Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

Oh lord, it is finally happening. After many promises and failed attempts to get a SINGLE COPY of this massive musical, I have discovered a method wherein we can do a liveblog of A Very Potter Musical. And so, we shall do it.

Welcome, my fellow StarKid and Harry Potter fans. I feel as though I’ve already seen half of this musical through the sheer force of the GIF-age alone, so it’s now time for me to TRULY watch it.

This liveblog will take place on SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, AT 11:OOAM PST. In order to sync up our viewing experience, PLEASE USE THIS WORLD CLOCK TO MAKE SURE WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TIME.

Since this is not on a DVD or single viewing source, below you will find our viewing schedule for each part of this musical, located on YouTube. We will watch each part and then have TWO minutes in between parts, so that ads/videos can load and you can take a pee break if necessary. We will have a 15 minute intermission between Acts I and II. This way, at any given time, you will know EXACTLY what video we are watching if you have to join in later.

If you have the time to do the entire thing, please not that due to the breaks/pauses between videos, this will take us over three and a half hours to accomplish. And yes, we will do A Very Potter Sequel soon as well.

Sound good? You are welcome to test out the links below to make sure they are correct. I cannot wait to give this a shot!

Please, if you can, send this out to people on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I know a lot of people from my MRHP days wanted me to do this and I couldn’t find the time or method to do it. It’ll be an awesome reunion of sorts, YES?????



11:00am: Act 1, Part 1
11:07am: Act 1, Part 2
11:16am: Act 1, Part 3
11:27am: Act 1, Part 4
11:39am: Act 1, Part 5
11:49am: Act 1, Part 6
11:58am: Act 1, Part 7
12:06pm: Act 1, Part 8
12:13pm: Act 1, Part 9
12:24pm: Act 1, Part 10
12:36pm: Act 1, Part 11
12:44pm: Act 1, Part 12
12:53pm: Act 1, Part 13
1:03pm: Act 1, Part 14


1:18pm: Act 2, Part 1
1:29pm: Act 2, Part 2
1:40pm: Act 2, Part 3
1:50pm: Act 2, Part 4
1:58pm: Act 2, Part 5
2:10pm: Act 2, part 6
2:19pm: Act 2, Part 7
2:28pm: Act 2, Part 8
2:37pm: Act 2, Part 9


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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3,581 Responses to Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

  1. Lumosnox says:

    "Do it, Draco!" "I don't think I can…" "Coward! Ten points from Gryffindor!"

  2. bambbles says:

    lol Coward! Ten points fro Gryffindor!

  3. Treasure Cat says:

    Coward! 10 points from gryffindor!

  4. feesha724 says:

    Ugh gotta go to work now ๐Ÿ™

    …I'm bringing my laptop with me and I'm going to try to get on the internet to finish this with you guys…we'll see

  5. cheshire7 says:

    Snape's betrayal revealed!

  6. I WANT HERMIONE GRANGER…and a rocketship.

  7. hpfish13 says:

    I want Hermione Granger!!!!! and a rocketship!!!

  8. qwerticle says:

    COWARD! 10 points from Gryffindor!

  9. notemily says:

    COWARD! Ten points from gryffindor!

  10. canyonoflight says:

    Nooooooo Dumbledore!

  11. Minish says:

    COWARD! 10 points from Gryffindor!


  12. xbelle89x says:

    "I WANT HERMIONE GRANGER! ….and a rocketship."

  13. doesntsparkle says:

    I could have shrunk it with Magic

  14. Phoebe says:

    someone you trusted. someone you may have even loved (AVPS!!!)

  15. lossthief says:

    Darren's whiny!Harry is still less whiny than OoTP Harry.

  16. xbelle89x says:

    "COWARD! Ten points from Gryffindor!"

  17. lnich says:

    Awww, the Snape/Dumbledore in this is so sad! Poor Dumbles.

  18. Phoebe says:

    I WANT HERMIONE GRANGER!!! (sad music)

  19. Eponizzle says:


  20. Vicki_Louise says:


  21. paulineparadise says:


    is there a link to the full, uncensored version? Is there? I think I saw it somewhere but I'm no Hufflepuff and I can't find it.

  22. Phoebe says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  23. lossthief says:

    and now the 2 minute wait before more hilarity…

  24. Robin says:

    I still don't believe you;re back.

  25. PeanutK says:


    I still don't believe you're back!

  26. Jerssica says:

    "I STILL don't believe you're back!"

  27. notemily says:

    A heart attack, surely!

  28. Karlijn says:

    I still don't believe you're back!

  29. Minish says:


  30. LoonyLu says:

    Poor Cedric gets killed again

  31. lossthief says:

    "A heart attack, surely!"


  32. Historicloser says:

    A heart attack, surely.

  33. Lumosnox says:

    "I still don't believe you're back…"
    "Believe this, Fudge! Avada Kedavra!"
    "OOH! ….A heart attack, surely!" LOL

  34. Minish says:

    I love how Tyler plays both a character who always smiles and always frowns.

  35. rumbleroar19 says:


  36. elyce says:

    You wanna try something new?

    LOVE. <3

  37. LoonyLu says:

    That must have been so awkward for Cedric to lay there the entire time

  38. Treasure Cat says:

    That sound you just heard was my heart exploding for Voldie missing Quirrel <3

  39. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    hahahahahahahahaha oh my god. Back to back. I'm dead.

