Mark Watches ‘Avatar’: S01E09 – The Waterbending Scroll

In the ninth episode of the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang becomes panicked about Avatar Roku’s message regarding Sozin’s Comet and asks Katara to help him learn waterbending. HIJINKS ENSUE. If you’re intrigued, then it’s time for Mark to watch Avatar.

I’m glad that this episode essentially continues on from the end of the last one, because one big, gigantic problem is distracting my attention: How the hell is Aang going to learn three types of bending by summer time???? I know that Aang is already fairly skilled at water bending, but he has to perfect these skills before he is to face Fire Lord Ozai.

This is also the first episode that seems to explicitly address what may continue to be an ongoing conflict in the story: Sokka and Katara are not the Avatar and thus must deal with their friend learning these powers while they do….other stuff? I didn’t want to say nothing because “The Waterbending Scroll” proves that the two companions of Aang do have something to do. (Companions. LOL WHAT IS THIS, DOCTOR WHO.)

I’m also greatly satisfied that the writers don’t ignore exactly how uncomfortable this situation is, even if it’s wrapped up rather quickly. The story opens with Aang’s frightened anxiety about the task set before him, which seems impossible. Even though I know that Aang is a talented bender, I can’t ignore that this does feel very impossible. How is he going to get accelerated training and, more importantly, is that training going to work? When Aang vocalizes these concerns, Katara is quick to offer what she can at this moment: to teach Aang what she knows about water bending.

My hope, initially, is that we were going to get a bunch of whimsical scenes where the two of them taught each other through waterbending, but I think I overestimated the reality of the situation. It’s great that we get a very specific breakdown of different water bending moves, getting to see how they work, but it became incredibly obvious that Aang’s natural talent was…well, a lot more pronounced than I anticipated. (In hindsight, I shouldn’t have been surprised, considering what Aang did in “The Avatar Returns.”)

I really don’t blame Katara for feeling frustrated, and I know that I’ve felt the exact same sort of jealousy quite a few times in my life. I remember when I started skateboarding and everyone around me seemed to learn more tricks when I could barely kickflip. Or….here’s a good one: I’ve been playing guitar for ten years and I met someone last year who’s been playing for a year and they’re honestly like fifty times better than I am. HOW. I AM FULL OF ANGER AND RAGE AND IT IS IRRATIONAL AND I DON’T CARE. But some people really do have a natural talent, and part of being, like….A MATURE PERSON…is realizing that people who are naturally good at something does not inherently mean that you are awful at that thing, too, or that you can’t ever get better either.

Still, the tension here between Katara and Aang only seems to get worse. Katara’s anger grows as Aang’s sense of humor also exponentially ruins the situation. Aang, very much in the character we know at this point, is oblivious to how his actions and his unique existence can affect other people.

While all this is happening, “The Waterbending Scroll” continues the pattern of the show to have dual storylines that eventually converge by the episode’s end when we learn Uncle Iroh’s desperate need at that moment: To stop in a small port to find a White Lotus chip. I’m now convinced that Uncle Iroh operates under the distinct pleasure of trolling his nephew. I don’t think it’s entirely done out of some sick joy, as I think it’s Iroh’s way of trying to teach Zuko to calm down, to appreciate the small moments, and to learn some patience. Again, I am still entirely enamored with the concept that I care about the two characters who are after the main heroes, but it is what it is. What makes them so interesting is that the way in which they clash not only provides humor for me as the audience, but it highlights the faults of Zuko. (I don’t mean to stan this hard for Uncle Iroh, but, aside from that moment where he fell asleep in his little hot tub, the dude is literally perfect and I aspire to be him when I am older. Yes, I am making this claim just nine episodes into the show and you can’t take it away from me.)

I don’t think that the rest of the show is going to follow these familiar tropes or archetypes much further, so there’s a part of me that wants to see if Prince Zuko does eventually listen to his uncle. I have this really awesome image in my head of Zuko defecting to Aang’s side to fight against Fire Lord Ozai, but that’s just wishful thinking on my part. I just want them all to bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone will eat and be happy….

