Mark Watches ‘Battlestar Galactica’: S04E09 – The Hub

In the ninth episode of the fourth season of Battlestar Galactica, the rebel Cylons and the human allies head toward the Resurrection Hub to decide the fate of the entire Cylon race. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Battlestar Galactica.

(This review is dedicated to my TV-watching, fandom loving friend Jessica, who continues to prove to me how much fun it is to overthink everything in the world.)

How Battlestar Galactica Has Taken Away My Ability to “Can”
Because I Cannot Deal With Anything Anymore

what the fuck did i just watch

  1. Oh, so the Hybrid is jumping because Natalie was killed. GREAT.
  2. Roslin has visions during these jumps, where she sees Head Elosha, and I continue to both love and feel bewildered by the existence of all these character visions. I cannot deal.
  3. Roslin’s visions force her to watch herself die. BSG, how can you do these things to me???
  4. One of the Eights has accessed Athena’s memories out of curiosity, and we get a scene where that Eight massages Helo in the same way as his wife, and it’s both awkward and kind of touching at the same time. This show repeatedly makes me feel two conflicting emotions at the same time, and I don’t know how it expects me to cope with this. You just hand me these things, and then you run away. This is not fair.
  5. Roslin sets up a plan to double-cross the Cylon alliance by having Helo bring Three to her directly instead of to the Cylons. And whether she realizes this or not, she’s playing directly into his recent fear of denying orders given to him. Seriously, think about that. He disobeyed Starbuck’s orders (even though she turned out to be right) and it caused Gaeta to lose his leg. He’s not going to mutiny against her and do the same thing again. OH GOD, THIS SHOW. I swear.
  6. Oh christ, Cavil and Boomer already pre-emptively unboxed D’Anna. This is not good. This cannot end well. I simply cannot.
  7. The Raptor pilots aren’t even pretending to be civil with their Cylon allies. Redwing alone is about ready to tear them apart. See, this show constantly makes me yell at my screen. “JUST GET ALONG FOR HALF A SECOND.” But then I have to remind myself that for a lot of the humans, they have to personal interaction with Cylons and to them, they represent the face of the beings that destroyed their friends and their family.
  8. Even amidst the chaos and awfulness of all this, this show still has room to play absurdity for laughs. There are few things more beautiful than Roslin and Baltar both yelling over one another to get the Hybrid to talk to them. How does this show keep doing this? Did the writers sell their souls to Satan? I would accept the belief in Satan if this was proven. Then I would offer my soul to him as well in order to even attempt to write something this compelling and entertaining.
  9. On the same note, is there not a better visual metaphor for all that Baltar stands for than him trying to preach to a Centurion? The man will do anything to get someone on his side.
  10. The return of Three and Lucy Flawless means that the quality of this show just increased 400%. This is pure science.
  11. And on that, I love that she is just like, “WHATEVER, I KNOW THE FINAL FIVE, I’LL TELL YOU, NEENER NEENER NEENER.” god she is perfect why am i not her.
  12. Oh, and when Cavil tells her that she needs to stop the rebels because by destroying the Hub, they’ll all be mortal, Three immediately kills Cavil. I mean, HOW BADASS IS THAT. Like, what a direct message to send. She doesn’t give a shit at all.
  13. oh so that’s how Pike jumped into range while dead. Jesus christ, this show.
  14. The battle to destroy the Resurrection Hub is, as are most battles on this show, a goddamn work of art. I will never apologize for finding the special effects impressive. The way that this show can convey the chaos of battle without making things appear incoherent and sloppy is just a beautiful thing, okay?
  15. I love Helo’s constant moral crisis and you cannot take that away from me. This might even belong on another list because it’s the only thing here that holds me together. But then it sort of doesn’t because this time, Helo has to go against his own morals and it hurts so very much.
  16. Mary McDonnell, you are a god among mere mortals. Her entire performance with the gravely injured Baltar is unreal, something that is rare to see anywhere, let alone on cable television. I already could not deal with Baltar’s confirmation to Roslin that he did indeed betray the colonials back on Caprica and Roslin’s shaking anger. No, seriously, her whole body shakes with rage and it scares me and it makes me sad and then she removes his bandage. Because Baltar believes he was some sort of SANCTIONED FORCE OF CLEANSING FOR HUMANITY. Oh god, that is such a REVOLTING CONCEPT, so I do understand why Roslin reacts so strongly to him.
  17. The Hub is actually destroyed. JFC THE CYLONS ARE MORTAL. I CAN’T. I JUST CAN’T.
  18. Baltar begs for his life. I CAN’T.
  19. Roslin watches herself die. JESUS GODDAMN FUCK, what is this show doing? THIS IS SO HEARTBREAKING. oh god look at Adama’s face SO HELP ME GODS.
  20. “I’m not saying Baltar’s done more good than harm in the universe; he hasn’t. The thing is, the harder it is to recognize someone’s right to draw a breath, the more crucial it is. If humanity is going to prove itself worthy of surviving, it can’t do it on a case-by-case basis. A bad man feels his death just as keenly as a good man.”
  21. No did you read that fucking quote. THIS SHOW DOES THINGS THAT MAKE ME FEEL THINGS. And I am feeling so much love for a show that puts forth a message like this.
  22. “You go. You go. You go to your rest now. I’m not gonna be selfish anymore. You go. Rest.”
  23. Stop it, Battlestar Galactica. You stop doing this to me right now.
  24. Roslin crying because she thinks she’s killed Baltar? Yeah, lost the ability to do much of anything. I can hardly deal with “The Hub” at this point.”
  25. Oh, an Eight looks like she wants to kill Helo for Roslin’s plan to double-cross her. HELO TRIED TO DO THE RIGHT THING oh god this is too much.
  26. Look, I have no shame: I genuinely believed that Three had just revealed that Roslin was the final Cylon. And I laughed so hard when she revealed it was a joke, but it was that nervous laughter where you try to pretend you are totally cool with the joke, yet on the inside, you’re like HOW FUCKING DARE YOU I WILL END YOU WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT.
  27. We’re going to find out who the Final Cylon is, aren’t we? JFC CAN’T DEAL.
  28. um those constellations in the sky are very familiar. is this really happening. is it. ARE THEY REALLY THAT CLOSE TO EARTH.
  29. There are, simply put, few things in the world more beautiful than the reunion of Roslin and Adama. The man who waited is returned to the woman who loves him. My shipper heart has exploded, I cannot function or deal with anything ever.
  30. I’ve lost the ability to can. It is gone.

