Ah, the final post for Battlestar Galactica is upon us. Let us all watch The Plan, and then let us all weep, as then there shall be just one last review of Battlestar Galactica. Get your popcorn and potato babies ready for a final liveblog extravanganza!
So, let’s go out with a bang! (Well, at least until I start Caprica, that is.) This liveblog will start at 10am PST on Saturday, December 3rd. Please check a world clock to determine what time that is for you! At exactly 10am, start your copy of The Plan and use the comments below as your ~wonderful canvas~ that is the art of liveblogging.
Please keep in mind that myself and others are watching The Plan for the very first time, so do your best not to spoil upcoming moments! Then afterwards we can all hug and cry together. I’ll post my review of The Plan on Monday, along with any final, lingering thoughts I have about the series. Until then, happy watching!
'No more Mr. Nice Gaius!' That line will always be hilarious to me.
OMG! How could I forget this one!
This beats out "Butterfingers". LOVE
"No more Mr. Nice Gaius!" Never gets old.
Poor Shelley Godfrey.
There's no E. But a lot of people thought it was a pun on Mary Shelley.
Gaeta and Baltar. <3
I so shipped them especially in their final scene.
Have a nice flight, Shelley 🙁
Yup, "It's not the time…*jumps up*" is still hilarious to me.
"This woman existed. She didn't just vanish." Obviously her name isn't Kara Thrace, then.
So wait, was that Leoben's visions or Kara's?
Leoben's. Remember he talked about them?
This kid has some really good expressions.
So did they have a shared vision? Or was it just Leoben?
Leoben projecting maybe? I was wondering the same thing.
Just Leoben. We saw Kara's perspective in "Flesh and Bone". This is where he gets "you're going to hold me in your arms and tell me that you love me" from.
Even if that was a plastic prop, I'd be terrified to put it in my mouth.
Poor kid.
Hey Racetrack!
Oh no, the shooting again 🙁
Okay Simon is totally losing it…
Fuck you Boomer. And fuck you Cavil.
I really think Simon had that fight with Giana so that she'd leave and be safe.
Oh good call!
Ewww…..I did not just see Brunette Six do that with Cavil. I did not . IT NEVER HAPPENED…
I don't know why, but that's the only scene that I really remember from watching it the first time. I think it's because it's just so…ick, that it sticks in the mind.
Starbuck and Helo! I miss them already.
Cavil, you are such a creep.
Ugh Caprica!Cavil identifying Kara and Helo as "Cylons" brings up something I've always worried about, how many other "Cylons" has he pointed out to the resistance?
I shudder to think.
I'm almost glad the show never really addresses it because *shudder*
Helo, you're here! Oh, happy day!
Yeah this sex scene gets slightly uncomfortable when you remember that's EJO's wife *awkward*
Well, he directed it…
Hence the awkward, at least IMO.
Meh…they're all professionals 🙂
Whoops. Did not mean to put this comment here.
Starbuck and Anders first meeting! <3
Sorry, Anders, but you will NEVER get the drop on Kara. Them's the facts.
Okay I just had dirty thoughts about Helo, Starbuck and Anders….
So say we all.
Ugh the Four out in space, the make up on him.
"And his dreamy hair" All Sixes like Baltar. I love her summary of everyone's frak ups.
I feel bad for Simon…..
I've teared up a bit.
Simon. Giana. 🙁
And by dirty, I mean how soon can I watch that please?
You're not the only one…
Awww Sam and Kara.
"He loves her?" "Vigorously" rofl to that whole conversation.
'Not necessarily.' Awesome.
Cavil's plans really are failing spectacularly.
Colonial Chess! Or, sort of chess.
Okay I'm starting to like Simon. Like a lot.
So am I. But then I remember how he was calmly preparing to drill into Hera's brain while the Colony was being attacked, and my sympathy fades.
This is what happens to me too. Plus the whole Farm thing….
Speaking of…
Different Simon.
He has a nice voice.
Rick Worthy was a good character as head detective Clemente in the series finale of Dark Angel.
Oh Sam.
Sorry to break it to ya, Cavil (actually, not sorry at all), but Anders is much more human than you ever thought he'd be.
OMG Sam's confession. 🙁
Cavil, you suck as a priest. Maybe you should have chosen another cover.
Cavil, you suck.
Poor Giana. Poor Tyrol. Poor everyone.
Cavil, did you really think that would go over well?
The Resistance to the rescue!
Poor Giana. 🙁
Ugh, poor kid *covers eyes* FRAK YOU CAVIL!
I always wondered if Boomer shot Adama non-fatally on purpose.
Giana, you are amazing. And I cry for you, just a little bit.
Cavil, someone needs to give you a dictionary. Then you wouldn't be so confused about the definition of words like 'love'.
Cavil is an awful awful being.
There's that apple metaphor again.
That child! Eeep.
And that pair of legs is all we see of Laura in this movie.
Cavil, you are a lying liar who lies. Don't trust him, Six.
"I'm gonna see to it that you get boxed" That's your way of dealing with every Cylon that doesn't agree with you isn'it Cavil? Make them go away.
Caprica Cavil should scream out the truth to any Cylons who'll listen.
FU CAVIL!!!!!!
I think I'm way off from everyone else (damn you, laundry!) but I just have to say, the sixes are a weird bunch. So hard and yet so naive, and they're all the same model.
And one of my favourite pieces of music to play us out over the end credits.
Cavil, you are so blind to your own faults. You're so human and you don't even know it.
All Five are there to see you go off to die. Ha, you failed Cavil. So damned spectacularly.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere we are – born to be kings, we're the Princes of the Universe!
Oh, that's not what you meant, Cavil? Whoops…
And yet it's all I can think of when he says that line. There's a youtube fan video in there somewhere.
Well, that was fun……I can't believe there is no more BSG..:(
Oh, that monologue is still so beautiful.
Really like the drumbeat filled music here…..gives me chills…
It's so haunting to hear it done acapella.
Oh My God all the F5 saw them.
"They love them more anyway." At least he finally figured that out.
It's the theme song: Acapella!
Oh never mind, here come the guitars and drums.
I can't even explain the chain of events that created this, but I missed my own liveblog at the last minute.
Awesome! I missed it too! I shall accompany you in spirit but I won't be posting because I'm gonna be too busy watching it.
What time are you going to do it Mark? I'm not long in the door but I might be able to liveblog along if I get the chance.
I might watch again…just because…we'll see
The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a-gley.
Svgf gur zbivr, V whfg ernyvmrq.
Sorry you missed it. 🙁
Not to worry.
All of it has happened before and all of it will happen again:)
When are you starting? I missed the liveblog, too, so I might do it with you.
Awww, I did wonder if something had happened to stop you joining in.
Did something happen again? Five hours isn't really soon.
BTW, remember to update Suggestions this weekend like you said.
We were wondering where you were. (Really, there was a short comment thread and everything.)
I'm worried now.
Yeah me too 🙁
I wasn't very satisfied with it but the destruction of the colonies scene is amazing.