Mark Predicts ‘Steven Universe’: Season 5

I can’t believe it’s been FIVE MONTHS since I last did one of these, BUT HERE I AM. Time for me to make a fool of myself on the Internet!!!

All right, let’s go over predictions from last time:

  1. We will see Jasper again. OH MY GOD.
  2. There will be one episode at the barn with Lapis and Peridot. There were more than one!
  3. We’ll see the Rubies again, but not Eyeball/Doc. I believe I got this wrong, but blame it on it being FIVE MONTHS since I saw these episodes.
  4. We’ll get an episode about the Diamonds. OH, DID WE EVER.
  5. We’ll see some of the corrupt creatures that Jasper captured. H E L P.
  6. Another kindergarten will be revealed. Okay, now I just flat out have a bad memory. I don’t think we saw another one? 
  7. Steven will fuse with Pearl at one point! I tried. 
  8. Connie will get another training episode. Oooooh… I don’t think my prediction counts.
  9. We’ll meet another gem we haven’t seen before. so many
  10. We’ll meet another type of gem we haven’t seen before. SO MANY.
  12. Steven will learn how to un-corrupt gems!!! I would still love to see this. 
  13. We’ll see Sapphire and Ruby in one episode. YES. AND IT WAS GREAT.
  14. This season’s big arc: the Diamonds trying to retake Earth. Oh god, I wasn’t even CLOSE. I wasn’t ready!!!
  15. The other arc: Steven learning the truth about who Rose Quartz really was. I still think this is an appropriate guess, and it’s gets to the core of the show, so now I’m realizing it can’t REALLY be answered before the show ends?
  16. There’ll be another musical episode. I’M COUNTING A FEW.
  17. STEVEN GOES ON THE INTERNET. THE BEST. He made references to it, but I won’t count this because it has to be a full episode about it.
  18. I’m scared. As you should be.

So, not the worst? But oh, the possibilities going into season 5. I’m so thrilled!

Mark’s Predictions for Season 5

  1. We will get a scene (or, ideally, an episode) devoted to Steven confronting Lars about what he did when Sadie needed help.
  2. Steven won’t even find Lars until halfway through the first episode.
  3. The ship WILL make it to the homeworld.
  4. There will be some sort of public spectacle involving Steven being asked to answer for the crimes of his mother.
  5. Steven will be pardoned in some way rather than be convicted.
  6. Steven and Lars will get sent home.
  7. But not before Lars tries to make some sort of heroic sacrifice to make up for his fright from earlier.
  8. There will be an episode devoted to Lars and Sadie reuniting and dealing with COMPLICATED FEELINGS.
  9. There will be another Lapris/Peridot episode.
  10. We’ll see another Aquamarine and another Topaz.
  11. I will at some point be unable to tell what color a new gem is because I’m a mess.
  12. We’ll find out how Pink Diamond died.
  13. We’ll see the Rubies again.
  14. I legitimately have no idea what the season-long arc will be, though. Not one clue.
  15. So… uh… messed up?
  16. I’m afraid again.

Onwards, friends!

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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