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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101 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Battlestar Galactica’: S04E09 – The Hub

  1. enigmaticagentscully says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

    Yeah, I may have cried at the end of this one…

  2. Jack_of_Hearts says:

    "I love you"
    "About time" – SO. SAY. WE. ALL!

  3. chikzdigmohawkz says:

    And this is where I start liking Roslin again as a person. Still not a fan of her as President, though.

    • cait0716 says:

      This was a great redemptive episode for her character and a lovely reminder for her that humanity needs to be worth saving. I love that that idea has been running through the show since the beginning.

  4. Shaylani says:

    1) V nz ORLBAQ RKPVGR sbe arkg jrrx’f erivrjf!

    2) I can’t stop saying Eddie Jimmy Olmos since hearing him referred to as that. It just makes me giggle like Anderson Cooper!

  5. Megg says:

    This might be my favorite BSG episode, perhaps tied with "Faith". I've watched the end of it approximately 98457209456726732 times.

  6. psycicflower says:

    I’m not long in the door and haven’t even had a chance to rewatch yet but I just have to comment and gifspam because after four series






    Roslin and Adama Reunited
    ’Missed you’ ‘Me too’ … ‘Love you’ ‘About time’

  7. psycicflower says:

    I’m not long in the door and haven’t even had a chance to rewatch yet but I just have to comment and gifspam because after four series
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    Roslin and Adama Reunited
    ’Missed you’ ‘Me too’ … ‘Love you’ ‘About time’
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  8. psycicflower says:

    I’m not long in the door and haven’t even had a chance to rewatch yet but I just have to comment and gifspam because after four series
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    Roslin and Adama Reunited
    ’Missed you’ ‘Me too’ … ‘Love you’ ‘About time’
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  9. On the same note, is there not a better visual metaphor for all that Baltar stands for than him trying to preach to a Centurion? The man will do anything to get someone on his side.
    Oh man, haaaa, I remember that scene. IT IS THE BEST.

