In the first episode of the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Team Avatar heads to an Earth Kingdom outpost in order to get an escort to Omashu so that Aang can train under King Bumi. However, they find the local king has other ideas for the Avatar. Meanwhile, Zuko’s sister enters the picture and what the fuck. If you’re intrigued, then it’s time for Mark to watch Avatar.
[Author’s Note #1: So, this needs to be said and I need to be proactive about it in order to continue to make this community a healthy, safe space for people to discuss these reviews and any of the issues that inevitably arise from them. This is why this review is later than usual.
As I am sure many of you notice, I had downvoting turned off on both Mark Reads and here on Mark Watches. It has been increasingly used as a tool to silence and cyberbully people who call out the show, writers, unfortunate implications, or, in the case of a comment on my most recent Doctor Who review, someone who was ~TOO MEAN~ when trying to defend their very experience and life with cissexism.
So I would like this to be the first and final warning for every person who has ever posted on this site and who ever will post on the site: At no point are you, as a commenter on this site, to ever participate in a conversation with another person and silence them, tell them that they should be nicer about their experience with a specific oppression (which is an example of a tone argument), or to assume that a “rational conversation” means you get to stomp all over another person’s lived experience.
I have seen too many sites take a much more relaxed policy on this, and I will not do it. This is EVERYONE’S last warning. If myself or another mod sees you participate in privilege-denying bullshit or actively bullying or erasing someone’s experience like what was done on that review yesterday, your commenting privileging will be revoked until the end of the universe.
I will be updating the site’s rule’s to clarify this, so that you cannot say you weren’t warned or wiggle your way out of some loophole. This policy, which starts right now, is NOT up for discussion. If you think that you need to give me your (arguably) privileged opinion on why you need to do shit like this, I will remove the comment. The end. Keep it up and you can go elsewhere to be a dick.
If I have to make the majority uncomfortable in order for the minority to feel okay posting around here, I will. The end.
And now, on to ANOTHER note and the opening of season two of Avatar!
[Author’s Note #2: I’m going to start this off with my predictions for season two, and, for the record, this was written immediately after I penned my review for “The Siege of the North, Part II,” so as not to sully the experience. After the predictions, I’ll jump right into the review of “The Avatar State.”]
Mark’s Fabulous and Mostly Inaccurate Predictions For Season Two of Avatar
(a.k.a., The Avatar Fandom Revels In Mark’s Sweet, Sweet Innocence)
- All right, let’s start out with the easy stuff. In season two, Katara is going to be confused about her feelings for both Aang and a second person we have not met yet.
- Jet will reappear in season two.
- Aang will be trained by an earth bending master we have NOT met yet.
- Sokka will be reluctant to feel romance to someone else after the loss of Princess Yue.
- We will see a story about Appa? Look, I don’t know what they could tell BUT LET A BOY DREAM.
- If we’re talking about flashbacks, I think we’ll get one about Sokka’s/Katara’s family.
- This is becoming less of a prediction list and more of a wish list, because now I want to see Uncle Iroh in a flashback as well.
- We will meet Aang’s earth bending master BEFORE the halfway mark of the season. (I think that’s episode ten? Unless there are more episodes this season.)
- We will see much, much more of Zuko’s unnamed sister.
- All right, let’s get to the REAL SHIT. I predict that Aang will go into the Avatar state before the halfway mark of the season.
- Aang will master both water bending and earth bending by the time we get to the end of season two.
- We will find out something more about what Ba Sing Se is. I don’t want to say too much because that might be something for season three, but it is an Earth Kingdom town, so why not in Book Two? I SAY YES.
- Zuko’s sister will be the only main character to die in season two.
- Fire Lord Ozai will speak to Aang himself.
- I predict that Team Avatar will gain FIVE more people on their side. They won’t necessarily travel with them the whole time, but I think it’s time for the Team to get more members!
- And my big prediction for season two: Uncle Iroh and Prince Zuko will be two of those new “team” members. LOOK I KNOW I MAKE JOKES ABOUT PUPPY DOGS AND CUPCAKES but I really want them all to be on the same side ok gosh stop judging me.
I feel like that’s a great start, RIGHT? Oh god, I PROBABLY GOT THIS ALL WRONG. oh well. NO HINTS ABOUT MY PREDICTIONS. Just pretend they didn’t happen or something, because every time, someone inevitably is like OH GOSH MARK, THIS PARTICULAR PREDICTION IS SO GOOD! No. Shut up.
Shall we?
So, if this is how Avatar is going to open the second season, I’ll be a broken record for the millionth time to state: my unpreparedness is at epic levels of absurdity. As we move into Book Two, Earth, and I spend twenty-four minutes swooning over Daniel Dae Kim’s guest voice appearance, I’m so unendingly pleased with the set-up for the second season.
Part of what’s so great is not only does it pick up where we left off, seemingly days after the Siege of the Northern Water Tribe, but it also does not ignore some of the more frightening implications of a young boy’s tremendous (and terrifying) power. Truthfully, I’m still in awe about what Aang was able to do when Zhao murdered the Moon spirit. Yes, we’ve seen the frightening things that Aang is able to do in the Avatar State, but the season one finale put it all in perspective: the dude can literally destroy an entire armada.
This haunts Aang, who begins to have disorienting, disturbing, and unsettling dreams about his powers being used to harm both those he loves and himself. As General Fong will later say, it is mostly certainly an “awesome” responsibility and I find it incredibly healthy that Aang is already considering the effects of having such a power. I think that, especially so early in his life, it’s pretty amazing to see someone analyze the effect they may have on other people and try to do what’s right so that they don’t harm anyone.
But even with that first dream opening the entire season, I still could not believe how quickly this episode became monumental. Leaving the Northern Water Tribe with a couple parting gifts from Master Pakku (no, literally, just a couple. Poor Sokka!!!), they are escorted to a nearby Earth Kingdon base, from where they’ll be lead back to Omashu. WHERE KING BUMI WILL TEACH AANG EARTHBENDING. oh my god that is so fantastic I LOVE KING BUMI FOREVER.
Upon arriving at the Earth Kingdom base, General Fong (voiced by Daniel Dae Kim ….. swwwwwwoooooooonnnnnn forever) is more than just excited to house the Avatar and his friends; he makes sure the city throws them a celebratory welcome for war heroes, and Team Avatar realizes that news of their defeat of the Fire Nation has traveled rather quickly. That’s actually a fascinating thing to me, too, since I actually stopped and thought about how this was probably the first significant victory against the Fire Nation in a long, long time. I’m going to be quite interested to see how this news passes through the world and if this will cause that society to start being both more hopeful and expectant of Aang in general.
Though, I suppose part of that is answered right here in this first episode, as General Fong quickly makes it explicitly clear why he’s so excited that Team Avatar have waltzed right into his kingdom: He believes that Aang can destroy the Fire Lord himself as he is. No mastering the elements, no following his destiny. He believes that if he can just learn how to trigger Aang’s Avatar state, then he can help lead the war against the Fire Nation.
Despite that things are not so ambiguous towards the end, I truly adore how the writers present this incredibly challenging dichotomy to Aang (and to us as well). The idea that General Fong has is, of course, on the surface, completely absurd. We’ve known for twenty straight episodes that Aang is meant to master all four elements as the Avatar, and then, in “The Winter Solstice, Part II,” we even find out from the previous Avatar that this is what Aang needs to do before confronting Fire Lord Ozai. So….what the hell is this general thinking????
Well, we get to see that motivation as well, as he shows Aang the men who survive the battle agains the Fire Nation as they return to the base injured and their spirits broken. And General Fong makes a point to state that these are the men that survived. In a way, I feel that this is a call back to the guilt that Aang had to deal with in “The Storm.” This is also why I love serialized fiction, since the writers are able to make poetic parallels like this and they don’t have to necessarily spell it out. But I couldn’t help but think about Aang holed up in that cave, believing that he was destined to failure for willing disappearing from the world when they needed him most. It also feels like a direct response to Aang’s statement in “The Siege of the North, Part I” that he wasn’t going to disappear from the world this time, and now the world is saying, “Well, okay, then here is what you need to deal with.”
Even more admirably, the episode doesn’t ignore the micro effects of this proposal either, as Katara expresses how uncomfortable she is with this idea. I think they did a great job making sure that Katara made it clear she was talking about Aang consistently entering the Avatar state simply as a technique of war and NOT that he couldn’t ever do it, either. It’s not that Katara is opposed to violence, as she’s certainly used it herself. But as Aang’s friend, it absolutely must be difficult to watch your friend turn into the Avatar like this. She even references “The Southern Air Temple” to appeal to Aang’s reason. (Ok, that sentence is fucking bizarre to me, because clearly she did not reference an episode title as if she was aware of existing in a television show, but I’m leaving it because it makes me laugh. DILL WITH IT.)
At the same time, “The Avatar State” does a fine job of setting up what will surely be this season’s villain: Azula. (That is a pretty name!) OH, AZULA. How shall I deal with you? You are a gorgeous, fierce, no-shit-taking badass (which I love) who is unbearably cruel and manipulative (which I hate). Our first true introduction to her, not counting her last second appearance at the end of season one, is a pretty telling sequence to show us exactly what we’re dealing with. Azula is far more calculating than Admiral Zhao ever was, and in that sense, she is threatening to a much greater extent. Her anger and rage is controlled; Zhao’s was not, and that lack of control is what lead to his undoing. (Which….shit, now that I think about it, since it seems Zhao is actually gone forever, Nickelodeon aired a show in which a villain was pulled into the ocean and drowned be a spirit. Holy shit.) When she speaks to that captain about the tides, she makes herself known to all: She will do what she wants, she will get what she wants, and standing in her way in any form will probably get you disposed of.
I can now see that Fire Lord Ozai will most likely fill out the third season, despite that we will probably see more of him in season two, but I imagine that Azula is not going away any time soon. On top of that, she creates an interesting character dynamic because of the relationship with her brother, which “The Avatar State” starts to build on. What she does here, as I said before, is unsettling in the way it is manipulative and cruel. She specifically seeks out her brother, who she has not seen in years, and makes one of the poorest attempts to convince him to come with her I’ve ever seen. But that’s actually what is so sinister about the whole thing. We know and Iroh knows that something is not at all right with the ridiculous way she speaks to Zuko, faking sympathy in the same breath that she uses to make it clear that she despises Zuko and Iroh. The thing is, she knows that she can exploit Zuko’s loneliness in order to manipulate him to get himself and Iroh to come along with her.
That, to me, is goddamn evil. And I never really use that word to talk about some metaphorical or spiritual entity that strips the agency out of people; I mean this in the sense that her actions are so wrong to me that they eclipse just being “bad” and go straight to “horrifically evil.” (That does make me wonder…why didn’t Azula kill the captain when he accidentally revealed her true purpose? She already threatened him once with death, and that moment seemed pretty justified in her brain. But I guess that goes hand in hand with the idea that her anger is far more restrained than what Zhao might have done, so….nice call, writers. Either action would have worked, but I rather like this one out of the two.
And because I can find absolutely no single way to bring this up in a poetic, nuanced manner: HOW THE FUCK IS AZULA’S FIRE BENDING BLUE?!?!?!?!?! Is that lightning? Or some sort of mesh of elements? Holy god up above, WHAT THE HELL. That is so amazing! UGH THANK YOU, AVATAR WRITERS, FOR INTRODUCING YET ANOTHER CHARACTER FOR ME TO FEEL CONFLICTED ABOUT.
All of this comes together, though, as Aang’s battle with General Fong’s insistence at using his Avatar state as weapon gets the best of him. I don’t think Aang made a poor decision here, but he knows that after 100 years, the world truly needs him. Thankfully, though, the writers play up the true absurdity of the concept, since we all know that Aang’s Avatar state does not work in the way that Fong assumes it does. It’s humorous to me that Sokka and Katara help, but just barely. They both know this really isn’t going to work as it’s planned.
