Mark Watches ‘Fringe’: S03E18 – Bloodline

In the eighteenth episode of the third season of Fringe, Fauxlivia’s pregnancy is put at risk when a strange group kidnaps her and accelerates the birth of her child. Which leads to basically one of the best scenes of THE WHOLE SERIES. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Fringe.

So I was in New York when this episode aired, so I actually missed a live episode for once. THE HORROR. I am glad the show is back on the air after a break that seemed like an eternity, but I felt I should review this episode first before episode 3×19, “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.” The review for that will go up tomorrow morning, Sunday April 17! YAY FOR WEEKEND REVIEWS.

Let’s move on to “Bloodline,” which takes us back to the alternate universe. This is one of those episodes that isn’t a slow build to a shocking ending, as the action accelerates to a pretty horrific pace right off of the bat. I don’t know why Fauxlivia could sense that someone was watching her or following her; did she know subconsciously that there was an Observer watching her apartment, waiting for the kidnappers to come take her away? (Here’s a scary thought: We are now seeing the Observers show up in the alternate universe with an alarming frequency. Something is about to happen, and with just four episodes left in the entire season, I know that the something is about to happen soon.)

This story allows the writers to spend a bit of time focusing on Lincoln and Scarlie more than usual, which I welcome with open arms. I was sad when Charlie was killed off of the show, and the way in which he was brought back also made it possible for his character to be explored in new ways as well. “Bloodline” is also the moment when these two begin to figure out the weirdness behind what’s happened to them over the course of the past few months, acknowledging out loud what we, the audience already know. What’s fascinating to me is that I imagine we’ll see similar character arcs as alternate-Broyles by the end of season three. They both know that Walternate is outright lying to them, possibly even endangering them for his own purpose.

And it’s not that Walternate isn’t a developed, three-dimensional character, and I’m glad the show has strayed far away from making him some sort of cookie-cutter villain. Hell, there was an entire period where I completely sympathized with his decisions and what had happened to him. Suffice to say, those days are over, as the past two times we’ve seen him, I am seriously driven to a bitter rage over what he’s doing to Fauxlivia. HE IS SO CREEPY. But that is something we’ll discuss at the end of this review. STOP GETTING AHEAD OF YOURSELF, MARK.

Fauxlivia’s pregnancy itself is also not as clear cut as it could have been, and I appreciate the many layers, both emotional and physical, that the writers wrap around the situation. She cheated on her husband, she loves a man in an alternate universe, Walternate is creepily interested in her child, and NOW, she also has to deal with the chance that she is a carrier of VPE, a disease that killed her sister and her unborn child. The sheer complexity of her pregnancy isn’t ever ignored in this episode, either. I don’t think Walternate new about the VPE aspect of Fauxlivia, and I’m glad he doesn’t know everything. That seemed far too easy for me.

But really, this is all about Fauxlivia, and this episode does a fantastic job showing us her struggle with her health, the difficult decisions surrounding a dangerous childbirth, and the new challenges that might be present if she ends up being a mother. Anna Torv…jesus, WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMN EMMY. Seriously, her character is played so convincingly, from the terror she displays at the thought that she’s going to lose her baby, to the anguish in the Chinatown scenes later when she believes she’s going to die, to the confused joy of motherhood when she’s in the hospital. I think we all know that the reason Torv is so great at portraying the various versions of Olivia is, in part, due to her growing repertoire of facial expressions that are just so genuine and believable.

“Bloodline” also brings back a much-needed character when alternate-Astrid detects an anomaly in the odds that a specific taxi would pass by Olivia’s house six times in the past week. Scarlie and Lincoln end up picking up Henry Higgins, believing him to have some part in Fauxlivia’s kidnapping. Instead, as Henry begins to say things that make no sense to anyone but the Fringe division, the story that Scarlie and Lincoln had been fed about Fauxlivia begins to unravel. It’s actually really exciting to watch because these two have needed to start asking the right questions for some time now. The last time either of them brought up the issue, in “The Plateau,” it was dismissed as foolish speculation, but Lincoln quickly realizes that maybe Scarlie was right back then.

Truthfully, I think Henry’s character played such an emotionally important role in the beginning of season three that I’m just overjoyed to see him back again. He was the only person who accepted Olivia’s ramblings and nonsensical statements about her life back when she was in the wrong universe, and I can’t imagine what it feels like to see someone you helped in such a specific way not recognize you again. Actually, thinking about the events of “Bloodline” in regards to Henry….holy cow, this has to be one of the most awkward things ever. HELLO WOMAN I HELPED ESCAPE, YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE ME ANYMORE, PLEASE SPREAD YOUR LEGS AND DELIVER A BABY INTO MY HANDS. Oh, Henry!