    And oh my God, the scene with Baltar dying and Roslin maybe letting him die!! I have been waiting for you to get to this scene. So good.

    I genuinely believed that Three had just revealed that Roslin was the final Cylon.

  10. notwhoyouthoughtiwas says:

    “You go. You go. You go to your rest now. I’m not gonna be selfish anymore. You go. Rest.”

    I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face. And allergies. Yeah.

  11. enigmaticagentscully says:

    [youtube TXcUc1J0a9A youtube]

    Let's just pop this up here shall we? ^^

  12. clodia_risa says:

    Baltar and Roslin are the two most interesting characters to me. Not my favorites, I’ll admit, but the best done. Especially in this season, I keep wanting to yell at them: “What are you doing! What, what what are you doing?!” But I still love Roslin and I have v conflicted feelings about Baltar that start and end with slapping him. As much as I love all the characters (and I do), I think that the most interesting shaping and moments have gone into these two thus far.

    Three and Helo are flawless.

  13. Jenny_M says:

    Excellent CGI work on the Centurion. I love that Baltar says the line about them being like a pet (or does he actually say dog?) and the Centurion cocks its head in a way that is EXACTLY LIKE A DOG DOES.

    I believe the Lucy Flawless line about Roslin being a F5 was shown in the previews for this episode, because I distinctly remember being like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?"

  14. cait0716 says:

    Okay, slightly off topic, but it's been bugging me all along and I finally feel like it's not spoilerish to bring it up. Why is Sharon's model number 8? It should be 7! They have these seven original cylons and then the final five to make twelve cylon models, but then the numbering doesn't work out (to my satisfaction). The ones we've seen so far are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Where is 7? It just feels like a glaring piece of evidence that this wasn't all planned out from the beginning and it really bothers me. Possibly more than it should.

    On another note, I've also been re-reading the AV Club reviews of the fourth season as I watch it and it's a lot of fun to see the reviewer flailing about who the final cylon is. His (and the commenters) theories so far have included Baltar, Starbuck, Cally, Hot Dog, Doc Cottle, Gaeta, and Roslin. Does anyone watching along have theories about who the last cylon is?

    • Ryan Lohner says:

      Grace Park chose to be number 8, back before they decided the Final Five should be a separate group with the last five numbers. This is what can happen when you don't plan ahead.

      • cait0716 says:

        Yeah. It's not really anyone's fault. It's just one of those little details I can't get over.

        If it were, like, #4 missing, then I could just say that the Cylon have an aversion to that particular number and consider it the same thing as buildings never having a 13th floor. A strange quirk, but something I can live with. Except there are 7 of them, so clearly 7 isn't an unlucky number.

    • tanbarkie says:

      Nyy jvyy or erirnyrq.

    • stellaaaaakris says:

      Well, I'm suspicious of everybody. Does that count?

      But, as of this moment, my suspicions are focused on Roslin and Galactica. Yes, I think the ship might be a Cylon is disguise. I know it's a weird thought, but Tigh was convinced the music was coming from somewhere in the ship. Maybe Galactica was humming. I don't know, I just know my brain can't handle this show. And I love ridiculous theories, might as well have a few of my own.

      Or maybe Zarek. Or Seelix. Or even Helo could be, if the Final Five can impregnate Cylons.

      • cait0716 says:

        I feel like Helo would be the only character, other than Baltar, who wouldn't freak out about finding out he's actually a cylon. I mean, he's already married to one. And he's more accepting of them than most of the people in the fleet.

        I really like the image of Galactica as a cylon. Maybe that's the real reason it survived the initial attack!

  15. Shaylani says:

    30. I’ve lost the ability to can. It is gone.

    Life is pretty tragic when you lose the ability to can.

  16. knut_knut says:

    I was 100% convinced your prediction about Helo was going to come true in this episode. THANK GOD IT DIDN'T.

    I'm really creeped out by Athena 2.0 just accessing actual Athena's memories. I can understand why she was curious, but UGH SO CREEPY AND INVASIVE! I'm not sure how much privacy a cylon has from its other model number members, so maybe to them it wasn't a big deal, but the thought that someone could just download all my memories and pretty much become me while I'm still around really wigs me out 🙁


    • NB2000 says:

      Aargh so agree about Athena 2.0 (hee). It's the memories AND the acting like her around Helo and mentioning her about half a dozen times during her speech to the pilots that make her so creepy to me. It starts to feel like she's just a little too interested in Athena, and by extension Helo.

