Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

Oh lord, it is finally happening. After many promises and failed attempts to get a SINGLE COPY of this massive musical, I have discovered a method wherein we can do a liveblog of A Very Potter Musical. And so, we shall do it.

Welcome, my fellow StarKid and Harry Potter fans. I feel as though I’ve already seen half of this musical through the sheer force of the GIF-age alone, so it’s now time for me to TRULY watch it.

This liveblog will take place on SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, AT 11:OOAM PST. In order to sync up our viewing experience, PLEASE USE THIS WORLD CLOCK TO MAKE SURE WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TIME.

Since this is not on a DVD or single viewing source, below you will find our viewing schedule for each part of this musical, located on YouTube. We will watch each part and then have TWO minutes in between parts, so that ads/videos can load and you can take a pee break if necessary. We will have a 15 minute intermission between Acts I and II. This way, at any given time, you will know EXACTLY what video we are watching if you have to join in later.

If you have the time to do the entire thing, please not that due to the breaks/pauses between videos, this will take us over three and a half hours to accomplish. And yes, we will do A Very Potter Sequel soon as well.

Sound good? You are welcome to test out the links below to make sure they are correct. I cannot wait to give this a shot!

Please, if you can, send this out to people on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I know a lot of people from my MRHP days wanted me to do this and I couldn’t find the time or method to do it. It’ll be an awesome reunion of sorts, YES?????



11:00am: Act 1, Part 1
11:07am: Act 1, Part 2
11:16am: Act 1, Part 3
11:27am: Act 1, Part 4
11:39am: Act 1, Part 5
11:49am: Act 1, Part 6
11:58am: Act 1, Part 7
12:06pm: Act 1, Part 8
12:13pm: Act 1, Part 9
12:24pm: Act 1, Part 10
12:36pm: Act 1, Part 11
12:44pm: Act 1, Part 12
12:53pm: Act 1, Part 13
1:03pm: Act 1, Part 14


1:18pm: Act 2, Part 1
1:29pm: Act 2, Part 2
1:40pm: Act 2, Part 3
1:50pm: Act 2, Part 4
1:58pm: Act 2, Part 5
2:10pm: Act 2, part 6
2:19pm: Act 2, Part 7
2:28pm: Act 2, Part 8
2:37pm: Act 2, Part 9


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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3,581 Responses to Mark Watches ‘A Very Potter Musical’

  1. feesha724 says:

    OMG I'm so sad it's almost over…I can only watch until the end of the first act 'cause I have to get ready for work…hmmm…I wonder how long I can postpone this…maybe just a few more parts…lol

  2. notemily says:

    Dude this should be a real movie.

  3. rumbleroar19 says:

    LOL She's All That

  4. miloulovesbooks says:

    remember how he turned out to be good in the end
    NOOOO because i never saw the end, cause you were watching from the back on my head sucking my soul out

  5. miloulovesbooks says:


  6. sara_subrosa says:


  7. lnich says:

    Bellatrix in this is fantastic.

  8. elyce says:

    I really wish that someday, the WB or something will take this and make it into a real broadway show (witohut changing anything, PLEASE) so I can go see it!

  9. kaybee42 says:

    LOVING THIS! Its been hard for me cause being on this page slows down the loading LOTS but I can pop on every now and again when loading is going well and anyway we have a bigger break in a sec 😀

  10. Spugsy says:

    The old days are back baby!

  11. Pseudonymph says:

    Uh oh. . . Bellatrix is here. BRB.

  12. IceBlueRose says:

    "My Dark Lord….you look fabulous!"

  13. rumbleroar19 says:


  14. Treasure Cat says:

    Fuck Bellatrix in this is such a BAMF.

  15. Lumosnox says:


  16. Eponizzle says:

    Oh no, betray Quirrell?!

  17. hpfish13 says:

    Quirrel's cool…

  18. Vicki_Louise says:

    I can't focus on a single thing they're saying all i see is Voldys abs! *swoon*

  19. Mariah says:

    "… <.< …… >.> …….are you alright?"

  20. peacockdawson says:

    No no, Bellatrix. It's cool.

  21. bambbles says:

    Aww the music. So heartbreaking.

  22. Kristina says:

    Ugh, I think they did a truly great job with teh characters, but Bellatrix is just soooo annoying!

    Geez, turn it down a notch!

  23. puffleprophet says:

    Tears, poor Quirrell :'(

  24. hpfish13 says:

    You are his queen

  25. Jessica says:

    I hate watching Quirrell get crucio'd 🙁

  26. pennylane27 says:

    he's proven to be a very good fr- a very good servant

  27. Cally_Black says:

    This scene breaks my heart into so many pieces! Worst breakup scene ever! Quirrelmort, please be together forever! Go die in a fire Bellatrix!

  28. Treasure Cat says:

    A very good fr….a very good servant to the dark lord.
    *heart broken*

  29. hpfish13 says:

    Are you all right….

  30. qwerticle says:

    oh Voldemort, why you gotta break Quirrel's heart? 🙁

  31. Lumosnox says:

    I love Quirrel's girly scream when Bellatrix crucios him.

  32. elyce says:

    …are you alright?

  33. pennylane27 says:


  34. canyonoflight says:

    Are you all right?


