Mark Watches ‘Kings’- Episode 7 – Brotherhood

In the seventh episode of Kings, David and Jack are sent on a secret mission, while Michelle and Silas contend with a possible national crisis. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Kings.

What the fuck is this show. WHAT THE FUCK IS IT.


I love that the show can make so many biblical references and yet still do whatever the hell they want with them. Like the plagues of Egypt, the possible plague that appears in Shiloh is a sign of a poison in the nature. The show has always played with the supernatural element of its story in a delicate way, but I’m wondering just how much of the action here really is confirmation that God is working (in mysterious ways, of course) within this fictional universe. Or could it be that Silas thinks he is seeing signs and is merely interpreting random chance as he sees fit?

I suppose that’s an irrelevant thing at this point in the show, and I’m certainly willing to just enjoy the ride. I think what matters is that Silas believes these signs to be real. The acacia branch is a sign… but of what? Reverend Samuels makes a brief appearance here to help guide Silas, and I was left wishing this show wouldn’t waste an actor like this. He still seems to exist just to support the story and push it along, and otherwise? We don’t see or hear from him at all. It’s the same pattern here, since he urges Silas to look for signs that God is ready to re-open communication with him.

It’s through this that the plague narrative changes meaning. It stops being a portent of what is to come and a warning of what has already happened. It’s a poison in the body of the state, and a limb must be removed in order for the body to survive. What’s so fascinating to me about this is that Silas views the plague as a threat to his kingdom and his rule. His daughter, however, views it as the struggle of a boy to survive a fatal disease. For her, this is a very personal journey, and I think it’s a perfect example of how different she is from her father. She considers the impact of her decisions, even if they only affect one person. Time and time again, Michelle wants to save that one person because to her, one life matters. Only the whole matters to Silas. It’s why it makes so much sense that Michelle was interested in expanding health care, you know? That’s where her concerns lie.

It’s also notable how her parents react. In particular, Queen Rose often turns everything into an attack on her. Which explains why she later complains that Michelle is closer to her father. Perhaps it’s because you tell her to pursue less “noble” interests, Rose. Perhaps it’s because you never seem to truly support your own daughter unless it serves your own interests. PERHAPS IT IS THAT, ROSE.

And let’s all just agree that Michelle singing Corey to death is one of the most heartbreaking things imaginable. WHAT IS THIS SHOW.

The Real Mission

Unless Silas falls, I see no way for Jack to ever truly get what he wants. Truthfully, Jack is a complete asshole in this episode. He’s reckless, he’s overly violent, and he’s rude to David without any need to be. Even worse, his careless attitude more or less gets those two soldiers killed, since he arrogantly ignores David’s warning that they’re walking into a trap. Why? Why act this way?

Obviously, Jack doesn’t want to share the spotlight and he resents that this could have been an opportunity to prove himself to his father. Instead, he’s cast alongside David, the boy who came out of nowhere to steal his thunder and attention. And even more ironically? David doesn’t even want it. So there’s no brotherhood between these two men, at least not in Jack’s eyes. To Jack, David is another sign of all that is wrong in his life. Hell, I’ll go one step further: David is probably the straight son that Silas wished he had. So when Belial makes that reference to David becoming Jack’s brother, it pushes Jack over the edge. That would be Jack’s worst nightmare. These two are not enemies at all, despite that Jack treats him that way. I’d argue that David is a sign of everything Jack can’t be.

So does Jack really think he owes a debt to David?

The Limb

I was utterly convinced that William was the one responsible selling arms to Gath. (And for what it’s worth, it was pretty damn cool to see bits and pieces of Gath for the first time!) BUT ABNER??? How the fuck did Silas find out??? HOW??? And I’m guessing that after stabbing Abner to death, his staff just went and hid the body. Abner will just be mysteriously “gone,” right?


The video for “Brotherhood” can be downloaded here for $0.99.

Mark Links Stuff

– I will be at Borderlands Books, Book Riot Live, and Windycon this fall! Check the full list of events on my Tour Dates / Appearances page.
– My Master Schedule is updated for the near and distant future for most projects, so please check it often. My next Double Features for Mark Watches will be Kings, season 1 of Sense8, season 1 of Agent Carter, seasons 1 & 2 of The 100, Death Note, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. On Mark Reads, Diane Duane’s Young Wizards series will replace the Emelan books.
- Mark Does Stuff is on Facebook! I’ve got a community page up that I’m running. Guaranteed shenanigans!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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