Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’ Liveblog: The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe

So, yes, it will be a long time before we get a new episode of Doctor Who, which means that I will be freaking out all day tomorrow to see more of Matt Smith. Let us all celebrate some more of Eleven tomorrow ON CHRISTMAS. I GET TO SEE THIS ON CHRISTMAS. DO YOU KNOW HOW AMAZING THIS IS TO ME? oh my god HOLD ME ON THE ASTRAL PLANE.


NO SERIOUSLY EVERYONE. THIS WILL BE MY FIRST CHANCE TO WATCH A DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON FUCKING CHRISTMAS. This could be the worst episode of television in all of history and it will still be the very best thing I have ever seen. Oh, is that a reference to The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe? Oh, there is no way this isn’t perfect.

Anyway, I’m putting this up now because it airs at different times for all of us. Use this post whenever this episode airs for you and liveblog it to hell and back. DO IT. If you’re worried about spoilers, I generally stick to the first page and enter my commentary there, and then go back later to comment on what other people have said.

I’m still taking Monday off to do holiday stuff, to prepare for my first Mark Does Stuff meet-up on Boxing Day, and to finally sit down and finish writing Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. My review for this episode will NOT take the place of a review of Buffy; instead, you’ll just get two reviews in one day sometime next week. DEAL???

oh god y’all, I am so excited I can’t wait to see more of Matt Smith’s beautiful face.

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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157 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’ Liveblog: The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe

  1. Trish says:

    Will they choose Madge?

  2. klutzygal12 says:

    Oh gosh. He's so cute. *harumph* Mummy always comes.
    That's the end of that.

  3. Trish says:

    Well, they technically didn't leave the house…

  4. Mothership! tehehehehe.

    "Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!" Have I mentioned how much I love you Doctor?

  5. klutzygal12 says:

    Oh my gosh, I might cry. Oh no.

  6. Trish says:

    Oh no, I can't watch…

  7. Trish says:

    OH, Doctor and his technobabble

  8. klutzygal12 says:

    I hate crying. Ugh, why does this have to be sad?

  9. klutzygal12 says:


  10. Trish says:

    Aw, now there are stars to light the way

  11. klutzygal12 says:

    I'm feeling the Christmas spirit. Goodness. He's alive! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

  12. Trish says:


  13. Trish says:

    Happy crying,
    humany wumany indeed.

  14. doesntsparkle says:

    That was adorable.

  15. PK9 says:

    Totally saw that coming.

    Cried anyway. Happy tears.

  16. HAHAHAHA you almost got me Moffat! no crying for me this year!

  17. Trish says:

    Aww, they all look so happy together around the tree!

  18. doesntsparkle says:

    Stay for Christmas, Doctor.

  19. Trish says:

    Haha, you can't say no to Madge!

  20. klutzygal12 says:

    Please tell me I get to see my Rory.

  21. klutzygal12 says:


  22. klutzygal12 says:

    Water Gun. Amy. RORY?!?!

  23. Amy Pond with a water pistol!


  24. klutzygal12 says:


  25. Trish says:

    Just hug already 🙂

  26. "We always do."

    MY HEART! Oh just take it already will you, Moffat!

  27. klutzygal12 says:

    Best Christmas special ever? I do believe so.

  28. Trish says:

    They always set a place at the table for the Doctor, humany wumany happy tears!

  29. @rebelsfire says:

    Yes yes yes!!!!! I finally get to liveblog an episode–I just caught up yesterday. Starts in about 40 minutes.

  30. WaveMaker989 says:

    Rory and now this chick. People in this universe are way too understanding of these sort of things.

  31. WaveMaker989 says:

    He is so excited for this room. My God, this is brilliant.

  32. notemily says:

    Everybody lives! Except possibly the dude in the back of the plane!

  33. notemily says:

    So my mom ended up watching with me, and while she was a bit confused by stuff like the TARDIS and the screwdriver and "humany wumany," she really liked Eleven and how he's basically a huge kid all the time. She liked how he kept saying "I know!" Hee. I explained to her the hat joke.

  34. notemily says:

    Also does anyone else have "Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey" stuck in their head?

  35. scarlettlynn says:

    "What do they teach you in schools these days?" – And with that my childhood love and adoration of the Chronicles of Narnia can combine with my modern love of Doctor Who.

    The circle of fandom is complete.

  36. sporkaganza93 says:

    I had to record it, so I only just finished it.

    It was a great episode. I can't think of a better way to say goodbye to the Doctor for a year.

  37. TCJ says:

    Mark, will you be doing a full review?

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