‘Mark Watches Doctor Who: Series 3’ IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Huzzah! I’ve been hard at work at getting this book finished, and I am ecstatic to finally release it to the world!

This fabulous cover was designed by nanceoir, who is also responsible for the gorgeous banners on Mark Reads and Mark Watches!

You can purchase this book in Kindle, PDF, and ePub format for just $3.99 on MarkDoesStuff.com. What’s included in this book?

  • All fifteen original reviews (from “The Runaway Bride” through series three and ending with “The Caves of Androzani) of Mark Watches Doctor Who.
  • ELEVEN NEW REVIEWS! There are new reviews for “The Runaway Bride,” and every episode of series three (with two-parters grouped as single reviews), all written last month with knowledge of the full series.
  • Me sobbing over Martha Jones.

Thanks to my editors, to Nancy, and to all of you. I’m very excited to give this to all of you! LET THE MARTHA JONES PARTY COMMENCE. 

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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