Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

Fringe is finally back! After an unbearable wait, we now head into the final four episodes of the third season, as the Fringe team desperately tries to free William Bell’s soul from Olivia’s body. Intrigued? Then it’s time for all of us to watch Fringe!

Ok, before I start this, just a heads up: I will review episode 3×18, “Bloodline,” and it will go up before the liveblog starts. I was out of state when it aired, so I actually missed the live airing of it.

Anyway, lovebloggy goodness is here!

Because we are all on the exact same ground this time around, our spoiler policy for these blogs will be completely different. Anything that has aired in the past is fair game for discussion. Anything that has not publicly aired WILL BE CONSIDERED A SPOILER. I know there are spoilers for “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide” floating around the ‘Net (WHICH I HAVE AVOIDED TYVM), so please, DO NOT POST THEM HERE. I know that this episode in particular has COMPLETE SPOILERS out there, so please be courteous to other viewers and keep them to yourself.

This liveblog will work in relative to when the episode airs for you. So, you may begin your livebloggy commenting down below when the episode starts. To avoid spoilers, I stick to the first page and comment away, and then go back afterwards to add any more.

So excited Fringe is back!!! Oh god, SO CLOSE TO THE FINALE.

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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721 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Fringe’ Liveblog: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

  1. carma_bee says:

    This animation and dream stuff is reminding me of Waking Life. I kind of want to see that movie again.

  2. psycicflower says:

    High Broyles is amazing. Poor Astrid having to look after him. Although blackmail material for life.

  3. Hotaru_hime says:

    Poor Astrid. High Broyles is just depressing.

  4. Hotaru_hime says:

    Awww, poor Broyles.

  5. monkeybutter says:

    Just like the Book Thief says…

  6. NB2000 says:

    High!Broyles is pretty amazing too.

    Actually the entire cast is amazing tonight.

  7. ldwy says:

    Oooh, Broyles sees death, and altBroyles is dead—is he somehow seeing that? Knowing it? I think so.

    Or does he think he's like Death. Because he's the boss and he's always seeing terrible things happen?

    • Hotaru_hime says:

      I think it's because he saw alt!Broyles dead… it must be incredibly jarring to see yourself dead in such a gruesome way.

  8. psycicflower says:

    And now high Broyles isn't funny anymore, just sad 🙁

  9. Hotaru_hime says:

    Jacksonville, the field of tulips.
    Zombies/! Zombie Brandon?!

    • ldwy says:

      What with Olivia's dream Nina being evil and trying to kill them, and Brandon being a zombie, I guess we can see what she thinks of them. And is Brandon being a zombie a little symbolic of how she sees him as a puppet of the bad guys (not quite conscious himself), perhaps of Nina?

  10. ldwy says:

    Zombies are coming — To the zeppelin!

    My new strategy.

  11. monkeybutter says:

    World War Z! Battle of Yonkers says they're screwed.

  12. rabbitape says:

    Interesting! I never took Olivia as the zombie type.

  13. psycicflower says:


  14. monkeybutter says:

    Cartoon physics ftw

  15. Hotaru_hime says:

    "I need you William."
    Slash fics burst into being.

  16. psycicflower says:

    Bell give your friend Walter a hug!

  17. monkeybutter says:

    There has to be young Walter/Bell fanfic out there, dammit.

  18. exbestfriend says:

    I literally have no idea what is going on. Do you think the head of Fox had any heads up about this?

    Don't get me wrong, I am into it, but this is crazy sauce.

    • katherinemh says:

      Seriously, the first episode back after they get renewed (right? or did we know it was renewed before Bloodline?) is LSD plus Inception plus cartoon Peter fighting cartoon zombies because why the hell not. Just another episode of Fringe.

      • exbestfriend says:

        I think it was after, because I remember getting really excited and then it was just re-run city for what felt like a decade.

        • katherinemh says:

          I think the renewal might've been announced, like, the night before Bloodline aired? (I am looking back through my "fringe" tag on tumblr for reference.) That would still make sense that we got really excited only to have reruns for three weeks. Still.

  19. Hotaru_hime says:

    Man, Bell is just full of good wisdom. So cool.

  20. rabbitape says:

    "The wisdom of humility" — seems kinda like what the Observers were trying to test in Walter back in "Firefly."

  21. Hotaru_hime says:

    Who the hell is this guy?!

  22. monkeybutter says:

    Noooo! Walter!

  23. Hotaru_hime says:

    OH MY GOD!!!
    He woke up!!