    • notemily says:

      Even if Athena herself wouldn't consider it invasive, I'd be pretty damn offended if I were HELO, because this woman he's never met now knows details of his innermost thoughts, his sex life, etc. Creepy.

  17. stellaaaaakris says:

    Okay, that last bit with Roslin and Adama made me like her again. She's still on my Shit List, but at least I like her now. I've been yelling at her pretty much any time she's on screen.

    Where's Leoben? Was the one who loves Kara the only one who survived?

    And I hate Cavil. Like, a lot. He called Boomer his "pet Eight." Ick. But D'Anna shut him down. Four for you, D'Anna! You go, D'Anna. None for you, Cavil.

    I still don't understand how Athena had Boomer's memories of training. Faux Athena got Athena's memories by accessing her memories from her last download. But Boomer was shot after Athena started laying the ground work with Helo on Caprica, she wouldn't have been able to access the most recent memories. (But that idea is really cool and finally answers some of the questions I've had. Can they choose to access certain Cylon's memories? Or is it all the memories of every Cylon of that model? Oh, look, more questions after finally getting an answer.)

    • monkeybutter says:

      I was hoping we'd see Boomer get revenge for that "pet eight," but I'm satisfied with D'Anna cracking his skull. I hope that not many of his model survived.

    • firelizardkimi says:

      RE: your last paragraph, guvf vf fbeg bs rkcynvarq va gur zbivr “Gur Cyna.” Obbzre npghnyyl unf pbagnpg jvgu gur Pnivy ba Tnynpgvpn (gur jub hygvzngryl zrrgf Gleby naq trgf nveybpxrq jvgu gur Pnivy sebz Pncevpn), fb vg’f ragveryl cbffvoyr gung fbzrubj gurer jnf n onpxhc znqr gung jnf frag gb gur onfrfuvc ivn gur fnzr zrgubq/n fvzvyne zrgubq gb ubj Q’Naan tbg gur ivqrb bs Nguran va ynobe bhg gb gur bguref.

      • echinodermata says:

        rot13'd the second half of the first sentence because it was spoilery.

        (Vg'f fcbvyrel gb fnl vs fbzrguvat trgf na nafjre naq vs fb, jura vg qbrf.)

  18. Ryan Lohner says:

    The Sci-Fi Channel (as it was still called at the time) featured the line "And you don't know you're one of them?", much to Ron Moore's displeasure. Everyone suspected the shot of Roslin was taken from another scene, so it was pretty fun to find out she was actually talking to Roslin, but it was a joke. Still, I wish I could have experienced the line not knowing it was coming, and actually being able to think it was real.

  19. cait0716 says:

    On Topic Comment:

    I think this is the first episode where Natalie gets named, and it's after she dies. It got me thinking about Fight Club (His name is Robert Paulson) which got me thinking about identity and mortality which brought me straight back to BSG. There's this sense that by given up resurrection, the Cylon have gained the ability to be individuals. We get D'Anna back, but she's now the only three left, representative of her entire model. Natalie gets officially named. And the rest of the cylons have to start building there own lives.

    This also sort of ties in to the fact that that other eight was able to access Athena's memories when she came back to rescue Hera. When a Cylon dies, anyone can access their memories and the lines between individuals start to blur because they have this collective memory. But if this is your last life, if you aren't just going to download at the end of it, no one else can access those memories. They're yours and yours alone, and it realy cements the idea of a group of individuals, rather than a collective hive-mind.

    Of course, it probably would have been smarter for the Cylons to figure out reproduction before they got rid of resurrection. But at least they still won't age, so maybe they have time. Also, Caprica's pregnant, so maybe they'll get lucky on that front, too.

  20. NB2000 says:

    MOMMY AND DADDY LOVE EACH OTHER AND ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD! Ugh seriously that last scene is just so perfect, Mary McDonnell and EJO are amazing.

