gonna go camping Friday/Saturday….. But Mark Watches Liveblogs trump nature.

  7. pica_scribit says:

    Yay, I'm so glad we're doing this! I haven't seen the movie since it came out, and all I really remember is the plot happening in a stupid order, and the ending was completely fucked up, and not in a good way. I'm looking forward to groaning through it again with the support of my favourite book club.

  8. PeacockDawson says:

    Wait wait wait. We’re watching this so we can find things to appreciate about the movie? I might have to skip this one.

  9. bookgal12 says:

    I just got the golden compass from the library! I be so prepared for this liveblog 🙂

  10. Rachel says:

    Excited to hear Mark's thoughts on this! I wrote a college paper once on the differences between the novel and the film adaptation and why the film fails, so this liveblog will be fun to follow 🙂

  11. lossthief says:

    I might not be here for this one. My friends and I are trying to get a trip to Carowinds set up for that day, and It'll probably be the last time (Sans the Deathly Hallow p2 Midnight show) that I'll see them before we all go our separate ways for college, so yeah, I love you Mark, but having one last hurrah with my buddies takes priority.

  12. Brieana says:

    I haven't watched this since that weekend when (or before?) Mark went on his epic bicycle ride.
    I'm excited. I hope my computer doesn't freeze. I'll lose my place and everything.

  13. Stephalopolis says:

    Drat…. I thought my netflix told me it had added it to my instant queue, but guess it's not for instant play and only for regular DVD. Seeing as how the liveblog is in 15 hours, I have no clue how I'm going to manage to get the movie by then. We'll see if I can work anythign out, but I may have to miss this one 🙁

    • Brieana says:

      maybe you can look on I saw it there once. However, one time when I was on that website, I accidently clicked something and my computer got sick.

      Use at your own risk is what I'm saying.

    • Stephalopolis says:

      Eeep- Naw, I'm borrowing someone else's laptop right now, so sick computers is a no-no. Thanks for the itunes heads up though!

  14. pica_scribit says:

    Got my copy from NetFlix. All ready to go! Nine more hours…maybe I should get some sleep.

  15. psycicflower says:


  16. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    I rented my copy from iTunes. PARTY IS A GO IN HALF AN HOUR.

  17. elusivebreath says:

    I'm too lazy to go dig out my copy of the movie, but I've seen it several times so I'm going to try just following along in the comments. We'll see how that goes lol

  18. Stephalopolis says:

    Don't forget to use the bathroom before the movie starts everyone! 😛 And get those potato babies out of the oven/fryer/microwave!

  19. Mauve_Avenger says:

    When I was getting the Rifftrax for the Last Airbender I got excite because I saw one for this movie, but I clicked on it and it was a fan-made one (iRiffs, I think they're called?) with only one review and no sample clip. 🙁

    ETA: And for some reason, clicking on "Last Activity" in this window isn't doing a darn thing unless I refresh the entire page.

  20. pica_scribit says:

    It's a gorgeous, sunny Saturday morning in Seattle, and I am ready to watch me some Golden Compass!

  21. lossthief says:

    15 minutes! And my plans fell through so I'll be here for it. Yay!

  22. settledforhistory says:

    I'm so excited for this! I haven't had a chance to take part in a liveblog since AVPM!
    It's at 8pm heare, so just the right time for a movie. Ooh, EXCITE!

  23. Stephalopolis says:

    Story Time! It was New Years right after this movie had come out. We had some family members come over, and my Uncle asked me if I watched it. I said no, but that I was planning to because it looked kind of cool. So he starts talking about the controversy and what not, and I ask him not to spoil the end of the movie for me because I want to see it. Well, he continues to talk about the movie, and I ask him again to stop. Again, he continues talking and ends up telling me all about the end of the movie. I was so mad at him, I ended up going into our basement to cool off for awhile.

    I bring this up because this is the only thing I remember about this movie. Well, this story and the fact that I didn't like the movie. And I sort of remember polar bears, but not well.

  24. elusivebreath says:

    4 minutes! I'm having a stupid internet argument right now but I'm gonna try to wrap that up lol

  25. Mauve_Avenger says:

    Two-browser solution ftw.

  26. @Shoganate says:

    This is my first liveblog, I am excite! I have never seen this movie before either, so this should be interesting!

  27. Stephalopolis says:

    😀 Two-Laptops solution ftw

  28. psycicflower says:

    Play button/mouse at the ready…

  29. lossthief says:

    Thus it begins.

  30. Mauve_Avenger says:

    Is the voiceover Serafina Pekkala?

  31. Stephalopolis says:

    Is that… the Oxford window? That we just read about in Subtle?

  32. settledforhistory says:

    The effects are quite beautiful.

  33. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    Oh god, this exposition is KIND OF IRRITATING. Thanks for spoiling EVERYTHING.