  35. Kristina says:

    The line "He is yourpawn! You are his queen!" is excellent, though!

  36. Esther says:

    I don't find Joe's abs that attractive. Is it just me?

  37. psycicflower says:

    No Voldemort! Don't betray Quirrell!

  38. PeanutK says:

    OH MY ROWLING!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Lumosnox says:


  40. valdora says:

    I love the way Quirrel says SUCKING MY SOUUUUL!

  41. hpfish13 says:

    Whoa, where'd he go?

  42. buyn says:

    Whoah, where'd he go?

  43. cheshire7 says:

    Bellatrix! Evil, evil!

  44. SelphieFairy says:


  45. Vicki_Louise says:

    Oh my Rowling!

  46. Jessica says:

    whoa, where'd he go?

  47. Kristina says:

    HAHAHAHA, woah, where did he go?

  48. bambbles says:

    Woah, where'd he go?!

  49. Minish says:


  50. pennylane27 says:


  51. Jessica says:

    you missed the raffle!

  52. Lolua says:

    "You missed the raffle!" XD XD XD forever

  53. Eponizzle says:

    "Oh my Rowling!"

  54. Spugsy says:

    You missed the raffle!

  55. elyce says:

    you missed the raffle!

  56. I really hate this Bellatrix, and I was heartbroken to see Quirrel get crucio'd. 🙁

  57. Mariah says:


  58. Taryn says:


  59. Bellamort1988 says:

    DRAMATIC MUSIC IS DRAMATIC. Oh man, time to dry my eyes, take a potty break, and get my sandwich out of the fridge.

  60. bambbles says:

    Snape: What happened in the graveyard with his hand all hidden.omg love.


  61. puffleprophet says:

    Intermission time 🙁
    Loo break!

  62. "What happened in the graveyard?" HOW DO YOU KNOW SNAPE? HOW DO YOU KNOW?


  63. Treasure Cat says:

    OH THANK GOD I need to pee so badly BRB

  64. xbelle89x says:


  65. IceBlueRose says:

    I love that they watched She's All That, lmao.

  66. PeanutK says:

    Well, now that we have a 15 minute break…

    SNACK TIME! I'll get some Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets.

  67. shadeedge says:

    "What happened in the graveyard?"

    I love Snape.

  68. Lumosnox says:

    so when are we resuming?

  69. Minish says:

    What a TWEEST!

  70. qwerticle says:

    Harry, you missed the raffle!
    Love Dumbledore, always seeing the big picture <3

  71. xbelle89x says:

    HAHAHAHA SNAPE. "What happened in the graveyard?"

  72. kaybee42 says:

    oh my rowling i need a wee so bad!

  73. Vicki_Louise says:

    15 minute break *goes to pee*

  74. electric ashera says:

    "It's gonna be pretty hard to make that Rollerblading date from Azkaban!" D'awwww. I'm sad!

  75. Anseflans says:

    Wait, there's a ten minute break now, right? DON'T SPOILER GUYS!!

  76. PhoenixFeathers says:

    Break time!

  77. shadeedge says:

    Half-time thoughts, Mark?

  78. qwerticle says:

    INTERMISSION! must find snacks, if only Ron were my friend *cough*lover*cough* I'd have a ready supply!

  79. Lolua says:

    The second one (fan-made trailer) is spoilery as well.

  80. Time to warm up my lunch! Leftover brown rice spaghetti with roasted garlic spaghetti sauce and arancini bites (rice balls filled with fontina cheese). All hail Trader Joe's!

    Somebody envy my lunch.

  81. notemily says:

    OK TIME TO MAKE A SANDWICH (not an exploding one)

  82. miloulovesbooks says:

    i'm so sad that i have to leave now, but i have big tests tomorrow, and unlucky for me, i'm not as smart as hermoine 🙁

  83. Treasure Cat says:

    You guys are all so epic. AVPM is always hilarious, but this is the most fun Ive ever had watching it :3

  84. pennylane27 says:

    Oh my god if we haven't finished by dinner time I'm so skipping it! I haven't watched Act II yet!

  85. BitterLimeParakeet says:

    Yay, intermission! I'm having a good time, this is exactly what I needed to relieve my stress today!

  86. bambbles says:

    THREE MINUTES!! *flashes lights*

  87. Lumosnox says:

    ALMOST TIME, everybody ready?

  88. cheshire7 says:

    I'll have to do an encore watching of this. Between switching windows and laughing so much I've missed some dialogue!

  89. canyonoflight says:

    less than a minute

  90. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    ACT II!!!!!

  91. bambbles says:

    LOL I Love that he gets snacks from the music guys!

  92. _LilyEvans_ says:

    <3 <3 <3

  93. puffleprophet says:

    Act 2!

  94. feesha724 says:

    Zefron!! <3 lol

  95. Spugsy says:

    Haha! Voldemort

  96. potlid007 says:


  97. hpfish13 says:

    Part II

    Come on Zac Efron….Zefron…nuff said

  98. bambbles says:


  99. Cally_Black says:

    Zefron! Nuff said.

  100. _LilyEvans_ says:

    Also, You've all been HOODWINKED. *flounce*

    sigh. Tyler is <3

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