Mark Watches ‘Steven Universe’: S04E07 – Onion Gang

In the seventh episode of the fourth season of Steven Universe, it figures that this was an Onion episode. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Steven Universe. 

I have a lot of questions about “Onion Gang,” but I imagine most of them won’t be answered. Onion is always going to be a strange character, and this episode exploits that weirdness by introducing us to a band of kids who Onion hangs out with during the summer. In all honesty, this felt like one absurd sequence after another, which is perfectly in-character with Onion. Like, it’s not surprising that none of them talk at all. (Except Garbanzo, who just said their name over and over again.) Nor is it shocking that the sort of things that entertain them are… well, I don’t know how to describe it other than SUPER GODDAMN WEIRD. But fairly in line with what kids do when they’re playing, I guess?

I wasn’t sure where “Onion Gang” was going, though. Steven was folded into the group fairly quickly, and Soup, Squash, Garbanzo, and Pinto all seemed pretty stoked to have him around. No one was ever outright mean to him! They invited him to play games with him, which included such classics as, “Garbanzo Dies Violently in a Car Crash So That Pinto Can Revive Him,” or “Five People in a Trench Coat Pretend To Be One Person and Take Photos of People They Surprise.” (Best part of that sequence: Garnet’s photo of her giving the camera a thumbs up.) Even bug racing doesn’t seem all that normal, since the kids try to get Steven to SMASH THE WINNING BEETLE TO DEATH because WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE KIDS.

Logic doesn’t play a major part in all of this, I suppose. It’s more about how this feels. And once Steven counts himself out of the group, horrified by what he was asked to do, Onion reveals the truth about why he took Steven to meet these kids for the first time. In this, the show builds on the characterization of Onion and his friendship with Steven. There’s no doubt after “Onion Gang” that he cares a lot for Steven and appreciates how much time he devotes to their friendship. “Onion Gang” merely provided a chance for Onion to bring all of his favorite people together, at least before the other kids went back home. (Seriously, how long were those kids in town for? Where are their parents? Did they drive to Beach City AS CHILDREN? I have so many questions.) Ultimately, this is a rather sweet episode, but y’all, it’s also weird as hell.

The video for “Onion Gang” can be downloaded here for $0.99.

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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