In the seventh episode of the third season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a surprise visitor to Sunnydale forces Giles, Faith, and Buffy to re-evaluate their roles. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Buffy.
I’m finding that the episodes that I enjoy the most on Buffy are those that address the concept of identity. It’s not a theme that we’ve never seen before, but I also never feel like the show is repeating itself. “Revelations” is about how various characters respond to Gwendolyn Post, and how her appearance creates this ripple effect in terms of three specific characters. I’m actually going to split this up based on each character so that it’s easier to get my thoughts down, if you don’t mind.
This really is an agonizing episode to watch concerning her character. It starts off so good! God, how can I not ship Buffy/Faith after this episode? I mean, that first joke is just so beautiful to me. Why should Buffy and Faith date? BECAUSE WORLDS WOULD EXPLODE. I swear to you, during the cold open, I thought, “Wow, it’s so awesome to see them getting along. I like this a lot!” I SHOULD NOT HAVE THOUGHT THIS AT ALL. WHAT THE FUCK. WHY DID I DO THAT? It’s like Whedon knew years into the future, I would have that specific reaction, so he ruined everything in response.
The bulk of Mrs. Post’s ire and condescension isn’t for Buffy, as she reserves most of that for Giles and Faith. What Buffy then has to deal with while the others are coping with the appearance of this new Watcher is Angel. I admit that I would be just as confused as her by the situation with Angel. She’d moved on and accepted that he was dead, and now they’re doing Tai Ch’i and making out? SO FUCKING WEIRD. How exactly do you navigate something as complicated as that? There’s no real answer to that, and to me, that’s precisely why she kept it all a secret from her friends. She can barely process the fact that Angel has returned from Hell; how can she possibly know how the others will act? Even worse, what if she’s wrong? I don’t know that she could deal with the fallout from that.
It’s hard enough that she has to find ways to cope with her lingering feelings for Angel, unsure what she should do with him. It’s only made worse when Xander catches them. God, there could not be a worse person who could have made that discovery. I think I wouldn’t have disliked Xander’s stance as much if he didn’t make it out like he never disliked Angel because he represented someone in between Xander and Buffy. I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong per se; I think he and Willow make it clear that they’re hurt by Buffy concealing Angel from everyone, and that none of them know if Angel poses the same risk as he did before.
It’s seriously such a complex situation that it’s hard for me to decide how I feel on it at all. Obviously, I want to trust Buffy; I want her to make her own decisions and to have the support of others when she does. I found the idea that everyone was so increasingly obsessed with Buffy’s sexual experience with Angel to be a bit much. But then I have to remind myself that the canon of this show already set things up so that it might be possible for Angel to lose his soul again if he’s happy, and then my brain turns to mush because I can’t figure out this complicated moral soup.
I think that’s okay for the most part. It’s meant to be complicated and confusing, and it’s much more thoughtful to me that there are points each character makes that could be read as correct depending on how you look at it. It purposely draws out the drama because it’s so ambiguous. Who is making the right decision here?
Even if I thought that Buffy’s argument was the strongest, and even if I did ultimately trust her own judgment in this case, I can’t deny that when Giles expresses his disappointment, I didn’t really have anything to counter that. It’s a gutting moment because you can see how hurt Giles is. I’d forgotten about how Angelus treated Giles. Can you blame the guy for feeling slighted because Buffy didn’t tell him that the guy who tortured him for hours is back in town?
I’ll get to more of Giles in a bit, but for now, Buffy internalizes what Giles told her. It’s clear she wants Giles to feel like he is being respected, so she goes out of her way to make sure that she takes his advice and pursue Lagos. On top of that, she’s also distanced herself from Angel, even if it’s only temporary. It’s why she’s so upset when she discovers what Xander and Faith have planned regarding Angel later in the episode. She’s doing what she can to be respectful, but at the same time, she’s furious that, once again, no one trusts her judgment. You can see how pissed off she is when she fights Faith at the mansion. And look, I don’t like seeing Faith and Buffy fight, but sweet baby Gandalf, that was an incredibly choreographed fight scene. I WON’T LIE. IT WAS ENTERTAINING.
I’m fascinated by how the Angel/Buffy storyline is going to be treated in the future. It’s a relief that all the characters finally offer their trust to Buffy. (Well, except Cordelia.) But is Buffy just going to swear off a relationship with him, or take things further?
It’s always hard to hear criticism, and it’s even harder to hear it when someone’s just being rude about it. Mrs. Post is incredibly harsh on Giles, and I kind of despised the way she insulted his library. You know what makes it worse? SHE WAS THE VILLAIN ALL ALONG. So she insulted him just because she could. OH GOD.
Giles has always sort of been the black sheep of the Scoobies because his job is basically to herd cats. That’s my metaphor for the Scoobies and I’m sticking to it. He has to straddle between being strict and authoritative (which rarely happens), and being a friend to them. Granted, he’s been dealt a complicated situation after being assigned to Buffy as her Watcher, so I personally think he’s doing a fantastic job. Still, Giles is the kind of guy to be overly critical of himself, so Mrs. Post causes him to question his ability, his worth, and his intelligence more than usual.
It’s part of the reason why he is so upset at Buffy for hiding Angel from him. Obviously, the torture is the #1 reason, but I think he knows that he doesn’t have that much control over Buffy as he would want, and this situation demonstrates that. But how do you control someone like Buffy? Perhaps he doesn’t actually want to control her; perhaps he really just wants to trust her to do the right thing. Ultimately, he’s a respectful person, and Mrs. Post causes him to self-analyze a bit more than he’d like.
Yeah, hello, you just became the most interesting character on the show. We haven’t truly had much of her since she arrived in episode three, and this massive dose of her characterization is just heartbreaking. It actually kind of makes sense that she is around all the time; she’s such an independent person that I imagine she’s off doing her own thing. That independence streak directly clashes with the arrival of Mrs. Post, who represents order, cleanliness, and precision, things that Faith really isn’t a big fan of. Truthfully, she just doesn’t like anyone who has authority over her. She trusts herself and her own judgment over everyone and everything else, and inviting another person into that just doesn’t work for her.
My guess is this is why she does react in the way she does to Mrs. Post and Buffy. Just because a person is independent doesn’t mean they want to be alone all of the time. And I can relate to that a lot; I’m generally a self-imposed loner most of the time, and I’m okay with that. I grew up in an environment where I also developed an intense distaste for authority and for having to depend on other people. I just like being alone most of the time, but sometimes people misinterpret that as a desire to be ignored. I think Faith was a bit hurt when Mrs. Post reveals that the Scoobies had a meeting that didn’t involve her. Perhaps “hurt” is too strong of a word. She is left out. She isn’t considered.
At the heart of it is a contradiction that Faith has to deal with. On the one hand, she wants to do things her way and to trust herself. On the other, she’s lonely. How does she rectify the two? It’s why she lashes out so violently at the news that Angel is still alive. She’s angry that Buffy didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth, but then pissed off that Buffy has demonstrated any sort of dependence on another person. It’s not really fair to Buffy, but I don’t think Faith is thinking of things in this way. She can’t even conceive of falling in love with a vampire, and, like the other characters, she refuses to just trust Buffy’s judgment.
This lack of trust is what gives us that final scene of “Revelations.” Faith sits alone in her motel room, refusing to trust anyone. She thinks she made a mistake in trusting Mrs. Post and Buffy. She believes she will be best on her own. And goddamn it, IT’S JUST SO FUCKING DEPRESSING. What a brilliant character turn, though. THIS IS SUCH GOOD TELEVISION.
There’s one last thing I wanted to bring up: Willow and Xander, you are GREATLY DISAPPOINTING ME WITH YOUR SHENANIGANS. It’s especially ironic given the fact that both of them, especially Xander, are up in arms about Buffy lying. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING? Oh god, it’s only going to end in disaster, isn’t it? My heart is already pre-breaking for Cordy and Oz.
Death Count: 4 – The two vampires in the cold open, Lagos, and Gwendolyn Post. Total: 25
– I sort of love Gwendolyn Post with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. She’s just such a glorious asshole. You know who she kind of reminds me of? Phoebe Green from that X Files episode ‘Fire’. You’d think being British myself I’d get tired of posh, uptight cold-fish British lady stereotypes, but I really don’t. Also, I love her annoying the hell out of Giles. And I love her being actually quite sweet to Faith, y’know, at first. She must have been a kick-ass Watcher back in the day.
It’s a shame she turned out to be a bad guy and all, because I would have liked to see more of her. Except for the fact that she was a really frickin’ awesome bad guy and brilliantly manipulative and everyone was just amazingly gullible and instantly told her everything. I sort of wish she was a recurring character? Shame she was taken down so quickly.
– Are all the Watchers British then? Because that seems a) Really impractical, and b) REALLY FUCKING COOL. I mean, the Watcher meeting that Faith mentioned a few episodes ago was in England too! It’s like this secret society of tea drinking, tweed wearing badasses. Also, Giles not getting the memo about Mrs Post being kicked out is unendingly hilarious. CAN WE HAVE A WATCHERS CENTRIC EPISODE NOW PLEASE??
– Ok, is it weird that I’m kiiiind of starting to ship Buffy/Faith? I blame Mark for putting this in my head. I mean, there’s not really any indication that they are interested in each other apart from being friends (if that), but they do have a really great chemistry going. Maybe I just want something to take my mind off Willow/Xander because JUST STOP IT.
– Speaking of Faith…neverending sadfaces. Boy, she’s having a rough time of it! Her real new Watcher hasn’t shown up yet, so I guess Giles is in charge of her as well for the moment. I can’t believe they’re just letting her stay in a motel permanently though. How is she even paying for that? Does she have a job? Do none of them give the slightest fuck about this teenage girl who’s completely alone in the world? I guess they have other things on their minds, but still…
– “I don't need an ‘excuse.’ I think ‘lots of dead people’ actually constitutes a reason.”
XANDER STOP SAYING THINGS I AGREE WITH GODDAMN IT. I did sort of wish they had succeeded in killing Angel though? Look, I don’t exactly HATE him any more, but I still…I want him gone. I am not comfortable with him being back and accepted. I just have to fight the urge not to punch him in the face every time he appears, and I really don’t want to have to buy a new computer screen.
– Oh Giles. That speech he gives Buffy…is there any way his life could not be never-ending tragedy for five minutes please? Actually, it kind of annoyed me how Buffy treated him in this episode, especially her conversations with Willow. They both acted like Giles was throwing a Xander-esque strop over nothing, and they’d just have to give him time and he’d get over it and forgive her. Um, sorry, no. Angel murdered his girlfriend and tortured him for hours. Giles has some pretty fucking legit grievances against the guy. He has a point, to be honest – I think sometimes Buffy doesn’t have enough respect for him. Not just in his role as her Watcher, but as a person.
The HQ is in Britain, but Buffy's first Watcher, Merrick, seen in the "Becoming" flashback was American, and Kendra's, Sam Zabuto, was Jamaican.
Oh, fair enough. I thought maybe they were both sent from England like Giles, but that does make a whole lot more sense.
Well, I think Zabuto is a Jamaican name. I know Merrick was American because of his accent. But I'd imagine there are more British Watchers than other nationalities.
The way I imagine it, all Watchers – whatever their nationality – are brought to the secret training camp in the Cotswolds to be equipped with a tweed jacket, a stiff upper lip and a fondness for tea and scones. 🙂
Gwendolyn is excellent at dropping just enough information to make it look like she's in the know. I don't think she was all the sweet to Faith. I mean, she came off like it so Faith would trust her, but she was sowing seeds of distrust in the group and trying to separate Faith from them the moment she showed up.
Yeah, I don't for one second thing her sweetness to Faith was genuine. She just wanted to get Faith on her side so that she'd have someone to fight for her and so she could use Faith as a pawn.
Oh yeah, I just have a kind of twisted respect for someone who can be that manipulative? She knew exactly what Faith wanted to hear, what would get her Faith's respect and trust.
She wasn't just some obvious vaudevillian bad guy, she actually took the time to come across as this firm-but-fair mentor figure. It just makes it cool to watch in a weird way, because that whole time I was thinking how nice she was to Faith, and how I had totally misjudged her because of her being rude to Giles…and then it turned out I had misjudged her AGAIN because the whole thing was a carefully constructed act.
I think everyone underestimated the sneakiness…..
Yeah, I think you're supposed to feel that way. It's a well-done story arc. Kind of like the Biology teacher in "Teacher's Pet," who is all firm with Buffy but then shows that he's only being firm in order to motivate her and "make them eat that permanent record"–they set you up to think it's something like that, but then they subvert it again by having her be evil. WHY DOES FAITH GET THE EVIL ONE.
I know, right.
This is the Slayer (one of two), and she has already helped the Scoobies out a lot, but they
seem to be content letting her stay on her own in a crappy motel room. She seems to have no family, she does not go to school as far as I have seen, and noone seem to care.
And you can just see how she is embaressed about her poverty when Gwendolyn visits the room, and then
beams when her new "watcher" calls it Spartan. Post sure knows how to play on Faith's insecurity.
She really wants to be a part of the Scoobies, in her way, but not only does she have problems expressing this wish, but the Scoobies are to preoccupied to care. Still, Giles should at least do something. He is her Watcher.
Zhpu gebhoyr pbhyq znlor unir orra niregrq vs Tvyrf jnf n ovg zber cebnpgvir nsgre Eriryngvbaf. Snvgu rira ersreraprf guvf yngre. Abg gung Snvgu vf abg gb oynzr pbzcyrgryl sbe ure bja npgvbaf, ohg Ohssl naq Tvyrf ner ng yrnfg thvygl bs artyrpg, naq va Ohssl'f pnfr vg vf rira jbefr orpnhfr fur vf thvygl bs orvat xvaq bs n ulcbpevgr…ohg gung vf n qvssrerag qrongr.
Ok, is it weird that I’m kiiiind of starting to ship Buffy/Faith? I blame Mark for putting this in my head. I mean, there’s not really any indication that they are interested in each other apart from being friends (if that), but they do have a really great chemistry going.
No, it's not weird at all. One of my favourite stories of the Buffy fandom is that Joss used to frequent some Buffy message boards and once said that there was no subtext between Buffy and Faith and everyone was just reading too much into things. But after reading one person's detailed analysis of all their interactions, he admitted that there definitely was something between them.
So, yeah. Buffy/Faith shipping is Joss-approved even!
Lbh qba'g npghnyyl jnag n Jngpuref-pragevp rcvfbqr fvapr gurl'er nyy xvaq bs nffubyrf, rkprcg sbe Jrfyrl (jub qbrf fgneg bhg n ceng, gb or [ha]snve).
Ohg gura gurl nyy trg oybja hc! Fb uheenu?
I sort of love Gwendolyn Post with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.
I have nothing to say about this episode in particular. I just wanted to drop in and thank you FOREVER for knowing how to spell "fiery."
"I think sometimes Buffy doesn’t have enough respect for him. Not just in his role as her Watcher, but as a person. "
Indeed. It's not surprising, given that she is a teenager and thus somewhat self-centered. But still.
Watchercentric episode
You are not ready for the tea and tweed and the horror. Oh the horror
They're so stuffy, give them a scone! GIVE THEM THE PATRIARCHAL SCONE.
You know that's totally the Watcher motto.
"The Watchers – We're So Stuffy, Give Us A Scone."
Well if it was texting and scones all day I think I'd sign up for that personally. Especially if they were those good cheesy ones with shitloads of cheese on the top and loads of butter, mmmmm.
It was a really brilliant move of Gwendolyn to be aggressive about stuffily intimidating Giles and putting him on the defensive to distract him from suspecting her, or even check in with the watchers to make sure that she was who she said she was. I gotta give her props for that.
I find it really funny that for Americans on tv this stuffy guy is the only kind of British person that exists. I did see a bloody awful movie set in England (that I think was made my an American) that was a reversal of this trope-ie the British dudes were all working class and mocking this uptight Harvard grad yankee and eventually they accept him in their group and show him how to live and enjoy his boring life and it was pretty cheesy.
Buffy/Faith shipping is sooo normal.
AND I agree about Faith and Giles.
I'm confused about Xander though, I mean when they first find Giles he's arguing with Faith and saying they have no proof, then as soon as Buffy shows up he's sure it's Angel. Is that a continuity error or is he just trolling?
With regards to Xander – I interpreted that as just stubbornness on his part?
He's not stupid, he knows it almost certainly wasn't Angel, and he said as much to Faith to stop her from doing anything rash…but once she had gone anyway, he was determined to take her side in front of the others, because he hates Angel and he resents Buffy for lying to him.
So…yeah, just trolling I guess.
I took it more as him trying to justify to himself what he’d just let Faith go off and do…
Well, Buffy's Watcher in "Becoming"[not sure if Sutherland put one on in the original movie(OM1, as Keith Topping calls it)] doesn't speak with a British accent. So probably not, but since the headquarters appears to be there (is that spoiler?) it makes sense that's whom we meet *on the show*.
Buffy/Faith as a romantic combo has become a standard trope in Buffyverse fanfiction but it is very, very much not universal. (I only gave into it last year, in a fic set after a couple super volcanoes push the earth back into the Ice Age- I stole the title, "The Winter Of the World," from Poul Anderson, long my favorite novelist. I like to steal from the best.)
A nice episode, we get to see a female Watcher, everyone knows about Angel and relationships become even more awkward:
Xander and Willow just stop trying, the guilt it’s so obvious.
“When your last steady kills half the class, and then your rebound guy sends you a
dump-o-gram? It makes a girl shy.”
Cordy has such a nice way of surmising relationships, it’s like a 30 seconds movie review.
Great, the first female Watcher and she is completely unlikeable and unfortunately also hopelessly evil. (V cersre Fcvxr’f snatvey, fur jnf fb phgr “V jebgr zl gurfvf ba lbh.”)
This is the best example of bad Council communication yet. “They swear there was a memo” Yes, thank you. How helpful.