Because of this, I partially suspected that General Fong would have to get desperate in order to find a way to trigger the state, so I wasn’t all that surprised when he ordered his troops to attack Aang. Ultimately, it was nice that the writers sided with Katara, our eternal voice of reason, on this one: the Avatar state is a scary and dangerous thing for Aang to enter. But General Fong finally takes it too far when he exploits Aang’s earlier revelation that the Avatar state can only be triggered by imminent danger. He captures Katara and begins to slowly encase her into the earth.
And then we get some of the most heart-breakingly depressing images of this whole goddamn show:
SERIOUSLY. SERIOUSLY. I wanted to just burst into tears because look at Aang’s face.
Of course, I expected Fong to bury Katara further into the earth until he finally gave up, knowing this to be futile. EXCEPT NO. HE FUCKING BURIES HER ALIVE
As if this isn’t enough, we also get one incredibly gigantic piece of the mythology as Aang enters the Spirit world. Avatar Roku appears to him, explaining both what that glow is that appears every time he enters the Avatar state, and then tells Aang he must learn to discipline the effect because if you are killed in the Avatar state, THE AVATAR WILL CEASE TO EXIST. good fucking god. ΓΒ THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD, EVERYONE!!!!!!!
All of this — everything I’ve described about why I enjoyed “The Avatar State” — pales in comparison to the absolute final scene of the episode. Completely aware that their own nation has rejected them, Zuko and Iroh cut off their top-knots, a sign of their rejection. As beautiful, poetic, and wrenching as it is, I could only think of one thing:
A boy can dream. Let this boy dream.
- I’ve already noticed the change in colors, clothing, and music. It feels like a slight rebirth for the show and I truly adore it. It’s a great sign that we’ve entered a new chapter.
- “Who knew floating on a piece of driftwood for three weeks with no food or water and sea vultures waiting to pluck out your liver could make you so tense!”
- “There’s a right way to do this: practice, study, and discipline.” “Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord.” i love you forever, sokka.
- Aang “high” on that tea = glorious.
- I will say that the growing relationship between Iroh and Zuko made me both happy and sad in this episode. I JUST WANT THEM TO GET ALONG. π
- I enjoyed that General Fong include Appa and Momo in his welcome of the “great” heroes. THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL.
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My favorite part.
It's the best part~
Even the gif startles me! Ha ha.
In anticipation of what will no doubt ensue, I cooked this up in Photoshop:
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Oh, Zuko. π It hurts to hear him say that he wants his father not to think he's worthless. I can only imagine the kind of emotional abuse Ozai (WORST FATHER EVER) put him through in addition to the physical abuse we saw onscreen in The Storm. What kind of a fucked up excuse for a human being do you have to be to make your child think he's lost his honor because he spoke up in defense of the lives of the citizens that he and you, as rulers, are supposed to care about? That any decent person is supposed to care about? How awful do you have to be to make your son think that you believe him worthless? And the worst part is, I don't doubt that Ozai does think that, whatever Iroh says to Zuko (which – love you, Iroh, but that was not the best choice of words for comforting him, haha), and he's made it crystal clear to Zuko. He's hammered it into his head that Zuko was wrong three years ago, that he is worthless and without honor for what he did, and Zuko has internalized all of Ozai's bullshit to where he believes himself worthless, and desperately needs to capture Aang in order to prove to both of them that he's not, to regain what he thinks he's lost.
If only he knew that he's better than his father thinks is, indeed, better than his father. If only he could look at Iroh and really see him, see just what a wondrous thing he has already, that he doesn't need Ozai's love, because he has Iroh's, and I don't think I need to explain why that's worth so much more. I want so badly for Zuko to realize these things, because it will be so much better for him in every way. He deserves so much better than what Ozai's dished out all these years, and the saddest thing is that he doesn't seem to get it, or truly appreciate that he already has better. I get why he's so elated about being able to return home, but I wanted to cry and/or reach through the screen and shake him when he spoke like that to Iroh. Oh, Zuko, why can't you see how things really are? π
Also, uh, having their father's affection doesn't really seem to be doing any favors for Azula here, does it? Yikes, what a piece of work. There's a rather significant contrast in their psyches highlighted early on, when she grills the captain about the tides and insists on sailing through anyway. Compare that to Zuko making the right decision for the safety of his crew in The Storm. The difference is like night and day, and shows us right off the bat how Zuko could have turned out if he had been the preferred sibling; and it's not a pretty picture.
That said, she is already showing herself to be a fantastic antagonist, and I am intrigued by the fact that two of the main antagonists of the first season are now on the run from the Fire Nation too. It's a fascinating dynamic, and I'm very excited about where the rest of the season will take us.
ALSO SHE CAN USE LIGHTNING, OMG. <3 I love lightning spells in video games, so this made me geek out. π
General Fong is an interesting character. He's not one of the "bad guys", but he strikes me as being very much an "ends justify the means" sort of person. I can't entirely blame him; his perspective as someone on the front lines of a war that's lasted a century is quite different from Aang's, and even from Katara's, since she's only recently seen what it's actually like out there beyond their village. Raids are one thing, but the full-on battles and widespread fear and oppression (as we saw with Haru's people) are another. I can certainly understand Fong's desire to end the war quickly and stop all the immediate death and suffering. But he doesn't understand: that it's not a good idea to rush into this, that haste will not work here. It's awful that they can't hurry and end the conflict now, and we know that more people will suffer and die while Aang masters the elements. That's a hard and horrible thing to know. But it would be so much worse if Aang failed, especially if he lost control while in the Avatar state. And that's Fong's failing, his inability to see the big picture and the terrible possible consequences of failure. His experience is valid, but his view shortsighted. Still, it is understandable and, I think, a natural consequence of being in the position he is at this time in their world. He's very human. I understand, too, how Aang would have come to agree with him, at least for a while – it touches the guilt he's carrying around inside him over the hundred years he was missing. Katara has a very good point in her conversations with Aang about it, but her point of view is different, more distant: as I said, until recently, she was distanced from most of the horrors of the war, and doesn't have the burdens Aang is shouldered with. It's not a situation with easy answers, where one person is completely wrong for feeling the way they do and everyone else is completely right. I appreciate that.
That said, Fong goes way too far in his attempt to get Aang into the Avatar state. Yeesh. It works, but boy, does it ever backfire. I think he needed that important lesson, though.
Other stuff:
– Momo trying to scare Aang will never not be funny.
– Hyper Aang is super hilarious, his voice even sounds higher in pitch.
– Seriously, Iroh redirecting the lightning is one of the most amazing things I've seen on this show. Iroh is so wonderful he merits mention twice on this little list, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT.
– Haha, I love Sokka.
On SRS MOD NOTE: Thank you, Mark, and I will enforce this rule, you better believe it.
And love your predictions. *grin*
Love your review, as usual, arctic_hare! π
That macro <3
Oh, Zuko. π
That was pretty much my main thought for a lot of this episode.
The Grey DeLisle fan in me wishes you had gone for Azula. π
Yay, Grey DeLisle! I love hearing her in video games. I always tell my TV, "Hello, Azula!"
Mostly unrelated, but Dante Basco did voice acting for the MMO I play and I hear Zuko's voice coming from random characters all the time and it is SUPER DISTRACTING.
I imagine it must be distracting! π He does have a very distinct colour of voice.
No matter how happy or cheerful the character she's playing is, I can't help but briefly imagine Azula in there. Just for a short while, since she's such a great actress that she really does pull off the other characters, but…
And when she plays the more evil characters, such as in Mass Effect — oh, delish. Azula IN SPACE.
arctic_hare: An abused child will almost always blame his/her self for the parents lack of affection. The more the parent claims that the child is "bad", the more the child will internalize the shame. It can take many, many years to overcome such abuse; and merely having someone else love you does not make you want your parent's love any less.
I know this from personal experience. π
Zuko has a long way to go, and I love him. I love his strength of will, I love how no amount of manipulation can kill his inherit kindness, I love that he appreciates Iroh and is just awkward about showing it.
Oh, I know, that's exactly what I'm lamenting. π Poor Zuko.
Avatar Analysis! π
<img src="">
1 Aang
2 Roku
3 Kyoshi
4 Male Water Tribe Avatar from the "demonstration" scene
5 Female Air Nomad Avatar from the "demonstration" scene
6 Male Fire Nation Avatar from the "demonstration" scene
7 Bearded Male Earth Kingdom Avatar
8 Short Female Water Tribe Avatar
9 Male Air Nomad Avatar
10 Short Female (?) Fire Nation Avatar
And now comes the tricky part – it looks like two Earth Kingdom Avatars next to each other – a man with a tall hat and Kyoshi! And look, the line of Avatars from Kyoshi to the male Fire Nation Avatar from the "demonstration" scene seems to be repeated! Lazy animators… XD
^ This strikes me as spoilery.
Oh, no, it's absolutely spoilery.
Hey. Person. STOP.
Also, the Avatar cycle, based on this screenshot, seems to be following (at least in these most recent 10 incarnations) a female-male-female-male-male pattern. Which could mean that the Water Tribe Avatar that comes after Aang is female… (of course, this is pure speculation based on a pattern that probably isn't even really correct!) π
The pattern's certainly there, but I was always a bit confused by the fact that Aang follows Roku – it seems to be a glitch, because as far as I can tell it's just supposed to be male-female-male-female-etc.
On the other hand, if Roku had been female, Kyoshi would've been male. So that might've been awkward with the Kyoshi Warriors and all. π
Well, you can't have a simple M-F-M-F pattern, because in that case either all Earth and Air Avatars would be male and all Water and Fire ones female, or vice versa. Because we have 2 genders and 4 elements and 4 is a multiple of 2. So it must be +1 in order to have both genders represented in each nation's Avatars. This is also proven by the fact that we've seen both a male and a female Air Nomad Avatar now.
The gender pattern that seems to follow this line of Avatars is F-M-F-M-M.
Orrrr maybe it's just probability. Whomever is born in the next nation immediately after the Avatar's death becomes the Avatar, it seems. And there's a 50/50 chance of it being a boy or a girl.
If there only was a way to tell if the next Avatar is female ………
Sorry, this is spoilery.
Why hai there, Daniel Dae Kim, voice of General Fong.
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I also love Iroh more and more every episode. How is it possible that he just keeps getting more awesome? The fact that he obviously knew what Azula was doing and came with Zuko anyway, and then he freaking redirects lightning? And poor Zuko, so easily duped by his sister, who knew the best way to get to him. I'm so glad Uncle was there to be a BAMF.
I totally heard that sound when the 'LOST' title shows up at the end of the show.
Heehee, that's awesome.
all the sads forever!
My favorites π
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He knew Zuko wouldn't listen to him if he suggested that his sister was playing him, but he also knew what was up. And I think he probably knew that Zuko needed to go and experience whatever was to come. But there was no question about Iroh coming with him, for support and protection.
I love you Iroh, you can be my fake uncle any day!!
Azula's fire is blue because she bends it much hotter than everyone else! AND DID YOU SEE HER GENERATE LIGHTNING. ~you are not prepared~
^Exactly. It's a little difficult to tell due to the nature of animation, but Azula can bend both blue fire as well as lightning. We told you that you weren't prepared, Mark.:)
Oh wow! And Uncle Iroh stopped her cold.
So.. Water bending has the super special bonus of Healing.. and Fire bending has the super special bonus of.. lightning?
Yep. π
Blue fire actually doesn't burn hotter, because the color of combustion flames is determined by the amount of carbon they're burning (blue flame means the carbon count is lower). You're thinking of black body radiation, which has more to do with nuclear fusion, aka stars. My own theory is that she makes her fire blue just because she's good enough to do it. It's what sets her apart. This never actually came up in the show, so it shouldn't be spoilery.
Oh, and Mark: remember in "The Storm," when Iroh redirected the lightning as it was about to strike the ship? That's what he did with Azula here. I'm surprised you didn't go on and on about how badass he was in that scene.
I will go on about how badass Uncle Iroh was in that scene. Uncle Iroh = BAMF forever.
Thank you for filling in the praise-of-uncle-iroh's-badassery-gap. It's a necessary chore, and someone needed to do it π
Damn. I was going to try to use "But we know that the firebenders' firebending is inextricably tied to the sun so maybe they are somehow still using fire in connection somehow to the black body radiation" as a saving throw on the creators' behalf (and also mine because I didn't know that the same spectrum wasn't applicable to all kinds of fire) but if they were using anything like nuclear fusion… wouldn't everything within a like fifteen-foot radius of them just instantly combust and melt and die in a fire and eek!bad ?
