Oh. Oh, just wait for the pure joy that is going to be tonight’s episode of Doctor Who. I CANNOT WAIT. Let us all celebrate the livebloggy goodness of this show together!
Like Fringe last night, a wedding is preventing me from actually watching this particular episode of Doctor Who live, but I’ll be there in spirit with y’all. Do this episode right, will you?
This liveblog starts relative to you. So if it is airing on your television, start liveblogging away in the comments. Same for if you happen to be watching it online by less-than-legal means. (Though I would just time it with another time zone so you can comment with other people!) We already do this with Fringe and it works rather nicely. To avoid seeing spoilery comments regarding the episode from past livebloggers, I merely stay on the first page of comments and comment away, only going back after it’s over in order to comment on what other people said.
Sound fine? Just make sure not to post spoilers before this episode airs.
oh god i cannot wait to watch this OH GOD OH GOD
Holy crap, dinosaurs, Churchill, those Cactus People, daleks….this is gonna be big!
Doctor and baby(ies) will never not be a winning combination.
NGL I farted during one of the close-ups on Stormy and it was like suddenly I was watching on Smell-O-Vision. :\ Memories of diaper-changes and babysitting just came flooding back. D:
Reason #498 for Why I Should Not (and Will Not) Have Kids: If the Doctor did that to my child's night light I would just steal it from the baby and put it in my own bedroom.
I want the Doctor to babysit ME just for that. Even though I am (theoretically) a responsible adult.
He wears a jeweler's loupe now. They're cool.
As soon as the Doctor starts getting all reveal-ish and it stays in tight close-up you just KNOW Craig's gone and fallen asleep, damn it.
awwww Papa Bear Craig.
awwwwwwwwww FUCK, Craig!
…I sense a theme of parenthood, particularly with regards to insecure dads, this series…
Love, love, love this episode.
Stormageddon Dark Lord of All = best baby name ever, y/y?
Some hilarious dialogue between the Doctor and Craig
The Doctor + kids = brilliance and awesomeness and fun
However… is anyone else slightly irked that Rory (RORANICUS FUCKING PONDICUS) has been reduced to a bag carrier? Hmph! (I mean, obviously a man should help with the bags, especially if there's heavy stuff, but Amy wasn't carrying a single thing!)
Maybe she handed them over to sign the autograph and then didn't take them back until she was off screen?
Or maybe he was the one buying stuff and was carrying his own?
Or maybe she's pregnant again and he's being super-protective against her carrying anything? (And she's getting really pissed off with him about it)
All possibly valid reasons, but sadly not obvious at the first sight.
What IS obvious at the first sight: Rory is carrying all the stuff, while Amy carries nothing. Considering how everyone praised Amy for being a strong female character and voicing her opinions openly and keeping her birth surname after marriage and other things etcetera etcetera – it seems slightly odd that no one commented on this yet.
Heck, I'm an old-school girl with a traditional upbringing, but even I would be uncomfortable if my husband and I went shopping together and he'd carry absolutely everything. Unless I was in a very late stage of pregnancy (which Amy obviously isn't), I'd still carry at least one or two of the lighter bags. But hey, that's just me.
No one comments on a small background detail they might not have noticed on their first viewing of the episode, which, what, calls their arguments about Amy into question? Destroys their feminist cred? What's that supposed to mean?
If I had watched the episode – I haven't yet, because like a lot of people I like to wait and watch things online later instead of watching on TV – I probably would have chalked that up to the sexist assumptions of the writers, who assume either that the man must carry the heavy things or that Amy *would* shove her bags at Rory because that's what women do when they're shopping with their husbands, right guys?? ha ha, women, so ~mysterious~
From a character perspective, Rory, who has shown himself to be overprotective of Amy to the point of obnoxiousness at times, might very well have offered to carry her things, and probably would have been thrilled if she asked him to – it's like she's admitting she needs him! And letting him help her in a small inconsequential way, when he has proven again and again that he WANTS to, doesn't make Amy weak, or… whatever you're implying there.
Maybe he's just Roranicus Fucking Pondicus (hey, can we change that to his full name? it's kind of amazing) and he's strong enough to carry all the shopping bags forever? *shrugs*
Wasn't she signing an autograph? Signing something with loads of bags in your arms is difficult, which is a problem when the audience needs to be fully aware that it's happening because it's across a room and far away from the camera. I assumed that he was holding them for her in that particular moment so her hands would be free, but I'll have to watch the episode again.
I'd add to this that things in TV Land don't always work like they do in real life. In TV Land, they have a limited space of time to convey a particular message – in this case, that Amy became famous by whatever time the Doctor is in now. They do this by showing her sign an autograph for a little girl – therefore limiting how many props Gillan can be holding in that moment. Moreover, showing her transfer her props to Darvill would take up time they don't really have (since they've cut the lengths of these episodes to about 45 min, I imagine they ration every second), so they don't bother showing it, instead focusing on the act of her signing the autograph, and then the little girl pointing to the poster. And that's probably what it was about.
