Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

Oh lord, it is finally happening. After many promises and failed attempts to get a SINGLE COPY of this massive musical, I have discovered a method wherein we can do a liveblog of A Very Potter Musical. And so, we shall do it.

Welcome, my fellow StarKid and Harry Potter fans. I feel as though I’ve already seen half of this musical through the sheer force of the GIF-age alone, so it’s now time for me to TRULY watch it.

This liveblog will take place on SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, AT 11:OOAM PST. In order to sync up our viewing experience, PLEASE USE THIS WORLD CLOCK TO MAKE SURE WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TIME.

Since this is not on a DVD or single viewing source, below you will find our viewing schedule for each part of this musical, located on YouTube. We will watch each part and then have TWO minutes in between parts, so that ads/videos can load and you can take a pee break if necessary. We will have a 15 minute intermission between Acts I and II. This way, at any given time, you will know EXACTLY what video we are watching if you have to join in later.

If you have the time to do the entire thing, please not that due to the breaks/pauses between videos, this will take us over three and a half hours to accomplish. And yes, we will do A Very Potter Sequel soon as well.

Sound good? You are welcome to test out the links below to make sure they are correct. I cannot wait to give this a shot!

Please, if you can, send this out to people on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I know a lot of people from my MRHP days wanted me to do this and I couldn’t find the time or method to do it. It’ll be an awesome reunion of sorts, YES?????



11:00am: Act 1, Part 1
11:07am: Act 1, Part 2
11:16am: Act 1, Part 3
11:27am: Act 1, Part 4
11:39am: Act 1, Part 5
11:49am: Act 1, Part 6
11:58am: Act 1, Part 7
12:06pm: Act 1, Part 8
12:13pm: Act 1, Part 9
12:24pm: Act 1, Part 10
12:36pm: Act 1, Part 11
12:44pm: Act 1, Part 12
12:53pm: Act 1, Part 13
1:03pm: Act 1, Part 14


1:18pm: Act 2, Part 1
1:29pm: Act 2, Part 2
1:40pm: Act 2, Part 3
1:50pm: Act 2, Part 4
1:58pm: Act 2, Part 5
2:10pm: Act 2, part 6
2:19pm: Act 2, Part 7
2:28pm: Act 2, Part 8
2:37pm: Act 2, Part 9


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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3,581 Responses to Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

  1. pennylane27 says:

    I don't want my life to be like Spiderman 3 I hated that movie!

  2. Lumosnox says:

    "Valdemort", lol.

  3. hpfish13 says:

    That's stupid!! You're stupid!!

  4. Phoebe says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  5. Kristina says:

    That's stupid, YOU'RE stupid!

  6. peacockdawson says:

    But the whole point of Spiderman 3 is that EVERYTHING SUCKS AND THEN FALLS TO SHIT!!!

  7. Phoebe says:

    who are you? 😀

  8. cheshire7 says:

    Harry doesn't trust Snape! Amazing!

  9. pennylane27 says:

    because i love him!

  10. Spugsy says:

    Because I love him!

  11. Phoebe says:

    thats stupid, youre stupid!

  12. qwerticle says:

    Snape has assured me he lost his hand in a completely unrelated incident!
    Oh Dumbledear!

  13. Charl_Farrow says:

    "Why do you trust Snape so mu-" "Because I love him!"

  14. Phoebe says:

    act 2 part 2= BEST SCENE EVER!
    for those who have seen it, watch snape the entire time because HE MAKES SWISHING MOTIONS WITH HIS HOOK!!!

    • argon says:

      Why would you write what's going to happen right before we're about to watch it? Just let us see it when it happens?

  15. electric ashera says:

    "I heard you had your Dark Mark laser-surgically removed." Oh man that would've solved so many problems for Death Eaters in the books!

  16. Lumosnox says:

    "There's no way that Snape is, was, or ever will be a servant of Valdemort's!"

  17. PeanutK says:

    I heard you had your dark mark laser surgically removed!

  18. Michelle says:

    "If you're done putting each other's feet in each other's mouths!" hehe

  19. eris21 says:


  20. vermillioncity says:

    'Good! I'll be in the drawing room… painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces!'

  21. qwerticle says:


  22. Mariah says:

    if you excuse me i'll be in the drawing room painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces

    This is how I exit a room pretty much everytime. Even if it's empty and I have to direct it at the faceless wall.

  23. hpfish13 says:

    I'll be in the drawing room painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces

  24. Lumosnox says:

    "I'll be in the drawing room, painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces."

  25. puffleprophet says:

    Finding out what a true Hufflepuff is anyway…

  26. Kristina says:

    Apparently, the Jellylegs jinx is a serious threat :D!

  27. cheshire7 says:

    What is a Hufflepuff?

  28. Lolua says:

    I kind of wish the cut between Parts 1 and 2 wasn't right there… I think it's funnier with Snape's line following immediately after Dumbledore's, but it probably wasn't immediate in the live version, either.

  29. Phoebe says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

  30. qwerticle says:

    I'll be in the drawing room, painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces!

