Support Mark Does Stuff with a Holiday Card!

UPDATE 12/26: Hello friends! All orders have been mailed out! Thank you for participating. This was a blast!

I had planned on this going up yesterday, but alas, I needed to make sure everything was set up so I could pull this off. I came up with this idea a week ago, and it seemed so silly and weird that I knew I had to pull it off!

So, running my sites has gotten more and more expensive as more and more of you lovelies have shown up. To give you an idea, this is what my final bill for the last month will look like for video hosting:

Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 11.33.28 AMYeah, that’s a lot of money. So, I was trying to brainstorm an idea of how I could raise some more money to pay off my bills and my debt, and alas, Mark Does Stuff Holiday Cards was born! I actually did this once before for my friend Ange in Canada; her friend (who I met in Amsterdam!) wanted me to write a card for her, and I took it upon myself to write a horrible fanfiction involving Hagrid and Buckbeak that no one but Ange and her friend saw.

I wanted to make sure that this was a unique experience for everyone who bought a card, so this is how this is gonna work:


For just $20, I will mail you a personalized holiday card to anywhere in the world, and within it, I will write something unique based on your parameters. What types of things am I willing to write?

  1. A motivational message!
  2. A short story you want Mark to tell about his life
  3. A ficlet/drabble of a particular pairing or within a certain universe, comedic or serious or meta. Whatever you want!
  4. A transcription of a certain part of any review.
  5. A letter!
  6. Anything within reason.

This way, the card you are getting for yourself or for another person will be completely unique. To the best of my ability, I will make sure what’s inside your card is unlike anyone else’s card. Please expect about 100-150 words max.

Again, I am not charging anything for international mailing. (Bless you, Global Forever postage.) It’s the same price for everyone. These cards will help me pay for the cost of running this site and pay back money I owe from doing Mark Does Stuff. This first run is limited to fifty cards.. I’ll start mailing them out on November 29th, and will continue doing them through the end of the year. I will update this page once more are available!

If you are still interested in supporting me, please consider the myriad of options available to you:

I’m really excited to do this. You’re welcome to share what I write with the world, or you can keep it to yourself. Thank you in advance for your support!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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