She must have counted on that though, so it can’t be only that they dislike Giles or keep him in the dark on purpose. I wonder how they have kept the world from ending before, when any necessary warning is always years too late.
Thai Chi lessons are very dangerous when you want to keep your relationship platonic.
So is research apparently.
“The big one in the Restfield cemetery. I know it well.”
Somehow I think it’s a bad sign when you know the location of mausoleums in a graveyard.
The Scoobies spent way too much time there.
Now the secret is out. It just had to be Xander who found Angel and Buffy together, didn’t it?
Nice, Giles can’t even prepare tea right for Mrs. Post. What a lovely person.
Intervention! Or: the next episode of everyone against Buffy.
I understand their anger, but it’s just a fire of accusations on both sides.
I really don’t like this scene.
And yes, Buffy, the only reason a man can hate another man is because of jealousy. No wonder so many fans reduce Xander to this. It’s also really unfair to Cordy who is clearly in love with him.
I hate that Faith is bonding so much with Mrs. Post, she would have deserved someone who honestly cares about her.
Giles should stop turning his back on people. Bar qnl ur'f tbaan jnxr hc va n pbzn.
That Watcher lady sure loves to hit people over the head; first Giles, then Angel and even poor Willow. No wonder she wants the all-powerful glove, though a boxing glove would have been more fitting.
Communication among the Scoobies is also lacking. It would have helped if Angel knew that Faith is on Buffy’s side. At least he gets to save Willow. All the brownie points!
Vg’f tbbq gung jr frr Ohssl naq Snvgu svtug urer nyernql, vg znxrf gur evsg orgjrra gurz yngre zhpu zber oryvrinoyr naq vg fubjf ubj rnfvyl Snvgu vf znavchyngrq ol cneragny svtherf.
Gung ynfg fgrc Ohssl gbbx bhgfvqr gur ncnegzrag jnf fb cbvtanag, n svefg fgrc bhg bs gurve sevraqfuvc.
Arkg rcvfbqr: Ubj gb ehva n eryngvbafuvc jvgu whfg bar xvff gbb znal.
Naq nyfb FCVXR!
Nice, Giles can’t even prepare tea right for Mrs. Post. What a lovely person.
Also voiced by Ben Miller, aka one half of Armstrong and Miller, which blew my mind when I worked it out.
Isn't it though? (If you get that then I love you, if not then go and look up Armstrong and Miller NOW.)
I am posting Yorkshire Tea to Estonia because that's the only tea my student daughter there will accept!
Yorkshire Tea FTW
My mum razes shops in Canada to find that stuff… >_> So it gets a pass.
I'm a huge fan of Stash Double-bergamot Earl Grey AM I DOING IT WRONG?
I'm pretty fond of Whittards tea myself but that may be my inner snob talking :D. Otherwise I'm fairly new to this tea drinking business so I just have bog standard every day tea bags from M&S which are alright (and now I'm sounding like a snob again, my mum works there so she gets discount, honestly).
No judgement here. I just went and got soup from M&S because I staged a walk-out at work due to illness. (Eeeep, but on the other hand I feel like I've been beaten black and blue and am running a fever.) M&S is the only decent food on the route I walk home, so we treats ourselves when we are sick, precious.
You have to have good food when you're sick, plus M&S seems to do some of the only pre-packaged sandwiches which actually taste good so I tend to go there a lot, especially as there's one about two minutes from my uni campus. Their chicken and bacon sandwiches are particularly good.
I did one of their gastropub thingeys a couple of weeks ago, and in terms of a heat-n-eat meal, it just about made me weep it was so amazing. I've had home-made Sunday dinners that didn't taste that good.
I need my Tazo Awake in the mornings. Twinings used to have a really good Assam but either they discontinued it or my grocery store stopped carrying it and I switched back to Tazo
Ubj pna lbh jnxr hc va n pbzn?
NYY GUR YNHTUF, rkprcg gur fnqarff jurer V pna'g erzrzore juvpu rcvfbqr guvf vf sebz *cbhg*
Gur pbzn yvar vf sebz Tvatreoernq jura Pbeqryvn svaqf Tvyrf xabpxrq bhg ng gur Fhzzref ubhfr.
V nyfb ybir Fcvxr'f Jngpure-snatvey. Fur'f nqbenoyr.
"Arkg rcvfbqr: Ubj gb ehva n eryngvbafuvc jvgu whfg bar xvff gbb znal."
Zber yvxr "ubj gb qrfgebl guerr eryngvbafuvcf jvgu bar xvff naq n fcrrpu sebz n oyrnpu-oybaq inzcver."
"Great, the first female Watcher and she is completely unlikeable and unfortunately also hopelessly evil"
Well, technically Faith's first Watcher was female.
"So she insulted him just because she could. OH GOD."
And to put him on the defensive, so he wouldn't inquire too deeply about her.
I largely dislike this episode (it's uncomfortable, though deliberately so) therefore I'm going to take this time to simply talk about Faith and ignore everything else.
We know from before that Faith didn't really have friends back home and it seems like she's generally without family – we know her mother's dead, and hasn't spoken about her father. She lost her Watcher. We know she struggles with money. All in all, she's flying without support. And she meets Buffy, and Buffy has cool friends, a loving mother, a supportive and dedicated Watcher, and lots of privilege Buffy generally isn't conscious of. Faith likes Buffy a lot – for example, she's angry at Scott Hope on Buffy's behalf and gets some revenge on him. And we see her reaching out in this episode talking about her life with Buffy and wanting and hoping Buffy will reciprocate. Which she doesn't. Faith's largely alone, and sees Buffy's life, and wants some part of that, including Buffy's friendship. Faith wants to have people in her life that trust her and are open with her. But she's an outcast among these people who don't inform her of crap she should know, gets an emotionally manipulative enemy pretending to be her Watcher, and all in all gets a really shit hand.
Buffy's gone through a lot of emotional trauma that we've witnessed, so we know and understand why Buffy holds back with Faith and has some big trust issues. And largely Buffy's friends and family are aware of all this, too. Faith isn't – she's surely noticed on her own that Buffy can be withdrawn about herself and about Angel, but she doesn't know why when everyone around her has some idea. So Faith has this not-so-pleasant backstory and certainly hasn't had an easy life, and the one person who she can most easily relate to isn't reciprocating the same desire to trust Faith like Faith does her. And Faith finds out there was a meeting of all the Scoobies but her, and makes the easily understood assumption that she isn't wanted by any of them. They didn't invite her or tell her why it wasn't something that necessarily involved her. Xander uses her as a weapon. She just wants to do the right thing and live up to her responsibilities, but she has to do it alone and with faulty information. Honestly, everyone has put her in a pretty shit position of letting her be a Slayer on her own with no guidance. Or bad guidance. No one has been there for her or given her the information she needs, including the people she most admires.
This episode is emotionally centered around Buffy's trust issues and her relationship with her friends, where this episode posits Buffy as somewhat alone, unable to trust her friends. But Faith hardly has friends, so it's not even that Faith has trust issues but rather that there's no one around to have trust issues with. There's no one around she should trust. So Buffy's story is about her world crumbling around her, when Faith's story is about not having a world to exist in. She's just alone or on the periphery.
And that's a story that speaks to me greater than Buffy's story does. It's about loneliness and standing strong without people to back her up. And it's about getting hurt when she cares more about those around her than they care about her. She's an outcast forced into solitude, and she resents it. She's essentially the opposite of Buffy in so many respects. Faith isn't really even a character without Buffy; she doesn't exist without Buffy. And maybe that's not even good writing, then, if her life is defined by another character, but Faith's story has always compelled me because of how strongly her loneliness comes across to me. So her final scene in the motel room breaks my heart, but it's so damn understandable and believable and real to me.
No character on this show invokes as many feelings in me than Faith does. No other character elicits this amount of sympathy and a desire to just hug them and want them to have one nice thing in their life.
All of this. Faith just gets dealt these shit hands time and again. And she tries to do her best, but is constantly overshadowed by Buffy. No wonder she shuts down at the end of the episode.
Exactly. She's just trying to do well and work with what little she's given, and I have to root for her. ~underdog~
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS. <3 I love Faith so much.
If you didn't love Faith I would question our friendship.
Great comment.
Ah, you speak to my heart.
Faith is a divisive character at times, but this is why I love her story. You put it into words perfectly, and this episode is really a showcase of why Faith is great both as a character and as a story element.
She really is the opposite of Buffy in many ways, showcasing what it would mean to have the burden of Slayerdom without support of any kind. Buffy has it rough at times, but she can always lean on her friends, her awesome mom and Giles…Faith has non of these, and yet she is still fighting the good fight.
Nice writing here. I would like you to talk about what you disliked too please! I know you don't want to but I want to read more!
Nothing I'd care to expand upon at length. I just want characters to maybe put aside emotional instincts every once and awhile and use their brain to come up with the best/least-worst course of action. I'm just tired of all the iffy decision making at this point. It's not helpful to keep Angel a secret, the intervention was a maybe-okay idea wrought bad, Xander needs to…not talk about Angel ever?, Xander and Willow need to stop seeing each other in secret especially if they're confronting their friend about her keeping secrets. Everyone needs to realize Faith needs some support and they need to tell her things she should know and include her in things and shouldn't let her live in a cheap hotel by herself in Sunnydale. And yes, I side-eye Giles for letting her stay there.
What an excellent comment about Faith.
Nsgre nyy bs gur fuvg fur chyyf yngre va guvf frnfba, nsgre ubj uneq naq pybfrq bss fur orpbzrf ol Frnfba 4 naq ure nccrnenapr ba Natry, vg'f fbzrgvzrf uneq gb erzrzore ubj fhecevfvatyl bcra fur jnf jura fur svefg pnzr gb Fhaalqnyr, naq ubj gur riragf va guvf rcvfbqr ernyyl jrer fhpu n gvccvat cbvag.
V fnvq va n pbzzrag gb na rneyvre erivrj gung V orpbzr veengvbany va zl ybir bs Snvgu. V tvir Snvgu n cnff sbe gur fuvg fur chyyf yngre orpnhfr V haqrefgnaq rknpgyl ubj fur tbg gurer naq gur cerpvcvgngvat riragf (zbfgyl qrnyvat jvgu ure ynpx bs fhccbeg) ernyyl nera'g ure snhyg.
Yes! OMG thank you for writing everything about why I love Faith so much better than I ever could~
Thanks. I love Faith and needed to write about why.
Faith is totally my favorite (jryy, hagvy Gnen fubjf hc!) 😀 Boivbhfyl, V ybir gur gjb bs gurz sbe PBZCYRGRYL qvssrerag ernfbaf.
ooh, YES to your rot13.
Faith isn't my favorite character, but I do think that this episode does a good job of showing why she's a really compelling character.
Yeah, I think this is a great episode to showcase Faith's underlying struggles, and that's fundamental to understanding her character.
I love this. I go back and forth between Buffy and Faith being my fav character but Faith is my most identified with character, which I know makes no sense at all because I am also one of those Hermione identifying people but whatever I can have layers!
When Faith's not around I generally love Buffy the most, but I always know Faith's gonna be my girl forever. But I don't really ID with characters ever, and my life and issues probably resemble Buffy's more than Faith's.
Anyway, I think Hermione understood loneliness. They're not antithetical characters or anything.
That's very true, I was mostly thinking of Hermione's overachieving tendencies while Faith does what she want when she wants. Hermione doesn't exactly love authority when she's older but she's always really big on the greater good, with Faith slaying is just happens to be something that she really loves to do. IS that obvious?
Guvf, evtug urer, vf bar bs gur ernfbaf jul V ybir gung fprar va frnfba frira jura Snvgu naq Ohssl onfvpnyyl fjvgpu cynprf. Qba’g trg zr jebat, V npghnyyl ernyyl ernyyl qrfcvfr gung fprar jurer gurl xvpx Ohssl bhg, V whfg ybir gur nsgrezngu bs vg, jvgu Ohssl naq Snvgu ernyvmvat jung vg’f yvxr sbe gur bgure. Vg’f terng qvnybthr orgjrra gurz gbb. Vg’f bar bs zl snibevgr Ohssl naq Snvgu zbzragf.
Snvgu: Bxnl, gur cbvag. Zr, ol zlfrys, nyy gur gvzr. V’z ybbxvat ng lbh, rirelguvat lbh unir naq, V qba’g xabj…wrnybhf. Gura gurer V nz, rirelobql’f ybbxvat gb zr, gehfgvat zr gb yrnq gurz naq V’ir arire sryg fb nybar va zl ragver yvsr.
Ohssl: Lrnu.
Snvgu: Naq gung’f lbh, rirel qnl. Vfa’g vg?
Ohssl: V ybir zl sevraqf. V’z irel tengrshy sbe gurz. Ohg gung’f gur cevpr bs orvat n Fynlre.
[BtVS comics spoilers]
Naq vg znl abg or ernyvfgvp gb fbzr ohg V yvxr gb cergraq gung gur pbzvpf qba’g rkvfg naq gung Ohssl naq Snvgu qb npghnyyl yrnea gb chg gur cnfg oruvaq gurz naq fgneg trggvat nybat. (Frevbhfyl, gur pbzvpf fbeg bs obttyrq zr. V qba’g rkcrpg gurz gb or OSSf ohg, pbzr ba, ng yrnfg trg nybat n yvggyr ovg!) Gurl trg jung vg’f yvxr gb or va gur bgure’f fubrf va gung zbzrag naq arvgure fvqr vf fhafuvar naq envaobjf.
So, to maybe be obvious, I love this comment so much. 😀
Yes, nice points. Naq V npghnyyl nz cerggl qnza sbaq bs onfvpnyyl nyy gung unccraf jvgu Snvgu va grezf bs ure fgbel. Vg whfg znxrf n ybg bs frafr, naq V'z vzcerffrq gung gur jevgref unir fhpu n fgebat tenfc bs ure punenpgre. Fur'f ernyyl syrfurq bhg va n zbfgyl fubj-abg-gryy fbeg bs jnl.
I edited your comment to say the last bit of rot13 was about the comics. While I haven't read them, I'm personally not avoiding spoilers but others might be hence the edit. Re the comics, V'z fnq gurl qba'g trg nybat. Ohg jungrire, gung'f jung snasvpgvba'f sbe.
This was really beautifully said. I remember talking about Faith and the issues you've stated here back in high school and nobody understanding and as I've gotten older and wiser how I relate to Faith is a little too close for comfort sometimes. She's a fighter, a survivor, and a character that I adore so much for all those reasons. It makes me wish that there had of been a Faith-centric spin off like they kept saying they might do because I really wanted to see more of Faiths story.
Thanks. And I'd love for Faith the Series to be a thing that existed.
Aww boo, I just realised I'm gonna be super late commenting for the review tomorrow…I'm going to the cinema to see the Muppet movie. Because that basically takes precedence over everything else in life.
Just FYI, because last time I was late someone asked where I was.
I swear Mark Watches has taken over my life. My family finds this hilarious.
I basically schedule my day around update times! Which is why these early, unpredictable updates are really messing with me. I USE HABIT AND ROUTINE TO MAKE MY LIFE POSSIBLE.
I do too. school doesnt end until three, so i dont get home until three thirty, which would be okay if the reviews went up at four like they did in the beggining. this means from the second i get home i have to log on and hope the post didnt go up an hour and a half early, like some do.
I really like the earlier posting times. When the posts are at 4pm EST (1pm PST), if I'm stuck in the middle of some work thing I may have very little time to read and comment and respond to comment responses, and by the time I get home I usually want to do something else. When it comes earlier like at 3 or 3:30, I'm able to get all of my commenting in before I leave the office.
I would schedule my day around update times, except that I have class from 1-3 MWF, so I go to class and just set my phone to record the lecture sound, then read this instead of paying attention…which is all well and good until you get to this week when I have a midterm tomorrow and I don't know anything cause I haven't paid attention! So basically it's Mark's fault if I fail cell signaling pathways :p
(on that note I should actually go study for that now…)
I heart cell signaling pathways! Raf/Mek/Erk! G proteins! Cytochrome c-mediated apoptosis!
YES G proteins are my favorite thing ever! Learning about G(olf) in undergrad was one of those crystallizing moments when I sat back and thought “wow, this is something I'm really excited about learning. I'm doing the right thing with my life”.
YES G proteins are my favorite thing ever! Learning about G(olf) in undergrad was one of those crystallizing moments when I sat back and thought “wow, this is something I'm really excited about learning. I'm doing the right thing with my life”.
YES G proteins are my favorite thing ever! Learning about G(olf) in undergrad was one of those crystallizing moments when I sat back and thought “wow, this is something I'm really excited about learning. I'm doing the right thing with my life”.
Yay! I love science! I was working with signaling, protein expression and interaction and development at my previous job.
that movie is amazeballs! i laughed! i cried! i nostalgia-d!
We're definitely all keeping tabs on you. We had a council meeting about it earlier.
Hope you love the movie!!
Which leads me to ask – what did your Dad say about the episode? Because I love his comments.
I'm afraid I don't recall anything in particular for this one, sorry!
Though he totally called Mrs Post being evil. You know those annoying people who always seem to predict every plot twist? I've banned him from speculating out loud when we watch TV because he's just too damn accurate.
In other news that's vaguely relevant, his favourite movie of all time is 'Muppet's Treasure Island'.
The Muppets! I had such fun at that movie. And the songs… whee.
Enjoy yourself; we'll all be here when you get back. 🙂
I missed the BSG finale liveblog because I was seeing the Muppets with my family! (Which… I feel like if there is an opposite of the BSG finale, it might be the Muppets. ……It makes sense in my brain.)
And if you combine BSG and The Muppets, you get Farscape!
Hahahaha, yeah, I usually work from home, but lately I have had SO MANY MEETINGS and also a lot of time at the office, and while I probably could check Mark Watches at work… I'd rather not.