As the episode begins to fall into its collision course of awful, Lincoln confronts Walternate about the inaccuracies in the case, and, surprisingly, Walternate comes clean: Fauxlivia was on assignment in the parallel universe, and she is pregnant with his grandson. I know that Lincoln is far too emotionally involved in the case to see it, but the act, while honest, struck me as really, really suspicious. Why would Walternate tell Lincoln all of this, especially in an upfront manners? So while I figured out that the episode would eventually turn towards what happens at the end, I still couldn’t figure out the mechanisms of it all. Why was Walternate acting this way, and what was his purpose?

Meanwhile, back in the warehouse where Fauxlivia is being kept, we’re given one of two UNBELIEVABLE scenes during the course of “Bloodline” that prove the talent of the writers, the director, and of the actors on this show. Despite being unable to escape herself because of her condition, Fauxlivia tries a new method of getting out of her predicament, knowing that violence might not work with a BABY MOVING AROUND AND GROWING IN HER STOMACH. When the nurse takes Fauxlivia to empty her bladder before the final part of the experiment, Fauxlivia simply tries to appeal to the woman’s empathy, in a gut-wrenching monologue about understanding:

“You’re an obstetric nurse. You must feel some kind of calling to do something so selfless. You know, to help women bring babies into the world. I think I may have VPE. In fact, I probably do. My sister and her baby didn’t make it through labor. Both their hearts gave out. You cannot be okay with what they’re doing to me. If you don’t make them stop, they’re gonna kill me and they’re gonna kill the child that I’m carrying. You don’t have to do anything. You just have to leave me alone just for a minute. Please. Okay?”

The plea is not just an attempt to escape; Fauxlivia means every word. She is concerned for the well-being of her child and herself. She knows that she is facing her own mortality here, that this is more than just the theft of her own baby. This is literally life or death. And her plea honestly looks like it’s going to work, until the nurse simply tells her to empty her bladder and stop wasting time. DRAT.

And this is when it feels like a few hundred things all happen at once, as Lincoln finds out from Fauxlivia’s mom that she cannot give birth, and Fauxlivia takes the opportunity to attack her nurse and escape. Really, what I’ve been wanting to talk about this entire review is the birth scene in the store in Chinatown. I’m hoping that far into the future, when this show is over (WHICH I DON’T WANT TO THINK ABOUT), we’ll be able to look back at the whole picture, and this particular moment will still be one of the most amazing things the show has ever produced. From the lighting, to the set, to the way that the cameras grip the three faces of the people in that store, to the heart-wrenching declaration of love by Lincoln, to the reminder that they’re all being watched by the passers-by in Chinatown…it’s honestly so powerful and touching to me. In a moment of pure panic and terror, you can see that Fauxlivia is realizing that her final seconds of life are upon her, as she’s accepted the silent news given by Lincoln that she has VPE. It’s so quick and so gut-punchingly sad, and Fauxlivia just moves on in that moment, knowing that if anything should come of this, at least she will have given birth to a child. As Lincoln tells her that he loves her, she makes him promise to save the child and he agrees, heartbroken that this is how it all will end, yet honored to share this moment with her regardless.

I mean, I guess in hindsight they probably couldn’t have killed off Fauxlivia, but if they had, this would have been the most unbelievable way for her to go, in the sense that it would have been something I would never think the show could actually do. I suppose that I’m actually glad that she’s still around, but HOW FUCKED UP WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN????

But that’s ok. It is! I’m ok with the writers going the direction they choose to go and not kill off Fauxlivia because, instead of doing that, they make her birth SUPER FUCKED UP ANYWAY. I suspected that something was up with Walternate when he decided to be too honest with Lincoln, but I could never have guessed just how orchestrated this all was. That final scene of Brandon and Walternate looking upon Fauxlivia’s room…CHILLS. It’s made even worse by the SECOND appearance of the Observer in a single episode, who communicates one sentence: “It is happening.”

But what is happening? Was Walternate lying about his willingness to experiment on children? Was this child given an accelerated birth specifically to activate the Doomsday device? WHY IS WALTERNATE SO GODDAMN EVIL?

I just can’t. It’s so bleak and I’m so happy (strangely) that the show is willing to do things like this, despite how uncomfortable they are. THIS SHOW, Y’ALL.


