Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’: S05E01 – The Eleventh Hour

In the first episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who, the Eleventh Doctor crash lands in the front yard of a young Amelia Pond, where the curious child shows the Doctor a crack in her bedroom. When they find out what is on the other side of Amelia’s wall, it ignites an adventure that spans fourteen years. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Doctor Who.

With Steven Moffat now at the helm of Doctor Who, I was completely shocked how new all of this felt.

The show looks absolutely gorgeous. GORGEOUS. I know that the specials were filmed in HD, but even streaming them on Netflix wouldn’t do them total justice. This show looks so crisp now, but it’s also not the only thing working in it’s favor. As the reigns have been turned over to Steven Moffat, he’s also created a story and, with director Adam Smith, a visual episode that is quite literally unlike any Doctor Who episode of the past. There are so many new-ish camera angles or technical devices being used for the first time. (The scene where the Doctor “examines” the people in the village green is SO AWESOME.)

I’ll talk more about the story, but the real gem of “The Eleventh Hour” is Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. There has to be an intense period of anxiety when new companions and, most especially, a new Doctor arrive on the show. It took me less than ten minutes to be smiling from ear to ear. Matt Smith is the Doctor, in his own way of course. What I enjoyed most about his introduction is that he’s not so radically different that we’re unaware of his past. There are visual and dialogue cues to a lot of David Tennant’s Doctor, included the already-missed, “WHAT???” that I loved so much.

But Matt Smith is absolutely different. He’s kinder, in a way, and much less prone to bouts of serious rage like Tennant was. His story is different, though, and I think that context is totally important. When Davies left the show, he tied everything up. (Not necessarily well, but I don’t see any of the old companions or the Time Lords coming back.) So, after traveling alone for so long, he’s become much more at peace with himself. He doesn’t have the same burdens he’d been living with for the past four series. In this sense…Matt Smith is very refreshing. It’s a breath of fresh air into a show I already liked.

Knowing that Karen Gillan was going to be Amy Pond for series five, I was completely taken by surprise at the way the next companion was introduced. The Doctor meets her as a child. A CHILD. Which is not only a great way to compose this story, but Caitlin Blackwood totally knocks it out of the park as young Amelia Pond. Amelia’s life is lonely, having to live with her aunt in that giant house, and I imagine she was left on her own often. When the Doctor arrives, perfectly coinciding with her prayer to Santa to have someone help her with the crack in her bedroom, Amelia seems to have no fear when she meets the Doctor, only a puzzled sense of wonder over this frazzled, soaking wet young man. What’s so wonderful about this is that Moffat sets this opening scene in a way to allow us to explore the Doctor’s new body and personality as he is doing the same thing. I imagine that I will revisit the scene where the Doctor tries to figure out what he likes to eat a million times in the future. It is full of silly, goofy joy, and perhaps the best way to introduce this new Doctor that I could think of.

Watching Amy and the Doctor interact was a real treat and I imagine there wasn’t someone in her life that she could trust so intrinsically until the Doctor showed up. Which meant that once the Doctor realized what was going on and that GIGANTIC EYE peered through the crack in time and space, I wondered how the show was going to deal with the fact that Amy is an adult companion. Moffat does so in a painfully heartbreaking way: The Doctor must repair the TARDIS and promises Amy he will return in five minutes to help her out. She excitedly packs her adorable suitcase, throws on her jacket, and plops it down in the yard where the TARDIS once stood, patiently awaiting the Doctor’s return.

He does return to that house in Leadworth, a brand new TARDIS in hand, but it’s twelve years later. TWELVE YEARS. I’m reminded of “Love and Monsters,” which Moffat also wrote, but this episode doesn’t feel as rushed (or problematic) as that story. Still, Amy had a lot of pent-up anger and frustration after people doubted her sanity (and I’m sure she did, too) because the Doctor disappeared for so long. TWELVE YEARS. Holy god, she sat there on her suitcase all night. I JUST WANT TO HUG YOU, AMY POND. As an adult, though, Amy is a take-no-shit kind of companion. Not necessarily in the same vein as Donna Noble, as Donna was far more vocal and abrasive than Amy seems to be, but she’s quick to stand up and assert herself when necessary.