Back on track. The two stories very quickly reveal how they’ll collide when Aang’s overzealous water bending washes away all of their supplies, so the trio head to the exact same port to buy more. Despite how humorous it is that Aang very quickly wastes money by buying the cutest bull whistle of all time, I do think it’s important to point out the obvious subtext here: Aang is still a child, basically, and he’s not exactly prepared to handle the more intense responsibilities that come with being the Avatar. For now, we can watch him cope with the fear and the inevitable anxiety that creeps up on him by using humor. That’s how I personally cope a lot of the time, though I tend towards self-deprecation, but the point is still the same. Sometimes, Katara and Sokka exist as a foil to Aang’s “younger” side, and I’m happy to see that Aang is willing to defer to them when he needs to.

Now that I’ve over-intellectualized a children’s show beyond all comprehension (HEY, THIS IS WHAT I DO), I really just want to state the obvious: A great bulk of this episode is SILLY AS HELL. There are no negative qualifications attached to that, because this show has already proved to us that it has the capacity to be adventurous, exciting, tense, and humorous, all at the same time. As the trio are temporarily entranced by the wares being sold by the pirates in the port, Katara finds a valuable treasure among the other oddities: a scroll detailing advanced water bending techniques.

Yes, it’s convenient, and yes, it is going to provide a method for Aang to learn advanced water bending just after learning that he has a limited amount of time to master all four elements. Guess who doesn’t care. THIS GUY. Sometimes, I like when shows don’t extend small plot points because then it clears the way for MORE AWESOME TO HAPPEN. And in this case? It’s the trio fighting pirates. Who even knew that there were pirates in this world??? I suppose it makes sense, given that most of what we’ve seen is that this alternate “earth” is largely covered by water. (I’m just speaking out loud on this one, but don’t answer it: do the other Nations/Tribes/etc have giant war ships like the Fire Nation does? Will there eventually be a giant BATTLE SHIP game? Don’t answer that. Well, obviously there won’t be a giant recreation of Battle Ship, but YOU GET THE POINT.)

The trio begins their escape from the pirates, who seem really agitated that they stopped in their shop, and I couldn’t understand why they were so upset. I guessed that, in the space it took them to walk away from the ship, Zuko and Iroh had shown up and figured out the Avatar was just there. I expected the two of them to show themselves, but then the chase began and….no Fire Nation? I AM CONFUSED.

But that’s ok, because RETURN OF CABBAGE MAN. I would absolutely love it if he now became like The Snail in Adventure Time or the Observers in Fringe and made a cameo in every episode. Why do silly things like this give me so much joy? Anyway, Cabbage Man DESERVES HIS VINDICATION and I hope he is rewarded for his efforts by the end of the series, earning a spot in Cabbage Heaven for his unique ability to Set Up His Cart In The Path of The Avatar.

Again, in hindsight, HOW WAS IT NOT PAINFULLY OBVIOUS TO ME THAT KATARA HAD STOLEN THE SCROLL? I watched this episode again and there’s a look of pure fear on her face when the pirates call after them upon leaving the ship, and it’s totally an admission of guilt, but I somehow missed it the first time around. Sokka and Aang are split morally on Katara’s actions. Sokka is convinced that she’s no better than the pirates for theft, but Aang is quick to assure her that what is done is done, and they might as well learn from her theft rather than scorn her for it.

Unfortunately, this also backfires on Katara. (Maybe that’s a subtle commentary on her actions? I don’t know, it’s possible, but that’s just my overactive brain at work.) Aang and Katara start off trying to learn a move known as the Water Whip. (Is that the canon term for it or just the nickname? ONE of you can answer that.) First time: WHIPPED IN THE FACE. Second time: MOMO IS A VICTIM. Third time: Well, there isn’t quite a third time, as the roles reverse and Aang is the one teaching Katara how to do that specific move correctly. And after having stolen the scroll and embarrassed herself even further, she simply snaps. Oh boy, does she ever snap.

Most stories like this involve the character stomping off in a huff and then the two involved in the conflict come together by the end to work out their differences or apologize to one another.

NOPE. NOT AVATAR. Immediately focusing on Aang’s face, which is milliseconds away from a downpour of waterworks (GIF PLEASE), Katara apologizes then and there. Which I did not expect at all because that never happens. It never does! It’s always prolonged for at least a bulk of the story, and here, that moment of frustration and embarrassment lasts maybe ten seconds. I love that Katara recognizes she has let her irrational frustration take control of her, and she apologizes profusely to him, even handing over the scroll so that she doesn’t let it get the best of her.