  • Man, I don’t often talk about shipping or even really feel the need to, but good god, I ship Lincoln/Fauxlivia SO FUCKING HARD after this episode.
  • I don’t know why, but I’m guessing that Henry is going to die by the end of season three. Which would make me sad, but he’s almost the stereotype of the Man Who Knew To Much. I hope it doesn’t happen!
  • FOUR MORE EPISODES. UGH. Tomorrow morning, the review for “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” will go up. MORE FRINGE YAY!


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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246 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Fringe’: S03E18 – Bloodline

  1. Anseflans says:

    I'm guessing that Walternate will want to use Fauxlivia's baby for the Doomsday Machine. Same blood as Peter, etc.Shiiiiiiiiii-
    But, he couldn't, right? RIGHT?!

  2. Conman9191 says:

    I'm pretty sure Walternate knew about the VPE. He had his scientists accelerate the pregnancy in order to save the life of the baby (and of Altlivia). Like she said, the acceleration prevented the virus from killing them.

  3. Julia says:

    This episode BLEW MY MIND!!! It is one of the few I watched on an actual TV and the commercials were killing me!
    When Fauxlivia was having the baby I was thinking what is Olivia and Peter somehow find the baby. WHAT WOULD OLIVIA THINK? Not only did this women have sex with Pete SHE HAD HIS KID! Peter would freak out. Completely. This kid is just like SURPRISE! I'm a freakin baby. YOUR FREAKIN BABY!
    What if walternate gives the baby cortexiphan? Would it be able to switch from one universe to another? And then Olivia finds it and a blood test would say its her and Peter's child EVEN THOUGH SHE DIDN't HAVE IT!
    You know that foamy guy from Avatar- yeah that's me throughout this episode.
    Alternative universe you give me SO many what if's to ponder!! <3

  4. NB2000 says:

    Okay having to do this from, very fuzzy, memory because I haven't rewatched it.

    Basically, I still don't like Fauxlivia. I think I briefly felt bad for her in those few seconds where it looks like she's died during the birth scene but, nope, still dislike her. Although, at least now that she's given birth there's now a chance that we get to see round 2 of Olivia Vs Fauxlivia before this season ends.
    <img src=""/&gt;

    Lincoln, just, <3. I still think he could do better than Fauxlivia though (see above, where I don't like her).

  5. Hotaru_hime says:

    Lincoln could do better than Fauxlivia, but that's just my opinion.
    But really, I had a SUPER DUPER HUGE ISSUE with the mechanics of this VPE disease she's got. They mention the full name very briefly but then add that Rachel was affected and it resulted in her death and that of Ella (which makes me wonder why they couldn't have done a Cesarean earlier on in the pregnancy and while the baby would be premature, I'm sure their technology is more advanced and can handle it and Rachel might not have died) which is all the sad, but… OtherRachel having had it means Fauxlivia will probably have it which makes me wonder about the transmission of this disease at all. They said "viral" which makes it sound infectious but then said that Fauxlivia's likelihood of being a carrier is 80% which makes even less sense. Fauxlivia's mom can't have had it because she gave birth to two healthy daughters. Is it somehow an autosomal recessive gene passed down from both parents? In which case her having an 80% chance of being a carrier makes no sense. The "viral" part of the disease is then discounted, but where did it come from? Is it some sort of retrovirus or something? Why does it only activate during pregnancy?
    I don't know, it seems like very shoddy science and I expect better from the writers concerning it. Genetics, inherited disease, disease of pregnancy- there is a lot of information out there, even if they only use Wikipedia.
    But yay Henry Higgins! It's so sweet that he goes and checks on Fauxlivia, thinking she's our Olivia. But the plot thickens- why does Walternate need his grandson's blood? What does all this mean? What does the Observer mean? WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

    • NB2000 says:

      Lincoln could do better than Fauxlivia, but that's just my opinion

      So glad someone else thinks so, I thought I was going to be the only one and felt mean.

    • mkjcaylor says:

      YEA. The science in Fringe has never made that much sense. That was why I thought the show was so terrible in season 1. Don't try to overthink the science, especially in season 1 (and this episode) just because it doesn't actually follow any real known rules of biology.

      VPE is supposed to be a form of eclampsia. Eclampsia is when a pregnant woman has seizures during a pregnancy and sometimes dies, sometimes goes into a coma. So technically, when we were thinking that Olivia had died, we really should have known she hadn't– she would have been seizing.

      • Hotaru_hime says:

        I figured it was something like eclampsia and I would have bought it as some sort of inherited disease if they hadn't said "viral" indicating an infectious process.
        Eclampsia is really scary though and while seizures are a presentation of it, the first sign is high blood pressure and it can result in the death of both mother and fetus.

