Mark Predicts ‘Babylon 5’: Season 2

Hello, friends! I am fairly convinced that my predictions for this show are probably going to be the most wrong I’ve been in a very long time, so I’m just going to accept it right here and now. There’s clearly something brewing, I don’t know what it is, WHO CARES LET’S DO THIS.

So! If this is your first prediction post, please make sure to read everything. I want to make sure that I am not spoiled, and no one else watching along for the first time is spoiled either. THUS:

1. Please do not spoil me. It may seem obvious, but every once in a while, people still try to. Use rot13 cyphering for all spoilery comments. Don’t comment on specific predictions without rot13. Even the most innocuous comment can make me think that what I predicted is wrong, and I don’t want to know.

2. Please do not spoil other people. There are often people posting their own predictions! Treat them as you would treat me.

3. Do not pretend to be watching this for the first time and post “fake” predictions. It’s happened. It’s been a while. We will know if you’re faking it. Don’t.

Okay, onwards I go with my first prediction post!

Season 2 Predictions

  1. We will discover Delenn’s new form in the first episode.
  2. I am also guessing this is why I cannot watch the opening credits for the first two episodes.
  3. I am guessing that Delenn is a new form of her species.
  4. Garibaldi will recover by the end of the second episode.
  5. Talia and Ivanova will clash over the Psi Corps again this season.
  6. We’ll see Bester again.
  7. We will also see Morden multiple times.
  8. Mollari will continue working with the Shadows.
  9. Bonus points if he knows who he has allied with and keeps doing it anyway.
  10. Sinclair will discover the truth about the Battle of the Line, but not until the end of the second episode, when Delenn tells him.
  11. There will be another episode about Garibaldi’s alcoholism.
  12. We will find out where G’Kar went to in the first episode.
  13. The new president is gonna be THE WORST.
  14. Home Guard will also be THE WORST and will escalate their attacks and their presence in the galaxy.
  15. A war of some sort will break out at the end of season two.
  16. I think it’ll be the Shadows/the Centauri versus… everyone else?
  17. Ambassador Kosh will show someone else their true form.

All right, friends, LET’S DO THIS.

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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