Mark Predicts ‘Deep Space Nine’: Season 6

Well, with a finale like that, I’ve got a lot of material to work with. Let us journey into an unknown future with season 6 of Deep Space Nine!

Yet we must glimpse back at the past first so I can be very, very wrong.

  1. At some point, Odo is turned back into a Changeling. Okay, not a bad start!
  2. We’ll get an entire episode about him adjusting to being a human, though. More than one episode!!!
  3. Kira will give birth to the O’Briens’ son. OH MY GOD I’M ACTUALLY ON A ROLL.
  4. Nog will graduate from Starfleet. What is happening??? I feel victorious. 
  5. Well get an episode about Quark and the ramifications of “Body Parts.” We actually got MORE THAN ONE. 
  6. We will get 100% confirmation that Gowron is a Changeling. An understandable guess, but BOO I BROKE MY STREAK.
  7. We’ll find out that the Changelings have infiltrated other organizations and governments. Ha ha aha ah ahaha aah aha aha ha
  8. We will watch as the Dominion slowly de-stabilizes the Alpha Quadrant. I wish I wasn’t so good at this. TAKE IT BACK, MARK.
  9. Jake will accept the writing fellowship and leave the station. Thankfully he did not!
  10. We will see Kasidy Yates again. YES. I want her back, y’all! I worry the war will keep her away.
  11. We’ll see the Mirror Universe characters once. YES.
  12. Kira and Shakaar will break up by the end of the season. AND SO CASUALLY, TOO.
  13. We’ll get a Worf-centric episode. I mean… yes? Quite a few, technically.
  14. There will be a Jadzia and Trill-centric episode, too. Technically, no.
  15. And this season will end with the Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. I THINK THE SHOW WILL GO THERE. ALL RIGHT. I mean… I guess it happened before the end of the finale. OH WELL.

Now, let’s try season 6:

Predictions for Deep Space Nine Season 5

  1. Sisko/Starfleet will not take back DS9 in the first episode.
  2. It’ll take HALF THE SEASON to do that.
  3. Meaning that the characters will be largely separated until then.
  4. That includes Jake. THAT MAKES MY HEART BREAK.
  5. There will be an episode just about Jake’s war reporting.
  6. Odo will be forced to work as Chief of Security under Dukat.
  7. Garak will help Sisko infiltrate DS9 when the time comes.
  8. Jadzia and Worf will get married by the end of the season.
  9. Kira and Odo will attempt to see each other by the end of the season.
  10. But it won’t work out.
  11. Keiko and the kids will return to the station by the end of the season.
  12. Julian’s past will come up again in another episode.
  13. This is more of a request, but can Morn speak ONCE?
  14. Quark’s conscience will develop this season after witnessing the war firsthand
  15. Season 6 ends with the end of the Dominion War, and the Dominion will be defeated. A bold choice, but I think it’s possible.

A solid attempt, I’d say!

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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