    Laura's visions are so well done. I don't know how they did it but the Galactica hallways seem so much wider during these scenes which just emphasises how empty they are. Laura's butterfly print shirt (or maybe it was a scarf) seems like it might be symbolic of…um..something, I'm not entirely sure tbh. Maybe it's just there because it looks nice. The shots of Bill, Lee and Kara (and Cottle but he doesn't really fall under the point I'm making) break my heart. The Space Parents and Space Kids all together and it's the saddest thing ever :(.

    But YAY Three is back! And she's being super snarky and trolling everyone. The fake-out with Laura, with the music swelling and everything, is one of the most devious moments the writers has thrown at us in a while. Her earlier "Until she sees something shiny" about the Eights is pretty hilarious as well. It rings particularly true after their attempt to get Athena to overthrow the Sixes back in Faith. On the other hand: "My pet Eight"…EEEWWW damn it Cavil.

    I'm probably supposed to feel some sympathy for the Eight that gets disappointed in Helo at the end but I just can't. Her storyline just makes me very uncomfortable. To me at least it feels just a little too much like she wants to be Athena, or at least as like her as possible. We've seen Athena try so hard to be recognised as an individual so to have this new Eight who feels like she's trying to emulate her (notice she's wearing a Colonial flightsuit during the mission and not one of those new Cylon ones. Incidentally where did that suit even come from?) makes me really uncomfortable. I do have to wonder if this is a bit of necessity on the part of the writers though. They need SOMEONE for Helo to play against and convey how he feels about the double cross, and Athena herself isn't present to fill that role so we get the Athena-substitute Eight instead.

    • cait0716 says:

      Wasn't the butterfly print scarf given to her by the other cancer patient who died a couple of episodes ago? It's probably symbolic of her spirituality.

    • BSGfan1 says:

      I hate Cavil. I mean I hate him. I fistpumped and yelled YES! when Three killed him with such swift ferocity. LOVE.

      • NB2000 says:

        As much as I enjoy his sarcastic moments I'm totally with you on the hatred. He just about beats Tory to the top of my "Characters Who Need To Fall Out Of An Airlock And Into A Fire!" list.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Butterflies are pretty classic symbols of ephemerality, aren't they? So, not only the end of her life, but the newfound mortality of the Cylons, and the ease of losing humanity could be symbolized.

  21. monkeybutter says:

    Man, your #'s 8 and 16. The Baltar and Roslin moments in this episode were AMAZING. But they always are, aren't they? It went from hysterical to dramatic — I feared for Baltar's life and Roslin's conscience. I love that she has great romantic chemistry with Adama, and antipathic chemistry with Baltar. Mary McDonnell is astounding.

    I love D'Anna for trolling Roslin. I'm thrilled that she's finally back, and seemingly ready to be a pain in the ass.

  22. Noybusiness says:

    FB rkpvgrq sbe arkg jrrx! Gur Guveq Jro Frevrf orgjrra rcvfbqr ryrira naq rcvfbqr gjryir sbyybjrq vzzrqvngryl ol gur Rkgraqrq rcvfbqr gjryir, BZT!

    This was a literally explosive episode! Has anyone other than D’Anna ever killed someone like that while lying in a bathtub?!

    • echinodermata says:

      rot13’d first half of your comment because it was expectation spoilery.
      (nyfb punatrq ahzrenyf gb fcryyrq bhg ahzoref)

      • Noybusiness says:

        Expectation was not the point of my post. The fact that the Third Web Series between 4.11 and 4.12 and the Extended 4.12 should be reviewed next week is.

      • echinodermata says:

        Vg'f gur 'fb rkpvgrq sbe arkg jrrx' gung fgvyy pbhagf nf rkcrpgngvba fcbvyrel.

        Mark made a comment in this review in reply to robin – hash out the order there, please.

  23. BSGfan1 says:

    So yeah. James Callis and Mary McDonnell. IMO, there is no better pairing of actors on this show. I'm sorry but I ship Baltar/Roslin so hard it's stupid. My gods I love them together.

    • BSGfan1 says:

      It's probably more correct to say I ship Callis/McDonnell. Please just put them in a room and let them riff off of each other til the end of time. I would watch that like 24/7

  24. VoldieBeth says:

    After trampling my heart for 4 seasons you give me this. <3 <3 <3 <3 FOEVER!!!

    I can't wait for more!