Still, I have to say that I get kind of annoyed with myself for caring so much about getting in my comments near the upload time. IT'S THE INTERNET, WHY DO I CARE. (but i do care)
Oooh I am jealous of you! I still haven't seen that! One group of friends when when I had a rehearsal, and then when we tried to see it on Christmas Day turns out we had read the movie times wrong and missed it by like 12 hours 🙁 I hope it's awesome and you enjoy it!
And I agree about other people finding Mark Does Stuff taking over lives hilarious…like when I told people I couldn't go to the farmers' market cause I was watching Jurassic Park with The Internet, they thought it was just the funniest thing ever :p
I schedule my day around Mark Watches. Seriously. I work night shift, and get home at ~6:30 AM. Mark posts these reviews at 1:00 PM, when I should be soundly asleep if I want to get a full eight hours, but what do I do? I set my alarm. Because I am a real grownup and stuff.
Yes, you are not alone, Mark’s posts make me so happy I have scheduled them in my damn calendar so I will be reminded to head over and read as soon as they go up. Of course, I still watch the clock in excited anticipation anyway, but I find the reminder also makes me extra happy.
Nyfb, gur erzvaqre ba zl cubar vf Tvyrf fnlvat “Fgbc, jungrire lbh’er qbvat…lbh fzryy yvxr sehvg ebyy-hcf.”
So that is also 100% win.
Ciphered part of your comment because it's a spoiler to quote episodes Mark hasn't seen yet.
Thanks. Sorry, a bit new here. Didn't realize if it was innocuous and didn't touch anything regarding plot, character, etc., I still had to do it. Makes sense though…safe side and all that.
The Muppets is an awesome movie though it included a slightly terrifying experiance for me. I'm 20, I took my 13 year old sister, and the theater was full of kids and their parents. The scary part? I was always laughing with the adults. It sounds like a kind of weird scare but most of the kids movies I have gone to as an "adult" have been in a mostly empty theater so this was my first "your not a kid anymore" moment. (There was a beauty to it though. We weren't laughing because of "adult jokes" so much as because we knew the characters so well.)
I started student teaching in January and I've been super sad that I can't be around when posts go up anymore. Posts go up around 1 for me and I don't get home from school until after 3 usually. I thought I'd be able to see them at lunch, but for some reason our lunch is from 10:52 to 11:34, so early. Hopefully my middle school placement will have a more convenient lunchtime.
This episode feels really serious, especially after the silliness of Band Candy. Still, it’s a very good episode and a nice exploration of the concept of trust and lies. Almost everyone is lying about something in this episode and it’s mostly to everyone’s detriment.
First of all, STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT WILLOW AND XANDER!!!! And stop it with that adorable musical theme when ever anything happens between the two of them. You can’t make me okay with this, no matter how nice the theme.
I have definite emotions regarding everyone’s reaction to the Angel revelation. Giles’ I can completely understand where he is coming from, and I appreciate that he confronted her in private, instead of in front of the others. Willow was behaving very reasonably, more worried about the whole situation than mad. Cordelia was being Cordelia and Oz was being Oz and their reactions have a lot less impact on Buffy’s emotional state. Faith, given the information she had from Xander, behaved entirely reasonably. BUT XANDER!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU! YOU HAVE THE LEAST TO BE UPSET ABOUT IN THE WHOLE ANGEL SITUATION!!! ALSO, STOP TWISTING EVERYTHING AROUND TO MAKE THINGS SUIT YOUR WORLD VIEW. YOU ARE A TERRIBLE CONVEYOR OF INFORMATION!!! Honestly, when he says “Can I come?” to Faith with that hint of excitement about getting to witness Angel getting killed all I want to do to him is this
[youtube 5Cx7jzq2Bx4 youtube]
Honestly though, it’s Faith’s part in this storyline that makes my heart break. She opens up to Gwendolyn Post and puts her trust in her, and turns out to be utterly wrong (I really don’t like Gwendolyn, she hits and almost kills Giles, Willow and Angel, grrrrrrrrr). She doesn’t really feel like she fits in with Buffy and the Scoobies, and this whole episode serves to divide them a bit further. That final scene with her and Buffy just kills me every time I watch it. Naq vg ernyyl cebivqrf gur gheavat cbvag sbe ure fvqvat jvgu gur znlbe yngre ba va gur frnfba.
Onto official information!
Episode 7: Revelations
Written by Douglas Petrie, Directed by James A. Contner
Air date 11/17/98
Faith’s new watcher arrives and brings distressing news: she’s been sent to report on Giles’ and a demon named Lagos is coming to Sunnydale in search of the Glove of Myhnegon. Things get worse when Giles finds out that Angel is back…and that he has the Glove
The music theme for Willow and Xander is pretty, but it's so childlike. It really highlights their immaturity in this situation.
Xander almost looks aroused when he asks "Can I come?" It's rather disturbing
Faith Watches 300
<img src="">
Didn't have a whole lot of thoughts on this episode:
• "Really, we're just good friends." You keep telling yourself that.
• "New Olympic category?" I'd consider watching it.
• I knew coming in that Gwen Post was evil and lying and not a Watcher anymore, and that made the bits where she's wearing Giles down easier to watch because I also knew she'd be dead by the end of the episode.
• Buffy speaks my mind. Giles is probably right, though, or, at least, would be if she hadn't been kicked out.
• "…and it's another Tuesday night in Sunnydale." Heh. Qnja'f va gebhoyr?
• Giles reveals he knows how to thwart her plan. He turns his back. Yep, he gets clocked in the head.
• Twice. She's not strong enough to KO him one with one shot.
• THIS is the scene I wanted at the end of "Dead Man's Party." Glad it didn't get glossed over this time.
"…and it's another Tuesday night in Sunnydale" is a cute nod to the fact that this aired on Tuesdays. I like when the show gets a little bit meta.
Heh I love rot13 that I don't have to un-rot13
My brain is not working today, but I really like this episode. Especially for all the Faith development we get. It breaks my heart that she's the character here with the least to hide and she's the one who ends up getting hurt the most by everyone else's secrets. It's partially because she isn't quite as integrated into the group as everyone else, but she and Buffy really were starting to bond and then that just gets shattered by the end of the episode. My heart breaks when she almost calls Buffy back and then rethinks and doesn't.
Giles' disappointment in Buffy is painful, too. It's worse that he doesn't yell.
I really like the Mrs. Post carries tea with her in her purse. It's a quick moment – when Giles serves tea in his apartment, she removes the tea bag he provides her and pulls her own out of her purse. It almost endears me to her. But everything else makes me hate her. So.
The fight scenes with Buffy and Faith are a lot of fun, both when they're working together and when they're fighting each other. Who would actually win remains to be seen, since their fight got interrupted this time.
According to IMDB, the woman who played Ms. Post also played Kate Middleton’s mother in a Lifetime movie. This pleases me greatly.
While I watch Buffy I normally take notes so that the next day I actually remember what the episode was about, but when I looked at yesterday’s notes this morning, pretty much all of them were variations of XANDER!!!!!!!! I think the Scoobies have a right to be upset at Buffy lying to them about Angel’s return, BUT OH MY GOD XANDER NOT LIKE THAT. *sigh* What are we going to do with you
I love, love Faith in this episode. She looked like such a kid at the very end when she was telling Buffy all she needs is herself. I don’t ship Buffy and Faith, but could they becoming Slayer partners? And bffs? I think it would be good for both of them to have a best friend who is also a Slayer. Until one of them dies :/
The woman who plays Gwendolyn Post is also Kristin Scott Thomas's sister. Yeeehah
I sort of go back and forth between shipping Buffy and Faith and seeing their relationship as more sisterly.
She also apparenlty played Diana Spencer in an 80s TV movie, another way this show made me feel old 🙂
Sigh, yes, Faith; can she come back form this? More importantly, *how* does she come back?.
The outtakes on the Season 5 DVD are, for some reason, taken from Season 3, and include a hilarious sequence of Mrs. Post hitting Giles over the head, over and over again.
Ok, I laughed just reading that. I don't suppose anyone has a link to a non-spoilery video clip? I'd love you forever…
I couldn't find a clip of just that but the sequence is from 1:34 to 1:49 if you want to just skip ahead to that point to avoid seeing anything else.
I'm just using the link because the still is pretty spoiler-y for later eps in season 3.
As funny as the outtakes are, I would recommend against clicking because of the stills for the related videos :/
Q: how much do i love watching faith and buffy fight?
A: i'll be in my bunk.
I used "I'll be in my bunk" in a FB thread last week and both people were like WHY DO YOU HAVE A BUNK BED.
I was severely disappointed in them.
Aren't your FB friends even a little bit civilised?
i learned so much from fanfic. SO MUCH.
I waited until last year to pair Buffy and Faith in any of my fics. Back in 2002, I wrote a fic (set in 2004; that's important) where I had Faith do a one-night stand (and also a serious talk about options) with Harmony. I San Bernardino, of all places.
I did find it kind of hilarious that Faith didn't know what Sparta was. I mean OK, maybe she didn't take history class or whatever, but come on. Sparta? Even before 300, I would kind of consider that common knowledge, surely?
It's like a girl in my class back at school that time who didn't know what a Dodo was. I mean, how do you get through like 16 years of life without ever coming across the concept of Dodos?
At the start of Grade 7, a girl asked how to spell both 'Orange' and 'If'.
I don't even…
*laughs the laugh of the public high-school teacher*
Certainly you've seen this by now (and this? Is *MILD* compared to the ignorance I have been privileged to witness from time to time):
[youtube MHtDF-z77wk youtube]
During my history class in Sophomore year (at a so-called "elite" school I might add. It was a public school, but it was for the whole district in a way, and they had special sanction to have a filtering process, and you had to have good grades and write an essay to get in), we had the professor ask us "What were the europeans most interested in America during colonization?"
I started thinking really hard, and about later colonization and coming up with resources like Sugar, Cotton, etc.
Then he was "no, i meant at the very beginning. It comes out of the ground?"
Someone actually replies "Oil!" (To be fair, it WAS the first thing that popped into my head after he said that, though I dismissed it immediately since they wouldn't have cared all that much back then.)
Then he sighed and said "Gold."
To which a girl gasped (in complete shock and seriousness) "Gold comes out of the ground?"
Ahfdkahfka hakdrhk fknk nkabnkfn kfnk fkaflaj *flailflailflail*
During a class discussion my senior year, it quickly became clear that a certain cheerleader was not aware that Hitler was way dead, quite a long time ago. No, really. I'm not making this up. Our teacher's face was pretty funny. (She got into UCLA, by the way. oh, the magic of extra curricular activities.)
Thats so stupid I question that it ever occured. Please, for humanity's sake, can we all just pretend you made that up so I can sleep soundly tonight?
Aside from that though, I don't know that its fair to criticize too harshly. Everyone has gaps in knowledge somewhere that we all take for granted. They are inexplicable and embarassing, but we all have them even if we aren't aware of it.
Everyone has gaps in knowledge somewhere that we all take for granted. They are inexplicable and embarassing, but we all have them even if we aren't aware of it.
True, true… There are plenty of huge gaps in my knowledge base. I think I just cling to the memory of this incident so strongly because of my bitterness about not getting into any of the top schools, though I had amazing grades and decent SAT scores, while this girl (though a perfectly nice person) showed scary levels of ignorance pretty regularly and had only average academic performance.. but yay! She was in clubs! she was a cheerleader! clearly that's the most important thing! (LOL see me still rage and I'm in my 30's now. ahahaha.)
Yeah I know the feeling. I was an A student and wound up going to community college due to technicalities, but a dumbass with more extracurriculars gets to go to big fancy colleges. I actually never knew anyone like that, but if I did I would be pissed too.
I believe there was a How I Met Your Mother episode about this.
In fact…
[youtube BjHqU-TcBLA youtube]
I imagine her watching "Let's Kill Hitler" and being like, "Come on, he's way old, how hard can it be??"
A friend of mine showed her students Schindler's List. On the day they finished watching the film, one student asked who all those people were at the end of the movie–you know, when the movie changes into color, there are people who walk through a graveyard with the actors. My friend pointed out that their names were right there on the screen, each as he or she appeared. The students still didn't understand. She said that those were the people who the actors had played in the movie. Dead silence. Finally, one student said, "That was real?"
Not one of them knew a single thing about the Holocaust. Through the entire film, they had no idea that they weren't watching a story someone made up, like The Hunger Games.
How old were these students?
High-school sophomores. In a "good" high school, too.
I want to laugh but holy shit that's just terrible.
Actually that wouldn't surprise me at all. History education in North America tends to cover like the last 500 years at most, my cousins in Europe used to comment on that to me. I wouldn't have learned anything about the classics in school if I hadn't spec picked an elective to. So it wouldn't be surprised if somebody who wasn't geeky didn't have a clue about any place that wasn't Rome. My experience anyways!
US History education according to the standardized tests in California:
49.33% Civil War/Civil Rights
24.33% American Revolution
24.33% World War 2
0.01% Cold War (Single question- What was NATO? Possible answers included "A Group of scandinavian fishermen", "Soviet army intelligence", one other equally inane choice, and the real thing.)
But I mean seriously… no World War 1? No mention of the Spanish American War? War of 1812? Anything not involving a war? (Okay, that last one might be too much to ask.)
When I took the World History test, the only reason I knew any of the answers (What does this map represent? (Answer was "The spread of the Black Plague"), when did X conquer Y and inherit Z, etc.), was from my computer games… Age of Empires, Civilization, and all the Paradox titles FTW!
In Canada they really like teaching World War 1, but it's often treated as a glorious thing instead of a bigger waste of time than the Iraq war, which is so much worse. Also we only have to do one year of Canadian history; AFAIK most countries do a lot more than that. Canadian history usually starts with anglo french wars in the late 1700s, with about 5% of the course being about stuff that happens before the 1860s, so yeah, mostly wars and everything being put in terms of our relationship to the US and the UK with some English/French issues along the way.
Louis Riel!
Wow that's digging way back to like.. grade 4.
My favourite example of similar was when I was at university – I'm British, btw – during a discussion a girl in the class asked if we were still sending convicts to Australia.
She probably thought there was some sort of international prison system. Or that Australia is an environment not unlike road warrior. Either way you should have taken the opportunity to mess with her. The opera house in sydney is actually a program to help convicts turn their lives around or something.
– Buffy, I hate that colour on you and also Xander and Willow here because could you be more obvious. Also c’mon, show, don’t tease us with Buffy/Faith. FUCK ALREADY
– also, the dingoes’ stage-acting is hilarious in its own right
– Oh, Mrs Post, I like your sass.
– "…this side of the Atlantic." I extend my invitation to come over and drink tea to you, as well. But, to be fair, er, why would you need the labyrinth maps of Malta on Sunnydale’s Hellmouth? But OMG, Mrs Post, I L U
<img src="">
– More topless Angel tai chi. Frankly, I just focus on David Boreanaz’s chest. "It’s hard", oh, I bet it is.
– And we have a fourth-wall-breaky comment on BtVS’s timeslot!
– Buffy and Faith, FUCK ALREADY. Also Buffy, make an effort to bond with Faith, even if it’s not sexy slayer lesbian times, k?
– Xander, you have the WORST timing. I can’t wait to see how this plays out OH WAIT I CAN
– Xander, fuck you.
– Xander, FUCK YOU. "Give him a happy"? Seriously? Gee, I wonder why Buffy didn’t tell you about Angel’s return. May it be because you’re completely dismissive of her experience?
– XANDER. FUCK ALL OF YOU. Bringing up Jenny’s death just for a below-the-belt punch? Fuck your face and fuck your voice and fuck your attitude and fuck your smarmy, holier-than-thou high horse and go shut up because I. am. officially. Done With. You.
– No seriously, fuck you Xander.
– Giles breaks my heart.
– N jbeq bs nqivpr, Zef Cbfg: Lbh'q or fhecevfrq ubj znal guvatf gung'yy xvyy.
– Willow, some secrets are not good. But at least you’re understanding about shit and not being a hateful spiteful pit of fuckery.
– Faith, I know you’re a loser magnet, but don’t socialise with Xander. He’s beneath you. Also, fuck you Xander.
– "She’s your first slayer, I take it?" Has this issue been raised before wrt Giles? Is Buffy his first slayer, or has he watched the active slayer before?
<img src="">
– I love me a badass villain.
– Willow, you’re getting on my nerves. Talk about it. ALSO DEMON!
– Fuck you, Xander. Also, maybe you shouldn’t have gotten Faith in a we-need-to-kill-Angel mood.
– Latin time! This is what I got from a transcript:
Exorere, Flamma Vitae. Prodi ex loco tuo elementorum, in hunc mundum vivorum.
Which I think is supposed to be I plead with you, Flame of Life. Come forth out of your place of elements, in this world of the living.
It seems almost correct, except for exorere; the infinitive is exorare 'persuade, beg, plea', 1.PS.SG would be exoram, then. The pronunciation is okay, I guess, except for the deceivingly Anglophone /r/ and vivorum really does have a second /w/ there, Angel.
– Poor Giles. Also, fuck you Xander.
– God, I love you, Mrs Post.
– Faith/Buffy fight and although it doesn’t make me happy, it is the best fight this series has produced so far, no doubt about it.
<img src="">
Je comprends, c’est drôle car Madge souffre /obscure French-Canadian show reference
– Alas, I cannot comment on the … Gaelic, I gather?
– Convenient auto-destroy. No corpse to dispose! YAY?
– Buffy, it’s really not you who needs to ask about being cool.
– "They swear there was a memo" – seems like a theme with the watchers.
– I wanna take Faith out for ice cream. Or some underage drinking.
And a last gif in memory of Mrs Gwendolyn Post, one of my favourite one-shot villains:
<img src="">
German title: Der Handschuh von Myneghon – The Glove of Myneghon. Not much I can say to that. Except to remark that the German word for glove literally translates as 'hand shoe'.
– Buffy, I hate that colour on you and also Xander and Willow here because could you be more obvious. Also c’mon, show, don’t tease us with Buffy/Faith. FUCK ALREADY
– also, the dingoes’ stage-acting is hilarious in its own right
– Oh, Mrs Post, I like your sass.