    • fey says:

      I figured that VPE was one of the whacky diseases that popped up when the altverse started seeing the effects of the breakdown and while the medicine on Fringe is generally laughingly bad (actually it's much worse than that even, but I decided long ago to just hum and laugh and enjoy the plot and characters) but this is actually one of the ones I didn't have any problems with (probably because they didn't go into too much detail… though on the accelerated pregnancy side I did appreciate the info that the gave her something to make her tissues stretch(y) making it possible for the baby to grow and for her to give birth, though that light they had pointed at her stomach there was totally at the wrong place).

      There are many viruses that don't cause any (or only very mild) symptoms on infection and then persist in the body, where they can be reactivated. And as immunosuppression is one of the main causes for reactication and pregnancy causes a form of it, a virus that becomes active during pregnancy seems plausible (and if it's unaffected by the treatment they were giving her, the explanation for why she and the baby didn't die of VPE becomes surprisingly plausible.

      The 80% risk in this scenario would stem from the fact that if Olivia's sister was exposed to the Virus and some point (during her childhood) then Olivia probably was too, since they were living together. Olivia's mother probably was exposed too, but wasn't planning on having any more kids and so it never became relevant.

    • monkeybutter says:

      I hated the science, even though I've sort of made my peace with that aspect of Fringe. Everything else was okay, but the science was crap. They could have gotten rid of the "viral" and carrier (80% chance she had also been exposed to the virus, maybe? Because genetic carriers aren't affected, they can just pass things on. Whatever, Fringe science) parts, and it would have made perfect sense. She was saved because there wasn't enough time for pre-eclampsia or eclampsia to develop. Don't just throw words in there to make it sound more dramatic, writers.

  6. ldwy says:

    I agree with Hotaru-hime to a point. I tried a bit to understand the mechanics of this disease, and couldn't, really. But I was enjoying the show too much, and the disease was still providing me with all the fear and tension, so I ended up ignoring the fact that I couldn't quite make sense of it.

    I'm liking Fauxlivia at this point. I feel like the wrongs she did were part of her job and part of what she believed based on what she knew. I love that Lincoln makes his big confession (I can't help but ship them, either, Mark, they're too cute) despite that she's having another man's baby under shifty circumstances. I admit I was elated that she didn't die, although it would have been a very daring and very successful and effective way for her to have died, if she did.

    At the beginning, when she feels she is being followed, I was thinking, uh oh, Walternate is def up to something. When he had Fringe looking for her though, I was almost fooled, and was trying to figure out who else it could have been who kidnapped her (could our side be involved somehow? Didn't seem so…). Then when he told everything to Lincoln, I became a little skeptical again. I wasn't sure, but I felt like there might be something more to it. As the story went on, I guessed that he had planned her capture and had Fringe looking for her to remove any suspicion from him, but I couldn't figure out why he'd done it. She hadn't seemed to resist his involvement.

    At the end of the ep, I was so happy Fauxlivia was alive and the baby was alive, so happy that Lincoln and Scarlie were questioning and suspicious (it's about time they were in the know!), and so terrified to see Walternate and Brandon standing there. I like this Brandon even less than our universe's Brandon (and I don't like him at all). They make me very nervous and I don't like to imagine what they're planning.

    • Hotaru_hime says:

      I did enjoy the episode, it was very nerve-wracking, but that disease was such a weak excuse. I mean, they needed a way to speed up the pregnancy and have the baby, but just tweaking a few words about the mechanics of the disease and I would have been fine.

  7. bookling says:

    Awesome, now I can use this gif that I made of that nurse getting Dunhamed:

    <img src=""&gt;

    DUNHAMED! Dunhamed is when you get your ass kicked by Olivia Dunham being a complete badass. I mean, she's just progressed to being 9 months preggo within what, A DAY? And she still finds a way to kick ass and escape. I would just be weeping and terrified. This is why I was able to start liking Fauxlivia – she's just as badass as our Olivia.

    Also, totally shipping Lincoln/Fauxlivia also. I also ship our Lincoln/Me.

    <img src=""&gt;

    • Hotaru_hime says:

      I think everyone ships our Lincoln with themselves. Look at those hipster glasses!

      • exbestfriend says:

        Also, he wears a suit well and recognizes how utterly fucked up everything is BUT is intrigued by it and would love to help out again. I would really like about 300% more Lincoln from either side on Fringe (unless it was a choice between him or Astrid in which case I would probably kill off Peter to get more Astrid. How has she been on the show from episode one and still have had almost no character development?)