    • Stephalopolis says:

      I know…. It took us so long to get these answers and they just answered every single question in the book. Not literally, but close enough.

  34. lossthief says:

    And so here we run into our first problem with this movie. They straight up tell us the basics of Dust, even though THAT WAS ONE OF THE DRIVING POINTS OF THE STORY. Now we're stuck waiting for Lyra to eventually figure things out, but we've got the answer already.

    Dear Chris Weitz, LEARN HOW TO TELL A STORY.

    also, was I the only one who thought it was pronounced "Lee-Rah" rather than "Lie-Rah"?

  35. Mauve_Avenger says:

    "Only one compass remains…" But in TSK Fra Pavel said that there are two.

  36. knut_knut says:

    the beginning with the voice over always reminds me of a poor man's LoTR :/

  37. Brieana says:

    FUUUCK! My shitty computer froze on me!

  38. lossthief says:

    So these child actors are very hit and miss.

  39. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    I will say that they did the kids really well. So far. Also I DON'T REMEMBER ANY OF THIS FROM WHEN I WATCHED IT BEFORE.

    • Stephalopolis says:

      Yeah… I'm glad they've got the kids still "child-like" and not a "16 year old pretending to be an 11 year old, but written with a 20 year old personality"

  40. Mauve_Avenger says:

    I've never really pinned down what I thought Pantalaimon would sound like, but it definitely isn't this.

    • settledforhistory says:

      Isn't his voice supposed to change with his form? It doesn't here.

      • Stephalopolis says:

        I don't know if it's supposed to change or not- I never imagined it changing. However, his voice definitely does not match the image (sound?) I had.

        • settledforhistory says:

          well it was discribed as high when he was something small, but it always is. You are right anyway, it doesn't seem right.

      • Mauve_Avenger says:

        I think when he was a moth he was described as having a "tiny" voice, but I took it as meaning that his voice was louder/softer depending on his size.

  41. Brieana says:

    I quite like Dakota Blue Richards as Lyra.

  42. Stephalopolis says:

    "You know if you get smacked, I get hurt too."

    Hello random statement that came out of nowhere. I'm sure we don't need to know that particular tidbit and you were just randomly saying it to say it.

    (thanks for TELLING us instead of SHOWING us…. nice story telling there. *eyeroll*)

  43. lossthief says:

    Oh, and let's just have it be "The Magisterium" that does the poisoning. Not like that's important to The Master's character.

  44. pica_scribit says:

    Wait, it's *not* the Master who poisons Asriel in this?! First WTF of the film. Unless we're counting the prologue.

  45. bookgal12 says:

    Just started, sorry i am late.

  46. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    Watching this now…it's neat to see the poisoning of the tokay have a new context. They WERE trying to stop him from creating the bridge.

  47. lossthief says:

    I will say they did a good job with the Steampunk elements of the TGC universe.

  48. pica_scribit says:

    Ice bears? Wow, this is all going too fast. The pacing is annoying.

  49. Stephalopolis says:

    Wait, show that picture again- I missed it… was there a child with him, or just a dog?

  50. @Shoganate says:

    Fra Pavel!?! But we didn't even meet him until the second book right!?

  51. xpanasonicyouthx says:


  52. echinodermata says:

    So they're just breezing through all the shit that takes time to develop in the books, aren't they? I imagine this is gonna feel like rush rush rush through plot, ACTION SCENE! back to plot blah blah Action scene!

  53. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    Well, at least Lord Asriel is still a total asshole.

  54. Stephalopolis says:

    I can't imagine how the magisterium will give him money in this version… I mean, he was just sitting there dreaming about a world without them in it… He was practically drooling over the thought.

  55. Brieana says:

    I like that Lyra has stains on her clothes.

  56. lossthief says:

    Oh yeah, since we've already explained Dust in the opening narration, let's just go ahead and BLATANTLY FORESHADOW the connection to Daemons too.

  57. pica_scribit says:

    How did Lyra make the daemon-Dust connection just there?

  58. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    "NOBODY CAN MAKE ME A LADY." Fuck, Lyra is still a sassy badass. THANKFULLY SO.

  59. psycicflower says:

    So my stream messed so I'm skipping ahead to catch up but by the looks of the comments they've pretty much spelled everything out already. And there goes my stream again, dammit.

  60. lossthief says:

    Wow, I forgot how wooden the kid who played Roger was.

  61. settledforhistory says:

    Nice way of spoiling that Mrs Coulter his Lyra's mother, by making them look so alike.

  62. Stephalopolis says:

    HI MOMMY!!!

  63. Brieana says:

    Ann Coulter's ancestor is introduced already.

  64. lossthief says:

    "I disagree"


  65. echinodermata says:

    I haven't seen this movie before, but there are certain scenes I recognize from fanvids I've watched. Case in point – hello, Coulter with her fairly awesome entrance.

  66. xpanasonicyouthx says:


  67. @Shoganate says:


  68. Stephalopolis says:

    Why would she tell Lyra that????