I mean, if I was going to pick on something, I'd say a career as a fashion model is a pretty gendered and low-key result for a Companion compared to some of the others; but I wouldn't want to presume anything just yet.
She's probably more than just a model, since the perfume name and tagline both directly relate to her life and models don't get that sort of influence over the product or marketing. I figure she/they created the perfume and used Amy as the model because if you look like that why the hell not? 😉
I don't really disagree, and I'm especially disinclined to make a judgment on it just yet. It just seemed like a much more obvious and gender issue, considering it's a clear creative choice rather than something that may have come down to an on-the-spot decision about how to efficiently distribute props. But I'd agree on the latter point if it were in the script or something.
I know, I was more joking 😛
Oh, my God! Amy's not carrying shopping bags!
It's an anti-feminism conspiracy! We must notify the highest authorities! STEVEN MOFFAT IS BEING A SEXIST BASTARD AGAIN!
And his first word is Doctor. Of course.
Only one more episode left after this DDDDDDDDDD:
Craig and Sophie are still together! BE STILL MY HEART.
Doctor, you're clearly not fine BTW. Ponds, come back to me
I call bullshit on a cyberman being so silent, though.
Stop being so cute with babies, dammit.
Haaaa, the light fixture in that elevator looks an awful lot like the control panel from the teleportation deck type place in The Girl Who Waited. Prop recycling strikes again.
A teleport that's disguised as a light fixture in an elevator perhaps…
The woman thinks they're a couple, heee. This episode is sort of like rainbows and sunshine so far. But can it last.
Craig, just a suggestion, it's probably an idea to do your investigating in a department that's not lingerie.
<img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c230/Gemini-m4c/gifs/tumblr_lg9u669EXc1qc1zqt.gif">
But Amy is famous?
Isn't Colchester not anywhere near Gloucster and, therefore, the imaginary town of Leadworth? So why would the Ponds go so far out of their way? <not too familiar with bristish geography/>
You can go shopping in other towns on daytrips and stuff, you can go shopping in Paris for a day if you live in London. Or maybe the house the Doctor dropped them off at was somewhere different, we've never seen the Ponds living normal married life after all.
That is true… though if you're making a big daytrip to go shopping wouldn't you be going to some kind of specialty store or boutique you don't have in your town? This seemed like it was just a generic chain shopping centre, which are everywhere.
Then again, maybe their new house is near Colchester.
I'll just tell myself Amy was doing some sort of media event/ promotion for her perfume at this particular store and that's why she was there. I guess I just like nitpicking 🙂
Colchester is pretty interesting – it's a Roman town, so perhaps they just fancied a romantic getaway with a bit of sightseeing… or there was a wedding to go to and they made a weekend of it orrrrrrr…
Um. It's got a zoo?
Not spoilery, just speculation, but I'm rot13ing this just to be safe.
Jryy, vs gurer ner gjb frgf bs Cbaqf ehaavat nebhaq (juvpu frrzf yvxryl vs lbh tb ol gur qngr ba gur arjfcncre gur Qbpgbe fubjf Penvt), gura gurl jbhyq cebonoyl jnag gb or sne njnl sebz gur "bevtvany" Cbaqf (gur barf gung gur Qbpgbe pbagnpgf gb pbzr gb Hgnu) gb nibvq pbashfvba. Bs pbhefr, fubjvat hc ba ovyyobneqf jbhyq cebonoyl pnhfr zber pbashfvba… fb V qba'g ernyyl trg vg.
That is weird.
Ha, even Stormy was worried.
<img src="http://i54.tinypic.com/3539q8l.jpg">
Crazy Cyberrat loose in your house? There's an App for that.
Matt does angst really well. And the whole looking like he's 5 one minute and over 100 the next. ALL THE AWARDS etc etc.
Wow, the Doctor has got lovely writing.
It's always giant damaged spaceships hiding in various places with Craig isn't it?
"I'm not intelligent, you don't want me!" Oh, Craig.
Alfie's first word is Doctor 😀
It was River in the suit. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
<img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c230/Gemini-m4c/gifs/tumblr_lqsjnoUIe01qdw5ne.gif">
It was River in the suit.
Not unexpected, though. Most of the theories went with that option. Plus the not-so-subtle hints of River having killed "the best man she's ever known".
also, EXPLICITLY STATING in Lets Kill Hitler than River kills the Doctor
Also, we've always associated River with a spacesuit; that's how we met her.
After watching the Confidential and Moffat at the end saying, "Yes, everything is exactly as you though it was, there aren't any surprises."
It's making me think that he's going to throw a ridiculous twist at us next week, besides the obvious twist that the Doctor isn't going to stay dead, because, duh, that was never going to stick. And it turns out it's not River in the suit at all.
He is a MASSIVE TROLL after all :D, and I can just picture him sitting at his computer, rubbing his hands together and cackling evilly.
I'm waiting for a "wait what" moment like with Amy popping out of the Pandorica. "I know who you are." and the spaceman, who we all saw was last River, pulls up the helmet piece to reveal… Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All.