  40. Mariah says:

    "..Are you feeling okay, my lord?"
    "Of course I am, Quirrel!"

  41. hpfish13 says:

    So hilarious!! And so awkward….


  43. sara_subrosa says:


  44. Spugsy says:

    I called you a squirrel!

  45. hpfish13 says:

    I called you a squirrel

  46. qwerticle says:

    Jealous of Bellatrix. I'd rub backs with Voldemort any day.

    …and that is something i never thought I would say pre-avpm.

  47. lebeaumonde says:

    There are pieces of you missing!

  48. tealmermaidgirl says:

    "lets watch She's all that. I've never seen the beginning of it"

  49. _LilyEvans_ says:

    Quirrellmort OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP

  50. cheshire7 says:

    dies laughing at Voldy & Bella — back to back, belly to belly, it's a Death Eater jamboree!

  51. Minish says:

    He's not a peon! He's more of a man than you'll ever be…

  52. Karlijn says:

    Of course I am, Quirrell…

  53. Lumosnox says:

    Sad song is sad.

  54. PhoenixFeathers says:

    I called you a squirrel

  55. psycicflower says:

    Aw, Voldemort misses Quirrell. Embrace the love Voldie.

  56. tealmermaidgirl says:


  57. Lolua says:

    "There are pieces of you missing." Never was that more appropriate.

  58. xbelle89x says:

    LOL poor Tyler, always the one who has to stay in an entire scene dead.

  59. lossthief says:

    "There are pieces of you missing!"

    "Are you talking about my horcruxes?"

  60. hpfish13 says:

    Aww…sad song….

  61. elyce says:

    Are you talking about my Horcruxes? cause if it weren't for those I wouldn't even be here right now!

  62. bambbles says:

    Are you talking about my Horcruxes?! Because if it weren't for those I wouldn't even BE here right now!

  63. Cally_Black says:

    This song makes me cry all the tears!

  64. cheshire7 says:

    Hmmm–missing pieces of Voldy. Cue sad song….

  65. Phoebe says:

    prepare my flying machine!!!

  66. Eponizzle says:

    She's All That! He's never seen the beginning!

  67. Treasure Cat says:

    Oh god where are my tissues, DARREN AND BRIAN STOP MAKING ME CRY :'(

  68. Spugsy says:

    Poor Quirrell

  69. Cally_Black says:

    Is it bad that I don't start crying until Quirrel comes out?

  70. canyonoflight says:


  71. rowanberries says:

    This song is beautiful.

    And hilarious.

    But beautiful!

  72. qwerticle says:

    this song melts my heart of ice <3 <3 <3

  73. electric ashera says:

    "Watch a movie, roller skate, fill the world with fear and hate!" MORE D'AWWWWWWW. This is why I always root for the bad guys!

  74. aclynnb88 says:

    "Watch a movie, rollerskate, fill the world with love & hate"

  75. hpfish13 says:

    Watch a movie, rollerskate. Fill the world with fear and hate….

  76. Historicloser says:

    That song is my favourite, especially Voldy sighing in the background!

  77. Phoebe says:

    love how tyler brunsman is just LAYING there

  78. Lumosnox says:

    D'aww, Brosenthal is so adorable. :3

  79. Minish says:

    "Watch a movie, rollarskate,
    Fill the world with fear and haaaate."


  80. rowanberries says:

    "Watch a movie, rollerskate; fill the world with fear and hate!"

  81. bambbles says:

    More great harmonies!! God this music is so great! They are so freakin talented!

  82. Cally_Black says:

    "You gave me someone to hold every night"


  83. Kristina says:

    Oh, no, sad face :(.

    This song is just so, well, sad. Darren's part, at least.

    As far as heartbreaking songs go with tehse guys, I would have to say "To Have a Home" beats them all, *sniff*..

  84. _LilyEvans_ says:

    Darren and Brian harmonize brilliantly together.
    Besides being funny, this song is actually quite beautiful.

  85. Phoebe says:

    i read this the EXACT same time she said it. SO WEIRD!

  86. Karlijn says:

    this song is so sweet, and still it´s quite funny, quirrell singing about voldy ๐Ÿ™‚

  87. Lumosnox says:

    And Prince Tyler is STILL DEAD in the background.

  88. lossthief says:

    I'm loving the comments on youtube.

    "Well Voldy's a bit of a DLILF

    (Dark Lord I'd Likeรฏยปยฟ To…er…y'know)"

  89. Spugsy says:

    Prepare my flying machine!

  90. PhoenixFeathers says:

    Prepare my flying machine!

  91. puffleprophet says:

    LOL, Going back to Hogwarts, get it?

  92. Lolua says:

    Ominous music is ominous.

  93. elyce says:

    Admittedly, my fave AVP song is in the sequel, but I do like this one too!

  94. canyonoflight says:

    after this next part, I have to put potatoes in the oven.

  95. Cally_Black says:

    This next song is my favorite EVER!

  96. rumbleroar19 says:

    Not Alone <333333333 I love that Darren Criss sang it at The Trevor Project

  97. Minish says:

    "I'm just a 12 year old kid."

  98. puffleprophet says:

    I'm just a 12 year old kid…

  99. hpfish13 says:

    My favorite song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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