– "…this side of the Atlantic." I extend my invitation to come over and drink tea to you, as well. But, to be fair, er, why would you need the labyrinth maps of Malta on Sunnydale’s Hellmouth? But OMG, Mrs Post, I L U
<img src="">
– More topless Angel tai chi. Frankly, I just focus on David Boreanaz’s chest. "It’s hard", oh, I bet it is.
– And we have a fourth-wall-breaky comment on BtVS’s timeslot!
– Buffy and Faith, FUCK ALREADY. Also Buffy, make an effort to bond with Faith, even if it’s not sexy slayer lesbian times, k?
– Xander, you have the WORST timing. I can’t wait to see how this plays out OH WAIT I CAN
– Xander, fuck you.
– Xander, FUCK YOU. "Give him a happy"? Seriously? Gee, I wonder why Buffy didn’t tell you about Angel’s return. May it be because you’re completely dismissive of her experience?
– XANDER. FUCK ALL OF YOU. Bringing up Jenny’s death just for a below-the-belt punch? Fuck your face and fuck your voice and fuck your attitude and fuck your smarmy, holier-than-thou high horse and go shut up because I. am. officially. Done With. You.
– No seriously, fuck you Xander.
– Giles breaks my heart.
– N jbeq bs nqivpr, Zef Cbfg: Lbh'q or fhecevfrq ubj znal guvatf gung'yy xvyy.
– Willow, some secrets are not good. But at least you’re understanding about shit and not being a hateful spiteful pit of fuckery.
– Faith, I know you’re a loser magnet, but don’t socialise with Xander. He’s beneath you. Also, fuck you Xander.
– "She’s your first slayer, I take it?" Has this issue been raised before wrt Giles? Is Buffy his first slayer, or has he watched the active slayer before?
<img src="">
– I love me a badass villain.
– Willow, you’re getting on my nerves. Talk about it. ALSO DEMON!
– Fuck you, Xander. Also, maybe you shouldn’t have gotten Faith in a we-need-to-kill-Angel mood.
– Latin time! This is what I got from a transcript:
Exorere, Flamma Vitae. Prodi ex loco tuo elementorum, in hunc mundum vivorum.
Which I think is supposed to be I plead with you, Flame of Life. Come forth out of your place of elements, in this world of the living.
It seems almost correct, except for exorere; the infinitive is exorare 'persuade, beg, plea', 1.PS.SG would be exoram, then. The pronunciation is okay, I guess, except for the deceivingly Anglophone /r/ and vivorum really does have a second /w/ there, Angel.
– Poor Giles. Also, fuck you Xander.
– God, I love you, Mrs Post.
– Faith/Buffy fight and although it doesn’t make me happy, it is the best fight this series has produced so far, no doubt about it.
<img src="">
Je comprends, c’est drôle car Madge souffre /obscure French-Canadian show reference
– Alas, I cannot comment on the … Gaelic, I gather?
– Convenient auto-destroy. No corpse to dispose! YAY?
– Buffy, it’s really not you who needs to ask about being cool.
– "They swear there was a memo" – seems like a theme with the watchers.
– I wanna take Faith out for ice cream. Or some underage drinking.
And a last gif in memory of Mrs Gwendolyn Post, one of my favourite one-shot villains:
<img src="">
German title: Der Handschuh von Myhnegon – The Glove of Myhnegon. Not much I can say to that. Except to remark that the German word for glove literally translates as 'hand shoe'.
I approve of your Gwendolyn Post love. But then again, I have a weakness for pretty women with accents. Who try to kill people? Last part, less of a turn-on. But she gets a spot in the credits! I love that she basically comes in and is all, "Hi, everyone, I am awesome, you all are not, where's the tea, let's get on with it already."
All the love for this, especially all the Xander rage. <3 WE BOTH GIF'D THE XANDER-TOSSING! GREAT MINDS!
<3 I almost wrote the "I'm done with you" during Dead Man's Party but then I remembered I should rather wait for this episode.
…now where did the post itself go :<
oh maybe it was because I submitted like thrice or something? MY GIF GLORY NEEDS TO BE SHARED
Oh, the Buffy/Faith fight. I had a friend who was channel surfing and happened upon that fight and started watching Buffy because of it. He came to me to get the details on everything that had happened up to this point.
That second gif…
Spontaneously developing a crush on one-shot villains.
Alas, I cannot comment on the … Gaelic, I gather?
You know whenever I was turning on the tv and I changed it to Buffy, for some reason it was always this episode on. I have seen it sooooo many time and until this moment I have never realized what Mrs. Post says is meant to be Irish/Gaelic. (these are different languages, Irish (Gaeilge) in Ireland and Gaelic/Scot's Gaelic (Gàidhlig) in Scotland).
I looked up the script cause she is a fabulous villainous actor but her pronunciation is baaad.
'Tar chugam, a chumhacht Myhnegon!'
'Come to me, power of Myhnegon'
This is correct and I am shocked! It's also Irish not Scot's Gaelic. Technically Myhnegon should be in the genitive but it's not an Irish word.
'Tar frim' You were doing so well show. Frim is not a word in Irish, I think they mean 'tríom'
Ooh, thanks for this 😀
And I'm shocked, too… especially that it seems to be the more complicated structure they got right.
They probably should have had whomever they got to translate to write them a little rough pronunciation guide. (hmm, now I picture them asking someone who hurriedly scribbled it down on a post it, which would also explain tríom > frim)
I'd say that's the case. I don't think I can criticise them since they made an effort and it's mostly right. Usually shows just say some gibberish or pick a random saying. I'm looking at you, Charmed with your leprechaun episode; 'safe journey' and 'health is wealth' are weird things to say for doing magic.
'Tar tríom' means 'come through me' since I forgot to post that.
Ahaha oh god Charmed, you need to be looked at for so many things. But well, at least they didn't say póg mo thóin?
Ha small blessings…In my defence I was little, had zero taste, it was on right before Buffy, and even then I knew it was guilty pleasure. It was the like the Twilight of my tween days. I firmly believe that 'póg mo thóin' was invented by the tourism bord so tourists don't learn real curses.
No need to defend yourself, I watched it, too, for pretty much the same reasons.
That might very well be, probably the reason why 85% of Irish pubs have it on a banner somewhere in the pub.
I'm a little bit in love with you for analyzing the the use of Gaelic in a Buffy episode. I hope that's OK.
Love away. Though I didn't do much analysing, it's just what Irish I can remember from school.
So am I the only one who thought bringing up Jenny's death was a good point and not a below-the-belt punch? Jenny would be alive if Buffy had staked Angel in the mall in "Innocence". It's not wrong to worry that she'd make another mistake with him leading to someone's death.
If it was a good point (which I think, accounting for her emotional state at that point in time, is debatable), it was not Xander's to make. Anyone who says that with such a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction is just in it to hurt someone in my book.
I don't think he said it in a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction or was in it to hurt someone. He was angry, and rightly so.
We just gotta agree to disagree on our interpretation there, then, because I think he was angry for the wrong reasons.
I suppose so. I think he was angry for the "recently evil guy who I don't like and who kills people on the loose" reasons. Perhaps his dislike wasn't rational when it began, but that's irrelevant to the really good reasons for his internal red alert to be going off now. If a point is fair, it doesn't matter who it comes from.
This is where I step in to be a broken record about being of the opinion that everyone deciding to ostracize Jenny is what killed her-her family was the first person Angel killed and she was an obvious target but they didn't think she was worth protecting?
In any case, if you want to be making that argument framing it as "Buffy's selfish and values her boyfriend above human life" is pretty much the worst way to do it. Especially when-AT THIS POINT-we know that she in fact has killed Angel with his boring soul intact.
But that last thing is undermined, for the Scoobies, by him turning up alive and her hiding it. It's hard to claim proudly, "I killed him when I had to," as proof you can see straight about it when he's not dead and you're sheltering and kissing him.
It does render the you're unwilling to kill him, period, argument wrong though. It can be done. He's not evil or closing up any hell dimension gateways, it's not an urgent thing now.
No but really Xander repeatedly saying Buffy's self centred and just wants her boyfriend-from the start of this season-after what she went through is sort of like the equivalent of giving Batman shit for not calling his mom.
Ugh why am I defending Buffy's feelings for Angel what is this what is becoming of meeeee.
Anyone can kill Angel anytime as far as I'm concerned, just as long as it's permanent.
I agree from a perfectly rational, outsider perspective. But if I were one of the Scoobies…
I have to disagree about Xander being a hypocrite, because illicit smoochies with Willow doesn't resemble kissing someone who can turn into a murderous creature of pure evil at all.
TbqQNZA guvf vf uvynevbhf.
Nunun, bu tbq lrf.
V qb xabj nobhg gung (naq Qnex Jvyybj vfa'g cher rivy).
V gubhtug gurl jrer ynhtuvat nobhg Naln orpnhfr gung'f jub V vzzrqvngryl gubhtug bs. V jbhyqa'g pnyy ure cher rivy rvgure ohg fur qrsvavgryl qvq fvzvyne fuvg gb jung Natry(hf) qvq naq V frrz gb erpnyy Knaqre qrsraqvat Naln gb Ohssl nsgre Naln er-qrzbarq naq xvyyrq nyy gubfr seng oblf. Juvpu jbhyq bayl znxr Knaqre n ulcbpevgr nsgre gur snpg ohg, jryy lrnu. Ur fgvyy raqf hc orvat bar. V ubcr guvf znxrf frafr. V'z cerggl qehax.
– XANDER. FUCK ALL OF YOU. Bringing up Jenny’s death just for a below-the-belt punch? Fuck your face and fuck your voice and fuck your attitude and fuck your smarmy, holier-than-thou high horse and go shut up because I. am. officially. Done With. You.
<img src="">
I'm not sure who's applauding me but I am touched.
I was thinking of you when I put that bit in 😀
Another fun fact: a mitten is a Fäustling – a 'fistling'.
That's Conan O'Brien (of late night talk shows) on the right, and I believe Lea Michele (of Glee) on the left, but I haven't actually seen the particular episode this comes from so I can't be sure.
I do know Conan O'Brien, if mostly through that "lol he looks like Tarja Halonen" bit. And I haven't really watched TV since 2008 or so, so that's my excuse for having no clue who she might be.
Mrs. Gwendolyn Post.
You were a badass in the classic manipulative badguy way. I salute you for being the kind of epic villain we rejoiced to see defeated but whose brief foray into our heroes' lives caused repercussions and character revelations.
Also? Xander can eat, spit and cry. I'm trying to remember why I like(d) him.
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
Thoughts on this episode:
– STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP! The Buffy/Faith ship, that is. 🙁
– I can't even anymore with this Xander/Willow nonsense. PLEASE JUST STOP.
– I can't even with Xander in this episode, period. He is so awful. I blame Faith's estrangement from the group half on Mrs. Post, and half on him. Plus it's so gross that he riles Faith up to think that Angel has to be killed, and then sidesteps the blame when confronted by Buffy. And I hate the way he talks to Buffy in the intervention thing. He's shaming her for her past choices and essentially blaming Jenny's death on Buffy's decision to have sex with Angel. Super gross and wrong. I'm not convinced his hatred for Angel is entirely based on Angelus' evil deeds, no, that's just his justification after quite some time of hating the guy for simply being Buffy's boyfriend. And lest we forget, he disliked him well before learning he was a vampire, so I don't think that excuse flies either. V frrz gb erpnyy uvz svaqvat gur vqrn bs na nygreangr uvz orvat n onqnff inzcver engure pbby, naq abg trggvat nyy that-ub gb fgnxr Rivy Jvyybj, fb V ernyyl ernyyl qba'g ohl gur "Knaqre whfg ungrf nyy inzcverf!" yvar rvgure. This season, back in the day, was like, the end for me with Xander. He'd already been On Notice due to late season stunts like The Lie in season two, and now he's cheating on Cordelia, he treated Buffy like utter shit in Dead Man's Party, and this? Yeah, I am done with you forever, Xander Harris. You sealed my hate for you in this season.
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
– I love the little bit of Angelus that comes out when Angel gets back up. Whfg sheguref zl bcvavba gung Natry naq Natryhf ner gur fnzr crefba, juvpu jr'yy trg n uvag bs va uvf nobegrq yvar va Qbccrytnatynaq, naq zhpu rkcybengvba va uvf frevrf. BZT PNA'G JNVG FRNFBA GJB BS NATRY VF ONFVPNYYL CRESRPGVBA. <3
– Ultimately I feel the most sorry for Faith here. She's been misled and outright deceived and left out and used, and not one person in this episode treated her very kindly. It's no wonder she feels alienated from everyone else when all is said and done. I would too. I would be just as hurt and mistrustful in her position, so I get her at the end of the episode. ILU, Faith. You deserve better than this kind of treatment.
– Boy, the Council really sucks at communication, don't they?
– Because it brought me joy, and I wish to share that joy with all of you:
<img src="" title="I wonder if we can make Xander Tossing a new Olympic sport.">
– Also, way to be a giant hypocrite, Xander, with that "What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?" You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
And also the rest of what you said because <3 your thoughts are my thoughts, but this needs like an extra big neon arrow.
You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
And also the rest of what you said because <3 your thoughts are my thoughts, but this needs like an extra big neon arrow.
You of all people get no judging rights when it comes to kissing someone you shouldn't be kissing, you giant asshole.
And also the rest of what you said because <3 your thoughts are my thoughts, but this needs like an extra big neon arrow.
You just said exactly all of my Xander feelings.
Yes times a million to your Xander Thoughts. UGH. I JUST CANNOT WITH HIM.
I was upset that Mrs. Post seem to have hit everyone in this episode but Xander, so the Xander getting thrown by Faith gif helps a lot.
Naq ybbx, V qba’g yvxr frrvat Snvgu naq Ohssl svtug, ohg fjrrg onol Tnaqnys, gung jnf na vaperqvoyl puberbtencurq svtug fprar.
Whfg jnvg gvyy "Guvf Lrne'f Tvey," jura SNVGU NGGNPXF OHSSL JVGU N TYNFF QBBE.
Gung fprar <3
Gb zr, rirelguvat Snvgu qbrf naq orpbzrf pna or genprq onpx gb "Eriryngvbaf."
V guvax gur riragf bs guvf rcvfbqr bcrarq ure rlrf, fur ybfg fbzrguvat vzcbegnag. Fur vfa'g "rivy" nsgre vg, ohg guvf rcvfbqr ynvq gur tebhaqjbex sbe ure ghea. Vg znxrf zr fnq gb jngpu vg abj orpnhfr V xabj fur yrnearq fbzrguvat oehgny nobhg crbcyr urer naq arire erpbirerq sebz vg.
I didn't even realize that demon Buffy beheaded was Lagos. I thought it was Gwendolyn Price, Mrs. But she was still alive, so I was wrong. And that glove seems kind of useless. Sure, it gives you the power to throw fire, but what use is that if you can't aim? And will there just be lightning and thunder all around you if you put on the glove, just in case you want to scorch some stuff? Wow, nobody's going to want to be around you.
So what do Watchers who aren't Watching Slayers do? Do they just hang around and train people who may one day become the Chosen One? Who decides who the Chosen Ones are? Do the potential Chosen Ones always know about their possible destiny? Can the Watchers request transfers? Do they all have other jobs? I have important questions.
Tjraqbyla Cevpr … Qvq fur naq Jrf trg zneevrq? Guvf qvfgheof zr…
Urur, lnl shaal glcbf
Oh also, in light of the discussion of the Nigerian mask from Dead Man's Party, I wanted to mention that the Glove of Myneghon is of unspecified origins. Which is really how you should do these things.
This! The writers are talented enough to make an object menacing and scary without adding the "spooky" layer of "dark, foreign country" to it. So they should keep giving us Gloves of Myneghon or Shoes of Tralala, much more fun and no hard feelings.
Don't have a lot of time, so going to go ahead and share some thoughts before reading other comments first –
Gunax tbbqarff gbzbeebj vf Ybire'f Jnyx naq jr pbhyq chg gur Knaqre/Jvyybj guvat gb erfg (jryy, inzc!gurz nfvqr). Vg jvyy or urnegoernxvat, Pbeql jvyy snxr qvr, naq nyy jvyy or fnq. Ohg, ng yrnfg gur farnxvarff jvyy or qbar jvgu. Cyhf lnlFcvxr! (lrf bar jbeq). Rfcrpvnyyl gur ovgf jvgu Fcvxr naq Jvyybj. Gurfr fprarf ner nyjnlf xvaqn njrfbzr gb zr fvzvyne gb jung jr trg rneyl va frnfba sbhe…
As to Xander and Willow being mad at Buffy for lying when they themselves are hiding something rather huge – I think it's a type of trend to be overly judgemental of someone who is doing a similar wrong to one you're doing yourself. It's kinda like a mix of overcompensating, projecting, and… a third thing that ran away from my brain. I can see that being kinda realist. Sucky, definitely, but also sadly realistic. V srry yvxr jr frr rira zber bs guvf yngre ba.
About Willow and Xaner: I agree, it's quite realistic. They both feel bad for cheating on their partners, so they completely overcompensate by damning every kind of secret or in Willow's case also babbeling about how good secrets are. It sad really, because this would have been a good point for them to come clean instead od only making it worse.
V'z fb tynq vg jvyy nyy or bire gbzbeebj, gubhtu Pbeql'f urnegoernx vf cnvashy gb jngpu.
Ohg, phr sbe Naln, fb abg nyy onq.
Naq V pna'g cebabhapr vg, ohg V erpbtavfr Fcvxr va EBG13 sebz rira n phefbel fpna.
"It's kinda like a mix of overcompensating, projecting, and… a third thing that ran away from my brain."
The Department of Education?
yes to all of this.