But this wouldn’t a Steven Moffat episode without some sort of childhood horror being exploited for our own personal terror. Prisoner Zero looked a little too computer-generated to me, but the effect was still the same. The creature existing in the corner of their eyes, using perception filters to both hide in someone peripheral vision or to appear out in the open while camouflaging as other beings, is SERIOUSLY CREEPY. Also, when people would open their mouths with Prisoner Zero’s teeth? NO, THANK YOU.

Moffat also does something unexpected here by having the people in Amy’s life recognize the Doctor. Generally, in a situation like this in fiction, the character is forced to suffer through this alone, but I found it touching that Amy’s friends and family recognized the man from Amy’s alleged “stories.” I do get that it was frustrating for Amy, though, because, quite literally, no one believed her. But it also gives us a chance to get to know Rory better as well. I did not think that he was at all connected to Amy and assumed he was just a side character that would probably die in the hospital, but I WAS SO WRONG! I’ll do just like I did with Mickey and BEG FOR MORE RORY. I’m unsure exactly what his relationship with Amy is, but he makes me laugh and I think it would be neat for the Doctor to have two companions again. LOOK IT IS JUST AN IDEA. I can dream, right? (Also, I’d like more of Jeff as well. Thank you.)

The “twenty minutes” that the Doctor has to save the world feels somewhat closer to an hour with as much action that Moffat stuffs into the climax of this story. Still, it’s great to see the Doctor in a frenzied state of purpose so early into series five. I think that, time issues aside, it was smart of Moffat to structure “The Eleventh Hour” in this manner. The first half is much slower, reflexive, and thoughtful, especially as we get used to our new Doctor. But the second half is the Time Lord in action, programming computer viruses, capturing Prisoner Zero, and confronting the Atraxi with a wonderfully emotional set of images from Doctor Who‘s past.

“The Eleventh Hour” ends on a strange note, but still excites me. I wasn’t surprised that the Doctor asked Amy to travel with him on the TARDIS, but seriously…two years??? Two years? Oh my god, I would be PISSED, especially after the last time. But it’s new beginnings for the Doctor, with a new sonic screwdriver and a new TARDIS (THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMAZING ON THE INSIDE), and a new companion. Who he has to get back the next day. Because it’s her wedding. WHAT. Is she marrying Rory?

Oh god, I am so excited for series 5.


  • Custard and fish sticks. My god. That almost sounds…delicious?
  • “Wrong with me? It’s not my fault, why can’t you give me any decent food? You’re Scottish, fry something!”
  • “That’s bacon! Are you trying to poison me?”
  • “No TARDIS, no screwdriver, two minutes to spare…Who da man? Alright, I’m never saying that again, fine.”
  • “I’m the Doctor, I’m worse than everybody’s aunt!
  • “Am I people? Do I even look like people?”
  • “Yeah, it’s cool, bow ties are cool.”
  • “Did he just bring them back? Did he just save the world from aliens, and then bring all the aliens back again?”
  • What the fuck is the Pandorica? It didn’t seem to phase the Doctor. Did he not recognize the term either?
  • I love that we get a new TARDIS, a new Doctor, a new companion, and a new sonic screwdriver. This is really all Moffat’s show, now.
  • Ok, I totally saw the shape of the crack on that waveform device. WHY WAS THAT THERE. omg i totally saw the clues omg
  • Y’all, I am so excited for Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. You were right. It’s hard not to love them after just ONE episode.


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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807 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’: S05E01 – The Eleventh Hour

  1. Toddly says:

    K, so lurker coming out of lurk mode here. Basically, I stumbled across the "Mark Reads Twilight" a month or so back and proceeded to read absolutely everything ever, because I'm an obsessive freak like that. What can I say? I must know EVERYTHING. But I'm so happy you're doing the Doctor. All I'm really here to say is that after watching this episode I immediately began referring to the Incredible Rory as, well, the Incredible Rory. Arthur Darvill is seriously the best. So, right there with you on the Rory love.

    Thanks so much for these reviews, it's like watching/reading my favorite things for the first time!

  2. Sea says:

    I just want to add, since 8 is my favorite doctor: stealing clothes from a hospital, eight did that first. 🙂

  3. mkjcaylor says:

    I have a real one. It is blue.

    It came with a magazine about Doctor Who.