Thank you for the actual explanation of blue fire. It shows that the writers of the show goofed. ;P They have confirmed that Azula's fire is blue becouse it is supposed to be hotter than everyone else.
The temperature of a fire stes a lower limit on the waverlength of the photons emmitted (or an upper limit on the frequency and hence energy of you prefer). A blue fire is much hotter than a red fire. It's basically an indication of Azula's raw power.
AMAZING! I couldn't tell. Thanks for the insight. FYI THIS IS NOT A SPOILER, I WAS GENUINELY CONFUSED.
On a more practical level, they also colored her fire blue so you can tell it apart from Zuko's fire when they fight.
I was also confused on this the first time I watched the series. It's just one of those quirks of animation. Fire is drawn kinda jagged, lightning is drawn slight more jagged, so when the fire is colored blue it kinda looks like lightning.
But there are two ways to help tell the difference between Firebending and Lightningbending:
1) When in doubt, listen carefully to the sound effects.
2) A cross-body, circular arm "charge-up" motion ALWAYS proceeds a lightning blast.
When you are done watching the entire series, I suggest you read up more about the different bending elements.
Here is the link, make sure you also click on the Main articles. You learn so much about the elements, and what are their weaknesses, what special power they can have etc.
But please don’t open it now because there will be major spoilers but you could bookmark it for future reference! Kudos to the fans who made that wiki page!
Only if you're talking about black body radiation, which his what you'd find in stars. The color of combustion flames is determined by the amount of carbon they're burning, and blue is actually on the low end temperature-wise. White is actually the hottest color as far as combustion flames go.
The real reason Azula makes her flames blue is just to show that she can.
That's a valid reason in my book!
While that is true, I think most people associate blue flames with propane stoves and wielders, which have much hotter flames than wood or coal. So while scientifically inaccurate, the collective unconscious pretty much accepts that: blue flame = hotter. And since I doubt the creators bothered researching the physics behind flame temperature vs color, I think it's safe to assume that the blue flame was meant as a visual cue to suggest that Azula's Firebending was hotter and more powerful, as well as making her stand out more from Zuko.
Well, the flame in firebending doesn't really come from burning carbon (EXCEPT IN THE MOVIE, FUCK YOU SHYAMALAN!), so the blue colour may well come from the higher temperature.
Hi. I wanna be friends with you. I like ze science too. π
There is also a theory that the colour reflects personality. We know that the master firebenders (Iroh and that deserter guy) have red fire, and surely they are more powerful than Azula, so by that theory their fire should be blue also.
I reckon that the blue colour shows she can bend lightening (which at this point in the story we assume is a rare skill/talent seeing as we haven't seen it before) and also her ruthless personality (as well as other spoilery aspects of her personality)
Author's note 1: thank you.
Author's note 2: hehehehehe
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And we're going back to Omashu! YES.
And we finally get some explanation of the Avatar State. And we see Aang's distress at his own power and how scary he can get. But how much of a duty is resting on his soldiers.
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I did love the end bit with Roku introducing some of the past avatars, and seeing some really awesome bending. Also, interesting twist about potentially ending the reincarnation cycle. That's some dangerous knowledge.
Also, I probably enjoyed General Fong mostly for Daniel Dae Kim's voice. I mean, the beginning stuff trying to induce the Avatar State was fun, but I had some major lols at him not suspecting that once triggered, Aang was gonna turn on him. I mean, really.
I'm gonna say it now: Azula is one of my favorite villains ever. And she's in my top 5 favorite characters from this show. She's just so ruthless and powerful. I love that she's a perfectionist, and is so uncompromising. Plus, her being Zuko's sister gives us so much potentially interesting backstory and some really interesting encounters. It's so interesting to see that she knows exactly how to manipulate Zuko. And that she seems to have no qualms going after her own family. Basically, I love it when the villains are highly competent and a challenge to defeat, but that moreover Azula has a personal connection to the fight. Makes things very interesting. Also, lightning. And she looks awesome. I love my lady BAMFs.
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Iroh's skepticism and suspicions about Zuko's father wanting Zuko back is nice. It's also really depressing. I mean, he has to be suspicious about his own brother and to tell his nephew that there are probably ulterior motives at play. Sucks to be Zuko, though, for having such a shitty family. But then he loses me when he insults Iroh. And jealousy is so obviously the wrong description of Iroh. Bad Zuko.
But then he cuts his hair, and it's a big step for him. He's lucky to have Iroh, though. Never insult him again, Zuko.
So, so much love for Azula. One of my favorite characters ever – and not just as a villain. She's just so… UGH. Man. No words.
I'm not saying I admire her for her brutality or evilness or anything. I just find her absolutely fascinating.
Thanks for the GIF of past Avatars. I love Kyoshi to pieces, but the Avatar summoning all that lava is pretty goddamned boss.
I'm in a gif-ing mood, so give me about 5 minutes and I'll be ready to post more gifs of that scene.
You are a treasure!
I usually find villains boring or LULZy. Not Azula. Perfectionist, evil, BAMF female, witch-with-a-capital-"B"! She's lovely, and so, so terrifying to watch.
BEST. FEMALE. VILLAIN. EVER!!!! She'd give all those Disney witches a run for their money.
Y'know what's so great about this show? No one stares at Azula dumbfounded wondering if they should fight a little girl. BECAUSE SHE'D TEAR YOU APART WITH LIGHTNING IF YOU HESITATE!
She wouldn't just give those Disney witches a run or their money. Halfway through the movie she already would have overthrown them, taken all their magic and supplies, and defeated their assorted heroes.
MARKS. This is where I come in and say YOUR LOVE IS COMING ALONG JUST AS I HOPED IT WOULD. And back on out again and resume lurking and reveling in your innocence (giggledesnort).
Oh, Mark. Some of your predictions…. *grins widely* YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!
No, the OTHER ONE prediction is better!
Or maybe the OTHER OTHER ONE…
Okay, I'll stop now. π
So completely unprepared. And yet, better prepared than he was for the first season, because now he knows how completely unprepared he is.
*Awesome ’80s saxophone solo*
NO. KIDDING. Homigosh. Dead now.
This is one of my personal favorites because we meet Azula (!!!) and right off the bat, we know how fierce and dangerous she is. That battle on the ship was INSANE. I love how they switch between it and Aang's battle with the earthbenders… and then I think I stopped breathing for a moment when Katara was sucked under the ground. I'd thought that the beginning of a new season might give us a breather from the season 1 finale, but NOPE.
This is one of those episodes that I’ve seen too many times on repeat, but I still like it because it covers a lot of ground that needs to be addressed after the Season 1 finale. Aang can’t just go koizilla all the way to the Fire Lord’s door step. It’s difficult to enter the Avatar State, he has little control once he’s in it — and Aang obviously doesn’t want to hurt innocent bystanders, given his reluctance to fight against the soldiers — and now we learn that if he dies while in the Avatar State, the cycle ends. That’s a huge risk.
But more importantly, AZULA. She’s awful, isn’t she? I love her. She rides a freakin’ palanquin on a ship. And most importantly, she and Iroh showed us that to be a great firebender, you must master the side-eye.
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Half of their scenes in this episode included ominous glares. Fantastic! And expressions really are important, just look at how Azula unnerves Zuko with an evil smile.
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This is the guy who has been fighting fiercely against everyone up until this point. He didn't even care about a Fire Nation admiral. But his little sister makes him shit his pants. Fortunately, Iroh is there, and he's well prepared for her.
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So, so freaking cool. I LOVE IROH. I wish Zuko hadn't projected his issues with his sister onto him ("born lucky, lucky to be born" and Iroh's the jealous one?) and I want them to get along, too.
And, yay! Omashu is my favorite city! I loved how the palate changed for this season, too. Onto a new element!
Oh jeez, I'm not much one for condoning violence, but I could watch that gif of Iroh kicking Azula's ass all day.
He doesn't even hesitate. God, I love Iroh.
I just wanted to say that I love your icon!
Same here. It's just so hypnotizing
And that's his GRANDDAUGHTER. Who I'm sure he loves BUT HE ALSO KNOWS SHE'S A BAMF.
Uh, no… He's her uncle.
Thank you both.
Wow.. I can not believe I made that BIG of a mistake..
Nope, Azula is Iroh's niece.
Thank you both.
Wow.. I can not believe I made that BIG of a mistake..
One of your GIFs reminded me that I loved Zuko's little fireknives.
"just look at how Azula unnerves Zuko with an evil smile. "
To me, in that scene it looks like she's about to burn the other side of his face!
Nice spelling of palette, there, self.
This is the guy who has been fighting fiercely against everyone up until this point.
It's really interesting because Zuko has seemed like a good fighter all along and yet I don't think he lands even a single hit against his sister, which really shows how amazingly skilled Azula is.
Yeah, especially since the only time she firebended was to knock him down the ramp. And the failed lightning attack. She's completely in control.
I wish I could get a screengrab of the moment when Iroh grabs Azula to redirect her lightning. You can glimpse it in your .gif, but to me it looks like pure terror on her part. Further evidence that Iroh is the BIGGEST BAMF EVER, when even fear-mongering Azula panics out when his "attack" is focused solely on her.
Happy to oblige!
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Yeah, it's a look of total shock and horror. Judging by her behavior on the ship, no one ever challenges her, and as badass as Azula is, who can? Only Iroh!
I absolutely adore Azula's first lines to the captain in this episode, since it so very simply sets up how Azula leads…through fear. She manipulates and terrifies those around her and it's both horrifying and yet fascinating to watch. Azula is a very different character from Zhao, and – as you say – we can see she's far more dangerous as well.
I'm sure someone else will bring this up, but there's no comments as I'm typing this, so what the hell. Azula's firebending confused me a lot in this episode, she uses both lightning AND blue firebending. The reasoning the creators give (as it's never mentioned in the show) is that Azula's fire burns much hotter, and is therefore blue. (though they did that for other reasons as well)
I love that you can see, in the fight between her and Zuko the vast difference in their abilities.
I didn't mention much of the gaang's part in this, but that's just because your comments covered it better than I ever could.
Oh Azula. You gave Zuko hope and then you tore it away. How I hate you. I cannot even express how much. If I only knew how to post gifs…
"Azula is far more calculating than Admiral Zhao ever was, and in that sense, she is threatening to a much greater extent. Her anger and rage is controlled; Zhao’s was not, and that lack of control is what lead to his undoing"
This is exactly why I love Azula (as a character, not as a person, because she's just plain awful), I prefer my villains to be calculating and sharp. It's much more interesting to watch than a villain who depends simply on brute force.
The smartest villains and the most controlled villains are the best villains and the most dangerous villains. And they're great characters.
I'm not sure if they said why Azula's firebending is blue, but the "meta" reason is so you know which attacks are hers. There was fire flying around everywhere in that battle, and if/when she's in fights that involve other firebenders, there has to be some way to tell which speck of animation is her.
Also that tea was epic.
On a semi-related note, you're going to have to do 2 reviews at once eventually, or else once you get to the season 2 finale, you'll either be splitting it up or posting a 20,000 word review.
I just always assumed her fire was blue because it was hotter.
– Why don't I live at that spa where Zuko & Iroh were??
– Azula is scary!
– Fong essentially torturing a 12 year old boy to turn him into a weapon was really uncomfortable.
– My Art of Avatar book came in the mail yesterday! No – no words. No words to describe it. Poetry! They should've sent a poet. So beautiful. So beautiful… I had no idea.
My art book is at my house RIGHT NOW, and I don't go home from work for at least three more hours. FEEL MY SAD.
I knoooow. I want scantilly clad masseurs and cherry blossoms. I love the return of the red-leafed trees. I wish I was surrounded by Japanese maples.
I bought it shortly after its release and had it signed by Mike and Bryan at the Golden Apple book signing.
Ugh! I'm so jealous of you! I don't know what I would do if I ever met them. Probably act like this:
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"Fong essentially torturing a 12 year old boy to turn him into a weapon was really uncomfortable."
