Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

Oh lord, it is finally happening. After many promises and failed attempts to get a SINGLE COPY of this massive musical, I have discovered a method wherein we can do a liveblog of A Very Potter Musical. And so, we shall do it.

Welcome, my fellow StarKid and Harry Potter fans. I feel as though I’ve already seen half of this musical through the sheer force of the GIF-age alone, so it’s now time for me to TRULY watch it.

This liveblog will take place on SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, AT 11:OOAM PST. In order to sync up our viewing experience, PLEASE USE THIS WORLD CLOCK TO MAKE SURE WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TIME.

Since this is not on a DVD or single viewing source, below you will find our viewing schedule for each part of this musical, located on YouTube. We will watch each part and then have TWO minutes in between parts, so that ads/videos can load and you can take a pee break if necessary. We will have a 15 minute intermission between Acts I and II. This way, at any given time, you will know EXACTLY what video we are watching if you have to join in later.

If you have the time to do the entire thing, please not that due to the breaks/pauses between videos, this will take us over three and a half hours to accomplish. And yes, we will do A Very Potter Sequel soon as well.

Sound good? You are welcome to test out the links below to make sure they are correct. I cannot wait to give this a shot!

Please, if you can, send this out to people on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I know a lot of people from my MRHP days wanted me to do this and I couldn’t find the time or method to do it. It’ll be an awesome reunion of sorts, YES?????



11:00am: Act 1, Part 1
11:07am: Act 1, Part 2
11:16am: Act 1, Part 3
11:27am: Act 1, Part 4
11:39am: Act 1, Part 5
11:49am: Act 1, Part 6
11:58am: Act 1, Part 7
12:06pm: Act 1, Part 8
12:13pm: Act 1, Part 9
12:24pm: Act 1, Part 10
12:36pm: Act 1, Part 11
12:44pm: Act 1, Part 12
12:53pm: Act 1, Part 13
1:03pm: Act 1, Part 14


1:18pm: Act 2, Part 1
1:29pm: Act 2, Part 2
1:40pm: Act 2, Part 3
1:50pm: Act 2, Part 4
1:58pm: Act 2, Part 5
2:10pm: Act 2, part 6
2:19pm: Act 2, Part 7
2:28pm: Act 2, Part 8
2:37pm: Act 2, Part 9


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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3,581 Responses to Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

  1. Esther says:

    This scene is so well choreographed.

  2. carma_bee says:

    Dumbledore! wooo

  3. eris21 says:


  4. Lumosnox says:

    Mark you will love this so hard.

  5. puffleprophet says:

    If any of my flat mates were to walk in on me they'd probably be VERY scared right now lol. Just singing and dancing to AVPM

  6. lotheterrible says:

    Lauren Lopez is the goddess of Theatre!

  7. miloulovesbooks says:

    in the version of this song i downloaded it goes:
    harry: i really hate this guy
    draco: did somebody say draco mayfoy

  8. lebeaumonde says:

    Welcome hotties, nerds, and tools!

  9. Taryn says:

    Dumbledore <3 "I'll expel ya if you call me Albus :D"

  10. Whispy360 says:

    I think we're ready for Albus Dumbledore!!

  11. canyonoflight says:

    I haven't watched this all the way through since I first watched. I have watched certain songs over and over and over again, though.

  12. hpfish13 says:

    Come on and teach us everything you know! Also, DUMBLEDORE!!!

  13. Historicloser says:

    Goyle's voice is so great, always makes me laugh!

  14. The Dementress says:


  15. redconverses says:


  16. Vicki_Louise says:

    Awwww Draco is soooooo short! (I'm not being height-ist, i'm also short!) 😀
    Hahaha Pigfarts WTF?

  17. elyce says:

    welcome hotties, nerds, and tools!

  18. leenwitit says:

    Did you know that here at Hogwarts, we've got a hidden swimming pool?
    Welcome welcome welcome Hogwarts.
    Welcome hotties, nerds, and tools!

  19. LoonyLu says:

    Welcooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome to Hogwarts!

  20. PeanutK says:

    Best opening song ever?


  21. bambbles says:

    I love that Dumbledore was throwing flowers!! haha

  22. wenuwish says:

    Hidden swimming pool = Chamber of Secrets.

  23. Karlijn says:

    Yeah, Lauren is TOTALLY AWSOME (and she makes the best gif ever:P)

  24. SelphieFairy says:

    LOL this is the first time i'm watching this… wasn't expecting the whole cho chang thing. BITCH I AINT CHO CHANG LOL. xD

  25. cheshire7 says:

    Pigfarts! Pigfarts!

  26. The Dementress says:

    Dylan Saunders, you have a very impressive voice. Want.

  27. hungriestgame says:

    your mom

  28. hpfish13 says:

    I'll expel you if you call me Albus

  29. valdora says:

    The little hopping dance is so cute.

  30. Does it stay this awesome for three hours? Tell me it does.

  31. notemily says:

    These songs are SO FREAKING CATCHY. I'm going to be singing them for weeks, I just know!

  32. Lumosnox says:

    I totally would just comment all the lyrics here in an effort to demonstrate my exhilaration, but that would be very spammy.