  4. Kyle Coare says:

    great that you enjoyed this, and ive loved reading your reviews since series 1. doctor who is massive for me, i suffer mental healty issues such as paranoia depression anxiety attacks, and i find i have no interests in life at all except one tiny program from my little part of the world!

    and as people have said numerous times over all your reviews YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!! enjoy

  5. Cyna says:

    You are so right about Eleven being a breath of fresh air. I was sad to see Ten go, because I love him, and I loved Ten/Rose, but it was SO NICE having a Doctor with so much less baggage! It feels like we've been in a real dour haze in Doctor Who since the first time Rose left, and it was nice to just…sort of start with a clean slate! I was much more pleased by the transition than I expected, and I enjoyed the new dynamic between The Doctor, Amy, and Rory.

  6. jennywildcat says:

    AGH! The day Mark reviews "The Eleventh Hour" is the day that I have to be away from the internet! Curses! So this is very late, but I wanted to post it anyway:

    How to comment on "The Eleventh Hour?" David Tennant and Russell T Davies had just dragged everyone through the most harrowing stories this show has seen. Basically, I felt like I'd been shoved into the emotional blender and chopped into tiny pieces. How could I ever recover from this?

    And then… Matt Smith pops out of the TARDIS.

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension">

    I almost didn't know how to take him at first. But then he starts rambling about apples and yogurt and bacon and beans and fish custard – and his interactions with little Amelia Pond (who is just about the cutest damn thing in the world) – and I started to think this just might be an okay thing.

    But my favorite part – my absolute favorite – of this whole story is this line: "Believe me for twenty minutes."

    Every story I've seen that takes place after a regeneration has to deal with this – you miss the previous Doctor and you're still not quite sure how you feel about the new guy. But I think it was much more pronounced this time around (people who've been following this show for longer than I, please let me know if I'm right). When "The Eleventh Hour" first came out, so many people were still sad about DT and RTD leaving. Considering how Ten's regeneration was done, can you really blame them? In a way, this was a complete reboot from the previous five years. So, when the Doctor asks Amy to believe him for twenty minutes, he's also asking the audience to believe in the new cast and new production team and new everything – believe that this is still the Doctor. Believe that this is the same show you've loved for years – whether you've watched since 1963 or 2005. Give us twenty minutes to show you we can still bring it.

    Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of screen-time. That's all it took for me to believe Matt Smith was the Doctor. The manic dialogue, the rushed planning, the confident assertion that he's an expert in just about everything, saving the day with absolutely no time left on the clock, that one last phone call to the aliens who have the audacity to threaten Earth over one measly Prisoner Zero – by the time he's staring down the Atraxi on the hospital roof – appropriately stepping through a blue hologram of David Tennant's face in full Eleventh Doctor regalia (complete with bow tie) – he has earned the role.

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension">

    "Hello. I'm the Doctor."

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension">


    Shit is going to get so real and I am going to love it!

    And for the first time since "Planet of the Dead," we get a happy ending (well, at least one where I'm not BAWLING MY EYES OUT!)

  7. masakochan says:

    This is anybody wants a short fic rec:

    Between Now and Five Minutes During those 'five minutes'- Amelia meets a boy who comes from a place called Neverland.

    Note: I've read through this, and there should be nothing spoilery in it.

  8. pandalilies says:

    This is my ABSOLUTE favorite way a companion has ever been introduced.
    I used to read a lot of Heinlein (don't judge!) and there were some similar themes with meeting them as a child and then having to come back to them later.
    It is PERFECT for a time traveller and I'm honestly surprised it wasn't used like this before.
    Either way, David/Ten was my doctor; Matt/Eleven won me over, head over heels, with this episode and how he treats little Amelia.

    Oh little Amelia! So cute and so patient.

  9. Angie says:

    There are people who have already said everything I wanted to say (and more!), and way betterly. Uh, much more eloquently.

    A few thoughts:
    I cannot tell you all how excited I was to watch this episode. (IIRC, it was on BBC America the same day it was aired in Britain.) SO EXCITED. I was ready to move on from Ten and eager to embrace Eleven. This episode is like the first day of spring after a long, cold winter. And I've watched it five times in the past five days.