  69. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    No, seriously, Nicole Kidman is FUCKING PERFECT as Mrs. Coulter. SERIOUSLY. So slimy and manipulative.

    • pica_scribit says:

      The casting is pretty good. It's just the pacing and exposition that's dreadful.

    • knut_knut says:

      I know!!! She's exactly how I pictured Mrs. Coulter! Whenever I read the books I get so thrown off when they describe her with black hair o_O

      • Laura says:

        I had pictured Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mrs. Coulter, but I was pleasantly surprised with Kidman.

        • knut_knut says:

          ooooo!! she would have been good too!! Never would have thought of CZJ but I think I would have liked her

  70. Brieana says:

    I hate that she just tells Lyra about how Ragnar wants a daemon right there.

  71. lossthief says:

    So they've not only changed Iofur Raknison's name AND already told us that he wants a Daemon. We're not gonna have any plot twist left are we?

  72. echinodermata says:

    The monkey looks ridiculous.

  73. Stephalopolis says:


  74. bookgal12 says:

    Coulter puts me off from the very beginning.

  75. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    I do really like how dæmons work and look in the movie.

  76. Brieana says:

    you could see the servants with their dog daemons in the background of that last scene.

  77. pica_scribit says:

    Derek Jacobi! What are you doing in this shitty movie?!

    AND Christopher Lee?! I don't remember any of this!

    • elusivebreath says:

      Derek Jacobi is one of the best things about this movie lol

      • pica_scribit says:

        Derek Jacobi is one of the best things about almost everything he's in. He's just generally amazing. A few years ago, I was privileged to see him in a production of The Tempest. So awesome.

  78. Stephalopolis says:

    Wait, I missed something while looking down to comment. Why was Billy choking himself?

  79. Mauve_Avenger says:

    According to IMDb, the snake daemon is a real snake, defanged.

  80. psycicflower says:

    Oh my god Derek Jacobi and Christopher Lee! I didn't know they were in this movie!

    • pica_scribit says:

      I don't understand why they would involve their awesomeness in this crap.

      • knut_knut says:

        maybe they were huge fans of the books and didn't bother to read the scripts? I mean, the book is so good! HOW COULD IT GO WRONG???

        • xpanasonicyouthx says:

          Well, the original script/intention for the movie wasn't utter crap. It's almost entirely New Line's fault this is so poor of an adaptation.

  81. lossthief says:


  82. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    oh let's explain why Dust is important in the first twenty minutes. awesome.

  83. Mauve_Avenger says:

    I wanted to see Lyra jacking the Costa's boat. :((((((

  84. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    This movie moves much quicker than I remember.

  85. echinodermata says:

    It's a very pretty movie, at least.

    • pica_scribit says:

      Yeah, with this (and the HP movies) I pretty much regard them as pretty pictures to go along with the books.

  86. lossthief says:

    Every time they say "Lie-rah" I feel dumber and dumber for pronouncing it the other way.

    Also, that Zeppelin looks ridiculous to me.

    • @Shoganate says:

      When I first started reading the book I wasn't exactly sure how to pronounce it either, but I settle on how they say it in the movie. =)

  87. Stephalopolis says:

    Haha, I always imagined them floating around in World War era helium blimps…… but this makes a lot more sense 😛

  88. pica_scribit says:

    Always the Magisterium; never the Church, and no mention of religion. This movie is completely GUTTED of all controversy!

  89. Mauve_Avenger says:

    So the carriage was run by a ball of lightning-like electricity?

  90. lossthief says:

    What was with that weird "mini-montage" when she arrived at Mrs. Coulter's house.


    Pacing. Movie, pacing.

  91. @Shoganate says:

    I think I've seen this part of the movie before, when Lyra's with Mrs. Coutler, but that's all I'd seen before…

  92. Mauve_Avenger says:

    "Madonna-Lightning-Baby" were the symbols the alethiometer answered with for "what is Mrs. Coulter doing" on the gyptian boat, right?

  93. bookgal12 says:

    This movie keeps reminding me of stardust which I think is a better film…but i digress.

  94. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    Ugh, Nicole Kidman, I love you.

  95. Brieana says:

    You only see a montage + DO NOT GO INTO THIS ROOM WITH ME. Then Pan makes his "we're like prisoners here and we aren't allowed in some of these rooms!" comment.

  96. psycicflower says:

    I love Lyra's blue dress.

  97. settledforhistory says:

    Lyra just threw her alethiometer, bad idea!

  98. Mauve_Avenger says:

    "Indoors" versus "in your own home" seems like it was a big deal in the book. Oh, and she did say it, just not at the same place.

  99. echinodermata says:

    No really, the monkey looks ridiculous. I think it's the fur – it just looks so fake. Thinking about it, I think it reminds me of The Sims and flat-looking texture.

Comments are closed.