Alright, I don't even comment here but I had to come along and say A+ CONTACT REFERENCE.
Captain: Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allow us to bring the ship in to port before nightfall.
Azula: I'm sorry, Captain, but I do not know much about the tides. Can you explain something to me?
Captain: Of course, Your Highness.
Azula: Do the tides command this ship?
Captain: Uh, I'm afraid I do not understand.
Azula: You said the tides would not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?
Captain: No, Princess.
Azula: And if I were to have you thrown overboard, would the tides think twice about smashing you against the rocky shore?
Captain: No, Princess.
Azula: Well, then, maybe you should worry less about the tides, who've already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over.
(Clearly, the Captain had accidentally stepped on her favorite My Little Rabbit-Pony, which put her in a particularly foul mood.)
Welcome to season two, Mark. You're in for a hell of a ride.
In other news, Fringe fans should check out today's TeeFury shirt:
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For those who don't know, teefury only sells each shirt for 24 hours, so there is a fast upcoming deadline to ordering the shirt before it's gone.
"You said the tides would not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?"
"No, Princess."
Isn't the answer arguably "yes"? It's not like he (or any human) has authority over them.
I'd love to buy that T-shirt — if I weren't stuck with powder blue instead of that cool-looking slate color. Harrumph.
"Do the tides command this ship?"
Oh, her voice. Oh, everything.
The thing I love is how much she twists the "Princess" trope. This is not your regular Disney Princess. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS PRINCESS, FOLKS.
Azula is Princess Manipulative Evil BadAss. Disney wouldn't know what to do with her!
Oh, did someone mention that she's Zuko's [i]little[/i] sister? Baby sister who can electrocute you like an electric chair? Hell Yes!
For the record, I think Zuko [i]did[/i] hesitate to fight her. Not because she's his baby sister, but because of a combination of terrifying shock and emotions.
I don't think he'll make the same mistake again. π
BOUGHT! I love it!
doesn't iroh shoot flames at Aang in the pilot?
Yup. On Zuko's command, they do a little synchronized firebending.
"Synchronised firebending". That sounds like a discipline in Avatar Olympics… XD
Avatar Olymics should totally be a real thing. It would be amaaaaazing.
I'm now tempted to invent various Avatar Olympics disciplines. XD
But seriously, wouldn't it be awesome to have something like the Olympics for the benders of the Avatar World? Obviously not now, since the world is at war, but maybe during an era of peace? I'm sure each nation have their own bender-specific sport (like the Air Nomads had airball), maybe they could even invent something where benders of different elements could compete… Ideas, ideas… π
Thinking about current Olympic sports, there are things like swimming and rowing for Water, Track events could concievably be done by all Nations (Aangs superfast running, some nearby water…. I'm sure Earth has something similar. Fire kind of loses out here though.) Earth has weightlifting and sculpture? Everyone could do a kind of shotput with a bending move of their choice. The Yu Yan archers vs Airbending challengers?
I think an Avatar Olympics would be amazing. They could even do things unrelated to bending, like a competition involving the Kyoshi Warriors and their fans, or the Yu Yan archers. It'd be like that Fire Nation Festival, only for ALL the nations. Whee!
Penguin sledding luge. That is all.
You mean the premiere? The pilot episode of ATLA wasn't aired as part of the show, but it was included in DVD sets with Bryke commentary. IIRC, it doesn't feature Iroh at all.
Ah, yeah sorry. I'm used to calling the first episode the pilot for any general show, but I forgot there's an unaired pilot for ATLA.
I really wish there was a version without the commentary. I love Bryke, but still, I want to see their ideas untainted.
There is a version of the un-aired pilot on iTunes without commentary! It's part of a playlist of episodes called "Avatar: The Last Airbender – Season 1 Essentials". It's a playlist made by Bryke of what they believe to be the most important episodes of Season 1. Unfortunately, you have to by all the whole package (about $12) to get the pilot without commentary.
All right, let’s get to the REAL SHIT. I predict that Aang will go into the Avatar state before the halfway mark of the season.
Well, there's one!
From the physics point of view, it would seem that Azula's blue fire is much hotter than regular firebender's fire.
Also, "azul" means "blue" in Spanish, so her name is a reference to the colour of her fire. π
Ah, yes. This episode.
Honestly, while I'm sure there's a lot to say about what happens with Team Avatar and General Fong, Azula's big debut really steals the show for me.
If only I had a way to refer to Azula…
Possibly in the form of a meme from Homestuck, which I will continue referencing for all time…
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There we go!
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Oh Azula, what fun you shall have with poor Mark this season~
what is this painted majesty that attracts my gaze? WHAT
PFFFF, now I'm imagining several things. One of which is Azula forcing Zuko to play dress up. The other is Zuko drawing "Huge bitch, bluh bluh" on a piece of paper or something as a child, instead of speaking up in his father's war chamber.
…I'm also imagining him dressed as SS, too. Because somehow that is awesome.
Oh jegus, Zuko as Slick, that is too perfect.
And Widdle Babby Zuko drawing Azula as a "Huge bitch, bluh bluh" is too adorable for words.
I actually met an Azula cosplayer at a con once, and the first thing out of my mouth was something like: "Oh, you're an evil bitch!"
But I said it with a smile on my face. Then I got a couple of pictures of her "attacking" me. So Awesome!
That's cuz you're the best around. And nothings going to ever keep you down.
…why do I feel like singing?
For the longest time, I've been wanting to make an AMV about Aang to that song. I need to get some video capture software or something.
I've noticed before (I think during the Hunger Games reviews) that people have downvoted others' comments for writing an unpopular opinion–usually about their thoughts on certain characters or themes in the books/shows. I've never once downvoted anybody, and have always been conflicted to do so with spoilers, because then I feared you'd realize it was a spoiler because it was downvoted. Anyway, yay for upvotes only! Positive things!
I can't believe you're on season 2 though, already! Btw, I hovered on this site for an hour before this review turned up (it shows up at about 3:30 pm where I'm at—way too late for me! waiting it unbearable).
I'm conflicted about Azula too, Mark. She's mean and manipulative…but she's just so badass. After I watched 'The Avatar State' for the first time, I feared for the captain's life after the episode's events.
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"You lied to me!"
"Like I've never done that before."
So, Azula. AZULA. I have many thoughts on Azula, which will have to wait, but how calculating and how cruel is it to show up and knowingly give Zuko fake hope that he's going to get exactly what he's desperately wanted? And who would know better about his desires than his own sister? She plays him like a fiddle, she knows it, Iroh knows it, Zuko may even know it, but he's so desperate he believes her anyway.
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Azula is the Fire-bender seen in the opening titles, so she was designed very early in the production.
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Idly, I'm of the opinion that Fire Nation captain was probably so murdered as soon as they recovered from the fight. Azula's just smart enough not to do it when a fight is breaking out. Or maybe NOT killing him is worse–his face when he realizes his blunder pretty much says everything.
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Sokka and Katara got updated, warm-weather outfits for season two.
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After being adrift at sea, Uncle and Zuko took some time to recoup at a Fire Nation spa located in the Earth Kingdom.
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Okay, and how badass is Iroh? Because he just keeps getting more and more badass. He absolutely knows this is a trap, and Zuko just yelled at and insulted him and he doesn't care because he knows Zuko's doing that because Zuko is just so desperate for this to be real. And Zuko smiles when he says he's coming along, and there's that little flash of memory of a hand on young!Zuko's shoulder and all the tears, all of them.
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Right, and then Iroh beats up pretty much all of those elite Fire Nation royal guards or whatever they were entirely on his own. He's not even Firebending that much! He's just tossing them into the water right and left. And THEN he redirects Azula's attack (how????) and kicks her overboard.
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"The Fire Lord orders the arrest of Iroh and Zuo, the two rebellious traitors. General Iroh was once the Dragon of the West. Prince Zuko was Crown Prince to the Fire Lord. Both traitors violated imperial orders to exterminate the Water Tribe barbarians as well as capture the Avatar. Permission is granted to kill them on sight."
Is it me or does Zuko look quite a bit younger on that poster?
He looks about 8. Ten, tops. Awww, baby Zuko. π
in the bottom post? naaah, children's eyes seem much higher up on their head/have rounder heads/etc
something i'm sure the animation team is OBVIOUSLY aware of :'D
He's probably 13 in that picture, which is how old he would have been the last time he was seen in the Fire Nation Capital, which is probably where those posters were printed.
Haha, Azula reminds me of a Ronin Warrior. Why I'm I having so many 90s flashbacks this week?
*sings* Ronin Warriors!
With five majestic armors!
Is it any surprise that I love both Lady Kayura and Princess Azula? I THINK NOT.
I love that armour in the top right. SO FIERCE. I want it.
Those images are fantastic! I love how sharp and perfect Azula's hair is–it speaks volumes about her personality.
Well keep in mind, Iroh's not the one who wants to capture the Avatar. And, more importantly, he knows that Zuko feels he needs to be the one to capture Aang. If Iroh did it for him, then Zuko would lose that chance, and would probably not feel he got his honor.
That and I don't think he really wants Zuko to succeed either, because he already knows that it's more important for Zuko to have the hope of capturing Aang, than for him to succeed.
Yeah, it never looks like Iroh cared two shakes about capturing the Avatar. He just seems to come along with Zuko just for the LULZ.
Excellent point, about Zuko needing the hope most.
His quest to find and capture Aang is giving him purpose when all the previous purpose in his life has been stripped from him. Iroh knows he needs that.
I don't have much firsthand experience with tabletop RPGs, but Fong's "danger makes glowing!" stunt sure seems to me like the sort of thing a player character would do.
And then a good DM would make 'em pay for it. (Disclaimer: I am a DM, and I may steal this idea.)
Okay, time to make noncommittal noises about your predictions!
In season two, Katara is going to be confused about her feelings for both Aang and a second person we have not met yet.
Yes! This is that Markara I was talking about.
I predict that Aang will go into the Avatar state before the halfway mark of the season.
I predict that Team Avatar will gain FIVE more people on their side
Ooh, for a grand total of eight? Or ten? Don't you think they should be a team of seven? Seven is the magic number!
She even references “The Southern Air Temple” to appeal to Aang’s reason. (Ok, that sentence is fucking bizarre to me, because clearly she did not reference an episode title as if she was aware of existing in a television show, but I’m leaving it because it makes me laugh. DILL WITH IT.)
"Aang, don't you remember in 'The Southern Air Temple' when you found Monk Gyatso?"
"Are you referring to the actual Southern Air Temple or the episode of television entitled 'The Southern Air Temple'?"
"Shut up, Sokka."
On top of that, she creates an interesting character dynamic because of the relationship with her brother, which “The Avatar State” starts to build on.
So remember how Aang was the protagonist and Zuko was the antagonist? Well, now the antagonist HAS AN ANTAGONIST.
I heard you liked antagonists dawg, so we gave your antagonist an antagonist so you can feel conflicted over who you're rooting for. *trollface*
Dang it! You beat me to it!
You know, if Sokka gained medium awareness, that would be pretty awesome. He would be like a non-evil version of Deadpool!
Deadpool's not evil, he's just misunderstood. And psychotic.
That needs to be a T-shirt, but take out the "Deadpool's" and replace it with "I'm."
To me the best part of Azula's introduction is that it has historical precedence:…
I half expected the ship to crash against the rocks and her to order the captain to do that.
Trelawney's got nothing on you, Mark
Favorite bits of this episode:
1. Everything. With. Iroh. I just cannot help but love his reactions to Azula and to Zuko's conversation and how he is totally willing to walk into what he knows is a trap just to protect his nephew.
2. Sokka: *hits Daniel Dae Kim over the head* Anyone have a problem with that? (I'm always glad to see the "normal" characters in a show get some time to prove that they're actually useful rather than just being background to the characters with abilities, so this and the fact that he also tries to save Katara makes me happy)
Sokka is great. Smart, funny, logical, NOT A BUTTMONKEY!
Though sometimes he is abused for comic relief purposes…and I don't disapprove. π
But what makes him more than just a one-dimensional comic relief character, is that he's often useful; he's clever, resourceful, and has often saved the Gaang by thinking up a clever solution.