    Many Doctor Who fans have their Doctor. Either the first Doctor they saw, or the Doctor they most connected with, or whatever. Let me just say right here and now, that this TARDIS – the series five TARDIS – is my TARDIS. It is just plumb gorgeous. I love the vintagey/steampunky feel, it feels new and old and familiar and strange ALL AT ONCE. I love how it still has the rondules. AND I love how delighted Eleven is with his re-formed TARDIS. "Oh you sexy thing" and I love how he murmurs "thanks, dear" when he pockets his new sonic screwdriver. While I'm at it, I might as well confess that I'm kind of the same way about my car. I've been known to pet it affectionately, stroke the steering wheel, thank it when it saves me from death and/or dismemberment, etc. We've been down many roads together, my car and I.

    AMELIA: How cute is little Amelia, praying to Santa? Even when a man pops his head out of the box and says impossible, unbelievable things, she's adorable and unflappable. Caitlin seems like a wonderfully genuine young actress. Nothing she does feels contrived or artificial.

    We find him right in the midst of calamity, as usual. And I love how he's never patronizing or condescending towards Amelia.

    "Do what I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off." All of these are things companions never do.

    "It's an inter-dimensional multiform from outer space. They're all terrified of wood." Sarcastic Doctor ftw.
    "I'm the Doctor – I'm worse than everybody's aunt. And that's not how I'm introducing myself."

    This is not the first time the Doctor has stolen clothes from a hospital. XD

    There are so many things I love about this episode, and my eloquencometer is at zero, so I'll just end my babbling here. <3

  10. sabra_n says:

    "Refreshing" is a great way to describe this episode. The specials were…well, they were very RTD, very Ten, very everything we'd been seeing for four-plus seasons. And now we were seeing something new! New showrunner, new Doctor, new companion, new story and atmosphere and thematics and ah, it was lovely.

    Eleven and wee!Amy's scenes together will never cease to be lovely. You know how film studies has a theory of the male gaze? I felt like those scenes were made with a child's gaze, somehow, which added to the fresh feeling of the whole thing. We were being invited to meet the Doctor all over again, to be six years old and open to all the magic in the world. And since Doctor Who fandom is half children and half children disguised as adults, that was a very wise path for Moffat to take. 🙂

    The plot of "The Eleventh Hour" doesn't have the puzzle-box tightness of "Blink" or "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" – it's closer to the piling-on of elements of "Silence in the Library" – but all those lovely atmospherics and the great work of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan smooth over the mess. I like that Amy is just plain freaking weird, the sort of girl who can pin a man to a car by his tie and only get shrugs from her neighbor because they're used to that kind of thing from her.

    Finally, this comment will be meaningless to you, Mark, but when I laid eyes on Jeff all I could think was "British Captain Awesome"! Because he so, so is. 😛

    • swimmingtrunks says:

      It's so American of me, but I am constantly turning british actors into "British So-and-So." I've got quite a list going, but sadly all I can think of off the top of my head is British Zach Braff, who maybe doesn't even look like Zach Braff (and definitely doesn't act like him), but alas that is his sad fate in my mind. Matt avoided being "British Simon Tam" by nature of being… well. The Doctor.

      • sabra_n says:

        Hee! The whole "British Captain Awesome" thing had never happened to me before, which was why I found it notable.

  11. canyonoflight says:

    I really, really, really want fish sticks now.

    Anyway, I'm so happy you're on series 5!!! I love Eleven so freaking much!

  12. daisysparrow says:

    This episode. THIS EPISODE. My God, I'm pretty sure I've seen it a million times, and it never gets old. Matt Smith is just adorable, and his theme song makes me want to parade around on an adventure, and bow ties are cool <3 Every time I watch this, I fall in love with Doctor Who all over again.

  13. masakochan says:

    Macros that I forgot to post:

    <img src=""&gt;

    <img src=""&gt;

  14. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    SO MANY COMMENTS. ilu all dearly. Sorry I have been MIA all day today. I had many things to catch up on with work. I will comment around tomorrow!

  15. PJG says:

    I couldnt get through all the comments, but….. here's a question that came up when i was rewatching with Mark….. the episode with The Master/Harold Saxon and the paradox machine…. when the whatchamadudits from Utopia come to destroy the earth……OMG THAT IS THE SAME SHAPE AS THE CRACK IN WALL IN AMELIAS ROOM!!!!


  16. sukiyakiya says:

    "…in a way to allow us to explore the Doctor’s new body"
    This sentence made me do a few giggles LOL (pardon my mind)

    Hell yeah for fish custard, i'm totally craving for it after saw The Doctor ate that.
    I'm glad Moff give new fresh breath to his Doctor show, after i finished watching series 1-4+special and then continued with classic series, i missed much for classic style doctor.