  25. Suzannezibar says:

    I will have you know that I am ducking out of work right now to find a computer and read this review, because I just COULD NOT WAIT ANY LONGER TO READ THIS. THIS. EPISODE. AAAAAH.

    Watching the final battle when they destroy the Hub–as you say, a pure work of art. I actually had to pause the screen at that point and cry a bit, as I realized that amidst the gut-twisting and "ALKDFJ;LASDK", this show is a thing of beauty and there are only so many episodes left after this.

    And then.

    And then.

    "I love you."
    "About time."

    <img src=""&gt;


  26. chikzdigmohawkz says:

    This is entirely unrelated, but I just found it and I'm sharing.

    [youtube GnUtVxyIzHs&feature=related youtube]

    It's got Matt Smith beatboxing. It's Matt Smith…and he's beatboxing. I just…I have no words.

  27. robin says:

    Roslin and Baltar flailing around at the Hybrid is one of my favorite scenes of the season. And then Baltar trying to convert the Centurian! Juvpu vf rira zber uvynevbhf va ergebfcrpg, jura lbh xabj gung vg jnf gur Praghevnaf jub oryvrirq va gur Bar Gehr Tbq svefg naq cnffrq guvf oryvrs qbja. Ab jbaqre gur Praghevna vf npghnyyl yvfgravat, naq fb vagragyl!

    I love to hate Cavil, so it was very enjoyable to see Three enact vengeance.

  28. ChronicReader91 says:

    You guys should know that after each new episode there’s a while where I think it’s my favorite episode ever. That feeling has lasted a lot longer than usual after “The Hub.”

    – Oh hey, it’s Head Elosha! Is everyone going to get their very own Head Person by the time this is done?

    – Oh my lords, the scenes of Baltar and Roslin fighting about how to talk to the Hybrid were pure gold.

    – “If you’re my subconscious, I have to say you’re a little full of myself.” LOL.

    – I was SO pissed at Cavil for calling Boomer his “pet Eight.” OH NO YOU DIDN’T. Look, I know she’s gone to the dark side and all, but I still have holdover feelings for her from Season 1 so HOW DARE YOU THAT’S BOOMER SHE IS NOT YOUR PET.

    – I really thought this would be the episode where Gaius Baltar died. I really thought Roslin was going to let him die. I don’t know if Mary McDonnell’s acting has ever been as strong as it was in that scene. Whehn she was literally shaking with rage? When she came back around and was desperately trying to keep him alive? Giving her an award seems inadequate. Take her to the awards store and let her pick out however many she wants.

    – “The thing is, the harder it is to recognize someone’s right to draw a breath, the more crucial it is. If humanity is going to prove itself worthy of surviving, it can’t do it on a case-by-case basis. A bad man feels his death just as keenly as a good man.” ILU Head Elosha!

    – “But you don’t know you’re one of them?” Ahahaha, you’re such a kidder, D’Anna! You know what’s really funny? That after she said that I PAUSED THE VIDEO FOR A MINUTE TO FREAK OUT. Then as soon as I started playing it again she was all “LOL, gotcha.” Yep, absolutely HILARIOUS.

    – “I love you.” “About time.” BE STILL MY BEATING HEART. <3

    • notemily says:

      – I really thought this would be the episode where Gaius Baltar died. I really thought Roslin was going to let him die. I don’t know if Mary McDonnell’s acting has ever been as strong as it was in that scene. Whehn she was literally shaking with rage? When she came back around and was desperately trying to keep him alive? Giving her an award seems inadequate. Take her to the awards store and let her pick out however many she wants.

      So say we all.

  29. robin says:

    Mark – I wanted to mention this plenty ahead of time. Knowing how you feel about spoilers, I strongly suggest that you wait and don't watch the webisodes "The Face of the Enemy" directly after "Revelations", even though that's when they aired.

    Though they aired during the year between "Revelations" and "Sometimes a Great Notion", in canon terms the events happen AFTER "Sometimes a Great Notion" (and thus naturally they spoil elements of what occurred during "Sometimes").

    So I'd suggest watching it in the correct chronological order of events, between "Sometimes" and "A Disquiet Follows My Soul". (But definitely watch those webisodes.)