Wow. So a lot happened this episode. For me, the most interesting part of this episode is what happens with Faith. Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies do seem to be making an effort to include Faith, but I think she still feels like an outsider. In her introductory episode she says that maybe if she’d had friends like Buffy she would have at least been sad about dropping out of high school, so it seems to me like Faith hasn’t ever really had real friends of her own before. Gwendolyn Post preys on this insecurity when she tells Faith that the Scoobies had a meeting without her, and thus is able to manipulate Faith into being on her side. I do think though that slowly Faith is starting to feel a part of the group. I love the scene where Faith and Buffy are discussing boys and then of course at the end Buffy tells Faith that she can trust her. So yeah. It’s an uneven process and there are probably trust issues, but Faith is starting to become real friends with Buffy.
I just cannot with Xander this episode though. Out of all of Buffy’s friends, he is probably the WORST POSSIBLE PERSON to spot Buffy with Angel. I mean he’s always hated Angel and has major jealousy issues. Oh Buffy, I REALLY wish you had confided in Giles. Giles probably would have been able to handle it better if it wasn’t sprung on him as a secret that you were keeping from him. Anyway, Xander has seen Angel and Buffy making out and the Scoobies stage an intervention. It goes predictably awful. Xander is really being unduly harsh in that scene and throws Ms. Calender in Buffy’s face and it’s all really horrible.
And then Xander is angry that things did not go his way, so he tells Faith that Angel is back AND HE KNEW FULL WELL WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. HE KNEW FAITH WOULD GO AFTER ANGEL. He set up his friend’s (sorta) boyfriend to be killed. Like, this is just so underhanded and shady to me. He’s going behind Buffy’s back and Giles’s back and everyone’s back because he is convinced that he knows what the right course of action is. UGH. STOP IT.
At least he recognizes that the attack on Giles isn’t Angel’s style. But then idk. The way he is so stonefaced when he tells Buffy that Faith is off to kill Angel… UGH. IDK. IT’S JUST ALL ANGER INDUCING AND I’M REALLY SICK OF XANDER HARRIS AND HIS JEALOUSY FUELLED VENDETTA AGAINST ANGEL. Like I don’t think Angel should be embraced with open arms, but no one is even going to see Angel to see if he has his soul or not. And no one believes Buffy when she tells him that Angel is back and he has his soul, and it’s really frustrating. GUYS, BUFFY WOULDN’T LIE ABOUT THIS. She had the strength to kill Angel even WITH his soul to save the world. I think she would be able to do it again if he was actually soulless this time around.
Giles was understandably hurt by Buffy’s deception. I did like that Giles stopped Buffy from the Scoobies ganging up on her, but Giles IS hurt. Angel killed Jenny and then spent hours torturing Giles, and Buffy kept the fact that Angel was back a secret from him. I think this hurts him personally and also professionally because he is her Watcher and she should tell him things like that.
Oh and Willow almost told Buffy about what was going on between her and Xander! Stupid demon, showing up before Willow could come clean. I feel like Buffy would have talked some sense into Willow. Because, seriously you guys, IT IS NOT OK TO DO THIS TO OZ AND CORDY.
I really wish Buffy had confided in Giles too.
And yes to all your thoughts on Xander. Jesus Christ.
I like this episode a lot for all the story arcs that get developed but I also sort of hate it? So many parts just make me so uncomfortable.
I do like that Buffy calls Xander out on his jealousy because for all the shit talking he does of her and her relationships since the beginning of the show, I wish she had more opportunities to tell him to shut up. On the other hand I dislike it because, hello, Cordelia is right there and it IS sort of a dick move to tell someone they're jealous–no matter who true it is–when their girlfriend is right there in the room. Especially when that girlfriend is being cheated on, although of course no one else knows about that, but good lord there sure are a bunch of depressing forces working against Cordelia in that scene. I am at the point in this arc where even when Willow or Xander do something reasonable I just want to glare angrily at the screen because YOU ARE BOTH BEING BIG LYING CHEATERS AND
Also I will always find it hilarious that Xander sends Faith to kill Angel and then when Buffy and Faith start fighting he decides to tell them to stop fighting??? YOU. YOU DID THIS. If you had not purposefully instigated Faith's anger about being excluded and her lack of intimate understanding about the whole Angel situation (because, YET AGAIN, you decide that you know best about Buffy's ability to handle any given situation with Angel), there would never have been a fight in the first place!!!
And the end… 🙁 Buffy and Faith both look absolutely beat to shit and Buffy is so remorseful and trying to apologize, because she knows how hard it is to be a Slayer without anyone to understand and doesn't want that for herself OR for Faith, but Faith (understandably!) has such difficulty trusting people and can't do it, and ALMOST lets herself be vulnerable and Buffy is so hopeful but then she just can't. THESE TWO. I just want them to have snarky fight banter and have fun slaying and also sometimes make out FOREVER.
Gur jubyr Snvgu yvivat va cbiregl vf n avpr fhogyr nqqvgvba gb fbzr gurzrf gung pbzr hc yngre ertneqvat jbzra va gur jbexcynpr. Jr xabj gung Tvyrf naq gur bgure jngpuref trg fnynevrf sebz gur Jngpure'f Pbhapvy. Ohg ab bar rire pbafvqref cnlvat gur Fynlref. Ohssl unf gb jbex ng Qbhoyrzrng Cnynpr naq gura nf n thvqnapr pbhafrybe gb fhccbeg urefrys. Naq Snvgu vf urer yvivat va na rvtugrra qbyyne n qnl zbgry ebbz fur pna oneryl nssbeq. Ohg ab bar, vapyhqvat Tvyrf naq rira Ohssl, rira pbafvqref gung znlor fur fubhyq trg cnvq sbe orvat n fynlre. V'z abg rira fher vs guvf jnf na vagragvbany gurzr – va Pebffebnqf Ohssl vafvfgf gung Tvyrf or cnvq uvf fnynel ergebnpgviryl ohg qbrfa'g guvax gb qrznaq cnl sbe urefrys – ohg vg vf vagrerfgvat gb ybbx ng. Rfcrpvnyyl fvapr nyy gur fynlref ner tveyf naq gur Jngpure'f Pbhapvy vf irel zhpu n cngevnepuny rfgnoyvfuzrag.
Naln qbrf fhttrfg gung Ohssl punetr crbcyr sbe fnivat gurve yvirf. Nf Knaqre rkcynvarq, vg'f irel nagv-Fcvqrl. "Npgvba vf uvf erjneq."
Lrnu, ohg Natry punetrf zbarl sbe fnivat crbcyr. Juvpu whfg uvtuyvtugf gur traqre qvfcnevgl rira zber. Ohssl vf rkcrpgrq gb fnir yvirf naq nfx sbe abguvat va erghea. Natry rkcrpgf gb znxr n yvivat qbvat vg.
Jryy, gb or snve vg'f zber Pbeqryvn chfuvat Natry gb nfx sbe cnl orpnhfr, jryy fur vfa'g hfrq gb orvat jvgubhg gur zbarl. Nyfb n qvssrerapr orgjrra gur gjb vf Natry unf na npghny ohfvarff frg hc jurer crbcyr fbzrgvzrf pbzr gb uvz *ybbxvat* sbe uryc. Xvaq bs yvxr n fhcreangheny CV.
V qb guvax gung'f n irel vagrerfgvat gubhtug gubhtu. Vg frrzf yvxr vg pbhyq or vagragvbany, naq gura vg nyfb xvaq bs gvrf vagb ubj gur fynlre yvar jnf rira fgnegrq. Xvaqn snfpvangvat. Vs nalguvat vg nyzbfg frrzf gur Pbhapvy fubhyq cnl fynlref zber guna jngpuref, jung jvgu nyy gur culfvpny yvnovyvgvrf naq rneyl-qrngu cbgragvny ng nyy. Bbb! Lbh fubhyq trg n 'qvrq ohg pnzr onpx gb yvsr' obahf.
V guvax Fgngr Snez unf gung. 🙂
Gung'f gehr. Naq vg'f cebonoyl jbegu jnvgvat hagvy jr npghnyyl trg gurer gb whzc vagb guvf qvfphffvba. Ohg V jvyy fnl gung ba fbzr yriry V guvax lbh pna ivrj Naln naq Pbeqryvn nf onfvpnyyl gur fnzr punenpgre. Fb jura fur fhttrfgf gung gur ureb trg cnvq sbe fnivat gur qnl, gur znyr ureb hygvzngryl nterrf juvyr gur srznyr ureb hygvzngryl qvfnterrf. Ohg V guvax V arrq zber gvzr (naq n serfure ivrjvat) gb ernyyl fhff bhg zl gubhtugf nobhg guvf.
Ohssl fubhyq nyfb trg n obahf rirel gvzr fur ceriragf na ncbpnylcfr.
Last part, less of a turn-on.
The more you deny it…
– So everything's super awkward between Willow and Xander, nice job redirecting the conversation to Buffy though.
– She and Faith would be super adorable together though.
– Buffy for the love of god please remove that "BOMB" hat and burn it.
– Hee "Synchronised Slaying"
– Yes I'm sure the "Labyrinth Maps of Malta" are of vital importance for people fighting demons in California. Okay that's a really nitpicky way of saying STOP CRITICISING THE LIBRARY Gwen!
– "…too American." "Me?" "Him?" hee
– And more tai chi, Buffy looks like she has no idea what she's doing.
– Really Buffy, you don't think Angel reacted oddly to the mention of Lagos? Maybe ask him about that? See if he knows anything helpful? No, you're just going to go home, okay.
– No Willow and Xander! Stay where Giles can see you and disapprove of the clandestine kissing.
– For a supposedly unreliably sourced image that's a very accurate depiction of the Glove, in other words stop picking on Giles Gwen!
– Good for Willow for trying to mediate the Intervention. Xander on the other hand. Invoking Jenny's death is way out of line, there was no way for Buffy to stop it.
– ASH does such a good job with Giles' disappointment in Buffy, you can hear how hurt he is.
– Awww to Faith standing up for him to Gwen though.
– Aaand Giles gets knocked out again, he got a break last episode but that's what, four episodes so far this season?
– Well at least Willow tried to confess about her and Xander, shame about the demonic interruption (only in Sunnydale). Her little "Yes!" after Buffy beheads him is super cute.
– And so we get Slayers vs. Slayer Round 2: Faith Edition. Really Xander, did you honestly think you could stop a Slayer fight with words?
– Lightning-y flavoured death for Ms Post. The effects on the lightning are really good, they wanted it to be "lightning power" according to the DVD extras and it definitely shows. The episode in general is kind of meh for me but I really enjoy that sequence where Gwen has the Glove on.
– Seriously the Council just don't tell Giles anything do they?
the hat burning? seconded.
Agreed, I was going to comment on it in my original comment, but I forgot.
"- Really Buffy, you don't think Angel reacted oddly to the mention of Lagos? Maybe ask him about that? See if he knows anything helpful? No, you're just going to go home, okay."
To be fair he has reacted oddly to practically everything these episodes.
Flawless post, flawless gif.
Yeah, the reviews are up at 9pm for me, which kind of breaks up the evening. These days they often go up at 8pm instead though.
Either way, it totally puts a crimp in my social life. Or it would, y'know, if I had one.
It started with "Becoming, Part Two," which I think was deliberately early since it was likely to be a heavy-traffic episode.
11:45 AM
1:00 PM
12:10 PM
12:17 PM
12:13 PM
1:00 PM
12:32 PM
12:19 PM
Not sure if there are still server issues, but it looks like right now they go up between 8:10 PM and 8:20 PM your time. Hope the timing stabilizes soon, though.
WTF WHAT HAPPENED D: I approved it in moderation, then it came through again and I deleted what I thought was a duplicate. I DO NOT GET THIS, I WILL UNDELETE. o.O
"Really, we're just good friends"
Faith/Buffy. Yes. More of this, always.
Oh my, Ms. Post, you are already making a dreadful impression. It's so aggravating to see adults being total bullies; one of my favorite teachers in Middle School was very clearly ostracized by my other teachers due to school politics; they did things like not make accomodations for her disabilit so she could go on the annual retreat, and talked shit about her behind her back. UGH. OF COURSE YOU ARE EVIL, YOU EVIL WOMAN YOU. How could you hit Giles ;_;
But mostly, omg Faith IT'S OKAY TO TRUST PEOPLE except yeah, if I had your life experiences I would probs react exactly the same way. It's okay; you are my favorite always and forever~
Maybe because I submitted twice (and deleted the one that I saw as in moderation), because I originally had a link I thought triggered the mod-approval. So maybe there was some stream crossing or something. Anyways, hooray now, all shall love me and despair, etc.
Bizarro. Maybe IntenseDebate is just being weird again. @_@ EITHER WAY, IT WORKED OUT, YAYAYAY and all that. 😀
RIGHT? I really want to know more about the Watchers!
I like to imagine they spend their days sipping tea and eating crumpets, placing bets about who will get to Watch the next Slayer and debating the best training techniques. And then twice a year, they go camping. Also, I know they're not all British, but they are in my head. Maybe they also go to cafes and try to pick out girls they think would make good Slayers. It's a way to pass time. Or maybe they have a list of potential Slayers and they still like to make bets on who will be the next Chosen One. (Apparently I think Watchers like to gamble a lot because they're bored.)
Agreed. I automatically recognize Qnja now and knew what it was referencing.
Tvyrf ernyyl qbrf frrz gb unir ceboyrz jvgu rqhpngrq, nhgubevgngvir jbzra. Pbzcner jvgu Cebsrffbe Jnyfu.
Jryy, gb or snve, va obgu pnfrf ur jnf chg ba gur qrsrafvir. Naq Wraal Pnyraqne fher frrzrq yvxr na rqhpngrq nhgubevgngvir jbzna gb zr. Naq ur'f tbg ceboyrzf jvgu rqhpngrq, nhgubevgngvir zra, gbb (Dhragva Geniref, nalbar?)
Ohg lrf, ur vf qrsvavgryl vafrpher nobhg obgu uvf vagryyrpghny pbagevohgvbaf naq uvf nhgubevgl, naq gung yrnqf gb bireernpgvir qrsrafvirarff ba uvf cneg. Juvpu pna or rkcybvgrq.
Jryy, nhgubevgngvir jbzra jub jbex uneq gb znxr uvz srry vafrpher naq gura ghea bhg gb or RIVY ng yrnfg. Ur'f BX jvgu Wraal naq Wblpr, gubhtu.
Jryy, Cebsrffbe Jnyfu jnf abg bhgrq nf rivy jura Tvyrf zrg ure, naq sebz whfg gung fubeg pbairefngvba (naq vafrphevgl ertneqvat gur fgeratgu bs uvf sbezre fb fgebat fynlre/jngpure obaq) ur fnlf gung ur ungrf Jnyfu. "Ab! Ab. V'z abg fnlvat gung ng nyy. Gubhtu V qb . . . ungr ure dhvgr n ybg."
Ohg lrnu, Dhragva Geniref vf n tbbq cbvag. Fgvyy, V jbhyq fnl gung Tvyrf, nf gur cngevnepu bs gur Fpbboltnat ernpgf engure enfu jura n jbzra pyrneyl gnxrf pbzznaq, engure gung nfx uvz naq uvz nqivprf à yn Wraal Pnyraqre be Fhzzref.
Eryngrq fvqrabgr: Vfa'g srznyr jngpuref qrfpevorq dhvgr onq. Obgu gur fcvxr-sna naq Tjraqbyla Cbfg?
Bu, V nterr gung ur unf vffhrf jvgu Jnyfu gung tb orlbaq gur fhesnpr grkg bs gurve vagrenpgvba. Npghnyyl, gung jubyr pbairefngvba va ure bssvpr znqr zr jnag gb fvg Tvyrf qbja jvgu n avpr phc bs grn naq fznpx uvz ba gur onpx bs gur urnq. Orpnhfr, ernyyl, qhqr: jnl gb pbzr npebff nf gur qrfcrengr ybaryl fgnyxre bs n lbhatre jbzna. Rira vs Jnyfu unqa'g orra rivy, fur'q fgvyy or cresrpgyl va gur evtug gb tvir uvz gur znwbe fvqr-rlr.
The best part was when Mark was all, "rabbit, is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?"
That is a great movie to have as a favorite. I was singing "When Your a Professional Pirate" just the other day while my friend was trying to have a serious conversation about the historically inaccurate depiction of pirates in movies these days…..*is a bad friend and listener*
"Upstage lads! This is my ONLY number…"
Uh, maybe EPA?
… Oops. 🙂
Me too! It's kind of fun indication of how well you know the show.
Robert Rules say we gotta have minutes for a meeting!
This episode has so many good things. I too got on the Fuffy ship this time around; until, y'know, Joss BROKE Faith's ability to trust *shakes tiny fist*. Gwendolyn Post is so wicked that I kind of love her. She is just such a scheming conniver. Or is that conniving schemer?
And, yeah. Emotional fallout. I like that the closure at the episode's end is very different for Faith, Buffy, and Giles. We get the idea that this was a pretty significant transition for Faith — 'You can't trust guys' has turned into 'You can't trust anyone'. Buffy is relieved to have her secret out in the end, and it feels like she can start to deal with the impacts now. Giles' feelings at the end seem a lot more conflicted and unsure. V jbaqre ubj zhpu gur snyybhg sebz guvf rcvfbqr vasyhraprf uvf vavgvny qrpvfvba gb tb nybat jvgu gur Pehpvnzraghz. Vg'f cbffvoyr gung vs Ohssl unq orra zber hcsebag jvgu uvz, gura ur jbhyq unir sryg zber pbasvqrag nobhg fgnaqvat hc gb gur pbhapvy rneyvre ba.
Has Giles now been knocked out in every single episode of this season?
He definitely got through Anne, Dead Man's Party and Band Candy without being knocked out, and I actually have "three episodes in a row!" in my notes for Homecoming (although I can't actually remember when he got knocked out in Faith, Hope and Trick so I might be wrong on that).
V fjrne, bar bs gurfr gvzrf, ur'f tbvat gb jnxr hc va n pbzn.
jnxr hc va n…bu arire zvaq <3
It seems like the server issues are getting worse. It can take a long time to load this page. And then I forget and hit refresh and it takes even longer to go through comments
Mark, curse your sudden but inevitable popularity!