  24. ldwy says:

    Walter has been sucked out of a hole. OH NO oh no oh no OH NO.

  25. Hotaru_hime says:


  26. NB2000 says:

    MY BRAIN CANNOT PROCESS THIS (flipping between windows to check over here doesn't help) BUT I AM LOVING IT ANYWAY!

  27. rabbitape says:

    My TV is sad that Walter isn't coming back to the cartoon — it blipped again.

  28. monkeybutter says:

    Olivia has a life outside of you Peter…ooo.

  29. psycicflower says:

    Please, please, please let them be going to the field of white tulips.

    • ldwy says:

      Booo they're not. But I like your guess, I think that'll be where they have to go. Although it's getting a little late in the episode.

  30. Hotaru_hime says:

    I"m glad they landed safely.
    Cartoon bird! Poor high Broyles.

  31. monkeybutter says:

    Now it's a Disney movie!

  32. Hotaru_hime says:

    There isn't another one?!? OH MY GOD WHAT

  33. rabbitape says:

    OMG, so much love for high Broyles. Bluebird of happiness in 3…2…1…

  34. exbestfriend says:

    I am in love with drugged out Broyles.

  35. Hotaru_hime says:

    Will we get to meet her father? Her mom?

  36. Hotaru_hime says:

    Poor bb Olivia, feel abnormal since she met Bell and Walter.

  37. Hotaru_hime says:

    I guess her dad died and then her mom met her stepdad in Jacksonville and they stayed on their anyway?

  38. monkeybutter says:

    Joshua Jackson, I love you, but voice-over work is not your forte.

  39. psycicflower says:

    Poor Olivia. Not even really in the episode yet and she's still breaking our hearts.

  40. Hotaru_hime says:

    Oh man, please be in there!!
    No more animation?

  41. ldwy says:

    Real life Peter I see you.
    You found Olivia!!
    She hid somewhere she knew you'd find her.

  42. monkeybutter says:

    Yay, everything is back to normal! And Olivia has Olivia voice!

  43. psycicflower says:

    Olivia and her childhood family 🙁

  44. Hotaru_hime says:

    Is that baby Olivia?
    Oh my God, it's the Fauxlivia that's been implanted!!

  45. rabbitape says:

    Oh, learned our lesson from last time, Peter? Now you know which Olivia is right?

  46. monkeybutter says:

    Wow, he can tell the difference! Progress!

  47. ldwy says:


    Her voice is a little softer than normal. Is the kid the one he needs to find.

    Oooh, it is!

    How adorable.

  48. Hotaru_hime says:

    Awww, she tested him and passed.

  49. NB2000 says:

    OHSHIT is this Fauxlivia's memories?

    Oh okay so the BB!Olivia is real…SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!

  50. psycicflower says:

    Peter knew it wasn't really Olivia! (breaks into shipper mode for a minute)

  51. Hotaru_hime says:


  52. ldwy says:

    This is seriously scary. The jingle bell music??? Never been so eerie before.

  53. Hotaru_hime says:

    OH MY GOD, Olivia and Bell!!!!

  54. psycicflower says:

    NOOO!!! Peter's awake!!!!

  55. Hotaru_hime says:


  56. __Jen__ says:

    What is this madness on my tv??? Lol I just got in and happened to turn it on to Fringe. CRAZINESS. 😀

    • ldwy says:

      Hahaha, do not try to decipher it. Even having watched from the beginning, I'm having troubles.

      • __Jen__ says:

        I'm still three episodes behind (life has been crazy and crap lately), so I didn't intend to watch tonight's until I caught up. I stumbled across it though, and had to pop in here to mention the CRAZY. I really need to catch up. 😀

  57. NB2000 says:


  58. ldwy says:

    If Bell somehow deserts her I will be REALLY REALLY REALLY MAD.

  59. Hotaru_hime says:

    Where are you running to?
    Oh my God!! Good for you bb!Olivia!!

  60. rabbitape says:


  61. psycicflower says:

    Little Olivia saving the day!

  62. Hotaru_hime says:

    Our Olivia!!!
    Poor Olivia, "you have never felt safe."

  63. psycicflower says:

    Oh Olivia.

  64. exbestfriend says:

    This episode is a weirder concept than the musical.

  65. monkeybutter says:


  66. monkeybutter says:

    I mean, aww, Bell can't disappear forever!

  67. Hotaru_hime says:

    But what is going to happen to Bell? Is he going to die? Are they going to successfully put him in the computer?
    "I knew the dog wouldn't hunt"? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

  68. ldwy says:

    WTF Please tell Walter that I knew the dog wouldn't hunt?