    • monkeybutter says:

      Excellent gifing! I like Fauxlivia's baddassery. Olivia is still my favorite version of herself, but I still like Fauxlivia. And I ship Lincoln/Everyone, so there's no conflict for me!

  8. __Jen__ says:

    I have been epically behind on Fringe and am currently catching up (HELLO THERE, OUR LINCOLN ;D) , but Bellivia prompted me to google anything about getting Anna Torv an Emmy and I stumbled across this: and thought I'd share! 😀

    • __Jen__ says:

      Ok, caught up to Bloodline! THIS SHOW. I don't even care about the science of this show- I definitely don't watch it for accuracy. This show brings inventiveness, amazing characters, and a willingness to just go for it in extreme ways, and in spades! I love it.

      I actually like Fauxlivia quite a bit, but the most awesome part is that I don't see the actors playing different parts anymore- they are wholly different individuals and I'm completely invested in them. Props to all the actors/writers/directors!

      I am so glad that the altFringe team knows about the swap and can start asking the right questions. Could Walternate and Brandon be more creepy??? I guess only time will tell on that one.

      I ship Lincoln Lee and Fauxlivia so hard. SO HARD. That scene in Chinatown… He loves her so much! (brb, crying forever) I have to echo Olivia's assertion that she spent so much time thinking about the pregnancy that she never thought about being a mom. She's a mom! How weird is that? Also, I would totally watch an entire buddy cop style show with Scarlie and Lincoln Lee.

      I have no idea where any of this is going and I love it for that so much. 😀

  9. cjazzle says:

    1) maybe walternate was so open with lincoln because lincoln is ultimately expendable to him and he figures he's gonna kill him or he'll die in the aftermath anyway. i would not put hit past walternate in his twisted attempts to achieve his twisted end game.

    2) fauxlivia was not married to that husky blond doctor dude. just me being picky about details.

    3) i have feared for some time that Olivia might not make it through the season… Fauxlivia has become a more sympathetic character, and while i'm not suggesting Olivia is not the lifeblood of the show, and acknowledge this is almost beyond probable (maybe alt-astrid can work out the numbers for me!), but how much of a punch in the gut and face and groin and soul would it be if Olivia and Fauxlivia sort of became "friends", opposite of their first meeting, because of Fauxlivia carrying Peter's baby, and maybe Olivia has a truly and horribly epic self-less moment where she sacrifices herself for Fauxlivia and her baby, after Fauxlivia has defected from Walternate's cruel schemes. SO Fauxlivia ends up in the original universe with Peter's baby, Olivia is dead and gone, all the emotional progress that has been made between Peter and Olivia this season will be totally undone. After reading The Hunger Games recently I am totally wired to imagine things going horribly wrong. It's really not good…


  10. leighzzz31 says:

    One of my favourite Fringe episodes! Honestly, I don't remember each detail of the story but I do know that I was gasping and yelling possibly every five minutes when I watched it.

    One thing I want to get out of the way – I never hated Fauxlivia like much of the fandom, I even understood her (or made excuses for her) about the way she acted in our world/her duplicity/her motivations etc. This episode made me realise I really liked her – as soon as her doctor mentioned VPE I was dreading her dying at some point – and I REALLY did not want that to happen. The birth scene had me biting a pillow – I was terrified she was going to die. I didn't want her to disappear before we got some more answers from her, maybe see Our Olivia confronting her again. But also because of Lincoln – gah, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, I DIDN'T WANT TO HIM TO HAVE FAUXLIVIA DIE IN HIS ARMS – THERE IS SUCH A THING AS TOO MUCH ANGST THAT I COULD NOT HANDLE.
    PLUS, ANNA TORV? You are AMAZING! Any other actress and I would have probably got all these different Olivias mixed up but she plays them perfectly and makes each one distinguishable.

    I HATE WALTERNATE. I was pretty much going back and forth with him all season but I'm back to hating him full time now. You are a sick, sick man, Walternate.

    HENRY!!! LOL, I missed him strangely enough, he's so endearing. And it's fun to see a completely clueless person's point of view in all the craziness of Fringe.

    LINCOLN AND SCARLIE. We see too little of them. Want more!

  11. hallowsnothorcruxes says:

    This episode actually reminded me of an Alias episode in the final season when Sidney is kidnapped while she's pregnant.

    • Mel says:

      Baha I said the same thing to my mom when the nurse got Dunhamed. Obviously these doctors have never seen what JJ Abrams can have a pregnant woman do 😛

  12. Ashley says:

    Loved this episode. It was beautiful.

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