Oh lord, it is finally happening. After many promises and failed attempts to get a SINGLE COPY of this massive musical, I have discovered a method wherein we can do a liveblog of A Very Potter Musical. And so, we shall do it.
Welcome, my fellow StarKid and Harry Potter fans. I feel as though I’ve already seen half of this musical through the sheer force of the GIF-age alone, so it’s now time for me to TRULY watch it.
This liveblog will take place on SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, AT 11:OOAM PST. In order to sync up our viewing experience, PLEASE USE THIS WORLD CLOCK TO MAKE SURE WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TIME.
Since this is not on a DVD or single viewing source, below you will find our viewing schedule for each part of this musical, located on YouTube. We will watch each part and then have TWO minutes in between parts, so that ads/videos can load and you can take a pee break if necessary. We will have a 15 minute intermission between Acts I and II. This way, at any given time, you will know EXACTLY what video we are watching if you have to join in later.
If you have the time to do the entire thing, please not that due to the breaks/pauses between videos, this will take us over three and a half hours to accomplish. And yes, we will do A Very Potter Sequel soon as well.
Sound good? You are welcome to test out the links below to make sure they are correct. I cannot wait to give this a shot!
Please, if you can, send this out to people on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I know a lot of people from my MRHP days wanted me to do this and I couldn’t find the time or method to do it. It’ll be an awesome reunion of sorts, YES?????
11:00am: Act 1, Part 1
11:07am: Act 1, Part 2
11:16am: Act 1, Part 3
11:27am: Act 1, Part 4
11:39am: Act 1, Part 5
11:49am: Act 1, Part 6
11:58am: Act 1, Part 7
12:06pm: Act 1, Part 8
12:13pm: Act 1, Part 9
12:24pm: Act 1, Part 10
12:36pm: Act 1, Part 11
12:44pm: Act 1, Part 12
12:53pm: Act 1, Part 13
1:03pm: Act 1, Part 14
1:18pm: Act 2, Part 1
1:29pm: Act 2, Part 2
1:40pm: Act 2, Part 3
1:50pm: Act 2, Part 4
1:58pm: Act 2, Part 5
2:10pm: Act 2, part 6
2:19pm: Act 2, Part 7
2:28pm: Act 2, Part 8
2:37pm: Act 2, Part 9
Neville is tending a little plant! Ahaha!
I really love Ginny's voice!
I love Ginny so much, she's my favourite character!
This version of Ginny is just LOL!
Haaaaaa-aaaaaarrrrrrrryyyy! Why can't you see what you're doing to me?
Jamie Lyn Beatty has the best female singing voice in the cast.
That sure is one spiffy cloak.
My dad is dead, I have a dead father.
My dad that's dead. I have a dead father.
My father who's dead. My dead father. My dad's dead.
"I was just offstage, hanging out with Hagrid," because his accent is hard to write/say, or because it is hard to play a believable giant on-stage?
I'd use it to fake my own death and watch people cry at the funeral! OMG Ginny I would consider doing that too.
I'd kick wiener dogs
I'd use it to avoid having to look at my reflection in the mirror.
Poor Hermione :'(
"My dad that's dead. My dad's dead. I have a dead father."
I don't know why I think that's SO ridiculously funny…
Cause he clearly doesn't know his lines? XD
The dad that's dead, my father is dead, I have a dead father.
Department of redundancy department much :)?
Ginny's high-pitched voice is scaring my kittens 😀
It was a gift from my father who is dead. My father died – I have a dead father. Funny, because it's true
Haha, the cloak is so ridiculous. xD
I'd use it to avoid ever having to face my reflection in the mirror again
I would kick wiener dogs.
My dad that's dead. My father's dead. I have a dead father.
I love how Ginny's got this high squeeky voice and then she sings and bam, bluesy belting. <3
"I would use it to avoid ever having to face my reflection in the mirror."
Too perfect. Just too perfect.
Ginny is so me..
I would use it to fake my own death and watch people cry at the funeral!
Dear Santa,
I want Jaime Lyn Beatty's voice for Christmas.
Thank you,
Could you ask Santa to share that voice with me too?
Dear Santa,
Please give me and hpfish13 Jaime's voice for Christmas. Extra cookies for you if it's delivered by Joe Walker, Joey Richter, Brian Holden, or Nick or Matt Lang.
Thank you,
"Besides, there's only enough room under this cloak for two people, so uh…"
*Hermione looks downcast*
"Come on, Hermione, come on."
Hermione needs a hug. 🙁
"I would – uh – I'd kick wiener dogs" love that improv by Darren 🙂
voldies line about about killing people at the end is too
What was it suppose to be?
nothing. he just added it in. as well as "goyle rules!"
Awww Ginny
Seriously. This song makes me cry ALL THE TEARS.
I …really don't like this song
Her voice just GRATES me
Same here. DON'T PUNCH ME. It's a nice song, I just don't really care for it.
Is it possible that Edward made the cloak? It sparkles!
Sorry, I could not resist. No more, I promise.
Yes. Invisibility cloaks are made from the hide of Meyerpires.
100% genuine sparklepire skin?
So THAT'S why it helps you conquer death!
When do we start part 7?
read the post…
Lok at the time schedule Mark posted right above here.