    What could that possibly mean?

    • ldwy says:

      Is the hunting dog Walternate? It seems like he is hunting. Is it Walter himself, who didn't take the same path that Walternate did?

    • monkeybutter says:

      It means that something is useless, ie computer Bell.

  69. exbestfriend says:


  70. psycicflower says:

    Happy reunion but I'm distracted by high Broyles blowing bubbles.

  71. Hotaru_hime says:

    D'aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww, Joshua Jackson is so cute when he smiles.

  72. Hotaru_hime says:

    Oh no, poor Walter.

  73. monkeybutter says:

    Walter, he said goodbye in the blimp!

  74. psycicflower says:

    Aw, does that mean Bell is officially gone for good 🙁

    • exbestfriend says:

      I hope not. And with two universes and all sorts of levels of alive there has to be something left.

  75. carma_bee says:

    Aw I remember I'd watch Zoom when I went to my grandparents' house when I was a kid because we didn't have cable.

  76. ldwy says:

    Maybe Bell had them try the computer idea he knew wouldn't work to remove any temptation for Walter to keep Bell over Olivia??

    I don't think he would have in the end. But that would have been a sort of kindness.

    Zoom, the PBS show??

  77. psycicflower says:

    I just want to hug everyone.

  78. exbestfriend says:

    I hate when Wally is sad 🙁 Also, poor Belly 🙁
    Astrid trying to cheer him up is cute, but that was a really weird product placement.

  79. rabbitape says:

    Weather blip! My TV does not appreciate that SUBTLE product placement.

  80. Hotaru_hime says:

    Awwww, let's all jump aboard the Peter/Olivia ship!!

  81. psycicflower says:

    Olivia and Peter being all couply and adorable 😀

  82. exbestfriend says:


  83. monkeybutter says:


  84. Hotaru_hime says:

    Awww, Olivia is happy! I like it.
    "But I think he's the man who's gonna kill me."


  85. psycicflower says:

    'I think he's the man who's going to kill me.'

  86. ldwy says:

    I think he's the man who's going to kill me. Totally nonchalant.


  87. NB2000 says:

    "I think he's the man who's going to kill me."

    What? WHAT?! WHAT?!

  88. ldwy says:

    Oooh, the preview.

    Was it Walter or Walternate who just quoted Oppenheimer??

  89. monkeybutter says:

    Also, Broyles saw Death and it was him. HMM, THIS DOESN'T BODE WELL.

  90. rabbitape says:

    End of episode = weather update. The radar map of my area looks like the infrared heat reading of a happening dance party.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Stay safe! That storm has been awful. I'm not looking forward to it coming here tomorrow.

      • rabbitape says:

        Maybe I will finishing commenting from the safety of the bathtub. Just in case.

        (Empty bathtub. Anything else would, of course, be less safe.)

    • ldwy says:

      Take care and be safe! Crazy colors dance parties are all well and good, but crazy storms sometimes not so much.

  91. katherinemh says:

    Was Olivia's kitchen different or do I just not remember what her kitchen looks like?

    • Hotaru_hime says:

      Have we ever seen her kitchen?

      • katherinemh says:

        I think so. I just rewatched season one with my mom recently and we see her kitchen a couple of times. Plus, earlier in the season — the scene that comes to mind is when Peter's trying to guess Fauxlivia's password after he gets the "Olivia's trapped in the other universe" phone call… now that I think about it, I think it might've changed between season one and season three…

  92. rabbitape says:

    Of course, Oppenheimer was way more conflicted than Walternate seems to be. Does not bode well!

  93. cjazzle says:

    "You're bald!" said Peter, rubbing Broyles shiny dome as he stepped around the lab station.
    Peter's facial expression suddenly changed from wonderment to suspicion and contempt. He leaned into Astrid's ear and whispered, "I think he's an Observer."

  94. katherinemh says:

    Can we just have an episode (or, like, a webisode series or something) where everyone takes LSD just for fun? Because I would watch that.

    (I don't actually condone drug use, drugs are bad, above the influence, etc.)

  95. aurelia says:

    Whoa, no more fear. That's a hell of a game changer.

  96. xpanasonicyouthx says:


    oh god 6 minutes.

  97. xpanasonicyouthx says:


  98. xpanasonicyouthx says:

    just about, Wally. LOVEEEEEEE

  99. ASTRO!

    ahaha Walter's face when Astrid calls him Wally 🙂

  100. What. what was that ._. it was like jiggling jello. grosssssss!

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