Also Sokka is TEH VOICE OF RATIONALITY, which places him pretty high in my book. *nods*
that's all i can intelligently say right now…
No gifs today, I'm afraid. No time ><
I will say that I adore Azula as a villain. Now that Zhao (voiced by Jason Isaacs!) isn't around, Zuko's sister is here to step into the big bad shoes. And man, does she ever deliver. Honestly, I find her a much better villain. She's cold, and manipulative, and she has a much better handle on her anger than he did (as you noted). And Zuko was clearly not lying about her firebending capabilities – just watching their fight, he tries so hard and she blocks all his attacks seemingly effortlessly, with minimal actual firebending. She is scary and the first scene with her talking to the captain still gives me chills.
It does pull at my heartstrings to see how desperately Zuko wants to believe that his father will take him back. he just wants to be loved by his dad flajkdffaldjfdkjf
And I do really like the reveal about the Avatar state. It explains a lot – how and why it's triggered, what it does, why there is glowing involved, etc. THINGS MAKING SENSE YEY
who's j and k?
JK Rowling?
"J. We will see much, much more of Zuko’s unnamed sister.
K.All right, let’s get to the REAL SHIT. I predict that Aang will go into the Avatar state before the halfway mark of the season."
Mark's predictions.
J and K are Jet and Katara, they're so cute together OMG I want to write a fanfic about their babies going to Hogwarts
I am amused by this comment.
Zuko: "I want my father not to think I'm worthless."
Iroh: "I'm sure he doesn't. Why would he banish you if he didn't care?"
Zuko: …
Iroh: "Err, that came out wrong, didn't it?"
Doctor: "It's funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine…"
That just made me laugh really, really hard.
Eleven and Iroh need to hang out, dammit.
Oh, they'd be the bestest of friends, I'm sure! π
Someone write this fanfic now.
I'm already working on that, actually. *beams*
Link it! For the love of Iroh, LINK IT!
It’s not online yet- still a work in progress. When I finally am happy enough with the first chapter I’ll post it, and link it here. But I want to make sure it’s good and ready, so I do the characters justice.
You are a wonderful person.
Poor Sokka only getting a pat on the shoulder. It's okay we know you deserve a gift too, especially for just casually knocking Fong out.
It was sad to see General Fong call Aang an ‘ultimate weapon’ because that's just not Aang and it's hard to see him shoulder that kind of responsibility. He's scared of the Avatar State and what he can do in it but he clearly still feels guilty over being missing for so long and so sacrifices what he wants for what he thinks will save the most people. It's good to see him decide on the right path eventually but it's still a hard decision to make.
I like how manipulative Azula is. She knows exactly what buttons to press to get someone to do what she wants. It's the third anniversary of his banishment and Zuko doesn't want his father to think he's worthless and in waltzes Azula offering him exactly what he wants, to go back home. And poor Zuko is just so happy and relieved to question it. Equally she uses the exact same button to rile Zuko up and make him angry by saying ‘Why would he want you back except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him.’
Between that, how in control she seems, both of herself and her troops, and her kick ass bending it looks like she's going to make an amazing antagonist.
Ever notice how, when the ground actually opens up and swallows people, it's always the good guys?
On the plus side, it's time for Aang to start learning how to do that.
Azula has to be one of my favorite fictional evils in all the history of fictional evils ever. Cool, calculated, CAN SHOOT LIGHTNING etc.
I think he's just trying to show off with the fireknives – not something he's used before I don't think. On the other hand they seem to be more adapted to close-quarters fighting than most firebending – perhaps he knows he can't match Azula if she has a chance to really throw fire at him. Even the lightning looks like it needs to have a bit of a gap between you so you don't get stabbed before you finish charging up…
Azula gave Zuko hope and then took it away. That's enough to make anybody dangerous. God knows what it'll do to him.
Oh wait. >_>
I was tempted to upvote, but it's at 11 and that's just too perfect so I'll reply instead.
Yay! This comment goes to 11! ^_^
By the end of the comment I was reading in Eleven's voice without actually having put together that it was a quote …
mebbe matt smith should just be narrating everything mmhmm
That would be amazing!
Reminds me of that series of bedtime stories that David Tennant read on BBC, once upon a time. Very little in this world is cuter than David Tennant having a conversation with a plush penguin.
auhfjdlkfsjdlkf. I love you.
:D! <3
Despite how conflicted and torn apart Zuko is inside, I actually find Azula to be more mentally unstable than he is. The amount of restraint and suppression that she practices is based in self-denial. I just can't imagine it being healthy to suppress oneself like she does.
Yes. It's hard to discuss Azula after just this one episode, but… it can't have been easy, growing up in the Fire Nation court. I mean, she was there when Zuko was burned and banished. (If Zuko was 13 at the time, she would have been 11.) That's like a giant neon sign to her saying "this is what happens if you fuck up." If Zuko could lose his place so easily, it would be all the more motivation for her obsession with control and perfection: she can't be less than perfect, or maybe she'd end up in the same place Zuko is. :/
Somehow it never hit me that Zuko was thirteen when he was banished. I keep thinking he was 15 or so, even though it's been stated in-show that he's been gone for three years. Goddamn, that is monstrous.
Interesting observation. And we have some proof of this theory in this very episode. The only time we ever see her come almost unhinged in this episode is when she is practicing her firebending, and one hair slips out of place. This is a girl who has to be perfect all the time, who can't slip up. This is a girl who is hard on herself.
Ha, I get so mad at her aunts or whoever they are in that scene. WHO CARES ABOUT THAT ONE HAIR.
Notice how the Earth Kingdom base is in the same shape as the square-within-a-circle emblem of the whole nation? Love it!
Also, I'm so glad you deactivated downvoting…It made me sad to see people shut down for expressing their opinions just because others didn't agree =[
Doesn't Azula remind you of Bellatrix?
I've honestly never made the comparison, no. What are the similarities, in your mind? Non-spoilery ones, I mean…
Azula is more manipulative and more intelligent.
Azula is less psychotic.
I can't believe I just wrote that.
Azula was never locked in Azkaban.
But she looks like she's got Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which is pretty much the worst thing ever.
She reminds me more of Lady Macbeth, actually. Well, Lady Macbeth pre the whole "blood on my hands" thing.
Azula~~~! She's a pretty fantastic villain, I have to say.
One more thing you don't hear from the show, but it makes her even more terrifying: Azula is FOURTEEN. 14! Every time I think about that, it blows my mind a little more.
(Also, this episode is not quite immediately after the Season 1 finale; Iroh makes a comment about how he and Zuko drifted at sea for about 3 weeks.)
That makes her the same age as Katara right?
She's like EVIL KATARA.
Hold on! SHE'S 14!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No seriously. I dropped supporting Team Avatar the MOMENT she appeared in this episode.
I have a SKETCHBOOK filled with NOTHING but fanart of her. I even had a friend MACHINE FROM ALUMINUM A FLAME DIADEM LIKE HERS for me to wear and then I spent the better part of WEEK trying to get my hair into a top knot. I kinda failed. Then the diadem got stolen.
Seriously. It got stolen from the art department room I left it in after spray painting it. This was in college. This was in an art department where pretty much nobody stole anything (I left a 500gb harddrive in the lab once and it was there a WEEK LATER). So… somebody wanted a flame shaped piece of metal that was spray painted red.. *Sigh* was probably some dumb freshman building jumping or something.
Bahahahaha I have totally also been trying to make my hair do what Azula's does and also failing HOW DOES IT JUST FOLD OVER IN A LITTLE FAN SHAPE I DON'T GET IT.
Maybe it was stolen by another Azula fan?
I love this episode so, so very much. Aang and Katara's interaction all through it break my heart into tiny little pieces.
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Oh yeah, and that hope-filled expression on Zuko's face when Azula tells him Ozai wants him back. CANNOT DEAL, GOING TO GO CRY IN A CORNER.
those pictures D':
A few quick thoughts before I go to work:
-Your predictions: Too many spoilers to discuss.
-Azula: One of the scariest teenagers I have met in any medium.
– Iroh: I love him so much. Why is he not real?!
-Fong: Just goes to show that in a war, even the 'good' side can do awful things trying to find a way to win. He buried a helpless girl alive trying to get Aang to glow it up. (love you Sokka) Did he not realize that the Avatar State is used to stop forces that are endangering the Avatar and those around him? As in Katara? Whom you buried? Making you the danger? Aang and the army learned that while they may wish for a faster way, Aang needs to learn all the elements properly in order to fight Ozai. It stinks, because we know this will lead to much more shit getting real, but there is nothing we can do about it.
I should make it into a GIF. It might come handy again…
I'm a chronic lurker (mostly because everyone else seems to say what I think, but better). I was rereading the Hunger Games posts (LOVE) and all the references Mark made to wanting to see the earth open up and swallow someone… does this episode count? Or not, because it took your fondest wish and did it to one of the good guys π
Everything else I'd say would get me a dirty look from River Song, so I'll just say I am completely loving this series, and it makes me love Avatar even more. Thanks Mark!
I really enjoy it when the writers put in a dream sequence – they always seem to manage to make them both creepy and genuinely dream-like, which is nice. And you have to feel sorry for Aang – its hard to know at the time how aware he is when he's in the Avatar State, but this seems to indicate that he knows what's going on, but isn't really in control. Which is pretty unpleasant to think about.
Poor Sokka, Pakku didn't get you a present. Non-bender prejudice Pakku!!!!
Ah, how nice does that spa look? Cherry blossoms everywhere, built over a river next to a waterfall… Totally awesome. Now the question is Mark, in this scenario whose position would you rather be in, Iroh's, or the guys giving him the massage. π And Iroh, totally putting his foot in it. I'm sure it sounded better in his head.
The introduction of Azula – immediate sense of power, intimidation and badassery. Just compare the kind of retinue and resources she has with Zuko's little ship. It's also quite nice seeing the different costumes for the Imperial Firebenders, compared to the regular ones. Not that all the shiny stops Iroh taking them down like generic faceless mooks. π
General Fong, General Fong… *shakes head* I can see where he's coming from all too well, and I suppose what does everyone know about the Avatar's powers anyway? There's no reason for him to realise that it just doesn't work like that. Not that it excuses him for what he does to him and Katara. That's the point where he just toes over the line and refuses to get back over it. A small detail I liked about the background here is the glowing green stone stuff they seem to use for light. At least, it doesn;t appear to be flame, as it doesn't move, and it seems a bit much for them to use a lot of whatever metal ore you need for that colour (copper?) just for aesthetics.
Another thing I noted is after Azula shoots off lightning in her practise scene we cut to Iroh sitting up and the sound of thunder. Lightning created sonic boom perhaps? Does this mean Iroh may have known she was coming?
Another thing I noted is after Azula shoots off lightning in her practise scene we cut to Iroh sitting up and the sound of thunder. Lightning created sonic boom perhaps? Does this mean Iroh may have known she was coming?
I like to think that at the very least, being woken up by unexplained, distant thunder might be pretty ominous to Iroh. That seems to be how the scene plays.
Iroh felt a disturbance in the force.
And I also wanted to mention re the Captain that Zuko tosses him off the gangplank, so I'm fairly sure Azula has no need to kill him, she is just going to leave him there for her former threat re the tides to be carried out. 'Sides, he's not going to float in all that armour.
Oh Azula. How her evilness is delicious and pleases me simply because her voice actress has played some of the most evil cartoon characters ever (Mandy, Vicky). She's done a crapload of other characters actually too which surprises me. All in all, I do love her and its fun trying to figure out what's in her mind. I attempted to in a fanfic that is unfortunately too spoilery to post and it's scary in there.
I LOVE Azula's voice SO MUCH I want to marry it.
Katara was coughing when Fong pulled her up, which makes me wonder just how 'fake' that fake burial was.
Seriously, General Fong. I get that you're super desperate and all, but you just buried a teenager alive and made her even younger tween best friend think that you'd JUST KILLED HER IN FRONT OF HIM. Oh yeah, and you also did that in front of her brother.