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:

      I'm doing this, so don't worry! 🙂

      • Noybusiness says:

        Oh good. And remember that Episode Twelve has an Extended Version!

      • Noybusiness says:

        If the Extended isn't on Netflix or whathaveyou, you may have to download it. I saw one on Filestube (with "extended" in the title of the file).

    • echinodermata says:

      In the future do not use episode titles but episode numbers to refer to upcoming episodes. Episode titles are considered spoilery.

      • robin says:

        I apologize. It's just that I get confused because the numbering doesn't always seem to match, depending on what site/wiki you're referring to. But I suppose then I should have said 'between 4.0 and 4.5' then 'the 2nd episode of 4.5'. I doubt I'll ever have reason to mention a future episode again, so that solves my issue. Sorry about this time though. 🙂

        • echinodermata says:

          Thanks. And this isn't necessarily directed at you, but for general reference to anyone you can still put the episode title in rot13 if there's possible confusion about the numbering.

  30. kristinc says:

    I was rolling at Baltar preaching to the Centurion. Just, is there anything he does not have the chutzpah to do? Oh, Gaius.

    I really really want to know what was going through the Centurion's mind. I WOULD GIVE A LOT TO KNOW THAT OKAY.

  31. plausiblyremote says:

    Dude, best review ever!! The return of 3, Helo’s moral crisis, MM-as-deity, Baltar’s cray cray, so many feelings, and a/r FOREVAR. We are sharing the same mind.

  32. notemily says:

    Laura having visions of her own deathbed during the jumps is a nice parallel to D'Anna having visions of the Final Five during resurrection.

    Helo hanging out with not-Athena Eights is weird. I keep getting confused.

    And apparently Helo is confused too. Uh, yeah, actually I WOULD consider that a violation of trust, Random Eight. If someone accessed your spouse's memories, they'd have all sorts of intimate knowledge of you (literally and figuratively) that you'd never give to a stranger voluntarily. Ick.

    Oh, interesting. The "bad Cylons" have already brought D'Anna back because they want her on their side?

    "Boomer's my pet Eight." Ew, Cavil, you gross me out so much.

    Why didn't they just bring actual Athena onto the baseship instead of just getting an Eight with Athena's memories to give this pep talk? Oh, I guess she's in the brig or something.

    I can imagine if I were the Hybrid I would be like "do I really have to listen to Roslin and Baltar fight all day? Because I have some ship-running to do."

    Love Baltar chatting up the Centurions. Baltar just stirs shit up wherever he goes, doesn't he?

    I like how in Baltar's closeup we can see a scar on his neck. Probably from Gaeta's pen-stabbing!

    Roslin's "You are not married to the entire production line" cracks me up.

    "I cannot afford to be sentimental right now." Um, I think vision-Elosha is trying to tell you that you HAVE to, Laura. You've spent this entire show hardening yourself, and it's time to stop.

    Oh man I CHEERED when D'Anna killed Cavil. FUCK YEAH, murder that slimy bastard. (Um, combined with my comments below this seems a bit odd. Whatever. I STAND BY IT.)

    The moment when Gaius is telling the story about the dog and then the Centurion tilts its head JUST LIKE A DOG. It killed me.

    I honestly thought Roslin was going to kill Baltar for a second. AND I'VE SEEN THIS SHOW BEFORE. But like… Laura, if you become a murderer, you will have completed the journey to being everything you despise. Yes, Baltar is a weaselly asshole who compromised national security. Yes, he has escaped punishment time and time again. That doesn't give you the right to decide that he should die. I'm with Elosha here–you can't pick and choose who is worthy of life.

    Where did Boomer go? The real Boomer I mean? She ran off after D'Anna killed Cavil, but… then did she get blown up?

    OMG, I know it's just a between-jump vision, but Adama TAKING OFF HIS WEDDING RING and PUTTING IT ON ROSLIN'S FINGER omg my heart.

    Yeah D'Anna, Roslin's not a Cylon. Pretty sure we've established this. SHE HAZ TEH CANCER. I also like that she calls Roslin out on her deception of the rebel Cylons because dude.

    Awww, Adama is all manly in his flight suit when he steps out of the Raptor. <3.

    Not crying. Just got something in my eye. Also I'm cutting some onions. I swear. Like five hundred onions.

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