11:58 AM PST.
Thank you! I was two minutes ahead ooops!
“My dad that’s dead. My father’ dead…I have a dead father.â€
Ginny has such a sweet voice!
Poor Ginny 🙁
Sorry I'm not commenting as much. I'm trying to watch this uninterrupted as much as possible.
No complaints here!
We totally understand this. I'll be looking forward to an epic review.
We understand…I want to sit here and just watch intently and I've SEEN it…multiple times…
Good luck trying to quote the entire musical in your summary post Mark XD
Omg, my friend and I sing this song ALL THE TIME! even the teachers know it now:)
Love the dancing with Harry the Guitar.
This song, ah it's just so beautiful! I love Jamie Lynn Beatty!
She has an AMAZING voice!
Is she really horrible at lip syncing or is the sound way behind on this video?
She's singing live so your sound must be lagging
its fine on my video.
Seriously, what a hell of s set of pipes. Goosebumps.
Must. Learn. This. Song.
Hmm. We're a minute ahead of schedule. Does that mean we should wait three minutes? Or am I just ahead now?
Could be just you.
Yeah, I just keep an eye on the world clock to make sure I'm on schedule.
It was given to me by my dad. My dad that's dead. My father is dead. I have a dead father.
so behind b/c of buffering and everyone starting at the wrong time.
I feel like a fight referee *break, break, break*
Yeah, erm, I won't be able to do this, it seems, my window for revision is getting-ever-smaller and I'm getting that-feeling-you-get-when-you-think-you-will-fail-so-then-you-revise-like-crazy
So, happy AVPM-ing.
why is it then when I imagine Voldemort and Quirrel doing karaoke, all I can see is them belting out their own redemption of "CAAAND YOU FEEEL THE LOOOOVE TOOONIGHT."
Don't Stop Believing!
I love this song.
I would give her an 8. An 8.5. Not over a 9.8
dude why are you so far along…
look at the schedule and stop watching autoplay
Aaaah, READ THIS. You are WAY ahead!!! We keep telling you! D:
Are we starting 7 yet?
Well, thanks, I am the dark lord.
I hear everything that you hear!
"I hear it's karaoke night at the Hog's Head."
FML. Buffering made me miss watching "Harry."
"We'll lead him to the slaughter and we'll murder Harry Potter, we're difereeeeent…"
Favorite part. <3
Give them all B-'s!
….Now that is evil.
You know how much I would give to ACTUALLY see them doing karaoke and the like. I WANT ALL THE QUIRRELMORT IN MY LIFE
Voldemort is such a bad influence
I totally know where you guys are without watching it – possible I've seen it too many times!
Now that's evil
Thanks, I am the Dark Lord
Hey, we'll try to pick up some chicks!
Giving everyon B minuses is true evil!
Karaoke night at the Hog's Head… can you imagine Aberforth hosting a Karaoke night??
Voldie's got magic with the bitches. Just ask Bellatrix! XD
*mad game
Quirrell! Man! LISTEN!
Possibly the sexiest sentence in the human language.
i heard there's karaoke night at hogheads
You just move your lips and I'll do the talking.
Back when I had a body, I had MAD GAME with the bitches:D
Mad game with the bitches. Oh Voldie. I would 😉
Do you know who I think is the ugliest girl in school?
That Hermione Granger.
You know what I'd give her on a scale of 1 to 10?
1 would be the ugliest and 10 is pretty.
I would give her an 8…8.5…9…no more than a 9.8
But there is always room for improvement
I'm holding out for a 10…because I'm worth it…OMG I die every time
Buckbeak, for sure.
maybe one raindrop.
Voldemort's tongue! So that's where Barty Crouch Jr learned that!
Maybe one raindrop
Do you know who I think is the ugliest girl in school?
That Hermione Granger.
You know what I'd give her on a scale of 1 to 10?
1 would be the ugliest and 10 is pretty.
I would give her an 8…8.5…9…no more than a 9.8
Because there is always room for improvement
Winky the house elf.
Good one…obscure!
Er not unedited as much as– when they first put it up it was under a different name and had quite a few more adult jokes. Minish has the one that was there. You can dl it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O0THJUXY Not the greatest quality, but if you want to listen to the adult humor, there it is.
It’s not the best idea to post this. Starkid didn’t want this version out anymore.
Cut line:
"Someone's coming!"
Ron: "It's not me I swear!"
Draco: "Did you just hear something?"
Goyle's line
Crabbe: "I thought I heard a double entendre."
Not everyone's perfect, like me.
NO MOE THEN A 9.8. Because there's always room for improvement. Not everyone is perfect. Like me.
"Not over a 9.8." Cause no one's perfect.
Not over a 9.8!
How exactly do you morally fight goats?
AVPM Draco is the best Draco ever.
I have to fight a goat? I don't know if I can do that morally.
Draco IS worth it
Draco – he's worth it
I want to see Draco in a L'Oreal ad.
Another censored line – "Someone's coming!" Ron: "It's not me, I swear!"
And the second iteration:
Ron: "Okay, you caught me this time"
Dragons don't want to be fed. . .
Jurassic Park ref. FTW
I love everything they do with the invisibility cloak – all the jokes and the "effects" XD