No, really, when does this happen??? In terms of immediacy, I was completely flabbergasted by how quickly Katara genuinely apologizes to Aang. Maybe because the intended audience for this show is younger than usually, so the show has to be more direct, but I have to say…that is some fascinating writing. IN A GOOD WAY. So many conflicts could be solved by people setting aside their pride and just apologizing when they’ve hurt someone and meaning that apology, too. Oh god, if I ever have children (LOL NOT HAPPENING), I would love for them to watch a show like this. So far, at least, since I have no idea if it will devolve into puppy kicking and bullying and telling kids that Nickelback are the greatest rock band on the planet. And those are not values I want my children to have instilled in them!

Katara….oh, Katara. That night, her curiosity and her desire to improve her own talents gets the best of her, as she sneaks away to practice her water bending, using the scroll she promised to Aang. Katara, that’s not how apologies work! Also, you are in the middle of nowhere and your friends are asleep. MAYBE YOU SHOULDN’T YELL AND SCREAM AT THE WATER. Just a thought!

The collision course between Iroh, Zuko, the pirates, and our trio comes into fruition because of Katara’s actions, unfortunately, as they hear her loudly practicing her water bending. The pattern for most of these episodes has been the same so far: Aang and his friends run to a new place, they learn new things, and Zuko catches up to them, and loses them. That still happens here, to a degree, but the story gets a slight twist: there’s a third party. And really, that third party makes everything wonderful, because when does adding pirates to your story equate to a drop in quality? NEVER, THAT’S RIGHT.

As the trio get captured, it’s Sokka who, once again, surprises everyone. He makes a fine choice here to point out an interesting idea to the pirates: They are holding the Avatar and surely, as traders who understand the value of objects, the Avatar is worth more than a water bending scroll. It’s actually a ridiculously brilliant plan on Sokka’s part. Being turned over to the Fire Nation is a far worse fate than being in the hands of a bunch of pirates who (appear to) have no allegiance to anyone. I don’t know why Aang is trying to shush Sokka during this because this plan has all the smarts.

No one needs me to summarize the hilarious battle that takes place. I was worried that things might seem repetitive if the show kept following the same patterns, but adding the pirates allowed the final scenes of “The Waterbending Scroll” to be pure entertainment. Despite that I do spend most of my days analyzing things to death, I can honestly appreciate that something is simply entertaining and enjoyable to watch, that it doesn’t need a deeper meaning beyond, “THIS MAKES ME LAUGH,” or “THAT WAS REALLY COOL.” This whole site is terribly pedantic, which is the point, but it was almost relieving that I could watch the trio steal the pirates’ ship, then the pirates steal Zuko’s ship, and I didn’t have to search for a deep, philosophical meaning to it all.

This shit is just FUN. And I’m so glad that, at a base level, Avatar: The Last Airbender simply entertains me. I hope I don’t ever lose sight of that.


  • “It’s so good to have an understanding nephew.” Look at Iroh during this scene, he literally has troll face on. Bless his heart.
  • My god, Aang’s bartering scene is so fantastic and silly. I guess that goes with the whole point of this review: This episode was a lot of fun. And that is perfectly okay.
  • “Aye, we be castin’ off now!” LOL AANG IS A PIRATE BIGOT.
  • I should go steal something and tell the police that it’s “high-risk trading” and see if I can get away with it.
  • “Well, let’s see. You’ve pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you…112 years? I’m sure you can master three more elements by next summer.”
  • “I hope that lemur of yours has nine lives!” OK, I DON’T GET THIS LINE. Does the pirate mean to infer that the lemur should be more cat-like despite that Momo can basically fly? Or is he being literal, as in, “Your lemur should possess the ability to nearly-die nine times,” which DOES NOT MAKE SENSE because then that makes it really inconvenient for the pirates? OK WHY AM I THINKING SO HARD ABOUT THIS.
  • Seriously, I would clean mud and bugs from Appa’s feet every day. EVERY. DAY.
  • “Aang, this is all my fault.” “No, Katara, it isn’t.” “Yeah, it kind of is.” LOVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME, UNCLE IROH.
  • “Oh, I’m not good enough to kidnap?”
  • Really, though, the best part of the episode? The revelation that THERE IS A MUSIC NIGHT ON THE FIRE NATION SHIP. Can we please have one episode solely devoted to that. Please.


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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