Like, every day, there are anywhere from 500 at the lowest to around 5,000 at the highest NEW readers per day. I keep increasing my server memory, and I can't keep up.
It's the most curse-filled blessing ever.
The power of the slayer proves itself. And let us not forget the ring…the ring of power… obviously.
I think there still are; I get at least one server timeout error thing in the time post-upload.
-I guess the Dingo's are now the Bronze's go-to band. Not that I am complaining.
-However, I will start complaining if it gives Willow and Xander the chance to continue their ridiculousness.
-Buffy is back in her “I'm not a criminal” ski cap. And she has had it bedazzled!
-New Watcher! Woooooo! Though she better not start criticizing Giles.
-I said don't do that lady. You will probably end up dead or injured.
-12 cemetary's 34(?) churches
-Aw, tandem Tai Chi. Though their arms are not in sync so one of them is doing it wrong.
-Angel, what are you going to do?
-But…don't go off to possibly face a demon alone Xander.
-Theory, Watcher Lady is going to end up wearing the glove.
-Love that effect with the tea kettle, sound department. Giles isn't boiling over yet though.
-Xander, you are a tattle-tale.
-I feel sad when everyone gangs up on Buffy because they don't know the full picture and her voice gets all high/stressed/sad and it makes me stressed/sad.
-That is an impressive amount of misunderstandings all within a few seconds.
-I don't like that Buffy and Faith fought but it is interesting that it looked like Buffy was the better fighter I think.
-It shoots lighting? One bolt at a time? And it needs words? That is really what scared Willow and Xander? I am not saying it isn't worrisome but they have definitely seen worse.
-I guess Mrs. Post still got the Watcher Newsletter since she knew who Faith was, despite being fired a year ago.
-Do the Watchers not realize that keeping these things from Giles and his Slayer might END THE WORLD someday?
43 churches. Though, that doesn't include any non-Christian religious institutions.
Yes! Got the numbers right at least.
Muppet Treasure Island is THE BEST! I haven’t seen it in so long *tear*. It might be my favourite muppet movie. I can’t decide if it’s that one or their Christmas Carol one.
Mine is Great Muppet Caper! 😀
Man I was in love with that when I was a kid but now all I can remember is Miss Piggy and her motorcycle-time for a rewatch. For me it's gotta be a tie between the original and the Christmas Carol. Still need to see the new one.
Yes! That's my favorite too. The Muppets Take Manhattan is a very close second. The song from the wedding truly does make me cry. It's so….winsome.
Yes! Those are my two super-close-favorites as well.
I haven't seen them in forever. Gotta watch 'em again.
Potential liveblog, maybe? I haven't watched either in years, and after living in NY for awhile, I think it would be so much fun to revisit The Muppets Take Manhattan and see what's possibly still the same. (Cabs hitting people/frogs is definitely still the same, by the way. I've witnessed this more than once.)
Yes! We should find a way to do a Muppet liveblog after Miyazaki and Alien (because I really wanna do Miyazaki and Alien.)
I 100% agree with your liveblog prioritization. Please get OUT OF MY BRAIN. Or stay, but just know that I also love word puzzles, so be prepared for lots of cryptograms.
I would love a Miyazaki mini-marathon (Mononoke -> Spirited Away -> Howl) and an Alien mini-marathon (1 -> 2 -> 4, because gurl FJVZ!), and then the Muppets. That would be so much fun!
Also, this weekend I saw a preview for a new Studio Ghibli release!
I agree with all of this!! But you can't forget Totoro and Kiki if you're doing a Ghibli marathon
What's this new Studio Ghibli movie??? 😀
Arriety! I first saw the trailer for it when I went to see the Muppet movie, oddly enough!
Yes! Arriety! Here's the trailer and the release date is soon!
Ohh I've seen Arriety a few months ago and that is one gorgeous movie!
Plus, the music's been stuck in my head ever since.
I'd love to do Alien and Miyazaki marathons though! Princess Mononoke is my favourite Ghibli film, personally. I also secretly really love Alien 3, but shhh, don't tell anyone.
I LOVED Arriety! It was so cute! And the music was perfect! Which is pretty much what I say about all Ghibli movies.
I saw it back when it came out in Japan, but now I can see it again here! 😀
I spotted the name 'Arriety' and thought this thread was about 'The Borrowers' – Mary Norton. I believe I was mistaken *watches trailer*
Well that's gorgeous isn't it.
This is like one of those episodes that Makes My Neck Veins Pop. Not in a bad way, necessarily. It's all written in a way that's INTENDED to get me all pissed off and yelly, but MAN.
Xander, HOW DARE YOU. I MEAN REALLY. Why does he keep going on and on about Ms. Calendar? THE TWO OF THEM WERE NOT CLOSE. It's just jealousy and control issues and guilt because he's doing a bad thing and he knows it. BE AN ADULT PLEASE. STOP TELLING BUFFY HOW SHE SHOULD DEAL WITH THE VERY COMPLEX ANGEL SITUATION. ALSO, STOP MAKING REFERENCES TO HER SEX LIFE IT IS GROSS.
Yeah, I'm still firmly Team Buffy. I really like that she's not always right, she makes mistakes, AND she has to deal with the consequences of those mistakes. That's good writing. BUT OH MAN YOU GUYS JUST PLEASE LISTEN TO HER. STOP DISREGARDING HER OPINIONS. I think the others are justifiably hurt that she didn't tell them these things, but you'd think they'd at least consider her point of view.
Except Giles. I can totally stand by Giles here. I think there's a big dynamic happening between him and Buffy where he feels torn between the expectation that he be a prim authority figure who holds sway over his Slayer and feeling really hurt that she (he feels) doesn't respect him or care about his opinions. HE'S SUCH A DAD.
It's easy to forget since he's clearly played by a guy who was nearly 30 at the time, but Xander's not an adult. There's a reason he doesn't often act like one in these early seasons.
"She really is the opposite of Buffy in many ways, showcasing what it would mean to have the burden of Slayerdom without support of any kind."
Guvf vf jul V ybir gung ovg nobhg Bguryyb naq Vntb sebz "Rnefubg" – V xabj vg'f gurer gb gnyx nobhg Ohssl naq Natry, ohg V guvax vg fnlf zhpu zber nobhg gur eryngvbafuvc orgjrra Ohssl naq Snvgu. Fb zhpu fb gung rirel gvzr V jngpu gur rcvfbqr V'z n yvggyr fhecevfrq jura fur tbrf gb Natry, engure guna Snvgu.
Well, it doesn't grow on trees!
(Seriously, I was trying to think of an answer to that question and I was like…tobacco? Oh yeah, gold. Sure do love that gold. Although I would never to think to describe it as something that comes out of the ground, like it just magically grows if you pour water on dirt. Come to think of it, I don't think I actually know where gold comes from. I tend to think of it as being in caves, which are the ground, I guess, but still. But where does it COME from? What is it doing here? Ancient Kryptonians? Another dimension? Oh man, my whole world is crumbling.)
…how else would you spell fiery?
It also occurs to me that I don't know whether you are a rabbit-ape or a rabbi-tape.
I have to admit, for a long time I read it as 'rabbit-rape' and I thought you were the worst person ever.
But when I say 'for a long time' I actually mean 'about five seconds'. But it was an AWFUL five seconds.
I'm sorry I love you reallyyyyy…
Alice, you bring me so much joy every day. Thank you.
OH MY GOD. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I'm doing a little bit of both. That's terrible! Maybe I should have embraced caps – or punctuation? – when creating my user name. I hope by now I am off the hook as a terrible person?
I'm inclined to let both possible (non-rape) versions of my username stand, since "rabbi-tape" makes me giggle so much I almost fall out of my chair. But no, it's meant to be "rabbit-ape." I can't tell you why.
(You can change your intensedebate display name if you want.)
I was going to! But there's a 20-character limit, so I couldn't list out all the iterations of rabbit/ape/rabbi/tape like I wanted to. So I had to settle for a new image and updated status.
p.s. A google image search for rabbit and ape turns up more results than I expected. I now have a stash to cycle through.
Cute pic!
The best part is when I mouseover it, I see adorable smiling animals and the message "This is you!"
Yes, internet, that is me! I'm adorable and cute!
Buffy sure has made things busy around here, hasn't it? Its kind of awesome.
I always get mad when the Internet tells me I can't see the site because of "capacity problems." I'm like, who are all these other people who get to see it instead of me??? I've been here for over a year! Are they cooler? Am I not in the Cool Kids' Club? Why am I in Club 503? Why isn't my name on the list? Are they all having fun without me? AM I IN HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN?
I understand that the gang is thinking viscerally rather than logically about Angel, but I kind of wish they – and Buffy and Angel – weighted the actual risks involved. There's room for multiple interpretations of how much responsibility Angel bears for Angelus's actions – my own opinion is enough to legitimately feel guilty, but not enough to be morally punished for it – but the question of whether or not he is too dangerous to keep alive needs to be considered.
I mean, what, really, are the terms of the curse? If "perfect happiness" is code word for "reaches sexual climax," there's a pretty reliable way to avoid that, as much as it might be painful for Angel. But if it is really about an emotional state, there's more of a risk, since that would mean that there's a far wider range of situations in which Angel could potentially turn.
In either event, I think the case could be made that the risk is still an acceptable one, but it is something that needs to be discussed, and would be a lot more reasonable position than "well, he killed Jenny and tortured Giles while he didn't have the soul that he now possesses."
I would hope that the terms were not just "reaches climax", or else that would be hugely problematic (haha, not that Joss would ever write something problematic nope)
I've seen a lot of discussion as to what "perfect happiness" means, and the explanation I like best is that it's the sense of loving and being loved and utterly trusted.
Pregnvayl ur unf frk yngre juvpu qbrf abg ybfr uvz uvf fbhy.
Yeah, I tend to see it as contentment–a moment where he is able to forget all the horrible things he has done and seen. That wasn't the actual act of sex with Buffy, it was the fact that they loved each other and he was able to lose himself in her and forget all of his Angel Angst.
*sigh* Yeah.
She obviously had not seen Disney's 'Pocahantas'
The gold of Cortés
The jewels of Pizarro
Will seem like mere trinkets
By this time tomorrow
The gold we find here
Will dwarf them by far
Oh, with all ya got in ya, boys
Dig up Virginia, boys…
Awesome song reference. Must look it up on YouTube now and feel the hey nonny nonny joy.
"Firey." And I'd say 90% of the time, that's how people spell it.
“ And fortunately it’s not up to you.”
“Excuse me, Mary Poppins, you don’t seem to be listening.”
“Faith, if the Council feels that you need closer observation, then we will all of course cooperate.”
This is a very interesting note. It’s something that’s been lingering underneath the surface of the Buffyverse for some time, but I think this may the first point where it’s really become explicit – that idea that the Slayers are tools of the Watcher’s Council and a question raised about what choices they have or don’t have in this relationship.
Why ISN’T it up to the Slayers? Why do they have the super powers, the responsibility, and the calling, but much less agency than the Council? Why do these Watchers call the shots? What gives them the “right” and a position of authority? (I know us veterans could all theorize and discuss the slayer/watcher relationship in detail in rot13, but for this episode I’m just focusing on the new questions being raised.)
”You have to trust that I am right.”
The end confrontation with Gwendolyn Post underlines this conundrum, because here is this person who no one really knows, but brings with her authority and assumed control due to her status as a Watcher, and in the final fight scene we see Faith trust her judgment over Buffy’s. Now, obviously a lot of things are going on here (Angel being a vampire, Post tapping into Faith’s isolation, etc), but still I think it’s very significant that when Buffy explicitly asks Faith to trust her, Faith decides to follow this new relatively untested Watcher that she doesn’t really know vs a fellow Slayer who she’s known for a month or two now and who she is well aware has actually been regularly putting her life on the line for a couple years, fighting the Forces of Darkness and dying once already in the process.
”Faith, a word of advice: you’re an idiot.”
It kind of makes you wonder. Why does anyone, even our beloved Giles, get to exert such control over these girls? (“I am in complete control over my Slayer.”) Shouldn’t the Watcher be more like the Robin to the Slayer’s Batman?
or even the Alfred to the Slayer's Batman.
I have to say one thing though, someone probably already did, but whatever…
I don't think that Miss Post is behaving the way she is, just because she likes being an asshole. (not saying that she won't think it's a nice bonus, but there's more to it than that)
Quite simply, it keeps Giles from asking her too many questions. Because he's too busy trying to gain her approval, to ask her who sent her, what she's doing in Sunnydale, what she's planning to do with Faith and so on…
It's a simple matter of a con, if the people in authority think you have authority over them, they're not as likely to question you, because they're too busy wondering what they did wrong to get someone checking up on them.
He was hit with a tranquilizer dart in FHaT
Isn't that Beauty and the Beasts? Where either Faith or Willow attempts to shoot Oz and Debbie pushes them so it hits Giles instead. Unless it happened in both episodes.
yes, yes! Actually, that's perfect.
You're right. My brain is being slow today.
Oh right and I also forgot that at the end of the episode Buffy asks Xander if "they're cool." WHY WASN'T THAT INTERACTION THE OTHER WAY AROUND SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK.
Also: I am really enjoying all the insight into Faith's character in the comments. Faith really did get the short end of the stick in this episode.
"Nu, V nz ab Nyserq, fve. Lbh sbetrg — Nyserq unq n wbo!"
"V'yy fgnl oruvaq naq chgg nebhaq gur Ongpnir jvgu pehfgl byq Nyserq urer!"
Frevbhfyl, gung'f jul frnfbaf sbhe naq svir zvtug or zl snibevgrf. V ybir jngpuvat Tvyrf trg zber vapbecbengrq vagb gur tnat va n pybfre gb crre eryngvbafuvc. (naq ohssl trggvat gb gryy gur pbhapvy jub'f obff.)
Me too.
Agreed 🙂
It's a sign that I've been on this site too much that I immediately Rot13'd your last line, and was deeply confused when it didn't translate into anything coherent…
Also, this is nitpicky as fuck, but I can't help but notice how healthy that night-blooming jasmine looks when they go out to that area of the mansion. Who the hell went in and watered that over the Southern California summer? If it really was neglected till Angel's return, it would look really really dead, especially considering that the summer of 98 in this lovely state was hot as balls thanks to El Nino the previous winter. SORRY I JUST THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS, SINCE I LIKE PLANTS AND TRY TO CARE FOR THEM. I have seen what happens when that particular one doesn't get enough regular watering during hot summers and it isn't pretty. 🙁
Knowing Sunnydale, the jasmine is probably evil, and feeds off of fear rather than sun and water.
'pnhfr vg'f cebonoyl gbb rneyl sbe vg gb or n ersrerapr gb gur Wnfzvar nep. Fgvyy…
V nz fgehttyvat gb pbagnva zl ynhtugre ng jbex evtug abj!
I didn't even think of that. Brilliant!
As a plant biologist, can I just say this comment makes we want to hug you? 🙂
What sort of plant biology do you do?
Basically cellular and molecular bio, in the context of plants, though I've taught plant anatomy and plant ecophysiology lab classes too 🙂 The research I'm doing now looks at how legume plants change themselves to allow symbiotic bacteria to get inside their roots so they can be friendly little nitrogen fixers. Basically the plants turn their long solid root hair cells into like a straw that lets the bacteria travel inside them, and while there are models for how that's controlled, we don't know for sure what's going on. So I shine lasers into them and look in microscopes to see what I can see!(that was long and possibly complicated. Aah the dangers of asking a PhD student what they do ;p)
Nod genes! …and besides what you said that's pretty much all I know about it. Can I ask what you're specifically doing with the lasers and microscopes?
(I'm a soon to be PhD student and am actually considering plant and/or microbiology so you doing both is actually really cool to me and I'm interested to hear more if you're willing to share.)
For some reason I was thinking your answer would be "Evil plant biology" I don't even know why…
I think this is the first time they've named "the counsel" – I love learning about organizational/governmental structures, so I can't wait to find out more about the counsel. What do they do? Are they like what watchers do if they aren't assigned to a Slayer? Are they elected on there? It sounds like its all based out of England too, what with that watchers "across the pond" comments.
The whole Buffy/Scoobies fight was just uncomfortable to watch (aren't they always). As usual, there's good points on both sides. But I think Giles rebuke was more
Faith and Xander going after Angel – not okay. I do appreciate that Xander really took a look at Giles, and realized that Angel wouldn't have done that. That was him being reasonable, and then he seemed to go back on that thought two seconds later, which didn't really makes sense.
And then its just miscommunication and misunderstandings all around! Faith doesn't know who Angel is, Angel doesn't know who Faith is, Mrs. Post is just playing everyone! Gah. I understand at the end that Faith feels upset that she was played, but I still think she should be a little more understanding/accepting of Buffy. I'm sure she's just scared of getting hurt again, but still.
*cough* Council.
I think the Council was mentioned briefly in "Faith, Hope, and Trick." Giles called them to ask what to do about Faith's situation.
Yes it was, but it was kind of in the background/said quietly then. This time was more obvious.
Is it bad that I actually find Faith's character turn to be somewhat amusing? Think about it: she's LOST FAITH in other people. I just hope this doesn't mean we're about to lose her…
I think the thing that aggravates me most, and this was the point in the series when I really started to dislike Xander out-and-out, is that his actions about and against Angel, his reasons for claiming Buffy's a bad person for how she deals with Angel, all these things are being retconned in his own mind. He might say that Buffy's being careless of other people or selfish or whatever, but his reasons for doing it are all because he's bitter Buffy picked Angel over him. I can forgive a lot for how people feel about things and the impact personal feelings have on a person's ability to look rationally at something, but every thing Xander says and does in relation to Angel seems to boil down to, "How dare you be more interesting romantically to Buffy than I am?" It starts comeing out here and makes me look back at things he did before through a totally different lens.
For the record, I firmly believe a lot of hatred of characters on a series by fans who've seen a whole series comes out of places like this.