Then Aang becomes so enraged he levels everything inside the walls of your fort and all you can do is laugh about how 'that was almost perfect!'? No wonder his soldiers had no problem with Sokka bopping him over the head.
Oh God. I know how you feel. I worshiped Azula when I role played and pretty much earned the nickname and role of her on a site by my Mod abilities (>> I was reviewing profiles.. lots of sues..) alone before I even considered applying for her.
Too old. I know nothing about martial arts and could not be taught to be as perfect as she is and I'm as German as they come. Except I'm not German.
Oh man you are definitely not the only dying to play Azula… despite how I'm only half Chinese (but don't look it), don't know any martial arts, and I haven't acted in years…
"Zu-Zu" is the cutest nickname … except when Azula says it. Brrr.
"Zu-Zu" FTW!!! π
I've been biting my lip because Zuzu and I are on pet name terms with each other like that (it's okay, I called Bryke and asked their permission and then we had a good laugh on how I will one day outgrow childish fake imaginary-people crushes and my alternate plan of just becoming a cartoon). But this is really what I wanted to say — The poster says to kill them on sight? Zuko's sixteen! WHAT. THE. FUCK. OZAI. WHAT THE FUCK. (not to insinuate that a young person's death is in any way inherently more tragic than an older person's. what I'm saying is that after burning his face off and then condemning him to an underfunded wild goose chase during which all he does is yearn for your reacceptance… you give him a death warrant. you are literally the worst king to ever have heirs, sir. deeply and profoundly the worst king ever)
I forgot: What were they before?
I actually don't know. we don't see his name until now. However, he probably was not anmed with those characters.
List time! Because lists are awesome.
1)Your predictions. I will not spoil, but good grief Mark, you make it so easy and tempting. Seriously.
2) Iroh. We already know from Season 1 that Iroh thinks of Zuko as his son, but given how the Fire Lord treats HIS son that could mean anything. This episode, we get to see what family means to Iroh, and I personally would LOVE to be his niece. This is a man who cares just as much about Zuko's emotional well-being as his physical being. He knew what Azula was capable of, and what her real intentions were. He understands that when Zuko yells at him, he shouldn't take it personally. He doesn't argue, he just accepts for now and waits until a better time. And yet he still went with Zuko, because "Family sticks together." THIS MAN IS AMAZING!!
3) Okay, it's time for another martial arts lecture. Sit back and enjoy (or ignore, that's fun too). Much as I will forever love Zuko, AZULA PRETTY MUCH KICKED HIS ASS. If not for Iroh, there'd be no more Zuko after he fought with his baby sister. The problem was that Zuko is fighting blind. He has no control over his emotions, and that weakens his technique. Azula, on the other hand, was in complete control of herself from start to finish, which is why she had him beat. Skillwise, they are really close, if not equals.
4)I also want to comment on the parallel between the two subplots in this episode. The whole episode could be seen from an "emotion vs. control" viewpoint. In the case of Azula and Zuko, there is the aforementioned fight, where Zuko's lack of control is ultimately what would've killed him. On the other side, we have the Avatar State, which is primarily triggered by a heightened emotional state, based on what we've seen. Admittedly, it is REALLY FUCKING POWERFUL! Seriously, take a look at that base when Aang's done with it. However, we can see that Aang, and others, have little control over what he does in that state. He could easily have hurt, or even killed, Sokka, Katara, or anyone else accidentally in the Avatar State.
RE: Zuko fighting blind, I know this isn't what you meant, but personally, I ADORE the fanon that he has impaired vision on his scarred-over eye and has to compensate. It makes total sense and adds an extra layer of awesome.
I'm not claiming that as a reason to dislike his character. I personally LOVE that as a fault and wouldn't change it for anything. I just wanted to point put that he and Azula are equals, minus that point.
And although that fanon is new to me, it totally makes sense. Thank you.
I love that, having ended the last season with a huge, unstoppable power given to the main hero, the writers are now willing to spend the season premiere explaining exactly why he can't just whip it out whenever he gets into trouble from now on, and they're able to do it in a way that makes perfect sense.
Oh, Azula. Why must you constantly be talking like you're about to jump someone's bones, including (perhaps especially) when you're talking to your brother?
Her bedroom voice does seem inappropriate sometimes.
In addition to all the other awesome, awful, cruel things Azula does to Zuko that have already commented on, something I only noticed this time because I have absolutely no attention to detail – watch how long it takes her to use firebending in her fight against Zuko.
At first I thought it might be just her showing discipline. After all, in The Deserter we saw how important discipline is and how out of control firebending can get. Further, we see that Iroh rarely busts out the firebending when he fights. And that might be some of it.
But really? What it feels like is she holds back her firebending to show her contempt for her brother. She doesn't NEED it to best him. Just another little dig before she finishes him off. Great, and utterly terrible at the same time (or maybe it's just me?)
I totally agree. Azula's just rubbing Zuko's face in his ineptitude every chance she gets.
Oh, man. You've made me wish for a world where Lisbeth and Azula could go head to head.
They'd either kill each other or rule the world. I'm not sure which.
I feel like we should make a chart of some kind. Things Mark was slightly prepared for? Or what about gold stars? Everyone loves some gold stars.
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Ooh, I like the gold star idea! I think I'll hand one out if/when one of them comes true!
I've started doing a little statistics on the correctness of Mark's predictions, both the "official lists" before the start of the series, and the ones littered around in his reviews. At the end we'll analyze how correct or incorrect he was in his predictions.
Based on that, we shall evaluate Mark's ability as a Seer when it comes to TV shows. π Teehee.
I am so pumped to see this when it's all said and done. Amazing idea, brilliant undertaking π
Gold stars are always the answer.
Have some gifs of past Avatars, because I was in the mood to make some.
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The animation of the female Airbender Avatar is just so beautiful, I love it every time I see it.
Kyoshi's fans aren't just for looks, she's using them to bend and throw those statues. IIRC, no other bender does that. Kyoshi is so awesome that she created her own bending style that nobody has replicated.
Kyoshi is the Avatar of my heart.
Yay, GIFs!
It's actually very interesting that Kyoshi, who was originally an Earthbender, uses fans to bend. I mean, fans are usually something you'd associate with air, wouldn't you? Also demonstrated by Aang in "The Warriors of Kyoshi", who did some pretty good airbending with them.
I always figured it to be an affectation she picked up while learning airbending.
OK, so I'm still of the opinion that waterbending= coolest ever, but damn if the rest of these GIFs aren't putting up a convincing argument for the other elements.
I love how the the Water Tribe Avatar is just doing it so he can surf.
Why does that first one remind me of this?
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Heads up – I can't remember what exactly is revealed, but what the blue fire actually is might be a spoiler. If it's not, HURR DURR on me but just in case.
No, it's never explained in the show why her fire is blue. The creators have said that it's because she creates hotter fire than other Firebenders, basically just a visual cue to show how naturally powerful she is.
I'm creating this thread as a safe space for people to be SAD FOREVER and CRY HUGE TEARS over Zuko.
Azula wasn't even particularly convincing when she told Zuko that Ozai had forgiven him and that he was wanted again back home. The fact that Zuko believed her shows us all how much he's been longing to hear those words… for years. All he wants is to go home and for his Daddy to love him–he wants it so much that he's willing to deceive himself to believe it.
And then to find out that it was all a lie, that his father hates him even more than before. OH GOD THE ANGST AND PAIN
Please join me in eternal sadness. π π π
I'll join you! ZuZu needs a hug and a cup of tea after all that heartache!
I also want to see Ozai on Freud's couch, 'cuz that man needs to be analyzed…also, it's a funny mental image! ;D (I'd draw it if I could draw!)
Only Ozai? I think both his kids are past due on the basis of having him for a parent.
And come to think of it, would you bet on any of the heroes _not_ having need for couch time all things considered?
It just occurred to me that I should make predictions for this season! Season 1 totally blew away my expectations but now I feel like I have a better idea of what to expect. Though Mark pretty much did all the big ones…ok, I have three predictions/wants for season 2:
1) Suki must return. I love Suki. And Sokka needs someone after what he went through with Yue. π
2) Zuko will join the Gaang. I'm with Mark on this one, it's gonna happen sooner or later.
3) Iroh will give up everything and open a tea shop. Sorry, but this must happen.
So excited, so excited! I can't believe we're already like a third done with this show!
Oh man I hope we see Suki again. Really I hope for all of them, but I don't think Zuko will get over himself until the third season. :\
K made me LOL when I started reading the post, 'cuz you predicted it'd happen before the halfway point of the season. Bet you never guessed it'd happen in the very first episode! π
Oh Mark I wish there were words to say how unprepared you were, but those are spoilary words so I'll just say this:
You are like the Inception of unprepared. It's just a level of unprepared within a level of unprepared.
You can also notice that when her fire actually starts burning something, wood for instance, it turns orange. So her fire isn't speshul just REALLY hot. Because she's that pro.
Let there be fire! >8D
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Fail. ._. *will one day figure out the correct way to post images on this site* For now, the url:…
You have to use HTML codes:
<_img src="INSERT LINK HERE"_>
Just remove the underscores and it should work.
Physics is awesome. π
………………… *eevel smile*
The first episode of the season and two of your predictions have already come true! Nice! As for the others, well…
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I look forward to watching you find out.
The admins' verdict appears to be that this is a spoiler.
On what grounds? It's not going against Rule 5 by "Telling [him] the “answer” is in a past book."" It's not HEY YOU MISSED THIS FORESHADOWING TO SOMETHING THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET KAY BYE. It's "Hey check out this cool easter egg that shows how much thought was put into the development of the series, and could only be noticed on a rewatch." If he is planning a rewatch of the series, like he's doing with Harry Potter, then I could see how this could be construed as ruining an "a-ha!" moment, but seeing as how he gives no indication of that, I don't understand your reasoning.
Oh, believe me, it's not my reasoning. But I got a comment of my own deleted for it.
I mean I guess I could see how it could be considered a spoiler if it was posted after the Season 1 finale (as it was, as I now see) it could be considered a spoiler since it gives an indication of the personality of a character that hasn't properly been introduced. But given how this episode made that character's personality very, VERY clear, I see no harm in it.
And if there was a scene in the future where they were like HEY REMEMBER THIS SCENE CHECK OUT THAT THING YOU DIDN'T NOTICE I wouldn't have posted it, but no such thing occurs.
Grey Delisle is such an awesome voice actor! The VAs deserve lots and lots of love on this show in general, and Grey Delisle knocks it out of the park as Azula!
Hellloooooo Azula.
Yes, we’ve met her before, in the credits, in Zuko’s flashback, and in that brief scene last episode. But this is where we truly meet Princess Azula, my favourite villain ever. She is cold, calculating and merciless, and the perfect way to increase the tension and make the danger fresh into the second season.
Furthermore, she’s voiced by Grey DeLisle. Never heard of her? Well, I can almost guaranteed that you’ve heard her. She has done so much voice acting work its almost ridiculous. She’s voiced literally hundreds of characters from cartoons and video games, with major roles in things like Danny Phantom, Xiaolin Showdown, The Spectacular Spiderman, the Fairly Odd Parents and waaaay more. She puts such skill and subtly into her performance that I can’t help but admire her work.
So, yes, I love Azula. I absolutely adore the way she’s introduced; the cold precision in her voice as she cooly threatens the captain of the ship that he better do as she says, or he will pay. That’s badass, plain and simple. She’s only meant to be fourteen, but everything about her makes her seem so much older, and in fact, it’s almost impossible to imagine her as a little girl. Actually, let me renounce that statement. It’s easy for me to imagine her as a little girl, but like one of those creepy little children who all the adults always thought was perfect but would be caught pulling the wings off flies in the background. Eek.
With that in mind, it really makes Zuko’s actions in these episodes really stupid. I know he’s desperate to get home, and after fixating on his redemption for so long, I can understand him letting his guard down…but c’mon. You’re not that niave Zuko. Have some sense and listen to your uncle. He is the mentor archetype, defying him never leads to anything good. I suppose we can put some of how Zuko acted due to him being so supremely manipulated by Azula, but even as a fan of hers, even I can tell when a victory is because of your own talent or your opponent’s lack of it.