    "The scene where the Doctor “examines” the people in the village green is SO AWESOME"
    That was Moff's style. If you even saw new Sherlock series that run by Moff and Gatiss, you will notice about the similiarity about this 😀

    And oh btw "Love and Monster" didn't written by Moff but RTD

  17. Jessica says:



  18. Dena says:

    In honor of you finishing Tennant's tenure as Ten, I offer two of my favoritest Doctor Who vids EVER: Handlebars! History Repeating! (Both only have 9 & 10! So no spoilers!)

    I was sort of ready for Ten to depart by the time it came around, even though I loved him dearly, so I embraced Matt Smith pretty readily, even if I'd been hoping the "Paterson Joseph is the new Doctor!" rumors were true for a while.

    Amy I took a while to come around on, and she's not mah favorite. (ILU DONNA) But I do like her quite a bit now. I am EXCITED that you're catching up to the end of the series! (And also for the AVATAR WATCHING, OMG, I WILL REWATCH WITH YOU.)

  19. radiantbaby1 says:

    Oh, Eleventy. He is *my* Doctor.<3 I've watched this episode numerous times and every time it just leaves me all wibbly. I just feel this ball of nostalgia in my gut that gives me so much joy. I guess the whole fairy-tale/imaginary-friend aspect to it really brings back the fantasy life of my childhood (esp when it came to daydreaming about the Doctor coming and taking me away back then).


    • radiantbaby1 says:

      This ep just has this light, adventurous feeling to it that I found to be such a breath of fresh air after things had gotten so mired in negativity and emo during Tennant's run. In fact, I didn't realize how much I'd missed a *happier* show until I watched it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really loved Ten, but it was nice to have *fun* with the show again!

      I could go on and on about how much I love this episode, Eleven, Amy/Amelia, Rory, the new TARDIS, etc, but I think most of it has been said in the comments before mine. Suffice it to say, I am so happy for this new beginning of the show. It breathed new life into the series, as well as my own fannishness (which, honestly, was waning quite a bit after the dreck that was 'The End of Time'). I fell in love with the show all over again and, of course, completely and utterly fell in love with Eleven.

  20. Openattheclose says:

    And now you've met our Madman with a Box. I love that description and I love Eleven and I love Amelia and Amy (Hi my Ginny Weasley!) and Jeff and Nurse Rory and pretty new TARDISes with swimming pools inside their libraries. I love ginger!companions and stillnotginger!Doctors. I love that the Doctor still can't show up on time. I love awesome gifs of awesome Doctor projections.
    <img src=>
    I love that Eleven spends most of this episode in Ten's old clothes and I don't even really notice it even though I love Ten a lot. That says something about our Madman.

    One thing I do not love is the idea that Ten's clothes were just left on the hospital floor. It makes me sad 🙁

  21. Brie says:

    I feel obliged to warn people that fish fingers and custard is indeed disgusting. My housemate came home – three sheets to the wind – one evening and decided to forgo the traditional chip shop trip for Doctor Who themed munchies.

    Do not recommend.

  22. Ananas says:

    The wonderful thing about Doctors, is Doctors can also be Tiggers! I don't know how to upload images on here, so does anyone have that macro that compares the introduction to 11 with the introduction to Tigger in Winnie the Pooh? Possibly one of the most mindblowing things I've ever seen.

  23. Smork says:

    Moffat didn't write that crap fest, "Love and Monsters". His stories until this point are "Empty Child," "Girl in Fireplace," "Blink", "Time Crash" and "Silence in the library.

  24. Michaela says:

    I have no idea if anyone has mentioned this yet, but here's a little fact for you all. Karen Gillan and Caitlin Blackwood (adult Amy and young Amy respectively) are cousins. I don't know about you, but I can see a family resemblance, and makes the story more believable.

  25. Tauriel_ says:

    Oh, oh, damn, how could I have forgotten this?


    <img src=""&gt;

    Story here (discovered last June)

    I'm now convinced that God is a Doctor Who fan. 😀

  26. kilodalton says:

    I was completely taken by surprise at the way the next companion was introduced. The Doctor meets her as a child. A CHILD.

    Moffat likes to introduce him to female children first. It's a distinct … um, "pattern" of his.

    He met Nancy as a (pseudo) child.
    He met Reinette first as a child.
    He met CAL as a child.
    He met Amy first as a child.