Retconned in his own mind. Yes, exactly. Great way to put it.
…that is like the most perfect way to put it and expresses something I wanted to write and could not put my finger on.
I just now had a thought.
Sucks to be Mrs Post's husband.
I think he's well shot of her. It can't be much fun to be married to someone who is that critical and passive-aggressive all the time.
"well shot of her"
I love this particular Britishism. (And most others.)
I'm trying desperately to keep Britishisms in my vocabulary. I've been back in the US now for almost nine years. *sigh*
Fbqqvat, oyvzl, funttvat, xavpxref, ohyybpxf!
Didn't have to translate that!
Months later, Mr. Post enters the Council Headquarters after finally piecing together the mystery of his wife's disappearance. "Why didn't you tell me she turned evil and got destroyed by the slayer?!" he shouts, interrupting the rummy game in the corner. One of the watchers says, "What? Didn't you get the memo?"
Yes this!
I would think that a vampire gaining entrance to Faith's room would be pretty dependent on knocking, what with the whole "not unless invited" thing. Is a[n occupied] motel room considered a public space in that respect, then?
I have only one thing to say about this episode:
I'd like to second this.
"Canada?…that's a State, nevermind"
Hahaha oh god, that is too funny
I mean, I'm used to Americans not knowing anything about Canadian geography, but come on.
"Canada?…that's a State, nevermind"
Hahaha oh god, that is too funny
I mean, I'm used to Americans not knowing anything about Canada, but come on.
In Canada.. I know more about the US than US citizens it seems.
V’z svaqvat gung gur rcvfbqrf gung V rawbl gur zbfg ba Ohssl ner gubfr gung nqqerff gur pbaprcg bs vqragvgl. Vg’f abg n gurzr gung jr’ir arire frra orsber, ohg V nyfb arire srry yvxr gur fubj vf ercrngvat vgfrys.
Guvf znxrf zr rntre sbe na rcvfbqr arkg frnfba nobhg vqragvgl gung qrnyf jvgu gjb bs gur guerr punenpgref lbh sbphf ba, bar bs zl snibevgr rcvfbqrf bs gur frevrf (“Jub Ner Lbh” sbe gubfr va ebg13 ynaq. Nygubhtu gurer vf nabgure rcvfbqr “N Arj Zna” gung sbphfrf ba vqragvgl vffhrf sbe gur bgure bs gur guerr punenpgref.). Naq, vs lbh rire znxr vg gb pbirevat Qbyyubhfr, Tbq uryc lbh. Gung fubj unf gb or gur zbfg evtbebhf qvffrpgvba bs vqragvgl V’ir rire frra. Zvtug or zl snibevgr Jurqba fubj sbe gung ernfba.
I have really mixed feelings on Xander's (and to a lesser extent, the other Scoobies') actions in this episode.
For one thing, I don't think he knew that Angel had his soul back. Yes, he probably should have assumed it since he saw Buffy kissing him and not trying to stake him, but I'm certainly OK with him at least bringing up the fact that Angel is alive to Giles, because on the surface, they're right – Buffy shouldn't have hidden that from them.
(Though I get, especially given everything he says in this episode, why Buffy hadn't told Xander that Willow's curse worked. There's no way that conversation would have gone well. And I can't imagine Giles or Willow would have betrayed Buffy's confidence and told Xander themselves.)
And then on the flip side, he rats Buffy out for kissing Angel, which isn't really relevant to their discussion. The fact that he's alive is really all he needed to share. (I especially found it awkward and rude that Oz, the person in the group who knows Buffy the least, was the one who actually brought that up to her.)
And Willow's 'I statement' thing is kind of hilarious, because she uses it to say "I think YOU…." which pretty much still defeats the purpose. Only Cordelia really got it right, which is kind of surprising. I'd expect her to be the one to make an accusation and phrase it as an I statement, not Willow.
But as much as he hates Angel, when Faith immediately jumps to the conclusion that Angel attacked Giles, Xander actually defends him. He can't stop Faith, but he at least didn't just say, "Yup, must be Angel, let's go." Even though that's what they were on their way to do initially. The attack on Giles definitely gave him second thoughts.
And again, flip side, when Buffy shows up and asks what happened, he's a total ass to her about Angel. Again. Why couldn't he have told her exactly what happened? Like, "I tried to tell her this wasn't Angel's work, but she wouldn't listen. She's got about a ten minute head start. Go stop her, I'll go with Giles." But instead, he echoes Faith's conclusion. (Dollhouse spoilers: Jubn. 'Rpubrf Snvgu'f'. Uhu.)
So yeah, he had chances to Do The Right Thing (or Mostly Right), and came SO CLOSE a couple of times, before screwing it all up. But then, that's what makes people, and this show, complicated. And I think interesting, too, because if it were so simple as right or wrong, or right for the right reasons and wrong for the wrong reasons, there wouldn't be conflict. (It would make for easier lives, but lousy television.)
The other issue I have with this episode, though, is – and I know, I know, 'suspension of disbelief' – the fact that neither Willow nor Giles sustained serious lasting injuries from what probably should otherwise have been fatal blows to the head. I mean, obviously they can't kill off every character who suffers a head injury, but at the very least, Willow shouldn't have been able to regain consciousness quite that quickly. (Rira Fcvxr qbrfa'g jura Tybel xabpxf uvz bhg va Oybbq Gvrf!)
Gubhtu ernyyl, ng gur raq bs gur qnl, Eriryngvbaf jnf whfg gur hasbeghangryl arprffnel rcvfbqr gb trg guebhtu fb jr pbhyq trg gb gur nznmvat Ybiref Jnyx gbzbeebj naq Gur Jvfu ba Zbaqnl.
"And then on the flip side, he rats Buffy out for kissing Angel, which isn't really relevant to their discussion. The fact that he's alive is really all he needed to share. (I especially found it awkward and rude that Oz, the person in the group who knows Buffy the least, was the one who actually brought that up to her.) "
Its relevant in that her objectivity is clouded, that she is letting Angel back into her heart which is dangerous if her ever loses his soul again ( for any reason, no Buffy needed for that since its a very vague curse) she might let him run rampant again and murder more people while she deals with getting her courage up to defeat her heart break before slaying him.
UGH life is getting in the way of me being early ish in the comments which is just so annoying. Anyway, finally finished rewatching although this is one of the two episodes that I had on tape (yes, as in VHS tape, ridiculous I know) and therefore I have seen it SO. MANY. TIMES. So I already knew the Giles Knock-Out Count went up again today to 13.5, which makes 3/4 episodes this week! Yikes, no wonder he had to go to the hospital this time 🙁 Although, if you had to pick a message Giles, I would have gone with Gwen Post hit me over destroy the glove, but that could just be me.
Also, 100% agree that the Buffy/Faith fight scene kind of looked amazing, but all the sadfaces because Faith has enough trust issues already 🙁 🙁 Also, damn did her face look trashed in that last scene. Usually they use the Slayer healing excuse to avoid showing those bumps and bruises, so when they do, I think it makes it even more effective.
Thanks. I know intellectually Faith won't appeal to everyone, but she's really easy to understand for me and moreover I just want to understand her. She's just really really compelling to me.
You may notice a certain theme in this comment.
– "Really, we're just good friends." FAITH/BUFFY. I SHIP IT.
– SEXY TAI CHI? You guys this isn't Dirty Dancing. Or Dirty Meditative Exercises
– Cold turkey is not always the key to quitting, actually. For example, if you cold-turkey quit something that has really bad withdrawal symptoms, you can die. In that case gradual tapering is the way to go.
– This episode makes me sad. I don't like it when people are mean to Faith, or when she loses faith in Buffy. No pun intended.
– Sad guitar of infidelity!
– Xander sees Angel and Buffy kissing, and you just KNOW he's going to be all judgy and awful about it. When he's CURRENTLY CHEATING ON HIS GIRLFRIEND.
– Shut up, Mrs. Post.
– Oh god, now they're having a fucking INTERVENTION? I hate you all forever.
– Shut up, Xander.
– I don't usually say this, but shut up, Oz.
– I hate when Giles is like "I won't remind you blah blah blah" because by saying that, he IS reminding her. Passive-aggressive bullshit. I agree that Buffy should have told him LONG before, but don't pretend you're not scolding Buffy when you totally are.
– I hate you all forever.
– "A bunch of guys from Spart?" Hee.
– Now Mrs. Post is being all nice and mentor-y to Faith, but instead of dying like the ones who are nice to Buffy, she turns out to be evil. I hate her.
– Fuck you Mrs. Post, for deliberately undermining Faith's trust in Giles, Buffy and the rest.
– Heh, Willow is so guilty about making out with Xander. "Secrets are good!" (Also, her little thing about secrets making things sexier shows me that she doesn't really want to be with Xander–it's just the thrill of something forbidden that attracts her.)
– I hate Xander here for riling Faith up, too. HATE. HATE HATE HATE EVERYONE.
– But Faith, you can't slay Angel, he needs to be on the spinoff!
– Giles knockout count goes up!
– I love Willow's little "Yess!" after Buffy kills the demon.
– I hate you so much Xander
– Ahahahah they keep the weapons IN the library cage? You know, the one they ALSO LOCK THE WEREWOLF IN?
– Well, at least Xander chooses GILES'S LIFE over killing Angel. You get, like, one point for that, combined with the fifty billion points you lost in this episode alone.
– Whee, living flame
– I hate you so much Xander
– Faith beats up Xander. Thanks, Faith!
– Faith, you trusted the wrong Watcher 🙁
– "Oddly enough, your boyfriend. Again."
– "Are we cool?" NO. XANDER SUCKS.
– Still hate Buffy's hair
I noticed a certain theme in your comment, indeed. I approve of it muchly.
Oh, also, Xander can go fall face-first into a bin full of lego.
I don't think werewolves use weapons much. It's all fangs and claws for them.
I totally ship Buffy/Faith here too. Although really what Faith needs is a real friend. You could just see her face shut down as she shares her romantic past, and Buffy just refuses to share anything. You could read that shippy or friendshippy and either way it's sadshippy.
(Also: hi!)
Hee! You have roped me in. These here reviews are addictive. *g*
Like that wasn't obvious when I reposted the friggin' Ricky Martin video. 😀
Would you believe I totally missed that? I'm so behind on my LJ stuff. I blame these sites.
Outrage on Xander's behalf—>GLbh thlf ner jnl gbb ebhtu ba Knaqre. Qvq lbh thlf nyy unir n frperg zrrgvat naq qrpvqr vg jnf gur pbby guvat gb qb? Uzzcu. Lbh'yy nyy or fbeel jura Knaqre fnirf gur jbeyq. *tehzoyr tehzoyr tehzoyr*b zr, rirelguvat Snvgu qbrf naq orpbzrf pna or genprq onpx gb "Eriryngvbaf."
Sorrry that last bit was still in my rot13 and I didn't clear it out. You get my point. 🙂
Yes, we're the Cult of the Xander Haters, we have secret midnight meetings where we get dressed up in weird robes and do freaky arcane rituals in the name of our Xander hate.
Or, a lot of us just happen to think his behavior here is rude and gross. YOU DECIDE.
…why "or"? I thought it was your turn to bring the bundt cake for the next meeting 🙁
OH SHIT forgot to code that. I mean, sparrows fly at dawn. The midnight song of the nightingale is colourful.
<3 <3 <3
If misterbernie is bringing the bundt cake, I call dibs on chips and dip!
You got it! 😀
Sometimes I am sad that I don't hate Xander. :/
I take the minutes at this secret meeting as well.
Why do I always get elected secretary? *grump*
Just as a fair warning, lbh zvtug jnag fb fxvc zl pbzzrag ba Tenir, gura, sbe V pneel zhpu ungerq sbe gur fgenvtug pvf pnecragre fnivat gur jbeyq sebz gur rivy yrfovna Wrjvfu-Cntna-Jvppn jvgpu.
Orpnhfr. UNGR.
Yvxr, V npghnyyl YBIR zbfg bs frnfba 6 (hacbchyne bcvavba, V xabj! Ohg V whfg birevqragvsl jvgu Ohssl.), ohg V YBNGUR gur jnl Qnex Jvyybj cynlrq bhg.
V ~nyybj~ crbcyr gb unir qvssrerag bcvavbaf :C ! V guvax V zvtug yvxr frnfba fvk zber vs jr unq tbggra yrff anxrq Fcvxr, abar bs gur "zntvp = yrfovna penpx", naq n Qnex Jvyybj erqrrzrq ol Gnen.
LRFFFF. N QNEX JVYYBJ ERQRRZRQ OL GNEN JBHYQ UNIR ORRA SNOHYBHF. V zrna, Jvyybj trggvat bss ba zntvp vf cerggl va punenpgre. V jnf erjngpuvat "Ybiref Jnyx" rneyvre gbqnl va cercnengvba sbe gbzbeebj, naq Jvyybj vf tbvat gb qb gur qryhfgvat fcryy ba Knaqre jvgubhg gryyvat uvz. Fb V guvax Jvyybj unf nyjnlf hfrq zntvp sbe frysvfu checbfrf naq nf n jnl bs pbagebyyvat crbcyr. Fur jnf nyjnlf hfvat nf n dhvpx svk gb ure ceboyrzf. Naq fur'f nyjnlf gevrq gb orpbzr zber naq zber cbjreshy.
Fb gung nfcrpg bs ure nep va frnfba 6 jnf va punenpgre, naq V gbgnyyl ohl ure vzcybqvat ure eryngvbafuvc jvgu Gnen orpnhfr bs vg. OHG gur jnl vg cynlrq bhg jvgu Gnen qlvat naq gura Knaqre orvat gur ureb jnf whfg… ab.
Bu, V qba'g qvfnterr jvgu ure nohfr bs zntvpf orpnhfr fur jnagf gb or va nofbyhgr pbageby/svk ure ceboyrzf dhvpxyl naq fhpu orvat va punenpgre, vg'f gur zntvpny uvtu naq zntvp jvguqenjny naq Enpx'f zntvp penpx ubhfr naq zntvp bireqbfr gung naablf gur fuvg bhg bs zr (rira jvgu gung guebjnjnl yvar nobhg ubj vg'f abg zntvp, vg'f cbjre, vg'f gbb yvggyr, gbb yngr sbe zr), orpnhfr vg'f n sbe zr gbb pyhaxvyl jevggra fhofgnapr nohfr zrgncuber, vg pebffrf bire jvgu gur qrirybcvat frkhnyvgl = zntvp zrgncuber jr unq tbvat fvapr sbhe (be vs jr pbhag frkhny znghengvba va trareny, evtug sebz gur irel ortvaavat) va n jnl gung znxrf zr hapbzsbegnoyr.
Naq, jryy, lbhe frpbaq cnentencu vf nyfb nyy zl gubhtugf.
I…. disagree with you on ONE of these points.
*yvxrf anxrq Fcvxr*
I know that this is one of my Generally Unpopular Opinions 😛
Vg'f whfg gung zl glcr vf trarenyyl… qvssrerag. Fb nyy gung snafreivpr unq zr tbvat "…pbhyq jr tb onpx gb gur cybg abj, cyrnfr?"
*throws pornoball* SAMSWIFTCHU! I CHOOSE YOU!
Uhu jung!? Lbh'er tbvat gb unir gb rynobengr sbe zr nf V rvgure qba'g trg lbhe cbvag be V qb naq vgf rkgerzryl ceboyrzngvp.
Vf lbhe cbvag zrnag gb or Rvgure:
1) nf n Wrjvfu yrfovna jvgpu, Jvyybj jnf abg nyybjrq gb tb qbja n qnex ghea (vtabevat ubj njshy gur bhg bs abjurer frnfba 6 zntvp penpx nep vf sbe trggvat ure gurer) orpnhfr fur unf gb frg n tbbq rknzcyr.
2) N fgenvtug zna pnaabg fgbc ure naq fubhyq unir yrg gur jbeyq raq nf bayl n aba fgenvtug znyr fubhyq or nyybjrq gb pbasebag n zvabevgl (naq ubj pbzzba ner Wrjvfu Yrfovna Jvgpurf? vgf n cerggl fcrpvsvp pbzovangvba!)
V svaq obgu ceboyrzngvp nf rdhnyvgl vf bayl tbbq vs vgf npghnyyl rdhny, vs lbh erfgevpg n punenpgre orpnhfr bs gurve nggevohgrf yvxr Jvyybjf vagb bayl orvat bar glcr bs guvat, vgf rkgerzryl cngebavfvat gb gung qrzbtencuvp. Naq gur raq tbny bs srzvavfz fubhyq abg or "ubj qner fgenvtug zra qb nalguvat jura n jbzra vf vaibyirq va n fvghngvba!".
Jbj, gunax lbh sbe fgenvtugfcynvavat.
Creuncf lbh'er abg njner, ohg gurer vf n ybat naq htyl genqvgvba va svpgvba bs frcnengvat n yrfovna pbhcyr ol univat gur srzzr bar qvr/wbva n ahaarel naq univat gur ohgpu bar unir n oernxqbja/orpbzr rivy. Gb crecrghngr guvf greevoyr gebcr NAQ unir gur jbeyq or fnirq ol gur ybir bs n fgenvtug zna vf tebff va gur rkgerzr naq obgurerq n URYY bs n ybg bs hf YTOG sbyx. Bhe pevgvpvfz vf bs gur jevgvat qrpvfvba urer, abg gur pubvpr znqr ol gur punenpgref. Ovt qvssrerapr.
You say a lot of beautiful things where I want to point to them and go "THIS!"