She would have succeeded in capturing Zuko here though. She was so, so close, if not for that guard’s Freudian slip. All the same, I think the moment they would try to imprison the two of them, Iroh would have gone all Dragon of the West on their asses and busted them out. He’s just that epic.
As for the main plot, I don’t find it quite as interesting, which is a bit mean of me because it really is quite juicy. I imagine it must be terrifying for Aang to know the horrors he can unleash; it’s something like the incredible hulk, but I think even worst. Aang is an outright pacifist, a vegetarian, and we can assume that hundreds must have died in the Koizilla attack. I don’t hold Aang accountable for his deaths, because he wasn’t really there or conscious of his actions, and I hope he doesn’t either- but still, I imagine it must weigh heavy on his soul.
I especially love the moral dilemma here. Aang doesn’t want to lose control, doesn’t want to use a power which is basically an uncaring force of nature. He wants to minimise deaths. But even if he does kill people directly while in the Avatar State, by postponing the battle he’s letting people die anyway. Refugees, destroyed families, cripples, deaths….all of it could be stopped. (Writing this out reminds me something of the dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagaski. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way, and no doubt the deaths inflicted in that tragedy were worst, if only because the majority of the people in those cities were civilians, but I think the potential could be used to similar effect.)
Along with all this moral introspection, we get given a real piece of mythology; that using the Avatar State, along with being morally questionable, can be dangerous. I really like the fact that it can lead to the permanent death of the Avatar. It robs the show of the ability of a Dues Ex Machina. Otherwise they could pretty much bring out glowly Aang whenever the hell they liked, but now they’re going to at least have someone to say, “Er, guys, remember the potential permanent death of the Kung Fu Messiah? Yeah?”
My only other notes on this episode are “hyper tea Aang is one of the lulziest things ever” and “Sokka, never, ever, ever wear Sokka like that again, it is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever witnessed.”
"Kung Fu Messiah"
Best nickname ever.
I don't know… I'm still a fan of "Kung Fu Action Jesus", but maybe that one's too long for real life.
No, it's perfect. Because it sounds like there's an action figure of jesus.
I always liked Super-Mecha Death Christ. Or Robotic Donkey Kong Jesus riding the Smoke Monster from LOST.
"Never heard of her? Well, I can almost guaranteed that you’ve heard her."
Possibly an age thing. I hadn't (and still have not) ever heard Azula's voice before, but I recognized Iroh's as "that guy in Conan" and Zuko's tickled at the back of my mind until I went trawling on IMDB and was reminded of Hook. God I feel old now.
Grey DeLisle is also Wubbzy of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! I love thinking of Azula talking about her kickety-kick ball and such.
Is General Fong the guy for Earth in the title sequence? Because that would mean we've been introduced to all of them!!!
Water: Master Paku
Fire: Princess Azula
Air: Avatar Aang
Avatar: Avatar Roku
Nope. The Earthbender in the opening credits has yet to make an appearence.
Nope. The opening sequence earthbender isn't wearing robes, and he has a much shorter beard.
Also, the airbender appears to have a mustache, so it might not be Aang.
Monk Gyatsu but with Aang's clothing?
This was debated on an earlier episode, but the Airbender in the credits is generally assumed to be 25-35 year old Aang. Hence the sweet 'stache.
Oooh! I have a very spoilery wish which I will not say here, but I DO WISH FOR IT!
OK, without spoiling anything, the Earthbender in the intro was the original design for Aang's Earthbending teacher.
Note: I'm NOT saying who is or isn't Aang's Earthbending teacher. It might be King Bumi. It might be some other character. All I'm saying that BEFORE the series, that was the original idea for Aang's Earthbending teacher's looks, which later CHANGED.
Oh Mark, you have no idea how much you practically invited spoilers with this post so I'm just going to sit back and say enjoy season 2.
Not exactly blue, but it's related.
I know it, I'm dealing with it (I has no times, no times in all the 'verses) but I just needed to say that I am so, so, so happy we've finally reached this season, Mark. Azula has my absolute favorite introduction of any character (minor or major) in this whole show because it instantly sums up Who. She. Is. She is not to be trifled with. In a way, she delivers more on the feminist promise (in my mind) made by the creators than Katara, just because we instantly see that the Fire Nation has no compunctions about having a villian ess in command and never is there the indication in this episode that they are following her only because she is the princess.
They're following her orders because she will goddamn feed them their own nutsack back to them if they don't and her cruel, twisted smile won't even falter as she does it too . Which, hey, maybe I'm just a ~deeply disturbed individual~ but I love a villian that is good at their job. Gives our heroes a chance to actually be, you know, heroic. After all, that thing they say about heroism, isn't it that it isn't being without fear but rather doing what you have to do in spite of your terror? Heroes can't be heroes unless they're actually scared of losing and Azula… well. She definitely makes me scared for 'em.
Yaaayy season two~! I feel we are hungry for keysmashes… and in this season, we will be fed .
Yes! Female villains are as important as heroines to make the feminism lesson clear.
One of my pet peeves about action shows is that no one has a problem seeing a tough gal beat up a bad guy, but the other way around needs a justification or caveat. The Superhero has to say : "oh, you're not much of a lady!" or something like that to "get away" with actually fighting a woman on equal terms.
But if the villainess is truly evil, she should be treated with the same respect as any male villain–Take. Her. Out, ASAP!
Avatar is one of the very, very few shows that does this so well. We didn't see Zuko upset about having to fight his baby sister. We saw Zuko *scared out of his mind*!
Bellatrix has some of that power, too, which is the only way I think one can compare the two characters.
On the good gal side, there's Balsa of Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit. People comment on how strange it is that a woman can be a warrior, but no male warrior worth his salt would hesitate to fight her because of it….
Than there are a few characters from FMA who use men's reluctance to fight them to their advantage…That never gets old! π
My Prediction for Season 2:
A. Mark is no longer able to watch one episode at a time.
B. Mark secretly watches more than one episode at a time.
C. Mark still makes one post at a time to torture his readers.
D. Mark finished the entire series last weekend and is screwing with us.
Fact: Mark built his own TARDIS and has already finished all three Shymalan movies in addition. He is wondering how much to tease us with his knowledge that Miley Cyrus is cast as Azula.
O.o? Please, no more movies… especially if they contain Miley Cyrus…
D would be evil. XD
Your predictions, huh?
Azula… this girl. I can't. I just want to see Iroh kick her ass. Is that too much to ask? You can pretty much diagnose her with Anti-Social Personality Disorder right out- the fact that she's intelligent, a super-Firebender and in a position of power… fuck.
In hindsight, I think I like Book Two the most out of the three seasons. Lots of stuff happens.
I hope all of this was vague and unspoiler-y because the feelings I am having are VERY spoilery.
….I think I know which scene you're talking about.
I never noticed till just now that the dude behind Iroh on the other side appears to be Zhao …
Who, in case you didn't know, is voiced by Jason Isaacs.
I love this episode so much. It sets the tone for another caveat (that, um, maybe should have been found out beforehand? I mean- the fire ships had catapults that might have taken out Koizilla?) that limits Aang's abilities. And, it just makes me squee in general. From Aang being adorable to Sokka being hilarious to the episode going from relatively lighthearted to slightly more somber to SERIOUSLY NUTS WITH THE BURYING emphasizes the writer's talents, yet again.
I like that Zuko and Iroh are there as conflicted antagonists, and I love Azula as the resident nutso ruthless villain. However, I find her almost too crazy to be real. I guess most shows need an ~EEEEVILL~ character for more conflict, but it would have been interesting if they hadn't resorted to it.
What am I saying? I wouldn't have it any other way. If she were ineffectual, it would not be nearly as awesome. I hate when you have a supposedly evil villain who is made to fail on purpose because the good guys have to win all the time. I also love Mark's point about her using psychologically subtle methods as well as physical ones, which makes her a great contrast to Zhao. It's a good build on the finale where you first hear about his sister and see hints of her influence on his life. Also, if you go back and watch The Storm, you may recognize that sadistic young girl sitting next to Iroh during the Agni Kai…
Sokka: *knocking Fong out* Anybody got a problem with that?
Earth Kingdom soldiers: *frantic headshakes*
~laughing forever~
Also also, I think this is another great episode that lends other dimensions to the other nations. You see General Fong reacting in a similar way to the Fire Nation guys, showing that it's not the nation or race you are a part of that makes you "good" or "bad". He thinks he's just as right as they think they are. The parallel is executed really well as the antagonists and protagonists are both attacked by their own sides.
Ha, when Roku is like "it's time for you to learn everything," I'm like SHOULDN'T THAT TIME HAVE COME A WHILE AGO? Like, for example, after the first or second time he entered the Avatar state?
Well, I think Aang needed the slightly traumatic experience of being in the Avatar State and wielding that kind of power. This way, learning about the Avatar State and its implications will have a much bigger impact.
Because, let's admit it, Aang didn't do much in "The Southern Air Temple" – he just glowed and made a big ball of whirling wind. But later when he was in Avatar State, he destroyed the Fire Temple, and the Fire Navy Fleet at the North – and those experiences affected him.
That's a good point.
He believes in his beliefs as strongly as they believe in theirs. -The Shyamalan Department of Redundency Department-
Yeah, but I didn't have MONTHS to write a movie script. Also, if I didn't have that second admittedly awkward part, wouldn't it mean "they also think he's right?"
Add it to the already looooong List Of Things In TLA Move That Make No Sense Whatsoever.
Azula's ~ebilness~ can come on pretty strong at times, but there are plenty of crazy people in real life, I think you'll find.
It's been so long since I've seen a prediction post! π I can't wait to see if any of the rest come true. We have got to see more on Ba Sing Se–it gets referenced so often, it just has to happen at some point.
Overall this is such a cool ep. The attempts to get Aang into the Avatar State were generally hilarious (the tea!), and his conflicting feelings over a) following destiny b) realizing how terrifying the state is and c) wanting to help end the war are nicely done. The fight between Aang and the earthbenders was just brutal. They do a great job of using different fighting styles for all the bending types. Also I really like the explanation of how the avatar state can be used against the Avatar. It's a huge gamebreaking power to pull out, but making it a vulnerability evens everything out.
Zuko’s storyline is turning into the saddest thing ever. His whole family is fucked up. Except Iroh, who is somehow awesome and keeps being wonderful despite Zuko taking out all his anger on him. Princess Scarypants over there must get along with Daddy Dearest just smashingly, but Zuko just wants to be loved. ;; (On a side note: Zuzu is the best childhood nickname.) Also, how badass is Iroh redirecting a lightning bolt? The moment at the end, cutting off their topknots, is such a neat little bit of symbolism as well as a nod to samurai culture. Hopefully Zuko can come to terms with the fact that he will probably never be on his father's good side, but at least he has Iroh as a great and supportive father figure.
See the way you used the term privilege in your comment? Not equivalent to the sort of privilege under scrutiny in the rationale behind author's note 1.
The reason this isn't a double standard should become clear once you understand the meaning and weight behind the term privilege in a social justice context. For that, google is your friend. If after that you still think there's something wrong with Mark's policy, you still don't understand the concept of privilege enough.
Actually, I'm a bit confused too about the policy…
The downvoting thing I can understand, but the juice of it, as I read it, is "a person who represents a minority or an otherwise oppressed party, has a right to be impolite to someone who disagrees with his/her views or wants to discuss his/her views to better understand his/her point?"… seems a little, don't know, unfair to me. Everybody, privileged or not, should have the right to be treated politely and with an open mind if the other party does that too…
Then again, I'm in no way part of a minority or an otherwise oppressed party. That said, I have sometimes been in disaccord or simply confused about social issues discussed on this blog and I would like to know that I'm not going to be persecuted if I voice my doubts and opinions (like I'm doing now) as long as I try to be as respectful and polite as I can.
Of course, I could have read all of this horribly wrong. Enlighten me, please.
I'm just a little confused, that's all.
As for the episode, season 2 is where I really started to like Avatar. Season 1 I had watched before and liked it but after this episoded I just run through the rest of the series in one week. Absolutely Worth It!