  31. Pseudonymph says:

    painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces

  32. Kristina says:

    … and finding out what a true Hufflepuff really is, anyway 😀

  33. Lumosnox says:

    "I'm sorry, what are we talking about?"

  34. Minish says:

    Act 2 Scene 2 AKA. The Scene of HAM.

  35. shadeedge says:

    I'll be in the drawing room, painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces.

  36. electric ashera says:


  37. Bellamort1988 says:

    "Now two people are mad at meeeeeee." Oh Voldemort, I love you. <3

  38. Mariah says:

    omg Bellatricks. I had the volume turned up high to hear everything and then all of a sudden "WOAH HO HO!!!!!!!!"

  39. _LilyEvans_ says:


    I say this all the time.

  40. Robin says:

    "Is that a new body my lord, you look absolutely ravaging!" too true.

  41. Cally_Black says:

    Now two people are mad at me….

  42. hpfish13 says:

    You did have a very evil tone..

    Now two people are mad at me…..

  43. bambbles says:

    now two people are mad at meeeee

  44. Lumosnox says:


  45. puffleprophet says:

    Now two people are mad at meeeeee 🙁 🙁 🙁
    aww Voldy, I love you

  46. pennylane27 says:

    now 2 people are mad at meee

  47. qwerticle says:

    "Now two people are mad at meeeeeeee"
    Seriously, greatest play ever. so good.

  48. notemily says:


  49. Kristina says:

    I really, REALLY have issues with this Bellatrix. For the love of all that is holey (you see what I did there :P?), stop screeching!

  50. peacockdawson says:

    Now twwooo people are mad at meeeeeeeee….

  51. eris21 says:

    I love Snape's cloak. It's all swishy.

  52. doesntsparkle says:

    Emo Voldemort makes me so happy.

  53. Minish says:


  54. hpfish13 says:

    Can't!? TEASE!! Why not?!!!!

  55. cheshire7 says:

    Hooky Snape! Cool.

  56. Treasure Cat says:

    Cant? Tease!

  57. vermillioncity says:

    'And don't suggest a giant slide! Or a trampoline! …Because we've already tried those.'

  58. hpfish13 says:

    He can't stop laughing….its so hilarious…….

  59. Robin says:

    don't suggest a giant slide! or a trampoline! because we've already tried those…

  60. Lumosnox says:

    I swear, this scene. Everyone is trying to upstage everyone else.

  61. paulineparadise says:

    I really don't like Bellatrix. Canon!Trix was awesome, this one… lame.

  62. xpanasonicyouthx says:



  63. bambbles says:

    Don't make me laugh! I'm pissing!!!

  64. I feel so bad for Draco. THIS IS WEIRD.

  65. Spugsy says:

    It's Malfoy

  66. rowanberries says:


  67. Esther says:

    Oh my. I want that homemade Dark Mark.

  68. PeanutK says:

    And don't suggest a giant sliiiiide, or a trampoline, because we've already tried those….

  69. elyce says:

    If this homemade Dark Mark won't convince you…

  70. PhoenixFeathers says:

    Draco's homemade dark mark is hilarious.

  71. Treasure Cat says:

    Lucius Malloy's boy?! < I get that line stuck in my head all the time and I dont know why, just the way he says it is so excellent <3

  72. Spugsy says:

    I want a homemade dark mark!

  73. wenuwish says:

    I am SO going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the last movie with a homemade dark mark on my arm.

  74. carma_bee says:

    LOL Don't try a giant slide or a trampoline, because we've already tried those!

  75. eris21 says:

    I personally think that Mark should get an HP related tattoo of Malfoy's homemade dark mark.

  76. Minish says:

    Homemade dark mark FTW

  77. Lumosnox says:

    Lol, me too.

  78. Robin says:

    pigfarts, pigfarts, yum yum yum!

  79. hpfish13 says:

    Little Mermaid reference!!!

  80. xbelle89x says:


  81. bambbles says:

    "But first we discuss the subject of payment" Little Mermaid..?

  82. cheshire7 says:

    Duh! The vents! Now why didn't I think of that?

  83. Lumosnox says:

    "Pigfarts, pigfarts, here I come, pigfarts pigfarts, yum yum yum–" "NO NO NO NO"

  84. Kristina says:

    Ahhh, the vent plan. A classic!

  85. Esther says:

    Pigfarts, Pigfarts, here I come! Pigfarts, Pigfarts, yum yum yum!

  86. Phoebe says:

    …cuz we've already tired those

  87. peacockdawson says:

    What business do you have on Mars?

  88. cheshire7 says:


  89. Whispy360 says:

    Pigfarts, Pigfarts, here I come
    Pigfarts, Pigfarts, yum yum yum!

  90. qwerticle says:

    So want to hear the whole Pigfarts song!

  91. hpfish13 says:

    I haven't been feeling so evil lately………….sigh

  92. Phoebe says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

    for some reason this isn't showing up…

  93. Robin says:


  94. Eilonwy_Llyr says:

    And you have to be my slave for a whole day starting now!

  95. Mariah says:


  96. cheshire7 says:

    Oh, no! Bumblebore must die!

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