  33. thecheapshot says:

    I'm paused I'm paused – is that right?

  34. Taryn says:

    I like having this intermission thing. I'm going to join the pee club now brb

  35. rumbleroar19 says:

    lmao the scarf of sexual preference

  36. hpfish13 says:

    Back to spells and enchantments, potions and friends…. Man I'm glad I'm back

  37. lnich says:

    Goyle (and, in fact, everyone that guy plays) is so hilariously done!

  38. Eponizzle says:


  39. The Dementress says:


  40. rumbleroar19 says:

    Hufflepuff's are particularly good finders. Hufflepuff pride!!!

  41. Spugsy says:

    That is like a textbook opening, they couldn't have done it better!

  42. Karlijn says:

    Dumbledear is soooooooo funny!

  43. Zoe says:

    I wasn't going to do this cos I don't have time tonight but… JOINING YOU AT PART 3! 😀

  44. Kristina says:

    Man, I am glad I am back :D!!!

  45. Anseflans says:

    Oh god. The 'Last Activity' button is THE BEST THING EVER. ALso, I have the feeling that this site is way better in handeling the comment pressure than Buzznet. YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYY.
    xD Oh God what have I become?

  46. lebeaumonde says:

    Okay, how can we quickly see replies? I have to refresh everytime and that sucks because my internet is akin to a turtle

  47. Phoebe says:

    AAHHHH i love rons face when the girl posse walks in

  48. psycicflower says:

    I will be going through this post and saving so many gifs when this is over.

  49. Treasure Cat says:

    Man Im glad Im back!

  50. Lumosnox says:

    Are we starting? *stares at clock intensely*

  51. xbelle89x says:

    Just got here, I'll be starting on part 3 with everyone.

  52. Minish says:

    Malfoy is my special favorite =3

  53. vermillioncity says:

    Starting Part Three now, yeah?

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket">

  54. notemily says:

    *dries hair during break, puts on underwear*

  55. PeanutK says:

    The scarf of sexual preference, y'all.

  56. hpfish13 says:

    Dumbledore is so very not nice!

  57. Mariah says:

    two minutes of break omg torture

  58. puffleprophet says:

    MR ginny weasly lol.

  59. leenwitit says:

    If you want to own any of the music from AVPM, you can go to this website:

    They are all free, but they request that you donate $1 with the "Name Your Price" option. IT'S TOTALLY AWESOME.

  60. Lumosnox says:

    Well, um, a funny thing happened to the Sorting Hat…

  61. lotheterrible says:


  62. Araniapriime says:

    WHERE ARE WE? I'm lost! I can't keep up with comments and watch at the same time!

  63. canyonoflight says:

    the scarf of sexual preference rofl

  64. Taryn says:

    I need a scarf of sexual preference. :/

  65. Zoe says:

    The scarf of sexual preference 😉 I love this musical…

  66. Kristina says:

    Dumbledore: "Welcome to Hawgwarts!"

  67. xpanasonicyouthx says:


  68. Anseflans says:

    What the HELL is a Hufflepuff?

  69. _LilyEvans_ says:

    Joey Richter NAILS Ron. He's so amazing.

  70. feesha724 says:

    oh the Hufflepuff thing…FIND!!!

    I love it 😀

  71. aclynnb88 says:

    The scarf of sexual preference is my favorite

  72. notemily says:


  73. peacockdawson says:


  74. Anseflans says:


  75. hpfish13 says:

    Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Cally_Black says:

    What the hell is a huffelpuff? FIND!

  77. wenuwish says:

    I FIND Cedric to be awesome.

  78. Historicloser says:

    What the hell is a Hufflepuff!!!

  79. Karlijn says:

    AAHHHWWW scarfy! There are so many sorting hats on the internet, but I've never found a scarf of sexual preference test… Why?

  80. redconverses says:


  81. leenwitit says:

    What the hell is a Hufflepuff?
    …*shrug and smile*

  82. Hufflepuff gets no respect.

  83. carma_bee says:

    I love Joe's Snape!

  84. The Dementress says:

    Ron, never stop eating liek srsly.

  85. doesntsparkle says:

    What the hell is a Hufflepuff?

  86. Minish says:

    What the HELL is a Hufflepuff?

  87. LoonyLu says:

    Dumbledore: What the hell is a hufflepuff

    Cedric: sits down

  88. Lumosnox says:

    "Harry Potterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…." XD

  89. puffleprophet says:

    Everyone at my Harry Potter society uses the Hufflepuff's are particularly good finders line A LOT

  90. Kristina says:

    YES, SNAPE!!!

  91. Vicki_Louise says:

    OMG Snape totally looks like the girl from Kick-ass!

  92. Whispy360 says:

    I have a "FIND" shirt. I love wearing it and seeing the confused looks on other people's faces.

    And: SNAAAAPE!!!

  93. something says:

    joe moses never change

  94. lotheterrible says:

    The foreshadowing of the foreshadowing!

  95. hpfish13 says:

    Snape is the funniest thing!

  96. Esther says:

    Gorram it, now I'm behind.

  97. eris21 says:


  98. miloulovesbooks says:

    everything about snape is love!

Comments are closed.