Mark Watches Doctor Who: Series 2 IS NOW OUT!

Yay!!!! I’m so excited to release the second Doctor Who book to y’all.

This book is available in three formats (Kindle, PDF, and ePub) for just $2.99. It’s cheaper than the other books because it’s shorter than usual. I discarded the normal re-watches method I have used for all book based on feedback from readers. Instead, this one is rather liberally littered with footnotes (99 of them!) where I provide commentary about series 2, what I caught on a second watch, and a lot of me making fun of myself! It’s rather sassy.

I’m hard at work to finish the Order of the Phoenix book, and that should come out next month. In the meantime, thanks in advance to all those who support me. Also, DOCTOR WHO STARTS IN LIKE TWO MONTHS DOESN’T IT. oh my GOD i am so excited.

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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