Seriously, google is your friend. Mark used the term tone argument in his review. It is exactly what you seem to be confused about, so I take it you're not particularly familiar with the term.
And fyi: your use of the word "persecuted" looks very silly in this context. Worst case? You get banned from an internet site.
a fair piece of advice:
don't talk about things you don't understand.
if you are confused about social issues like you said, the very best thing for you to do is read/listen to all the wonderful people on this blog and around you that are a part of that minority group or what have you. their experiences and thoughts are what's important, and it's best to simply listen in some cases. that way, you won't say anything that /could/ cause you to be "persecuted."
i'm not trying to "silence you-" i'm just saying that it really is best to listen and educate yourself before you barge right into the conversation, anyway. π
everyone has a right to an opinion, but for people who are not white/hetero/cis/able/etc they hear the views of the people who /are/ everyday, everywhere, so just try to think of that before you voice an opinion of a privileged group.
okay so omg first of all DANIEL DAE KIM he is a glorious person he and sun are so wiluargjnkehr <333333
i love seeing lost actors/actresses elsewhere<333
i see aang and like, my BIG SISTER INSTINCTS are kicked UP TO 9000
and i just want to take him out for vegan ice cream and tell him it's all going to be okay and pick on him for his adorable crush on katara and let him kick my butt in air ball and like…. remind him to wash behind his ears or something idk
and mark omg your prediction about every character ever baking cupcakes made of sunshine and rainbows and love? WELL, I WON'T SAY ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR (that doesn't make it a spoiler right omgomgomg i'm not being /specific/) BUT IT'S A GOOD ONE, REMEMBER THAT ONE
now i want to watch avatar/lost but also draw and omg ice cream
sorry i'll stop replying to myself and go be productive with my life, now ;D
Vegan Ice Cream-Subsitute-Made-With-Soy. Carrot flavored, obviously.
oooooh no, more like… COOKIES AND CREAM!!!! well not cream THERE I DID IT AGAIN.
how about /strawberry/ i love strawberry vegan ice…. desserts. : |
So long as Aang makes sure there is no dairy in it, otherwise Thomas Jane will show up and take his powers away.
<img src="">
Based on this hint I suspect that we will have an epic bakeoff in the future.
:'D why zuko-chan? how random
I like Japanese honorifics and "chan" means something like "dear one" (it's mostly used for children, close family and very close friends such as your boyfriend or girlfriend).
I want to learn Japanese one day – I really like their culture. I actually learned quite a few words by watching lots of anime… XD
Me too! *high-fives fellow otaku*
Otaku is the new cool, haven't you heard?
I hear people pun a lot in Japanese; maybe it's influenced by that.
Not that Sinophones and other speakers of East Asian languages are entirely free of the inclination… when my sister and I were small we used to call Chen Shui-bian and Lee Teng-hui the Bat (bianfu) and the Lightbulb (tengp'ao), and there's always the Hairy Thief of the East and the rather racially clueless o-ma-ma (which is something like "pitch-black").
that episode premiered while i was at college, and my lost-watching friend was out of town so i watched it alone in my dorm room, /sobbing my eyes out/
i can never look at submarines the same way again D'8
I absolutely love the Dramatic Cutting of the Hair. My roommate, who knows more about Japanese culture than I do, tells me that the topknots are a symbol of royalty or high status, so by cutting them off they are acknowledging that they aren't a part of the royal family anymore. SO SAD.
Poor Sokka and his lack of gift from Pakku. Just because he can't waterbend doesn't mean he's less awesome!
I love the tiny scene where Aang gets WAY TOO CAFFEINATED. Hee hee hee.
I really like the "if you're killed in the Avatar state, the Avatar line ceases to exist" paradox, but a part of me keeps nitpicking it, like, "Well how do they KNOW that? And why hasn't this ever happened before in the hundreds of lives the Avatar has had? HAS it happened before and they somehow found a way to restart the Avatar line?" BUT MOSTLY IT IS AWESOME.
Azula's fire burns blue, I think, to show that she totally kicks it up a notch from a "normal" firebender as far as being gifted goes. I also think it speaks to her control, since blue is a "cool" color, so the audience gets more of a sense of calm from her.
It's so heartbreaking to me to watch Zuko completely believe what Azula tells him about his father, just because he WANTS to believe it so badly. And then when Iroh tries to warn him, Zuko calls him lazy, mistrustful, shallow, and jealous, when in fact Iroh is THE OPPOSITE OF THESE THINGS. Zuko, wake up and realize you're better off without your horrible sister and father!
Also, now that they're wanted fugitives from the Fire Nation, they can adopt WACKY DISGUISES, right? RIGHT?? I DEMAND WACKY DISGUISES.
Oh, that's a good question. If it wasn't a restart, though, I think it's not unlikely that some spirit or other had ~mystical knowledges~ and told one of the Avatars.
yeahyeahyeah, i'm thinking like… super old spirit knowledge!!
the way i always looked at it was kind of how the avatar state is the powers of all the past avatars and the avatar spirit… and how like, you can kind of hear all of them when he talks while in it? so if they are all in that body currently, then they would ALL die?
i dunno, i think i'm making stuff up.
No I think that makes total sense!
Then maybe in that case, it's not so much that there's never another Avatar, just that it's not the same reincarnation. So like, if an Avatar is killed in the Avatar State, a new avatar would be born to be the bridge between the worlds and with the ability to learn all four elements, but he/she wouldn't have the connection to the other Avatars like Aang does to Roku…
The topknot in Japanese culture is actually more a symbol of the samurai, though apparently now it's pretty much only worn by sumo wrestlers. But cutting it still has the same effect of symbolizing that they're turning away from their positions.
Well how do they KNOW that?
It's written in the "Glowing It Up: A Manual For Avatars". A large part of Season 3 will involve Aang searching for this ancient book and having to memorize it in its entirety in order to become fully realised Avatar.
Roku could've at least given him the Cliff Notes. Jerk.
I'm surprised no one posted this sooner:…
Forgive my inability to function the internet enough to put in pictures.
ILU mark.
Yes, because she is being foolish and short-sighted and I'm stupid and uptight enough to call her out for it despite the high probability that I will DIE IN A FIRE for doing so.
Thank you, I never actually heard the expression "tone argument" before. It didn't occur to me to google it because I didn't know it was a widely used term. I hope you can excuse my ignorance.
About the word "persecuted", sorry for the poor choice; english is not my first language and sometimes I can't choose the right word for what I mean. I wasn't trying to be a victim.
about the tone argument itself, I wasn't trying to say that impoliteness automatically makes an argument invalid or less credible… I don't know, I still think politeness should be a standard for everyone. However I will surely look more into this and see if I can change my mind.
I have always thought of my opinions as *my* opinions and never as the opinion of a privileged group; but maybe it's because I'm part of a privileged group? I don't know, it makes me uncomfortable not being able or being afraid to speak because I'm privileged. Does that means my opinions are always wrong or to be ignored? And even if they are wrong, is it better to ban me and making me feel like a jerk for something I don't understand or to discuss it politely and make a point?
I lurked in these blogs for months and indeed I almost never commented, but it was more because I was afraid that my opinions would be frowned upon than anything.
I want to discuss, most of the time, because I don't want to find myself thinking, for exemple, "I can't see Mark's point, here, maybe I'm a horrible ableist person and they will ban me if I say so".
Now that I write this down, sounds a little childish/egocentric…
Well, Thanks again, I'll try to live this as an instructive experience!
P.S. @Mark
Of course nobody (and I in primis) should ever try to "educate" someone who has experiences, especially so when one is ignorant of a certain issue. I'll try my best not to be an asshole and recognize my ignorance.
For you and anyone else looking for some explanations about the issues of social justice, the best thing you can do, as others have said, is to listen to other people and to learn. And here are some links that can help with the learning experience.
The following two sites are a compilation of links to posts meant to educate people about this sort of thing.
Anti-Oppression Resources
101 Primer
And to specifically address the issue of the tone argument and expectations of politeness, this post in specific may help you.
The Privilege of Politeness
"I have always thought of my opinions as *my* opinions and never as the opinion of a privileged group; but maybe it's because I'm part of a privileged group? "
Bingo. That is privilege in a nutshell. If you are in the privileged group, you don't notice it. People who aren't in that group see the differences every day. A privileged person can rest assured that their words are seen as only being their opinion; a person in a minority group is often automatically seen as speaking 'for' that group.
I absolutely love Azula as a villain (she's a complete monster with no regard for her brother, her uncle, or her men. She is absolutely stone cold. It's perfect!)
Most of all, I love the overall theme of this episode. The "easy way out" is usually only easy because you're ignoring the difficulties it entails. Sure, he can forgo Earth, Fire, and more Waterbending practice, but at what cost? If he faces Ozai in his palace, how long before Ozai leads him to a place with no water and bombards him with jets of fire from all sides? Even in the Avatar state it's a liability, and it's shown he can't enter it reliably.
Season 2 is, in my opinion, where the show really hits its' stride. Season 1 has a lot of great, fantastic, amazing moments. But season 2 is when the show goes "Fuck it, strap in, shits getting real."
Oh Azula, how I adore thee.
So much that my love has been somewhat contagious among my friends; they hated her when they first watched the series. But then they got me to watch ATLA, and I guess I was rather persuasive in my reasoning for total admiration of her character.
I don't think I've seen it mentioned, which surprises me – I think a very interesting scene with Azula is not just her first, but her second. It's somewhat… humanising?… to see that she holds herself to extremely high standards as well as all of those around her, so that one hair out of place after blasting lightning isn't good enough.
This episode serves a number of purposes, and does it in a fairly entertaining way – it sets things up nicely for the season by giving our characters their goals – the Gaang have the initial goal of heading to Omashu, with the long-term goal of Aang learning Earthbending, while Zuko and Iroh are now on the run. And, of course, it introduces us to Princess Azula and explains why Aang can't just use the Avatar State as a cure-all.
YEEEAH AZULA god I love Azula.
Given the lack of gold-eyed east asians and blue-eyed Inuit, I night have been able to live with (not been pleased by, but willing to swallow) the racebending… _if_ indeed no competent ones close to the appearances seen could be found _and_ the selected actors were actually good. Needless to say we got the worst of both worlds
I'd like to refer to a nifty little invention called "contact lenses". Personally, I couldn't give a damn about eye color, that's no excuse to cast Caucasians in what are obviously East Asian and Inuit roles. America is extremely diverse, I refuse to believe that they couldn't have found some talented actors who fit the roles had they bothered to actually look.
For an example just see Idris Elba's orange-gold contact lenses in Thor.
I'll say it right now: I was born in rural Oregon, and nearly my entire family line (both sides) can be traced back to Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. I'm about as white as it's possible to get without having ginger hair.
And I feel personally offended by the casting in the TLA movie. Sometimes it seems like Hollywood just assumes that my ignorant little whitey-white brain can't handle the idea of a film with little-to-no Caucasians in it.
Thank you for keeping me informed, Hollywood. I had no idea that I was such a racist prick. I guess I'll have to get rid of my DVD's of Hero, Drunken Master, Gojira, Fearless, Shogun Assassin, and my beloved Miyazaki films, now that you've let me know I'm not supposed to like such things.
And that's just how I feel about it. I can't imagine how it must be for the people who were actually discriminated against.
Note this Black poster's caveat. _IF_ the only asian actors in the U.S. that answered the casting calls could not act thier way out of a paper bag I could have choaked down the casting… presuming the people they did pick were actually good.
(if I held for an absolute bar to whites being case in this, I would also have to pitch a fit over Mr Elba and Mr. Jackson in Thor)
The former is unlikely… and M. Night failed completely with the latter.
There would've been an outrage over the racebending even if the actors were Oscar-winning material. That they were appallingly wooden and pathetic makes the uproar 1000 times more justified. I absolutely refuse to believe that there were no better actors of Eastern Asian and/or Inuit descent in the whole of USA.
I think this quote from a different Avatar film is pretty appropriate: "They're just pissing on us, without even having the courtesy of calling it rain."
You do not know HOW relieved I was to see that EFFING PONYTAIL GONE.
Seriously, this is up there with the worst hairstyles ever.