  27. aleja23t says:

    I'm quite excited for Mark to experience the 5th season because it's just magic. Simple magic.

    I think that the build up to Tennant's end, all the intense specials and the final two-parter, left a lot of the old fandom uneasy. Too much, too soon. Tennant had carved the new 'golden age' for DW and all of sudden it was everywhere. IMO, the 10th Doctor got too angry, too cocky, too big? There were huge robots and filming in Dubai and Time Lord Victorious and I personally just missed the old streets of Cardiff with Rose. Simple magic.

    Matt Smith is a breath of fresh air after all the intensity. He's all gumdrops and rainbows. No more rage or pain or broken heart. The 11th Doctor reminds us why we fell in love with the show. It takes us back to when we were children and it was, oh so damn easy to believe. To trust the words of others and know their truth. To be sincere and to imagine the impossible.

    New New York? Sure!! Biggest Library in the Universe? Hey, WHY NOT. Charles Darwin. And ghosts. Around Christmas? Only seems natural.

    In the end, we all just want the chance to take the mad man's hand and follow him and his blue box, everywhere and anywhere. Math Smith, the 11th Doctor, the Doctor, does just that. Simple magic. (:

    Don't forget to pack your toothbrush Mark!

  28. BBQ Platypus says:

    Having been curious enough to try fish sticks and custard, I can tell you that it's actually pretty damn good.

  29. SusanBones says:

    One of the things that I love about Matt Smith is that his speech is much slower. I know it sounds shallow, but I love the way he talks. His quirky mannerisms grow on you, too. I really like this Doctor.

  30. cdnstar says:

    Holy CARP. I am one day behind on reading here, and now there are almost 600 comments on this episode?! I haven't read them and BY GOLLY do I ever want to. Maybe tomorrow, if I can find the time. I'm curious how people react to Eleven. Ten is 'my doctor', and I tend to read Meta and Discussions solely around S2 through S4, but I really do love Matt Smith as well. As you said, what's not to love?!

    BOW TIES! BOW TIES! So much fun. (I tried to get my son to dress up as Eleven for last Hallowe'en. He wouldn't. He insisted on being Ten).

    My favourite part of the this episode? How absolutely joyous he is to be alive, and the first five minutes of furious activity and excitement. On that note – very similar type of exciting start to when Tennant wakes up in the Tardis and just BAM! confronts the Sycorax.

  31. I just busted a rib giggling. MEDIC!

  32. Reddi says:

    It did indeed feel very new… Tennant's doctor had the advantage of coming into a world we knew with a companion we knew. Most of classic who did the same… kept a companion while introducing a new doctor, then moved to a new companion. There are a few exceptions, but it's easier to get viewers to keep watching if there is stuff that's familiar.

    Matt purposely added a bit of Ten to 11 in this ep, even though this was not the first one he filmed (he filmed the fourth ep aired, first). But just as with Tennant I saw flashes of past doctors in his doctor, so I see flashes of past doctors in 11's doctor (especially Two!). He's the same different guy, or a different same guy. You know what I mean. It's like with regen the doctors' core characteristics are shaken up and land in a different pattern, but it's the same stuff inside. So he's always the same, even though he's different.

    Great intro, and I absolutely LOVED young Amelia. Talk about scary childhood fears… how about doors? creepy doors that are closed in one scene and open in the next? :: shudder ::

  33. @nessalh says:

    I have been waiting for so long to say that I absolutely LOATHE Amy Pond. I seem to be alone in this opinion, but I refuse to change it. I hate her. I hate her a lot and I want her to leave. But, I'm not sure if I don't like the character or I don't like the way Karen Gillan plays her. She only has 2 expressions, I don't like the way she delivers her lines, I don't like her stupid outfits and I don't like her face. I do like her hair, though. I have Amy Pond hair envy.

    It took me a long time to embrace Matt Smith as The Doctor, because it was so hard for me to say goodbye to David Tennant. I watched the first episode of Season 5 and I was so sad, because I just wanted Ten back. But, I've grown to love Eleven. I think Matt Smith is freaking adorable and I love him. I LOOOOVE Rory. I want all Rory all the time. But, Amy can go.

    Also, there is a crack in the ceiling of my bedroom that is shaped just like the crack in Amy's wall AND IT FREAKS ME OUT!!!

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