V nz njner bs gur greevoyr "qvr be tb rivy/zragny pbyyncfr" gebcr, rira vs Wbff Jurnqba pynvzrq ur qvqa'g (gubhtu V fjrne V'ir urneq sebz n 3eq cnegl ur yngre fnvq bgurejvfr va fbzr bgure vagreivrj) V guvax V znl unir ebyyrq zl rlrf naq gubhtug "bu sbe gur ybir bs tbq, jung'f Jurnqba guvaxvat". Lbh znl abgr gung zl svefg cnentencu nfxrq sbe rynobengvba gb rkcynva gur cbfgref cbvag zber pyrneyl. Lbh znl nyfb abgr gung lbhe cbfg jnf n qrgnvyrq rkcynangvba bs jul lbh qvfyvxr gur fgbel pubvprf naq gnxr znwbe vffhrf jvgu gur jevgref, N sne zber ahnaprq cbfg guna " fgenvtug pvf pnecragre fnivat gur jbeyq sebz gur rivy yrfovna Wrjvfu-Cntna-Jvppn jvgpu." nf gubhtu gur onfvp vqrn bs n fgenvtug zna vagresrevat jvgu gur juvzf bs n yrfovna jbzra rire vf noubeerag naq vs fur qnza jryy jnagf gb raq gur jbeyq ur unf ab pynvz gb gel naq fgbc ure. Naq lrf gurer vf n ovt qvssrerapr orgjrra n jevgref qrpvfvba naq n punenpgre bar naq vgf n funzr zbfg nanylfvat bs nal fubjf graqf gb ivrj vg guebhtu "va havirefr bayl" be "jevgre bayl"
V jvyy gnxr n yvggyr bssrapr* ng gur cerfhzcgvba gung V nz fgenvtug whfg orpnhfr V dhrfgvbarq gur hapyrne vagrag bs n fgngrzrag vaibyivat n fgenvtug punenpgre if n tnl bar. Qb V unir n qhgl nf n tnl zna gb fvqr ntnvafg fgenvtug crbcyr va rirel pbasyvpg be fbzrguvat? Be vs V jrer fgenvtug jbhyq zl bcvavba or fbzrubj yrff nyybjrq naq V fubhyq fvg snpvat pbeare fbzrjurer naq arire fcrnx? Lrf, lbh pna nethr gurer jbhyq or ynpx bs svefg-unaq rkcrevrapr vs gung jrer gur pnfr, ohg gb nhgbzngvpnyyl qvfzvff fgenvtug crbcyr yvxr gung vf tebff.
*(Ohg bayl n yvggyr bssrapr, fb qba'g jbeel, ab uneq srryvatf be nalguvat, vg jvyy cnff nsgre V trg fbzr fyrrc! Ybbx sbejneq gbe ernqvat lbhe cbfgf naq qvfphffvat fghss qhevat gur uhaqerqf bs rcf yrsg va obgu fubjf)
Onfvpnyyl jung nepgvp_uner fnvq. Vg'f abg npghnyyl n pevgvdhr bs Knaqre uvzfrys, vg'f gur jevgvat qrpvfvba gung naablf zr gb ab raq, orpnhfr jr trg fbzr zhygvynlrerq, naq urapr zhygvcyl ceboyrzngvp flzobyvfz – n Puevfg svther fnivat gur jbeyq sebz na YTOG, aba-Puevfgvna ncbpnylcgvp ornfg. Vg qbrf abg fvg jryy jvgu zr.
Gur snpg gung Knaqre va znal jnlf vf nyfb fgrerbglcvpnyyl frkvfg znyr vf abg urycvat gurer.
Ab ceboyrz, gunaxf sbe rynobengvat ba jurer lbh jrer pbzvat sebz. Whfg jnagrq gb or fher vs vg jnf whfg n fgenvtug if tnl cbfg be vs vg unq zber gb vg. Gubhtu guvaxvat ba zl ercyl gb Nepgvp Uner V cebonoyl fubhyq unir hfrq n zber arhgeny jbeq guna "ahnapr" jura qvfphffvat lbhe cbfg. Zl ncbybtvrf ba gung sebag.
Gubhtu V qba'g guvax V'q rire qrfpevor Knaqre nf n Puevfg svther. Ur orfvqrf orvat n pnecragre vf abg Wrjvfu be n fcvevghny crefba va trareny (naq rira gura Wrfhf vf zbfgyl ersreerq gb nf gur fba bs n pnecragre rira vs ur zhfg unir qbar fbzr jbex jvgu uvf qnq va uvf grraf)
The thing is, I don't even mind Xander like 80% of the time (yeah, his sexist jokes suck, but I just don't really get that worked up about that) and there are a few moments where I love him to pieces, but this episode made me want to set him on fire.
Do they teach tai chi in hell? That would just explain so much.
As for the silence about Angel, kinda hard to say "You remember my boyfriends, Angel. He's just back from hundreds of years in torment in hell, and still not back to normal. Don't worry – he only turns into a murdering psychopath if I make him happy. So, excuse us while we go make kissy face."
Do they teach tai chi in hell? That would just explain so much.
Upvote times a million.
I always thought Gwendolen Post's accent was way too artificial to be real, but it's Kristin Scott-Thomas's sister, so I suppose it must be.
By this stage we are so accustomed to the way each storyline ties in to the themes of all the others that we almost don't notice the awesomeness. Trust, truth, literal faith are explored in a cascade of situations, and the hypocrisy and self-deception laid bare. Xander is angry about being kept in the dark. And just what, Mr Harris, are you doing to Cordelia?
Naq gbzbeebj gur rkcyvpvgyl rivy gehgu-fcrnxre jvyy cbvag vg nyy bhg.
Also, re your line about identity, have you noticed that the first episode of each season so far has shown us Buffy needing to redefine her identity as Slayer and integrate it with her personality? They are not necessarily strong episodes in all respects, but this theme of a teenage girl having to rediscover who she actually is rings very true to me.
So sad at the end to see bruised Faith all alone, lonely and resentful. So sad. The gulf between her and Buffy seems unbreachable.
Mr Whedon is taking us all to the dark place again. Sorry, Faith … you chose the wrong town/show to walk into, for happiness and bunnies.
Jul vf vg nyjnlf ohaavrf?
Hey, I've now sorted out this Rot13 thing too! It's puppies all the way!
Uhtf naq Chccvrf!
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My present to you, Fuffy shippers.
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What is that God awful hat, Buffy.
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The crashing cymbal of possible detection interrupts the classical guitar of infidelity
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Thanks for spelling out that metaphor.
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Xander isn't really this dense, he just plays it up for the cameras.
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A Giles reprimand is the worst kind.
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Quick! Throw the giant axe behind the check out desk.
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She's British, have you noticed yet?
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I have to say, the rain of glass and lightning is pretty cool.
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Is that a facial expression I see?
Faith looks like she's thinking "…I could stand to be more than friends" in that first shot. Love her.
Rkprcg gung'f ohyyfuvg gung Knaqre whfg ungrf inzcverf. Ur'f zru nobhg puvccrq Fcvxr naq qbrfa'g guvax ur fubhyq or fgnxrq hagvy Fcvxr naq Naln fyrrc gbtrgure naq ur svaqf bhg Ohssl jnf fyrrcvat jvgu uvz. Fher ur pnyyf uvz n guvat naq qvfyvxrf uvz, ohg ur unq Fcvxr fyrrcvat va uvf onfrzrag sbe njuvyr naq arire bapr 'nppvqragnyyl' syvccrq n phegnva bcra ba n fhaal qnl. Be frg n fynlre nsgre uvz.
He hates Angel. Not because he's a vampire, but because Buffy likes him. He can comment on the fact that he hates Angel, but he can't stand there self righteously and BLAME BUFFY for Jenny's death without some people side eying him pretty hard. He's condescending and cruel. And it has nothing to do with the fact that he's male, I'd be just as pissed if a female said it.
Buffy can be held responsible for Angel having the OPPORTUNITY to kill Jenny, she had the chance to kill him at the end of innocence, but she just kicked him in the balls and walked away as it was too emotionally tough for her. She then let him run rampant for the rest of the season until the world was almost sucked into hell (and it just occurred to me how much they avoided showing him actually killing besides Jenny, so much tell not show on how deadly Angel is as vampire!)
Thing is Xander was right when he said "He is a vampire, You are the slayer. I think its clear what you are meant to do!" in season 1, its just that they mix in the jealousy so that the audience isn't smacking their heads when Buffy doesn't listen to reason.
Regarding your rot13 Knaqre unf wrnybhfl vffhrf vagregjvarq ohg guebhtu bhg gur frevrf uvf qvfthfg ng inzcf jnf nccnerag. Gubhtu gb or snve V qba'g unir n jnl gb sbyybj nf Znex tbrf guebhtu gur rcf fb zl ivrjcbvagf ner abg nf serfu, fb ab fcrpvsvp rknzcyrf, ohg V unir qvfphffrq guvf jvgu bguref ba qvssrerag sbehzf orsber. Gur Fcvxr frnfba 4 guvat, jryy va pnaba Knaqre qvqa'g fcraq rirel rc bs frnfba1 naq 3 gelvat gb xvyy Natry rvgure (va guvf rc ur vf ernpgvat gb gur fvghngvba vzchyfviryl onfrq ba uvf ynfg rkcrevraprf jvgu gur fpbhetr bs Rhebcr), bhgfvqr bs pnaba nyy gur punenpgref orpnzr pbzcyrgr vqvbgf gb snpvyvgngr Fcvxr orvat va gur pnfg orpnhfr Wnzrf Znefgref jnf nyy fuval gb Wbff naq perj. Frr: jvyybj jub pbzsbegf Fcvxr orpnhfr ur vfa'g noyr gb qevax ure qel!)
Thing is Xander was right when he said "He is a vampire, You are the slayer. I think its clear what you are meant to do!" in season 1, its just that they mix in the jealousy so that the audience isn't smacking their heads when Buffy doesn't listen to reason
Except the world isn't black and white. He shows NO empathy or concern for her emotions at all. It's clear, every time he talks about killing Angel, that he thinks she's just letting her ~emotions~ get the best of her and she should just snap out of it. Even if we took the jealousy out of the equation, it's still heartless and condescending the way he speaks to her.
Naq vs lbh jnag gb ghea vg nebhaq traqre jvfr, ur punatrf uvf zvaq va n sernxvat urnegorng jura vg pbzrf gb Ohssl xvyyvat Naln. Boivbhfyl ur haqrefgnaqf (ol gura ng yrnfg) ubj vg'f abg fb rnfl gb whfg fgbc ybivat/pnevat sbe fbzrbar jura gurl qb fbzrguvat njshy…naq ur qvqa'g rira unir gb gel naq xvyy Naln uvzfrys!
Yes his comments were harsh, though I think if he had displayed an passionless point by point dissection of why he thought Buffy had done wrong in hiding Angel from them it would have been unbelievable. And considering she slipped and kissed Angel she is being clouded by her emotions even if her intent is to avoid that. Just because he was arguably an angry jerk in his delivery doesn't nullify his point ( the arguably is on the jerk part, the angry is obvious, like most were about the situation)
Lrf naq ng gung cbvag, Ohssl unq rirel evtug gb fznpx uvz npebff gur urnq naq cbvag bhg gur uvccbpenpl. Lrf vg'f n pbzcyrk fvghngvba, gung'f jul gurl jrag gung qverpgvba Ohssl naq Knaqre unir n pbasyvpg bs vagrerfg va qrnyvat jvgu gurve rkrf orpnhfr gurve rzbgvbaf trg va gur jnl bs qbvat gur evtug guvat bs fgbccvat gurz. Gubhtu hasnveyl sbe Ohssl fur vf gur fynlre fb unf rkgen erfcbafvovyvgl va obgu pnfrf guna Knaqre qbrf.
V unira'g jngpurq frnfba 7 va ntrf, naq unir gb tb bhg fbba fb pna'g ybbx hc n erpnc gb or pregnva. Ohg jnfa'g Ohssl'f erfcbafr n pyrne "V unir gb xvyy ure, fur vf n qnatre" rira vs gung vf abg ubj vg raqrq?
Oh! For some reason I'd completely forgotten that he was a vampire and not some other sort of demon.
V znl or zvferzrzorevat, ohg gur svany fgnapr frrzf gb or gung ybqtvatf fhpu nf qbez naq ubgry ebbzf arrq gb or yvirq va sbe n juvyr gb or pbafvqrerq ubzr orsber gurl arrq na vaivgngvba.
-OH HOORAY! The show ships Buffy/Faith! Well, kind of I guess.
-This woman is being sassy about Giles' book collection and his Watcher duties. GET OUT FOREVER.
-Buffy, it isn't quitting cold turkey if you're still sneaking off to see him, albeit platonically.
-WILLOW XANDER NO NO KISSING!!!!! I am so disappointed in you both.
-Oh boy that is not good. Xander is going to jump to conclusions and ruin everything! And I had just gone a couple episodes without wanting to smack him into oblivion too!
-Buffy, Angel, what are you doing? 🙁 You're both just going to make everything harder for yourselves….
-XANDER THIS WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! If you were legitimately concerned that it was Evil Angel that was back I might not be so angry with you, but I don't think Buffy would have been making out with him if he was!
-YES, GOOD! Buffy, direct your anger at Xander all you want. ALSO STOP WITH THE JENNY THING XANDER! You're just using that as ammo against Buffy!
-Oh, Giles, not you too. Except this actually hurts because you have multiple personal reasons to be upset about this. And you're so easily hurt as it is. 🙁
-Oh no you did not just knock Giles out! HOW DARE YOU.
-I'm really, really disappointed in you, Willow. You have to talk about this.
-”Shut up and help me” yes yes it makes me happy when people call Xander out on his doucheyness.
-No, don't knock out Willow!
-YES GOOD ANGEL! Best vampire.
-Buffy just killed a human. An evil human, but a human. Considering how much of a big deal this usually is I'm surprised no one is talking about it.
-Well I'm glad you're being reasonable now Xander. Can you keep it up longer this time? Please?
-So this ending with faith can be summed up as three parts awkward, uncomfortable, and sad. I feel so bad for her.
"JUNG GUR SHPX QB LBH GJB GUVAX LBH NER QBVAT? Bu tbq, vg’f bayl tbvat gb raq va qvfnfgre, vfa’g vg? Zl urneg vf nyernql cer-oernxvat sbe Pbeql naq Bm."
Jryy, gbzbeebj vf tbvat gb n ovt oneery bs ynhtuf, vfa'g vg?
I don't think Buffy would have deliberately killed her–she had to stop her from using the glove, and she knew it couldn't be removed, so she cut off Mrs. Post's arm and the lightning power did the rest. She could have aimed for Mrs. Post's head if she really wanted to kill her.
Hm, I suppose the death was indirect enough for no one to care. I mean, the arm-chopping was deliberate––but how was Buffy to know that a beam of lightning would obliterate Post after that? I was amazed at the appearance of such excellent special effects, myself. :/
-That line about the Twilight Compendium? was totally not as funny when this originally aired. Now I want to read a fic where Giles has to use Twilight for some Slayerly purpose.
-Disappointed Giles is the worst kind of Giles 🙁
-Ugh it had to be Xander who saw Angel first didn't it?
-Oh no an Angel intervention.
-God I hate this ganging up strategy the Scoobies always use. It just gives me really bad second-hand awkward. Like really bad.
-Oh fuck you Xander. Bringing up Jenny? Such a low blow.
-I know Giles is feeling under pressure because of the arrival of Mrs. Post, but shouldn't he know better?
-I just cannot believe how excited Xander is about killing Angel.
-What is Angel doing?! oh probably destroying the glove
-Fuck Xander, this is unforgivable! I just don't understand how that's ok.
-Oh shit, Faith is gonna see them fighting and come to the wrong conclusion.
-Well we did want to see who would win in a fight between buffy and faith.. Guess we won't find out…today.
-Is Willow gonna save the day with magic!? I guess not, but I want this so badly.
-Ew why would you want to be friends with him again? I do not understand.
-So is that the last we'll see of Faith for awhile? I feel like maybe that was an unsaid goodbye.
Five by five! So I was reading Ex-Patriots and they were talking about Five-by-five as a Buffy reference and I was really sad that I didn't get it. But now I do! So yay!
Giles's reactions to Twilight would be the best thing ever. Tell me someone has written this.
I've been wanting to write a fic where Remus Lupin is teaching at Hogwarts, and his students picked up the wrong "textbook", and now they all think vampires are sparkly and werewolves are hot and shirtless.
Buffy and Giles are hereby totally invited to come to Forks and deal with the infestation of creatures calling themselves vampires.
Vg'f n uhtr fcbvyre sbe nalbar jub unfa'g frra nyy bs Ohssl, ohg gurer vf na vasnzbhf ivq ba LbhGhor va juvpu Ohssl fynlf Rqjneq – jryy jbegu frrxvat bhg.
I think everyone's pretty much covered everything I have to say. For the record I've always thought Faith has a bit of a unrequited thing for Buffy, but that may just me. So believe me I'm with you on the Faith/Buffy shipping.
Daily Buffy Quotable:
"Interesting lady. Can we kill her?"-Buffy
"Hey, you're not the Watcher of me."-Xander
"What's with all the tragedy masks?"-Buffy
"I can't believe how much I'm going to kill you."-Faith
"They swear there was a memo."-Giles re: the Council screwing up the Gwendolyn thing.
What is this 51st state I wonder.
It is interesting how many Americans probably could not pass our citizenship test.
What is this 51st state I wonder.
Puerto Rico or Guam?
That one kid was really fucking impressed with himself for knowing there were fifty states, man.
I LOVE Nausicaa! And Totoro and Kiki too, and Ponyo, but I think the 3 I listed are more well known/available, maybe because they had wider releases? Or maybe because I saw them first and I'm super biased.
Also, I feel like Mononoke itself is a great Miyazaki primer for anyone who might be new to his work, because it captures so many elements you find in varying degrees in his other films.
We're all doomed.
Yes. Yes, we are. Thank you, Giles. 🙂
"What were the europeans most interested in America during colonization?"
I can see how your average American student (wow, I typed "average American stupid" at first) would not know that the answer was gold–because "AMERICA" doesn't include anything that isn't in the United States, as far as they're concerned, and there was no gold to be had in the original colonies.
Not knowing where you get gold from, however, is… well, to be expected, actually, as I've been saying.