Tag Archives: j.j. abrams

Mark Watches ‘Fringe’: S03E12 – Concentrate and Ask Again

LIVEBLOG PARTY! We’re going to be watching the twelfth episode of the third season of Fringe. OLIVIA. IN A DRESS. BLUE STUFF. Hell yeah, SO EXCITED.

Posted in Fringe, Liveblogs | Tagged , , , , , , | 374 Comments

Mark Watches ‘Fringe’: S03E011 – Reciprocity

In the eleventh episode of the third season of Fringe, the Massive Dynamic team works with the Fringe division to determine what on earth they’re supposed to do with the assembled doomsday machine. Meanwhile, someone is killing shapeshifters and the … Continue reading

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Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog – S03E011 – Reciprocity

It’s liveblog time! Sorry I didn’t get this up earlier, but I’ve been swamped with work. I think we’ll stick with the same technique as last week for liveblogging and I’ll just hope I’m not the only person on the … Continue reading

Posted in Fringe, Liveblogs | Tagged , , , , , , , | 307 Comments