Or, you know, someone equally unbelievable. It's the magic of Moffat.
He is the troll of trolls. I wouldn't put anything past him at this point.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/AKLbs.jpg">
It's almost as apt as GRRM!Troll.
You know, that Moffat's quote from Confidential reminds me of an A:TLA quote by Sokka in the episode "The Western Air Temple":
"We'll tell him we'll make him our prisoner, then jump at him and REALLY make him our prisoner! He'll never expect that!" (paraphrased, I don't have the episode with me at this moment)
Moffat seems to be following the same kind of logic. XD
Seeing River terrified might be one of the worst things ever :(.
The past four episodes have been making want to give all the characters giant hugs.
Also, River in her doctorate robes is somehow more arousing than anything else Alex Kingston has donned for a costume, thus far.
I completely concur.
Leaves everything to imagination > leaves nothing to imagination
Duh. 😛
They do look good, but I'm still most fond of that catsuit from the beginning of Pandorica Opens. *_*
I like the greenish dress she usually wears. Action Archaeologist Outfit.
eeeee, here we/I go.
The lights are going out. GET THE SALT.
*likes how she shoves her sandwich away and her keyboard closer when the show starts* Talking about the ep with you guys is more important than food.
I have missed you terribly.
I have a preemptive sadness for this character.
"This is the part where I say 'I'm fine too'?" Matty and his amazing social skills. <3
D'aw, it's a baby.
…oh cyberman.
Amy, you're not even in this episode. Why are you introing it?
I love you already.
YAY Sophie! 😀
awww magic Doctor.
Stormageddon? Dark lord of all? Oh my, he's a little tyrant.
"One Thing". Fathering isn't one thing. Alfie, aww.
XDDD Peasants? Oh, little baby, why do I love you?
Oh, Doctor you can't just be sociable.
Going is so much more funner when the Doctor does it.
Haha, Doctor woke up the baby. XD
Lamps and vegetables are boring, eh? But not when you wear them, eh?
I like this baby. What he calls himself so reminds me of something Calvin came up with.
"Oh, you've redecorated! I don't like it."
"Look they gave me a badge in case I forget who I am."
…I don't like small fast things.
I love how the Doctor can speak baby. XDDD
X'D ilu Doctor.
I don't know what's going on but it's brilliant.
Name dropping Star Trek. Yay. Teleporter. I love you. HEY CYBERMAN GOT TO GO. Oh good, Alfie got back too.
Pfffffft. He has a badge. X'D
The Cybermen are back. <3
oh god, Matt Smith is so good. This whole kitchen scene is killing me!
Stormagedon = win
i NEED that name tag.
The Doctor with toys = <3
X'DDDD Doctor. You are ridiculous.
"Those were the days."
Cheese and rice.
Aw, Doctor, you're so sweet. :<
…aww. I'm your baby? lol.Oh, Doctor, don't use Partner. So oblivious.
XD I love this chick behind the jewelry counter already and it's only been 5 seconds talking to her.
Pfffft. Craig is the Doctor's baby. XD
The only person who's more awkward than the Doctor: Craig.
Craig. You're not good at this.
"Can I ask you some questions?"
*is going to start going around shushing people to see how many actually do it*
"Hello Doctor."
"Has anyone seen a silver rat?"
Shona. Poor, poor, Shona.
Poor Craig. XD
Oh god, he looks so old and sad during these parts, my heart 🙁 my creys
Is Amy famous? What is going on.
Is she a legit actress now?
Wait, since when does Amy sign autographs? EXPLANATION NEEDED.
That's a terrible ad. Perfume ads aren't supposed to make you tear up… or is that just me?
Petrichor… Tardis/Idris said that right? Amy must have remembered it.
Omg, all the sad. ;___;
Hmm. That would be an odd perfume, if it smells like petrichor.
I might have one that smells like that somewhere actually. Hmm
We could probably get this guy to make it:
OMG Craig is so awkward at this XD this is beautiful
Alfie is seriously the most hilarious baby ever. XD
Oh Amy. Tired of waiting. His face. DEAR MERLIN.
WHY does it have teeth? XD
Major mystery. =o
um, Amy is in a perfume ad? that is weird and i don't like it.
Aw, Doctor and baby. <3
Aww, Sneaky Doctor. Not so sneaky Alfie.
"Can you put in on silent?"
"No, it's a Sonic Screwdriver. Sonic equals sound."
<3 you Doctor.
;_____; Doctor…
I would love to go through that coat. It's like Hagrids, but smaller and more attractive.
That was quick Doc.
Oh yes. Just twist the knife further. Amy and Rory. And he's hiding from them. And that billboard.
My concern is for Mr. sharp dressed aosdiflasdjkflsdjflsf. No.
"It's quite cute!" You have to jinx everything, don't you, Craig?
…How did they fix the teleport? Do they have someone working with them now?
"We've got a base? When did we get a base?"